AN ANALYSIS: What Mueller Found (Or Didn’t Find) On Collusion and Obstruction!
In a 448-page document, Mueller laid out the various areas of inquiry undertaken by investigators during the 22-month long Russia probe.
Mueller & Co. also looked at whether any Trump associates — including Paul Manafort, Carter Page and George Papadopoulos — operated as unregistered Russian agents. The investigation also considered whether a meeting held at Trump Tower with a group of Russians during the campaign violated campaign finance laws.
On all counts, Mueller was unable to gather the evidence necessary to press charges in any of those areas.
“The Office evaluated the contacts under several sets of federal laws, including conspiracy laws and statutes governing foreign agents who operate in the United States,” reads one passage in the report. “After considering the available evidence, the Office did not pursue charges under these statutes against any of the individuals discussed in Section IV above — with the exception of [Foreign Agents Registration Act] charges against Paul Manafort and Richard Gates based on their activities on behalf of Ukraine.”
The report also reviews evidence gathered from emails, witness interviews and grand jury testimony that sheds light on internal Trump campaign discussions involving the release of Democrats’ emails through WikiLeaks. Several sections of the report discuss former Trump campaign chairman Manafort’s discussions with fellow campaign official Gates regarding the dissemination of internal Trump campaign polling data to a mutual associate, Konstantin Kilimnik.
“The Office’s investigation uncovered evidence of numerous links (i.e. contacts) between Trump Campaign officials and individuals having or claiming to have ties to the Russian government,” reads the report.
One surprising revelation in the document is that the special counsel also investigated whether Papadopoulos worked as an agent of the Israeli government.
Papadopoulos has previously claimed that he was told by investigators that he could be charged as a foreign agent of Israel. The report details Papadopoulos’s interactions early during the campaign with Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese professor who claimed to know that Russia had “dirt” on former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
The report also shows that prosecutors considered whether the June 9, 2016 meeting held at Trump Tower violated any campaign finance laws. Donald Trump Jr. accepted that meeting after receiving an offer from a music publicist named Rob Goldstone, a representative of the billionaire Agalarov family.
Goldstone told Trump Jr. that a “Russian government attorney” wanted to offer the Trump campaign information on Clinton.
Trump Jr. responded, saying, “If it is what you say I love it.”
Trump Jr. attended the meeting with White House adviser Jared Kushner and Manafort. Goldstone attended with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya and a group of Russians.
Investigators looked at whether the offer of Clinton dirt constituted campaign finance laws regarding the provision of a “thing-of-value” by foreign governments, but “ultimately concluded that, even if the principal legal questions were resolved favorably to the government, a prosecution would encounter difficulties proving that Campaign officials or individuals connected with the Campaign willfully violated the law.”
“Although damaging opposition research is surely valuable to a campaign, it appears that the information ultimately delivered in the meeting was not valuable,” the report says.
Separate from the collusion question was whether Trump associates worked at the “direction, control, or request” of the Russian government. Mueller’s investigation did lead to charges that Trump associates worked as unregistered agents of foreign governments. Manafort pleaded guilty to working illegally on behalf of Ukraine. Former national security adviser Michael Flynn admitted in a Dec. 1, 2017 plea agreement that he failed to register as a foreign agent of Turkey.
But Mueller found no evidence that Trumpworld figures worked as agents of Russia. That includes Page, the energy consultant who was the target of four Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants.
“In particular, the Office did not find evidence likely to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Campaign officials such as Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, and Carter Page acted as agents of the Russian government — or at its direction, control, or request — during the relevant time period,” reads the report.!
Re: Obstruction:
Any Simple Minded Idiot should know this.

"It is impossible To Obstruct Justice If There's No Underlying Crime," No Collusion Means No Obstruction!
So for the simple minded.. suppose you are under investigation for murder. Then the prosecutor under the assumption that you are the murderer starts to investigate every conversation you have with any possible witness or person who might know the murdered "Victim". After 2 years of investigation the prosecutor suddenly finds that the "victim" was not murdered but committed suicide. So prosecutor exonerates you of MURDER CHARGES. Based on that exoneration you cannot be prosecuted for Obstruction of the "murder" investigation... SINCE THERE WAS NO MURDER! Get it ?
As stated in Attorney General William Barr’s summary last month, and reiterated again at his press conference Thursday morning, the special counsel did not find evidence of collusion with members of the Trump campaign and Russia.
“While the investigation identified numerous links between individuals with ties to the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign, the evidence was not sufficient to support criminal charges,” the report said.The version of the report that the Justice Department made public Thursday includes redactions, consistent with Barr’s plan to black out portions of the document—including grand jury material.
The report also dove into possible obstruction of justice allegations, while stating the special counsel did not make a traditional prosecutorial judgment regarding the president’s conduct on that front. The report noted that they obtained evidence about the president’s “actions and intent,” and that presented “difficult issues that would need to be resolved” if they were making a traditional judgment.
While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” the report stated.
This is a little strange because the special counsel has used a standard of proof that's unheard of and never used.
Its like saying that There is no proof that Robert Mueller is a paid Uranium Mule for the Clinton Foundation who carried the Uranium Samples to Russie ( Wiki Leaks has leaked Documents about this ) we cannot EXONERATE MUELLER AS A TRAITOR AND CROOK.
Yes..he (Mueller) says he can't be conclusively sure that the president didn't commit obstruction, well you know, that means the president has to prove his innocence, which kind of upends 2,000 years of Western Jurisprudence which is slowly being eroded into the Banana republic version of Guilty unless you can prove youare Innocent.( Like in the Kavanaugh case! ) Maybe that's the reason maybe why he was confused. Too much contact with Clinton Partisan in his group of investigators!
The second page of the Mueller report. says "we can't conclude the president committed a crime but we can't exonerate him. "
My reply is Hey ASSHOLE... nobody asked you to exonerate him. Your partisan job was to find out if there was any Collusion between Trump team and Russia.
Well, nobody is asking him to exonerate him or gave him the authority to exonerate him. And the reality is that the overarching principle of obstruction law is very, very hard to make an obstruction case when there is no proof there is an underlying crime so you have to assume the president is innocent, which he is,”