Friday, July 6, 2012
One Year Later, Another Look at Obamanomics vs. Reaganomics
February 2, 2012 by Dan Mitchell
On this day last year, I posted two charts that I developed using the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank’s interactive website.
Those two charts showed that the current recovery was very weak compared to the boom of the early 1980s.
But perhaps that was an
unfair comparison. Maybe the Reagan recovery started strong and then hit a wall. Or maybe the Obama recovery was the economic equivalent of a late bloomer.
So let’s look at the same charts, but add an extra year of data. Does it make a difference?
Meh…not so much.
Let’s start with the GDP data. The comparison is striking. Under Reagan’s policies, the economy skyrocketed. Heck, the chart prepared by the Minneapolis Fed doesn’t even go high enough to show how well the economy performed during the 1980s.
Under Obama’s policies, by contrast, we’ve just barely gotten back to where we were when the recession began. Unlike past recessions, we haven’t enjoyed a strong bounce. And this means we haven’t recovered the output that was lost during the downturn.

This is a damning indictment of Obamanomics
Indeed, I made this point several months ago when analyzing some work by Nobel laureate Robert Lucas. And it’s been highlighted more recently by James Pethokoukis of the American Enterprise Institute and the news pages of the Wall Street Journal.
Unfortunately, the jobs chart is probably even more discouraging. As you can see, employment is still far below where it started.
This is in stark contrast to the jobs boom during the Reagan years.

So what does this mean? How do we measure the human cost of the foregone growth and jobs that haven’t been created?
Writing in today’s Wall Street Journal, former Senator Phil Gramm and budgetary expert Mike Solon compare the current recovery to the post-war average as well as to what happened under Reagan.
But I want to make a different point. As I’ve written before, Obama is not responsible for the current downturn. Yes, he was a Senator and he was part of the bipartisan consensus for easy money, Fannie/Freddie subsidies, bailout-fueled moral hazard, and a playing field tilted in favor of debt, but his share of the blame wouldn’t even merit an asterisk.
My problem with Obama is that he hasn’t fixed any of the problems. Instead, he has kept in place all of the bad policies – and in some cases made them worse. Indeed, I challenge anyone to identify a meaningful difference between the economic policy of Obama and the economic policy of Bush.
This is why I always tell people not to pay attention to party labels. Bigger government doesn’t work, regardless of whether a politician is a Republican or Democrat. The problem isn’t Obamanomics, it’s Bushobamanomics. But since that’s a bit awkward, let’s just call it statism.
Those two charts showed that the current recovery was very weak compared to the boom of the early 1980s.
But perhaps that was an
So let’s look at the same charts, but add an extra year of data. Does it make a difference?
Meh…not so much.
Let’s start with the GDP data. The comparison is striking. Under Reagan’s policies, the economy skyrocketed. Heck, the chart prepared by the Minneapolis Fed doesn’t even go high enough to show how well the economy performed during the 1980s.
Under Obama’s policies, by contrast, we’ve just barely gotten back to where we were when the recession began. Unlike past recessions, we haven’t enjoyed a strong bounce. And this means we haven’t recovered the output that was lost during the downturn.
This is a damning indictment of Obamanomics
Indeed, I made this point several months ago when analyzing some work by Nobel laureate Robert Lucas. And it’s been highlighted more recently by James Pethokoukis of the American Enterprise Institute and the news pages of the Wall Street Journal.
Unfortunately, the jobs chart is probably even more discouraging. As you can see, employment is still far below where it started.
This is in stark contrast to the jobs boom during the Reagan years.
So what does this mean? How do we measure the human cost of the foregone growth and jobs that haven’t been created?
Writing in today’s Wall Street Journal, former Senator Phil Gramm and budgetary expert Mike Solon compare the current recovery to the post-war average as well as to what happened under Reagan.
