Showing posts with label LEFTY MEDIA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LEFTY MEDIA. Show all posts
Monday, July 30, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Obama was always a socialist... A younger Obama considered his first employer, “the enemy”. The Freaking Press did not want to find all this that was there then as it is NOW... ASSHOLES ( All of them ! )
A younger Obama considered his first employer, “the enemy”

While the President continues to bristle at the notion that people should pay attention to his “You didn’t build that” comments and his supporters insists we’re reading too much into it, a look at Barack Obama’s younger self tells a different story. Just how does he view business owners and capitalists in general? One peek into the inner thought process which formed his world view can be found in a book released earlier this year by David Maraniss titled, Barack Obama: The Story. I confess I missed this one when it came out, but a friend has been reading it and pointed out some rather telling passages, particularly in light of the recent flap. But I wasn’t the only one to notice, nor the first. The Washington Examiner’s Byron York picked up on it last month.
Obama spent very little time in business, but he did have a job at a company called Business International for about a year after he graduated from Columbia University in 1983. The book contains new details about the future president’s brief stint in corporate America.
Obama was a low-level editor in Reference Services, working on reports describing economic conditions in various foreign countries. By all accounts, he disliked the work, not just because it was pedestrian and boring, but because it was in business.
“He calls it working for the enemy,” Obama’s mother, Ann, wrote after a phone conversation with her son, “because some of the reports are written for commercial firms that want to invest in [Third World] countries.”
The book goes on to point out that this information came from a letter his mother wrote to her mentor, Alice Dewey, in Honolulu. In addition to that call, Maraniss notes that the same theme was repeated in a call to this then girlfriend.
“Obama wrote a letter to his former girlfriend, Alex McNear, during that period, the last he would write to her. As in his telephone conversation with his mother, he expressed a distaste for the corporate world. He wrote Alex on Business International stationery, but crossed out the logo on the envelope and scribbled in his own address on West 114th Street.”
But wait… the book has a few other goodies. While it’s true that Obama did work briefly at B.I. and mentions it in his memoir, Dreams From My Father, his description of his position there was, shall we say, a case of taking a bit of literary license at best. (Taken from page 484 of the hardcover version of Barack Obama: The Story.)
“In his book Obama described B.I. as a ‘consulting house’ to multinational corporations. ‘I had my own office, my own secretary, money in the bank,’ he wrote. ‘Sometimes, coming out of an interview with Japanese financiers or German bond traders, I would catch my reflection in the elevator doors – see myself in a suit and tie, a briefcase in my hand – and for a split second, I would imagine myself as a captain of industry, barking out orders, closing the deal, before I remembered who it was that I wanted to be and felt pangs of guilt for my lack of resolve.’ It was an exaggeration to define B.I. as a consulting house. One of his former colleagues described it as ‘a small company that published newsletters on international business. . . . It was a bit of a sweatshop. . . . Sure we all wished we were high-priced consultants to internationals.’ Another called it ‘high school with ashtrays.’ Obama’s office was the size of a cubicle, barely large enough to fit a desk, and faced an interior hallway; he had no secretary, and the dress code was informal; people in his position rarely if ever wore suits. ‘He dressed like a college kid,’ said Lou Celi, who had an image in his mind’s eye of Obama coming to work now and then in white pants. One colleague remembered Obama wearing the same dark pants, nondescript shirt, and narrow tie day after day, like a uniform.”
None of this is illegal, of course, nor even immoral. But it does provide a yet another look into the formative process that the President went through as a young man, which certainly speaks to his opinions later in life. Is it really such a stretch to assert that he’s not exactly a fan of private business and capitalism? B.I. was self-described as a firm with a goal, “to advance profitable corporate and economic growth in socially desirable ways.” And this is the company which, after giving the young Obama a job, he described as, “The Enemy.”
I’ll leave it to you to make the call. Then again, I’m a well known trouble maker so I’m probably reading too much into this too, right?
Obama was a low-level editor in Reference Services, working on reports describing economic conditions in various foreign countries. By all accounts, he disliked the work, not just because it was pedestrian and boring, but because it was in business.
“He calls it working for the enemy,” Obama’s mother, Ann, wrote after a phone conversation with her son, “because some of the reports are written for commercial firms that want to invest in [Third World] countries.”
