21 Jun 2012
Special Interest Group overstates US Dropout Rates and misrepresents African American Male Achievements with PSA’s
I have been challenged numerous times as of late while discussing the Black Male Dropout rate of 9.5% in 2010 unveiled in my latest film titled “HOODWINKED”. Most recently at a rooftop media affair in New York, several television producers cited specifically an ad campaign that I am oh too familiar with. The PSA’s are a series of commercial spots with the tagline: “every 26 seconds in the U.S., a high School student drops out.” This headline was the summary retort and rebuff statement of the night in an attempt to counter the much lower dropout rates I discuss.
The first time I saw the PSA for the “26 second” campaign was during the 2012 NBA All-Star game. LeBron James was featured in the commercial and reiterates firmly the statistic that “every 26 seconds a kid drops out of High School.” I think there is still a pizza stain on my plasma TV from my initial response. Why such an exacerbated reaction to what most assume and have adopted as the narrative about the “Dropout Crisis in America?” you may ask. Two fold is my answer, which I will explain seriatim.
First the commercial had an African-American Male sitting on a bed (during the middle of the day) falling through his mattress into a series of shadowy settings, descending into the predictable, deleterious and “dark” outcomes faced by those who have chosen to leave high school prematurely. The problem I have with this narrative is that the societal construct around dropouts has made young Black Males the poster child of this “Crisis”.
A quick search of the Department of Education: National Center for Education High School Dropout and Completion rates reveals the following (racial) state of dropouts and the face (if any) that should have been highlighted in these types of PSA’s. According to the Department of Education, that face is definitely not young Black Males.
From the NCES Trends in High School Dropouts and Completion Rates: (
Of the 373,000 High School Dropouts in 2009 (Event Dropout – students enrolled 2008/absent 2009)
Of the 3,030,000 persons between ages 16-24 without a High School Diploma or GED and not enrolled in High School (Status Dropouts/Total U.S. Dropouts)
1,188,000 were White (Non-Hispanic)
1,199,000 were Hispanic
508,000 were Black
in 2006, 2007 and 2008 Black Females status dropout rate surpassed that of Black Males
The follow up question when I present these statistics usually goes like “well aren’t African American Males disproportionately dropping out as compared to other ethnicities (or Black Males have the highest incidence of dropping out.) And while that lens gives me great pause and nocturnal reflux the percentages from the DOE still do not justify Black Males being the face of the “Dropout Crisis.”

From my research, there is an absolute disconnect between what the data states and the imagery and information we receive from special interests and media around Black Male Achievement. Of particular concern; with the advocacy of my films being “the castigation of Black Identity”, I hope you can appreciate my reservation about how negative messaging and misinformation has consequential effects on the self-perception of African Americans. The devaluation of status coupled with skewed perceptions of normative outcomes for young Black Males lowers the bar of expectations and blurs the lens on a community that has long been burdened by stereotypes, misrepresentations and inaccurate social marginalization.
Second, expanding on the point of misrepresentations, I have a larger concern around the statistical claims in the “26 second” PSA’s underwritten by State Farm and researched by The
Alliance for Excellent Education (AEE). A cursory look into the AEE website finds the statement that “Every year, more than 1 million students—that’s 7,000 every school day—do not graduate from high school on time.”
Did You catch that last line? THEY DON’T GRADUATE ON TIME: So if they do not graduate on time, one should assume they are dropping out of high school, correct? Absolutely not. Herein lies the quandary and the subtle innuendo that has distorted the public perception and over dramatized the national dropout discussion. From the AEE’s own methodology they state “..to find the estimated number of students who did not graduate with the rest of their class. For the purpose of this analysis, the Alliance assumed these students to be dropouts from the Class of 2010” Remember the old adage about assuming…right?
Well I will leave you some closing bullet points of the AEE analysis of this “crisis” for you to research, digest and come to your own conclusions about the current state of High School Completions and Dropouts. With a concerted and well-informed populous, maybe next year we can curtail their attempt to interrupt my NBA all-Star game with another image distorting and data skewing PSA.
take the Dropout Challenge yourself (from the film HOODWINKED, read the graphs and draw your own conclusions.
