The picture above is my Take on the Issue Whats yours ???
Wisc. University Stands By Campaign To Teach Diversity By Writing ‘Unfair’ On White Students’ Faces
“The creative materials for the campaign’s initial phase, launched in January 2012, were designed to be very provocative,” reads a statement released by the University. “UW-Superior understood and expressed serious concern about the nature of these materials. However, rather than abandon a well-intentioned effort, UW-Superior chose to continue working with the other community partners to help refocus the campaign’s future direction.”
The statement makes it clear that this initiative was not concocted by the University alone. It was launched as part of a coalition effort conceived by a group of community sponsors.
The statement accuses the media of misleading reports that suggest the university would teach the values embodied in the “unfair campaign” to students. They insist that UW Duluth-Superior does not teach “unfair” in the classroom.
Finally, the University announced that “unfair” is entering a second phase. “Racism: Ignore It And It Won’t Go Away,” was launched summer of 2012,” the statement reads. “At a recent series of community meetings, residents of the community have already begun to chart its future course.”
Not all the original partners are standing by the “unfair campaign.” Last year, the University of Minnesota ceased their support for the awareness effort calling it “divisive” and “alienating.”