IMPEACHMENT DOES NOT MEAN REMOVAL FROM THE PRESIDENCY. Impeachment is a 3 Part Process. Understand it!
The Impeachment Process
A common misconception is that impeachment of an official means his or her removal from office. In fact, impeachment functions as an indictment of a public official; it allows the legislature to bring formal charges against a civil officer of government. After an official has been impeached, or formally charged, a trial is held to determine whether or not the official will be removed from office.
In the US Federal Government, the House of Representatives impeaches government officials and the trial takes place before the Senate. The House votes on the articles of impeachment, requiring a simple majority to pass them. Upon passage of the articles, an individual has been impeached.
Impeachable Offenses
According to the US Constitution, "Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors" justify impeachment, although the exact definition of "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" is often the subject of debate.
Usually, impeachment is reserved for serious offenses and abuses of power, and it is up to the impeaching body to determine whether or not an offense is impeachable. Offenses do not have to violate criminal law in order to be impeachable.
The Trial
After the House of Representatives impeaches, the Senate tries the accused. Senators are sworn in as jurors and rules for the proceedings are established. When a US President is impeached, the Chief Justice of the United States presides;
A two-thirds majority is required to convict; otherwise, the accused is acquitted.
The Consequences
A conviction by the Senate brings immediate removal from office. If an official is convicted, the Senate may take a second vote to determine whether or not to bar the official from holding any public office in the future. The Senate trial does not constitute a criminal trial and the Senate decision does not have power beyond removal from office and barring of future public office. The impeached official is still subject to criminal prosecution for any criminal offenses that were included in the articles of impeachment.
The Democrats are desperate to remove Trump before he exposes the Dirty Secrets yet to come out.
Secrets like how the Obama Gang and the Hillary Gang agreed to share the spoils of "Pay to play" so long as the Obama DOJ looked the other way while Hillary and the Clinton Foundation raked in all the money they could. They shared the spoils.
You really think that the Obama and the DOJ did not know about the Clinton Pay to Play? Really ?? Come on now. The Obama gang was the most suspicious and sneaky administration ever. They poked around about everyone and then used their knowledge to blackmail the offenders to get their own ends. They blackmailed the
Last Pope, Angela Merkel and even Chief Justice Roberts to get their ends.
So you really think that some vague Rouge DOJ and FBI heads acted without the implicit approval of the Obama Gang ? Really ? What planet are you from??
Obama despised Hillary and Bill. Why they got together is very simple. Billions and Billions of Dollars at stake to be stolen.
That is why this whole plan was hatched. To prevent the world from ever knowing what they had done during the 8 years of Obama's Crooked Rule! If Clinton won no one would have ever known.
They had to assure that Hillary won so then they could continue on the path to pillage the Treasury of America!
But Trump won and now they are trying to take him out before the path leads back to the Real crooks behind the scenes.
DON'T BE STUPID.. THAT'S WHY THE "Intelligence Idiots" got is wrong
intentionally! If the same information given to the real Intelligence Community
they would have figured it out in a heartbeat and also would have found
themselves "Suicided"
The Democrats are desperate to remove Trump before he exposes the Dirty Secrets yet to come out.
Secrets like how the Obama Gang and the Hillary Gang agreed to share the spoils of "Pay to play" so long as the Obama DOJ looked the other way while Hillary and the Clinton Foundation raked in all the money they could. They shared the spoils.
You really think that the Obama and the DOJ did not know about the Clinton Pay to Play? Really ?? Come on now. The Obama gang was the most suspicious and sneaky administration ever. They poked around about everyone and then used their knowledge to blackmail the offenders to get their own ends. They blackmailed the
Last Pope, Angela Merkel and even Chief Justice Roberts to get their ends.
So you really think that some vague Rouge DOJ and FBI heads acted without the implicit approval of the Obama Gang ? Really ? What planet are you from??
Obama despised Hillary and Bill. Why they got together is very simple. Billions and Billions of Dollars at stake to be stolen.
That is why this whole plan was hatched. To prevent the world from ever knowing what they had done during the 8 years of Obama's Crooked Rule! If Clinton won no one would have ever known.
They had to assure that Hillary won so then they could continue on the path to pillage the Treasury of America!
But Trump won and now they are trying to take him out before the path leads back to the Real crooks behind the scenes.

Now back to our discussion.
Can the Senate Decline to Try an Impeachment Case?
Does the Senate have an obligation to conduct a trial of the president if the House impeaches him? With the increased prospects for an impeachment inquiry now that the Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives, most discussions of impeachment have assumed that, should the House vote to impeachment, the Senate will then hold a trial.
This is the construction of the Constitution’s provisions setting out the impeachment process: If the House impeaches, then it would follow that the Senate tries the case. (This is what the Senate did on the two occasions, in the cases of Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, that the House voted articles of impeachment.)
Do the current Senate Rules allow for variance? They contemplate that when the House has voted an impeachment, the Senate will be notified, the House managers will present their case and trial proceedings, which the rules prescribe in some detail, will begin.