08 Aug 2011

If I can convince you to buy into a problem, then you have to purchase my solution.
Janks Morton
At this point in my life, I have grown quite weary of the dysfunctional and symbiotic relationship between special interest, media and government. What I have found is that too often, especially as it relates to the African American community, stereotypes, mischaracterizations, hyperbole, myth, and just out right unsubstantiated claims are not only tolerated but often encouraged in our public discourse. Regardless of the mechanism that is utilized to launch this misinformation, mostly, unexamined claims about the status of blacks in this country woefully compound and exacerbate an all-ready debilitating, if not denigrating dialogue .
This past Sunday morning proved to be no different, as sadly, I saw the Wall Street Journal make its entree into the swirling cesspool of unverified, anecdotal and inflammatory assertions, as well as a retread postulate based on faulty analysis and the skewing of statistics. What was most disturbing was the author’s attempt to ratify a timorously inadequate social proposition with flawed logic and poor statistical interpretation.
In the article by Professor Ralph Richard Banks titled “An Interracial Fix for Black Marriage “ Prof. Banks’ states that “ the most unmarried group of people in the U.S.: black women. “ and “Black women confront the worst relationship market of any group…and they have needlessly worsened their situation by limiting themselves to black men.”
On the surface his claims may seem to be valid. Especially if we cross-pollinate his thesis with the statistics advanced by former stand-up comedian turned relationship guru Steve Harvey. In a national media campaign, Mr. Harvey claimed that 42% of African American women have never been married. Mr. Harvey, was fully endorsed by ABC News, Tyra Banks, Essence Magazine and The god-mother-of-them-all Oprah Winfrey. Subsequently, after a series of Townhall meetings, Radio and Television appearances, Mr. Harvey summarily outlines what he believes to be the underlying pathology and true causality of the plight of the unwed African American Woman. The African American Man.
In a similar narrative Prof. Banks’ article utilizes varied social, education and incarceration data to identify further the culprit in the dire quest for marriage of African-American women. Through his analysis, the responsibility rests squarely upon the shoulders of the unemployed, under-employed, overly-incarcerated, under-educated, immature, white woman lusting, secretly homosexual, emotionally unavailable on the verge of extinction African American Male. I may have taken some artistic license with the previous descript, however an examination of the commentary around this issue will validate my comments as a non-embellishment.
What I find most peculiar about this ongoing debate, was not once have I ever heard anyone mention through this national crisis of coupling, the one counter-balancing statistic from the same data set (American Community Survey: US Census Department-2007.)
HEADLINE: 44% of African American Males have never been married either. A statistic that if juxtaposed against Prof. Banks assertions, completely invalidates the proposition that African American women are the most unmarried group in this country. Moreover, this statistic opens up a more expansive conversation as to why are (blacks, if you must) and Americans marrying later and at lower rates than generations prior. But that conversation won’t get you a seat on any talk show or make your book a best-seller. I wonder if the Wall Street Journal still has an assignment desk dedicated to fact-checking?
Prof. Banks, as well as other social commentators, in their myopically skewed perspectives and continual “analysis” of modern-era black relationships, have found themselves a comfortable niche’ in the ongoing plight of African-American Women. An over-simplified and too oft quoted narrative, that in no way gives a fair representation of the African-American community. The Problem with Black Marriage is always African-American Men. A Narrow minded, divisive and over-generalizing ideologue; flawed in its inception. misleading at a minimum and malicious at its worst. So if Prof. Banks precursory presumptions are flawed(which an unbiased examination of the facts reveals), then I propose the solution Prof. Banks advances must be as equally flawed (if not preposterous).
“if more black women married non-black men, then more black men and women might, in time, marry each other”.
I would love to see the editorial response column to an article summarily recommending that Caucasian Women should consider marrying outside their race in order to address the declining marriage rates in the White community. As my grandfather use to say, “that dog don’t hunt”, and the backlash would be overwhelming. Unfortunately, this is the Black Community and media, government and Prof. Banks have been given latitude to propose any fool-hearty postulate because “we” are in such a “crisis”.