If in this “recovery” our economy had grown and generated jobs at the average rate achieved following the 10 previous postwar recessions, GDP per person would be $4,528 higher and 13.7 million more Americans would be working today. …President Ronald Reagan’s policies ignited a recovery so powerful that if it were being repeated today, real per capita GDP would be $5,694 higher than it is now—an extra $22,776 for a family of four. Some 16.9 million more Americans would have jobs.By the way, the Gramm-Solon column also addresses the argument that this recovery is anemic because the downturn was caused by a financial crisis. That’s certainly a reasonable argument, but they point out that Reagan had to deal with the damage caused by high inflation, which certainly wreaked havoc with parts of the financial system. They also compare today’s weak recovery to the boom that followed the financial crisis of 1907.
But I want to make a different point. As I’ve written before, Obama is not responsible for the current downturn. Yes, he was a Senator and he was part of the bipartisan consensus for easy money, Fannie/Freddie subsidies, bailout-fueled moral hazard, and a playing field tilted in favor of debt, but his share of the blame wouldn’t even merit an asterisk.
My problem with Obama is that he hasn’t fixed any of the problems. Instead, he has kept in place all of the bad policies – and in some cases made them worse. Indeed, I challenge anyone to identify a meaningful difference between the economic policy of Obama and the economic policy of Bush.
- Bush increased government spending. Obama has been increasing government spending.
- Bush adopted Keynesian “stimulus” policies. Obama adopted Keynesian “stimulus” policies.
- Bush bailed out politically connected companies. Obama has been bailing out politically connected companies.
- Bush supported the Fed’s easy-money policy. Obama has been supporting the Fed’s easy-money policy.
- Bush created a new healthcare entitlement. Obama created a new healthcare entitlement.
- Bush imposed costly new regulations on the financial sector. Obama imposed costly new regulations on the financial sector.
This is why I always tell people not to pay attention to party labels. Bigger government doesn’t work, regardless of whether a politician is a Republican or Democrat. The problem isn’t Obamanomics, it’s Bushobamanomics. But since that’s a bit awkward, let’s just call it statism.
OBAMA THE DISMAL JOB MAKER...So now he will blame the Chinese??? Hel Who Knows!
Posted by Daniel J. Mitchell
Remember back in 2009, when President Obama and his team told us that we needed to spend $800 billion on a so-called stimulus package?The crowd in Washington was quite confident that Keynesian spending was going to save the day, even though similar efforts had failed for Hoover and Roosevelt in the 1930s, for Japan in the 1990s, and for Bush in 2008.
Nonetheless, we were assured that the stimulus was needed to keep unemployment from rising above 8 percent.
Well, that claim has turned out to be hollow. Not that we needed additional evidence, but the new numbers from the Labor Department re-confirm that the White House prediction was wildly inaccurate. The 8.2 percent unemployment rate is 2.5 percentage points above the administration’s prediction.
Defenders of the Obama administration sometimes respond by saying that the downturn was more serious than anyone predicted. That’s a legitimate point, so I don’t put too much blame on the White House for the initial spike in joblessness.
But I do blame them for the fact that the labor market has remained weak for such a long time. The chart below, which I generated this morning using the Minneapolis Fed’s interactive website, shows employment data for all the post-World War II recessions. The current business cycle is the red line. As you can see, some recessions were deeper in the beginning and some were milder. But the one thing that is unambiguous is that we’ve never had a jobs recovery as anemic as the one we’re experiencing now.
Job creation has been extraordinarily weak. Indeed, the current 8.2 percent unemployment rate understates the bad news because it doesn’t capture all the people who have given up and dropped out of the labor force.
By the way, I don’t think the so-called stimulus is the main cause of today’s poor employment data. Rather, the vast majority of that money was simply wasted.
Today’s weak job market is affected by factors such as the threat of higher taxes in 2013 (when the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts are scheduled to expire), the costly impact of Obamacare, and the harsh regulatory environment. This cartoon shows, in an amusing fashion, the effect these policies have on entrepreneurs and investors.
Postscript: Click on this link if you want to compare Obamanomics and Reaganomics. The difference is astounding.
Send this man Hussein Obama to the gallows for the number suicides and hearbreaks he has caused while he chases his Socailist Cause!!
The Global Gun Control Threat
Published on on July 6, 2012
Dear Friend,
Click Here to sign the petition to stop the US from signing the Arms Trade Treaty!