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
George Soros-Backed SuperPAC Targeting Allen West Confidential Memo Leaked
Soros-Backed SuperPAC Targeting Allen West Confidential Memo Leaked
July 11, 2012 | Filed under: Allen West | Posted by: Javier Manjarres
By Javier ManjarresBy Javier Manjarres
Our source has confirmed that the PAC will indeed file early next week, most probably on Tuesday, and hope to immediately start fundraising.The Super PAC has been christened “Dump West” and is expected to file with the Federal Election Commission early next week. Sources have told The Shark Tank that a website along with a targeted web advertising campaign will soon be launched. Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi asked former Congressman Larry Smith, who’s now working as a lobbyist, to help line up initial funding for the group. West is said to be at the top of Pelosi’s hit list.Sources have also us that left wing billionaire George Soros is among those who committed to a $5 million war chest to defeat West. “It’s not surprising that the hard Left is seeking to beat West” said Florida Tea Party leader Eric Von Tausch “West’s a conservative hero.”-(Source-Soros SuperPAC)
Now the Shark Tank has obtained the actual ‘Confidential Memorandum” that was circulated among “Interested Parties.
Here is the Memo
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Brad Pitt's mom in fear after slamming Obama ..IF THE LEFT DOES IT... WHY ARE WE SO WEAK ?? WE MUST DO THE SAME WHEN THEY SPEAK OUT AGAINST OUR VALUES! ... Brad Pitt’s mom in fear after slamming Obama!!
Brad Pitt's mom in fear after slamming Obama
Welcome to the Death Camp of Tolerance.
Jane Pitt is the mother of actor Brad Pitt. On Tuesday, the Springfield News-Leader published her letter in support of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Via Life News:
Any Christian who does not vote or writes in a name is casting a vote for Romney’s opponent, Barack Hussein Obama — a man who sat in Jeremiah Wright’s church for years, did not hold a public ceremony to mark the National Day of Prayer, and is a liberal who supports the killing of unborn babies and same-sex marriage.
Gasp! A pro-life Christian who doesn’t support gay marriage? Time for the Left’s self-proclaimed arbiters of tolerance to teach her a lesson with their hateful, misogynist slurs and death wishes.
Any Christian who does not vote or writes in a name is casting a vote for Romney’s opponent, Barack Hussein Obama — a man who sat in Jeremiah Wright’s church for years, did not hold a public ceremony to mark the National Day of Prayer, and is a liberal who supports the killing of unborn babies and same-sex marriage.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
- We Must expose them and boycott them.
- Time Warner Company
- One Time Warner Center New York, NY 10019
- Voice (212) 484-8000
- http://http//
- 1898
- Henry Luce, son of an American missionary, is born in China
- 1918
- The four Warner Brothers, Jack, Albert, Harry and Samuel, open their first West Coast studio
- 1921
- Luce and Yale classmate Briton Hadden begin working together as reporters for The Baltimore News
- 1923
- The four brother's film distribution and production business is incorporated and called Warner Brothers Pictures Inc.
- 1923
- Luce and Hadden use the $86,000 they raised to release Time magazine. Hadden becomes editor while Luce serves as business manager
- 1927
- Warner Brothers film production releases the first "talkie" Al Jolson's The Jazz Singer
- 1928
- First Time Man-of-the-Year features Charles Lindbergh
- 1929
- Hadden dies of a streptococcus infection. Luce takes over as Time editor
- 1930
- Fortune magazine is launched by Luce as part of Time Inc.
- 1931
- March of Time radio program first airs
- 1934
- Luce launches Architectural Forum
- 1935
- March of Time newsreel first runs its first newsreel
- 1936
- Life magazine is launched
- 1937
- Detective Comics (DC) is created
- 1938
- Ted Turner born in Cincinnati, OH
- 1940
- Bugs Bunny appears for the first time in a Warner Brothers' short A Wild Hare
- 1942
- arch of Time became straight news program
- 1944
- Leon Schlesinger sells his cartoon studio (Looney Tunes) to Warner
- 1947
- Jack Warner testifies before House Committee on Un-American Activities
- 1948
- Warner Brothers sells film library to MGM. The Supreme Court's anti-trust Paramount Decree forces movie studios to divest themselves from owning theaters
- 1950
- Elektra Records is founded by a college student, Jac Holzman
- 1952
- House and Home magazine launched. Time makes first investment in television industry by purchasing KOB-TV Albuquerque, NM
- 1954
- Sports Illustrated is launched
- 1958
- Warner Bros. Records is founded. Label is later called WEA (Warner/Elektra/Atlantic)
- 1960
- Brown University expels Ted Turner
- 1961
- Time-Life Inc. is formed to be Time Inc.'s book division
- 1963
- Ted Turner's father Ed commits suicide because of financial difficulties. Ted takes over family's billboard business
- 1963
- Animation division at Warner closed. Frank Sinatra sells his Reprise record label to Warner Brothers
- 1967
- Henry Luce dies in Phoenix, Arizona
- 1967
- Seven Arts Ltd. buys Warner Brothers for $84 million. Company becomes known as Warner-Seven Arts. Warner Seven-Arts purchases Atlantic Records
- 1967
- New Line Cinema formed
- 1967
- Kinney National Company, a funeral parlor conglomerate purchases D.C. Comics and All-American Comics. Kinney also buys Ashley Famous talent agency
- 1968
- Time-Life Inc. acquires Little, Brown and Company
- 1969
- Kinney National Company acquires Warner-Seven Arts and in 1972 renames the company Warner Communications Inc.