As a law professor I would expect Prof. Banks to know the fallacy of post hoc ergo propter hoc. (after this therefore because of this) and to try to propose that increases in interracial marriage rates will in turn positively effect intraracial marriage rates is absurd . As an academic I would expect at least an opinion removed and more objective analysis of the social evidence. As a black man I would expect you to have an interest in providing viable solutions for a people desperately seeking answers. But in the end, maybe I expect too much.
Prof. Banks as well as others in this discussion are utilizing a biased methodology, to further launch an unfair and unrighteous smear upon black male identity, while simultaneously insulting the intellect of African American women. Prof. Banks is misusing partial information as an emotional appeal to Black women, manipulating a circumstance to capitalize on the fracture in modern-era black relationships. A fracture that has lead to ratings, print articles, Internet blogs, talk shows oh and Prof. Banks’ latest entry into this discourse. “Is Marriage for White People?” Published by Stanford Law School, due out in September. Another caretaker exploiting the misinformation, proposing the tag-line of a book as a solution, for the betterment of his checking account.
28 Jul 2011

While sitting and observing people at play at our local community swimming pool yesterday, I watched a disturbing process transpire involving of a young African American girl. I had to watch how the contorted sociological characterization of race has not only devastating social consequences, but psychological and spiritual ramifications as well. However, what pained me most in watching her struggles was no child (or adult) should ever have to carry such a burden .During the lazy hot days of summer vacation, the most difficult decision a child should ever have to make is “how much fun can I have today”
For the “diverse” readers of this article, especially my more conservative followers, you will probably be taken immediately aback by the mere mention of Pastor Jeremiah Wright. Seriously, I am oh too familiar with his condemnation of America from the pulpit, and I will probably be dismissed, decried or protested just on the mere mention of his name. Well, on this day and in this moment, because of the following sequence of events, I heard Jeremiah’s tirade in my head. I was hurt,and angry because a young black girl had exacted a self-imposed cultural isolation, and the only reason she did so was because she was “black”. What I would like to propose is that maybe a closer and more in-depth examination of a society that obsessively reinforces a message of race may ultimately be doing more harm than good while also giving me (short-term) license to explain why the Pastor’s words were ringing in my ears..
Let me try to make sense of all this for you. This sweet and charming young girl had to sit on the sidelines of our community pool on a beautiful summer afternoon and rationalize her inability to jump into the deep end. Defiantly, and with grace she watched as all the other children from our community enjoyed a day of splashing, squirting, jumping, screaming, marco-poloing and rough-housing without a single care in the world. Our community is extremely diverse, Black, Hispanic, White, Middle eastern, and all were enjoying what is our local swimming hole. So why was this girl forced to sit on the perimeter as an observer you may ask? What did she do to deserve such a punishment? What transgression forced her to put on a dismissive mask while internally wanting nothing else than to join the other children? Most African American women know exactly were this is headed while my more “diverse” readers may be looking for some clarification.
Simply, this beautiful child’s egregious violation was this: The day prior she had spent 4 hours in a very hot “beauty” salon, getting her hair flat-ironed and pressed. And during an invitation from the other kids for her to jump in, she responded
“I can’t get my hair wet”
At this juncture I would strongly recommend viewing the documentary “Good Hair” by Chris Rock to make you current on the trials and tribulations African American women (and young girls) have to suffer in order to maintain differing socially acceptable” hairstyles. Mr. Rock does a wonderful job of examining the historical, cultural and sociological impacts of “processed” vs. “natural hair. My intent in this article is to drive home the more psychological consequences and the detriment to our own sense of self-worth by trying to conform to a euro-construct of black racial identity. An identity that ultimately is still largely misunderstood, maligned and looked down upon by the larger society. And then I’ll try to explain why Jeremiah Wright reverberated in my amygdala..