But it is also possible that, based on the Democrats own modification of the rules when Harry Reid made sure that he protected the Obama Presidency in every way he could... it eroded all institutional practices and norms, so...the current leadership of the Senate could choose to play the Harry Reid card as well and could attempt to prevent the trial of a House impeachment of Donald Trump. A Constitutional scholar would not have to look far to find the constitutional arguments and the flexibility to revise Senate rules and procedures to accomplish this purpose.
The Constitution does not by its express terms direct the Senate to try an impeachment. In fact, it confers on the Senate "the sole power to try,” ( Or NOT ) which is a conferral of exclusive constitutional authority and not a procedural command.
The Constitution couches the power to impeach in the same terms: it is the House’s “sole power.” The House may choose to impeach or not, and one can imagine an argument that the Senate is just as free, in the exercise of its own “sole power,” to decline to try any impeachment that the House elects to vote.
The Constitution couches the power to impeach in the same terms: it is the House’s “sole power.” The House may choose to impeach or not, and one can imagine an argument that the Senate is just as free, in the exercise of its own “sole power,” to decline to try any impeachment that the House elects to vote.
The current rules governing Senate practice and procedure do not pose an insurmountable problem for this maneuver. Senate leadership can seek to have the rules “reinterpreted” at any time by the device of seeking a ruling of the chair on the question, and avoiding a formal revision of the rule that would require supermajority approval.
So using the obstructionist Harry Reid Rules in the Senate...The question presented in some form would be whether, under the relevant rules, the Senate is required or NOT to hold an impeachment “trial” fully consistent with current rules—or even any trial at all. A chair’s ruling in the affirmative would be subject to being overturned by a majority, not two-thirds, vote.
It can be argued.. that the rules also cannot constitutionally bind the Senate to a trial of a House impeachment if, in the exercise of its “sole power” to try, it decides against one. In this way, the Senate rule may be “reinterpreted.”
The Senate has options for scuttling the impeachment process beyond a simple refusal to heed the House vote. The Constitution does not specify what constitutes a “trial,” and in a 1993 case involving a judicial impeachment, the Supreme Court affirmed that the Senate’s “sole power” to “try” means that it is not subject to any limitations on how it could conduct a proceeding. Senate leadership could engineer an early motion to dismiss and effectively moot the current rule’s call for the president or counsel to appear before the Senate. The rules in place provide at any rate only that “the Senate shall have power to compel the attendance of witnesses”: they do not require that any other than the president be called. Moreover, the Senate could adjourn at any time, terminating the proceedings and declining to take up the House articles. This is what happened in the trial of Andrew Johnson, in which the Senate voted on three articles and then adjourned without holding votes on the remaining eight.
This discussion does not engage in depth with all the parliamentary possibilities and intricacies. But it is sufficient to say for present purposes that, if the House of Representatives were to impeach the president, Senate Republicans would be in a position, if so inclined, to scuttle any trial and they should because what the Dems are attempting to do is to cover up for their leaders crimes. The Coup failed so now procedural methods are being tried.
Republicans have laid the groundwork for rejecting the legitimacy of a House impeachment. The president and his party’s leadership and supporters have repeatedly and vociferously characterized the strong Democratic criticisms of Trump as infected to the core by unremitting partisanship, personal hatred, anunrelenting refusal since Election Day to accept the result of the 2016 election andunlawful or unethical conduct by the Department of Justice, the FBI, the special counsel and the press. And whatever evidence eventually surfaces, Senate Republicans have already shrugged off the president’s appearance in a successful criminal prosecution as “Individual 1,” an allegedly active participant in a conspiracy to violate the campaign finance laws. As the debate over impeachment process plays out over 2019, and as the 2020 presidential campaign already underway intensifies, those advancing this case may argue for letting the voters decide.
Republicans have laid the groundwork for rejecting the legitimacy of a House impeachment. The president and his party’s leadership and supporters have repeatedly and vociferously characterized the strong Democratic criticisms of Trump as infected to the core by unremitting partisanship, personal hatred, anunrelenting refusal since Election Day to accept the result of the 2016 election andunlawful or unethical conduct by the Department of Justice, the FBI, the special counsel and the press. And whatever evidence eventually surfaces, Senate Republicans have already shrugged off the president’s appearance in a successful criminal prosecution as “Individual 1,” an allegedly active participant in a conspiracy to violate the campaign finance laws. As the debate over impeachment process plays out over 2019, and as the 2020 presidential campaign already underway intensifies, those advancing this case may argue for letting the voters decide.
All of this may seem academic in the extreme. The Mueller probe has already EXONERATED TRUMP. The Witch hunt was exhaustive in scope and attempt to undermine Trump..Mueller - the final tally:
675 days, 19 liberal lawyers, 40 FBI Agents, $50 million taxpayer dollars, 28 subpoenas, 500 search warrants, 500 + witnesses, 230 communication reports, 50 phone taps, 12 foreign government intelligent requests, There were Eight convictions on charges unrelated to the purpose of his investigation and unrelated to Trump or the Trump Campaign, a jailed attorney and 25 accused Russians laughing at the USA BUT NO COLLUSION.
So..the House has yet to even initiate an impeachment inquiry. Lets see if they dare take on WE THE PEOPLE THROUGH ANOTHER ILLEGAL MANEUVER.