- 1970
- Holzman sells his Elektra Records to Warner Communications
- 1970
- Turner purchases Atlanta UHF television station, WJRJ, renaming it WTCG (Turner Communications Group)]
- 1972
- Time Inc. buys Home Box Office (HBO) from Charles Dolan. HBO transmits first programming to 365 subscribers in Wilkes-Barre, PA. Money magazine launched
- 1974
- People magazine launched
- 1976
- Ted Turner purchases Major League Baseball's Atlanta Braves. Turner Broadcasting's WTCG becomes cable television's first Superstation as it is beamed via satellite to cable homes across the country
- 1976
- Video game pioneer Nolan Bushnell sells Atari to Warner Communications for $28 million.
- 1977
- Turner Communications Group purchases the National Basketball Association's Atlanta Hawks. Turner wins yachting's America's Cup
- 1978
- Warner Communications acquires cable operator American Television & Communications (ATC)
- 1979
- Turner Communications Group becomes Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. WTCG is renamed WTBS
- 1980
- The first 24-hour, all-news network, CNN, is launched with 1.7 million subscribers
- 1982
- Turner Broadcasting launches CNN Headline News and thwarts a takeover attempt by Westinghouse
- 1984
- Warner Communications sells most of its stake in Atari off to Jack Tramiel, deposed president of Commodore Computers.
- 1986
- Time acquires Scott Foresman & Company book publishing unit
- 1986
- Turner Broadcasting buys MGM library of movies and television shows
- 1987
- Warner acquires Chappell Music
- 1988
- TNT cable network launched
- 1989
- Time Warner Inc. is formed after Time merges with Warner Communications
- 1989
- Publishing houses Scott Foresman and Little, Brown sold off to Harper Row
- 1990
- Entertainment Weekly is launched
- 1991
- The Internet bulletin-board system Quantum Computer Services changes name to America Online. Steve Case is one of the company's founders
- 1991
- The Tribune Company receives a 9% stake in AOL after making a $5 million investment in the company
- 1992
- Gerald Levin takes control of Time Warner after death of Steven J. Ross. New York 1 News launched
- 1992
- America Online becomes a publicly traded company
- 1992
- Turner Broadcasting launches Cartoon Network
- 1993
- Turner Broadcasting System merges with Castle Rock and New Line
- 1994
- AOL reaches 1 million subscribers
- 1994
- Turner Classic Movies is launched
- 1994
- Warner/Chappell Music becomes the world's largest music publisher after it acquires CPP/Belwin
- 1994
- In Style magazine is launched
- 1994
- Edgar Bronfman Jr.'s Seagram company acquires a 14.5% stake in Time Warner
- 1995
- AOL launches services in Europe. AOL purchases WebCrawler
- 1995
- Time Warner acquires Houston Industries
- 1995
- WB network broadcast network is launched
- 1996
- Telecommunications Act of 1996. Time Warner acquires Turner Broadcasting System
- 1997
- Time Warner sells American Lawyer magazine to investment bankers Wasserstein Perella
- 1997
- AOL acquires CompuServe and ICQ
- 1998
- AOL acquires Netscape
- 1999
- AOL acquires Spinner, Winamp, SHOUTcast and DMS
- 1999
- Turner acquires a National Hockey League expansion franchise. The Atlanta Thrashers begin play in 1999
- 2000
- AOL acquires MapQuest
- 2000
- Time Warner makes deal with Tribune Company for Times Mirror magazines that include Golf, Ski, Skiing, Field & Stream, and Yachting
- 2000
- AOL and Time Warner announce their $183 billion merger. The largest corporate merger in history is finalized in January of 2001. The world's largest media and entertainment company changes name to AOL Time Warner
- 2001
- AOL Time Warner acquires the United Kingdom's top magazine publisher, IPC Media, from Cinven for $1.67 billion.
- 2002
- AOL Time Warner buys out AT&T's stake in Time Warner Entertainment. AOL-Time Warner then created its own cable operation while AT&T merged with Comcast.