In the artificial construct of race, varying groups are basically devolved to three superficial features, with very little regard for cultural and sociological identity. Mostly, if we define ourselves by “race”, we can be categorized either by skin color, facial features (lip thickness, nose width, eye folds) and lastly, hair texture. Our own perception of what is normative and acceptable from a societal definition, has led to a skin-whitening, nose slimming, hair-obliterating sub-culture in Black America in order to project what we perceive to be a standard of beauty. And according to Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa, in a
Psychology Today (peer-reviewed) article, even with all of our efforts to assimilate, the author’s postulate “‘Why Are Black Women Less Physically Attractive Than Other Women?’ actually was a plausible theorem in his circles, until catching the wrath of those he attempted to denigrate.
So back to our twelve-year-old and what does all this mean. About a go zillion dollars is spent annually to burn, lye, condition and some other techniques I am unfamiliar with, to make young black girls and black women’s hair fit into some whittled down narrative of what is pleasing, acceptable and respectable. Subtly and overtly the over arching message is that natural black hair is less attractive and undesirable. A message ultimately forcing this beautiful child to sit detached from the joys of her peers were enjoying. All because chlorine water would restore her hair to it’s natural, glorious and wavy beauty. All the while not to forget that she didn’t want to also stay in the sun all day and possibly get too dark. So she sat, and she watched the days festivities never fully being able to participate. (I could probably write a whole section here on complexion obsession, however I think filmmaker
Bill Duke is about to explore that subject matter thoroughly)
As I watched the multi-cultural experience of all the children at my community pool, this African American girl’s situation began to infuriate me. What type of system deprives an entire race of their humanity, by trying to establish a sub-genus ratified by an obtuse biblical reference and bad eugenics based science to support the subjugation of an entire culture based on superficial features? What type of persons or principalities, would perpetuate an ideologue of inadequacy in order to assert a faux affirmation of their superiority and while advancing the concept of inferiority of all things not-of-their-race? What kind of sinister plot would advocate the distortion of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual experience of a peoples, in order to coerce them to integrate and assimilate into a culture? A culture that while professing “equality for all”, continually reinforces a message encouraging groups to vie for racial superiority (Dr. Kanazawa is Asian).
Simply, a broken and fallen world system, designed to affirm the inadequate, dismiss the truth, and promote conflict amongst our humanity, further negating our ability to connect to each other as one race. The Human Race.
So I found Dr. Jeremiah Wright ringing in my ear, with a slight twist to the focal point of his tirade. While America has definitely played its part in the history of racial strife, I think it more appropriate to curse the source. That source which seeks to utilize any and all things wicked to distract us all from our access to the divine.
And that has nothing to do with race.
P.S., I think I forgot to mention that the twelve-year-old girl was my daughter…And as a non-residential parent, I wasn’t about to challenge this cultural ideologue with every woman in my daughter’s life by throwing her in the pool. I’m not that
12 Jul 2011

Dr. Boyce Watkins, along with other leading black male scholars have all agreed to take part in “Hoodwinked,” a documentary about the state of the black male in America.
According to the filmmaker, James “Janks” Morton, describes the film in the following way:
01 Jun 2011
One man cannot hold another man down in the ditch without remaining down in the ditch with him. –
Booker T. Washington
For over four-hundred years, the majority white society has used many tools to reinforce a message that the peoples of African descent are less-than, not-equal-too or not-good enough. In this modern era of information, the media, government and special interests use statistics to further promote the message of Black inferiority. What troubles me most, is that we as a people have internalized the misinformation, embraced the myths, and perpetuated the stereotypes, sadly reinforcing a collective misperception of our own identities.
Travel to any Black-owned barbershop or beauty salon on a Saturday afternoon, and you will hear some of the most outlandish, unsubstantiated and unverifiable (statistical) claims about the state of today’s African-American Male. I sit in barber chairs across this country and hear “you know half of em’ been locked up, most of em’ dropped out of high school, and all of em’ are marrying white women.” I sit mostly in silence, because the truth about the great economic and educational strides of today’s Black Male usually starts an emotional and fiery debate. And mostly, the barbershop is a place where truth, statistics and evidence gets trumped by whoever shouts the loudest.
If I can give Black America one teachable lesson, it would be this “Never trust a man (or woman) who quotes a statistic that ends in either a five or a zero.” “25% of this, 50% of that, 75% of these” are usually opinion or conjecture, and seldom if ever valid. Fives and zeros are the numbers of men and are usually flawed (look at your fingers).
This “fives-and-zeros” rule is what led me to my initial research into carving out positive statistics about African-Americans in 2005. Former NPR correspondent Juan Williams in a debate with Dr. Michael Eric Dyson blurted out a statistic that 70% of African-American children were being born out-of-wedlock. Of course I cried foul, and headed to the census.gov to fact-check Mr. William’s claim. That initial research is what has motivated me to look for positive data about Blacks, and attempt to offset the constant negative messaging etched into our minds. Be it graduation rates, enrollment rates, income or social data, I believe that in our hearts, we all need to hear more “good news” about Blacks in this country.
My research gave me insights as to how 21
st century “information overload” can lead to all types of statistical confusion. Too often in our discourse we combine the economic, the educational, employment and social statistics to form a distorted perception of the modern-era African-American experience. Couple that with the constant bombardment by news outlets and entertainment media of the less-than-desirable Black behaviors; consequently you have a people who are ill equipped to stand confident in their own achievements.
Here’s a quick test of how we perceive ourselves – Excluding Athletics, Entertainment or Religion, name a positive stereotype about African Americans. I’ll wait…
Most African-Americans have a challenging, if not impossible time summarizing our collective experience into
one positive statement of group-worth. Sadly if I were to ask you the same question about other racial groups, you would rattle off
quickly “smart,” “hard-working,” “and “good with money.” This is a testament to how we have allowed Black identity to be twisted and maligned, while also adopting this societal defamation of character as our own belief set.
So with that, I believe that it is absolutely necessary for another message to be forwarded about what is means to be Black in America.
WE can no longer depend on any organization, any government or any media outlet to shine the positive light of who
WE are.
WE can no longer afford to define ourselves by our shortcomings.
WE have got to shout confidently, that
WE are much more than the incarcerated, the uneducated, or the prime time buffoon.
My final challenge to you, as a Black American, would be this. If XYZ actor gets caught cheating on their spouse, you head right to the local internet search engine to fact-check the story. The Internet has become the great equalizer in this struggle, and your government has made most data freely accessible. The next time you hear any data or statistics about Blacks,
anywhere, be just as diligent in your search to confirm or dismiss the story. Because, as I see it, the ratings, the notoriety, and the funding will always promote the negative statistics about Black Americans.
In closing, here are some
verified African American Male statistics on education, economics and employment. Statistics you probably have never heard. Statistics I would challenge you to try discussing on your next visit to the local stylist, academic setting, or community activist meeting. What will sadden you most is to watch the debate, watch the resistance, and watch the denial from people who desire most to hold on to false claims about us… myths, stereotypes and misinformation that only perpetuates the denigration of us all.
· There are more Black Males in College
[1] than in Jails, Prisons, Private Corrections, Military Jails and Institutions for the Criminally Insane combined
[2] (1,236,443 in College/841,000 Incarcerates – regardless of age)
· 4 to 1: The ratio of 18-24 year old Black Males in College
[3] vs. Jails, Prisons, Private Corrections, Military Jails and Institutions for the Criminally Insane
(674,000 in College/164,400 Incarcerates)
- 32.3% (1 in 3) Black Males ages 18-24 are enrolled in College[5]
(674,000 in College/2,082,000 Total)
- 1.37 to 1: The ratio of 18-24 year old Black Females enrolled in College to Black Males[6].
(930,000 Black Females Enrolled/674,000 Black Males Enrolled)
- 6.3%: Black Males (age 18-55+) enroll in College at a higher rate by sex than White Males and Hispanic Males and are surpassed only by Asian Males[7].
(Black Males is 6.3%, White Males is 5.8%, Hispanic Males is 4.7%, and Asian Males is 9.7%)
- 25.1% of Black Males (age 25 or over) have either an Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Professional, or Doctoral Degree[8].