- 2003
- Steve Case steps down as AOL Time Warner chairman. Dick Parsons replaces Case. AOL Time Warner reports $54.24 billion quarterly loss. Company changes name back to Time Warner
- 2004
- Time Warner sells the Atlanta Hawks, Atlanta Thrashers, and Philips Arena to a local investment group
- 2004
- The Time Warner Center opens
- 2004
- Time Warner finalizes deal to sell the WEA CD and DVD manufacturing division to Cinram International. The company agrees to sell Warner Music Group (including its record labels Warner Brothers, Atlantic, Elektra and music publishing division Warner Chappell) to private investor group led by Edgar Bronfman, Jr.
- 2005
- Ex-executive chairman Steve Case resigns from Time Warner board
- 2005
- Time Warner donated the maximum contribution of $250,000 to George W. Bush's second presidential inauguration
- 2006
- Global publishing company Hachette Book Group USA (HBG) acquired the Time Warner Book Group from Time Warner
- 2007
- New CEO Jeffrey Bewkes considers such cost-trimming measures as selling AOL and Time Inc
- 2008
- Michael Lynne and Bob Shaye, o-chairmen and CEOs of New Line Cinema, resign from their positions, protesting Bewkes' alleged plans to dissolve the movie studio into Warner Bros. and thus cut costs
- Home Box Office (HBO)
- HBO Asia
- HBO Central Europe
- HBO Domestic and International Program Distribution
- HBO Go
- HBO Home Entertainment
- HBO Latin America
- HBO Mobile International (United Kingdom, Japan, Cyprus, Greece)
- HBO On Demand
- HBO On Demand International (Israel, United Kingdom, Japan, Cyprus, Greece)
- Cinemax
- MAX Go
- Cinemax On Demand
- E! Latin America Channel
- Turner Broadcasting System
- Adult Swim
- Boomerang
- Cartoon Network
- Cartoon Network Asia Pacific
- Cartoon Network Europe
- Cartoon Network Japan
- Cartoon Network Latin America
- CNN/U.S.
- CNN Airport Network
- CNN en Español
- CNN International
- CNN Mobile
- CNN Newsource
- CNNRadio
- Fashion TV
- Infinito
- Japan Image Communications Co., Ltd. (JIC)
- Tabi Channel
- Mondo TV Channel
- HLN in Asia Pacific
- HLN in Latin America
- Much Music
- Peachtree TV
- Pogo
- TCM Asia Pacific
- TCM Canada
- TCM Europe
- TCM Classic Hollywood in Latin America
- TNT Latin America
- Tooncast
- Toonami
- truTV
- Turner Classic Movies
- Turner Network Television
- Joint Ventures
- Cartoon Network Korea
- (Japanese)
- (German)
- CNNj
- CNN Türk
- Imagine
- Lumière
- Showbiz
- Warner Channel
- Zee/Turner
- Warner Bros. Entertainment
- DC Entertainment
- DC Direct
- DC Universe
- MAD Magazine
- Vertigo
- Wildstorm Productions
- New Line Cinema
- Warner Bros. Consumer Products
- Warner Bros. International Cinemas
- Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Group
- Warner Bros. Advanced Digital Services
- Warner Bros. Anti-Piracy Operations
- Warner Bros. Digital Distribution
- Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
- Warner Bros. Technical Operations
- Warner Home Video
- Warner Premiere
- Warner Bros. Pictures Group
- Warner Bros. Pictures
- Warner Bros. Pictures International
- Warner Bros. Studio Facilities
- Warner Bros. Television Group
- Warner Bros. Animation
- The CW Television Network
- Studio 2.0
- Telepictures Productions
- Warner Bros. Television
- Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution
- Warner Bros. International Branded Services
- Warner Bros. International Television Distribution
- Warner Bros. International Television Production
- Warner Horizon Television
- Warner Bros. Theatre Ventures
- Time Inc.
- All You
- Coastal Living
- Cooking Light
- Entertainment Weekly
- Essence
- Fortune
- Fortune Asia
- Fortune Europe
- Golf Magazine
- Health
- InStyle
- Money
- People
- People Country
- People en Español
- People StyleWatch
- Real Simple
- Sports Illustrated
- Sports Illustrated Kids
- Southern Living
- Sunset
- This Old House
- Time For Kids
- Time Asia
- Time Atlantic
- Time Australia
- Time U.S.