(2,519,000 with Degrees/10,018,000 Total)
- 82.1% of Black Males (age 18 or over) have at least a High School Diploma or GED[9] .
(9,897,000 with HS Diploma or GED/12,044,000 Total)
- 12.1%: The Black Male Dropout Rate[10] (ages 16-24) for 2008.
(301,000 Dropouts/2,583,000 Total)[11]
- 5.1%: Percent of married Black Men who marry White Women[12]
(279,000 Black Husband-White Wife/5,654,000 Married Black Men)
- 88.8%: Percent of Black Males earning income[13] ages 25-64 (employment)
(7,899,000 Employed/8,893,000 Total)
- $23,738: Average Income for Black Males[14] 15 and older
$19,470 Average Income Black Females
- 1,812,000 The number of Black Men making $50,000/year or more[15]
- 71.6% of Black Men pay their agreed to or Court Awarded Child Support[16]
(855,000 Payers/1,194,000 Recipients)
- $253 Billion: Total Income earned by Black Males[17] (15 and over)
($262 Billion earned by Black Females)
- 13,104,000 Total Black Men age 15 or over[18]
(15,816,000 Total Black Females age 15 or over)
[1] National Center for Education Statistics: iPeds data set, March 2011 – reporting Scholastic Year 2009
[2] Bureau of Justice Statistics: Prison and Inmates at Midyear 2009 – June 2010)
[3] US Census Bureau: American Community Survey: Table 1. Enrollment Status of the Population 3 Years Old and Over, by Sex, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, Foreign Born, and Foreign-Born Parentage: October 2009
[4] Bureau of Justice Statistics: Prison and Inmates at Midyear 2009 – June 2010
[5] US Census Bureau: American Community Survey: Table 1. Enrollment Status of the Population 3 Years Old and Over, by Sex, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, Foreign Born, and Foreign-Born Parentage: October 2009
[6] US Census Bureau: American Community Survey: Table 1. Enrollment Status of the Population 3 Years Old and Over, by Sex, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, Foreign Born, and Foreign-Born Parentage: October 2009
[7] US Census Bureau: American Community Survey: Table 1. Enrollment Status of the Population 3 Years Old and Over, by Sex, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, Foreign Born, and Foreign-Born Parentage: October 2009
[8] U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2009 Annual Social and Economic Supplement
[9] U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2009 Annual Social and Economic Supplement
[10] National Center for Education Statistics: Table A-19-2. Number of status dropouts and status dropout rates of 16-through 24-year-olds – American Community Survey (ACS) 2008)
[11] 2,583,000 includes individuals reporting Black A.O.I.C. US Census data are individuals reporting Black Alone
[12] U.S. Census Bureau, Annual Social and Economic Supplement: 2003 Current Population Survey, Current Population Reports, Series P20-553, “America’s Families and Living Arrangements: 2003″ and earlier reports.
[13] U.S. Census Bureau, PINC-01. Selected Characteristics of People 15 Years Old and Over by Total Money Income in 2009, Work Experience in 2009, Race, Hispanic Origin, and Sex
[14] U.S. Census Bureau, PINC-01. Selected Characteristics of People 15 Years Old and Over by Total Money Income in 2009, Work Experience in 2009, Race, Hispanic Origin, and Sex
[15] U.S. Census Bureau, PINC-05. Work Experience in 2009–People 15 Years Old and Over by Total Money Earnings in 2009, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, and Sex
[16] U.S. Census Bureau, Child Support Payments Agreed to or Awarded Custodial Parents by Selected Characteristics and Sex: 2007
[17] U.S. Census Bureau, PINC-08. Source of Income in 2009-People 15 Years Old and Over, By Income of Specified Type in 2009, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, and Sex
[18] U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement, 2009.
About the Author: JANKS MORTON is the founder of
iYAGO ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, LLC, a multimedia production company. He states “the company came into existence to reflect both the consciousness and the unconsciousness soul of Black America. Janks is an award winning filmmaker who shook up the world with his movie
“What Black Men Think.” He’s also the author of the book,
“Why He Hates You.” Janks has been in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years
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