- Time Inc. Digital Only
- Grupo Editorial Expansión
- Balance
- Chilango
- CNNExpansió
- CNN México
- Cronosº
- Dinero Inteligente
- Endless Vacation
- Expansión
- IDC Online
- InStyle
- Life and Style
- Loop
- Manufactura
- Medio Tiempo
- Metros Cubicos
- Obras
- Quién
- Quo
- Revolution
- Travel & Leisure, Mexico
- Vuelo
- IPC Media
- 25 Beautiful Homes
- Amateur Gardening
- Amateur Photographer
- Angler's Mail
- Beautiful Kitchens
- Chat
- Chat-It's Fate
- Chat Passion
- Classic Boat
- Country Homes & Interiors
- Country Life
- Cycle Sport
- Cycling Active
- Cycling Weekly
- Decanter
- Essentials
- European Boat Builder
- Eventing
- Golf Monthly
- Homes & Gardens
- Horse
- Horse & Hound
- Ideal Home
- InStyle (U.K.)
- Livingetc
- Look
- Marie Claire
- Motor Boat & Yachting
- Motor Boats Monthly
- MBR -- Mountain Bike Rider
- Now
- Nuts
- Pick Me Up
- Practical Boat Owner
- Racecar Engineering
- Rugby World
- Shooting Times & Country Magazine
- Shootinguk
- Soaplife
- Sporting Gun
- Superyacht Business
- Superyacht World
- The Field
- The Shooting Gazette
- TV & Satellite Week
- TV Easy
- TVTimes
- Uncut
- VolksWorld
- VW Camper & Bus
- Wallpaper*
- What Digital Camera
- What's on TV
- Woman
- Woman&Home
- Woman's Own
- Woman's Weekly
- World Soccer
- Yachting Monthly
- Yachting World
- IPC Digital Only
- goodtoknow recipes
- Time Warner Investments Group
- Admeld
- BroadLogic
- Double Fusion
- Everyday Health
- Exent
- Gaia Online
- Glu Mobile
- Meebo
- Si TV
- Simulmedia
- Tremor Media
- Visible World
- Time Warner Global Media Group
- Other
- Flixster
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
HBO Now Targeting Fox News’ Roger Ailes With TV Movie Produced By MSNBC Rivals
By NIKKI FINKE | Wednesday July 4, 2012 @ 3:30pm PDT
EXCLUSIVE: HBO appears obsessed by GOP Conservatives. There have been movies about the 2000 Bush vs Gore election standoff and Sarah Palin and most recently a TV series featuring George W Bush’s severed head. As if that programming weren’t partisan enough, HBO has now done a secret deal for an Untitled Roger Ailes Project. It’s based on the upcoming manuscript by media writer Gabriel Sherman who has written two cover stories for New York magazine on Ailes and Fox News, including his mammoth article “The Elephant In The Green Room” which came out a little more than a year ago and prompted complaints from the Fox News CEO. Last year, Sherman signed a book contract with Random House which at one point was tentatively titled “The Loudest Voice in the Room: An Inside Account of the Rise of Fox News” but isn’t formally titled now. I’ve also learned that executive producing this latest HBO project are two of Ailes’ competitors: Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, the co-hosts of MSNBC‘s Morning Joe. The deal was negotiated by WME Entertainment, the Hollywood agency run by Ari Emanuel who is a Democratic activist (and the brother of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, the former Obama White House chief of staff).
None of this has been announced yet because sources tell me Sherman is still researching the book and plans to finish writing it by the end of the summer for a 2013 publishing date. “Nothing much to say. No book yet to read. No script. We’ll wait to see what the script looks like and then decide whether to develop further,” a cagey HBO exec explained to me. It’s commonplace for Time Warner’s premier pay TV channel to sign up books before they’re published and then turn them into TV movies. In this TV movie, a source tells me, ”HBO prefers to take on Fox News through Ailes. The idea is that it should make Fox News look like a Mafia, and you get into this through Ailes, sidestepping Murdoch, not approaching the story head on.”
While Sherman works on his book, the New York Daily News recently reported that Ailes was helping conservative writer Zev Chafets fast-track a book about Ailes and the cable-news network “because he’s worried about the exhaustively reported book that New York magazine contributing editor Gabriel Sherman is writing on the same subject.” In 2010, Chafets published the praisery Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One. “Given the author’s perspective and the cooperation he’s getting, one source characterized Chafets’ book ‘as a way for Ailes to scoop Sherman,’” the Daily News write. “The depth of Sherman’s reporting has ratcheted up the 71-year-old Ailes’ anxiety levels because he’s preoccupied with his legacy these days.” The Daily News reported that Fox News has granted extensive access to Chafets, whose book is being published by Penguin’s conservative Sentinel imprint in the fall.
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