On July 27th, the nations of the world are scheduled to meet in New York to sign a global Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). Disguised as a way to prevent the proliferation of small arms throughout the world, it is, in fact, a backdoor way to legislate gun control in the United States and effectively repeal our Second Amendment.
The ATT will set up a global body which will require all nations to regulate firearms so that they can prevent their exportation to other countries. Inevitably, this will require countries to inventory the guns in private hands and to register them. A gun ban is not far away.
The ATT, under the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution, would have the power of a constitutional amendment and would, effectively, repeal the Second Amendment guaranteeing us the right to bear arms. We must fight to stop the US from signing the treaty and, if we fail, block Senate ratification.
Please sign the petition and include your name and address so we can send it to your Congressman and Senators.
Click Here to sign the petition to stop the US from signing the Arms Trade Treaty!
Thanks very much,
Published on on July 6, 2012
Dear Friend,
Click Here to sign the petition to stop the US from signing the Arms Trade Treaty!
On July 27th, the nations of the world are scheduled to meet in New York to sign a global Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). Disguised as a way to prevent the proliferation of small arms throughout the world, it is, in fact, a backdoor way to legislate gun control in the United States and effectively repeal our Second Amendment.
The ATT will set up a global body which will require all nations to regulate firearms so that they can prevent their exportation to other countries. Inevitably, this will require countries to inventory the guns in private hands and to register them. A gun ban is not far away.
The ATT, under the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution, would have the power of a constitutional amendment and would, effectively, repeal the Second Amendment guaranteeing us the right to bear arms. We must fight to stop the US from signing the treaty and, if we fail, block Senate ratification.
Please sign the petition and include your name and address so we can send it to your Congressman and Senators.
Click Here to sign the petition to stop the US from signing the Arms Trade Treaty!
Thanks very much,
Dick Morris
Government Pilot Program Testing Illegal Alien Amnesty !! WHO THE HELL IS THIS GOVERNMENT
JW Sues DOJ for Records Detailing Government Pilot Program Testing Illegal Alien Amnesty
Many citizens in the cities of Baltimore and Denver might be surprised to learn that they provided a "testing ground" for the Obama administration's dangerous (and unlawful) policy of suspending the deportations of illegal aliens last year.
But that's exactly what happened. And Judicial Watch has initiated an investigation of the matter. On June 11, we filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Obama Department of Justice seeking records pertaining to this six-week pilot program designed to test the Obama administration's new "standards" for the dismissal of immigration charges against certain illegal aliens. The Obama administration tested the program first in the cities of Baltimore, Maryland and Denver, Colorado beginning on December 4, 2011.
Here's what we're after specifically pursuant to our original November 23, 2011 FOIA request to the Executive Office of Immigration Review ("EOIR"), a component of the Justice Department:
The Justice Department acknowledged receiving our FOIA request on November 28, 2011 and was required by law to respond by January 11, 2012 at the latest. As of the date of our lawsuit, however, the Obama administration has failed to turn over any records responsive to the request, indicate which records are exempt from disclosure, or notify Judicial Watch when a response is forthcoming.
And so, we filed a lawsuit to prod them into action.
If you've been reading this space for some time, you know that this "suspended deportation" controversy has been unfolding now for over two years.
It all began on June 30, 2010, when John Morton, Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) sent a memo to all ICE employees instructing local immigration officials to use their discretion in "prioritizing" illegal immigration deportation cases. (The memo was leaked to the press and caused a massive uproar.)
On June 17, 2011, John Morton followed up with another memo to all field officers, special agents and to the chief counsel further defining the term "prosecutorial discretion," which, in essence, asked immigration officials to focus deportation proceedings on illegal aliens convicted of crimes. However, Judicial Watch uncovered documents proving immigration officials considered suspending the deportation of illegal aliens convicted of violent crimes.
In November 2011, as reported by CNN, the Obama administration announced that on December 4, 2011 it would begin a pilot program in Baltimore and Denver to "test the process for reviewing cases pending before the immigration court." Details regarding this program were sparse, prompting JW's investigation.
The Obama administration has been playing games with its immigration policy from the beginning in its attempt to evade Congress and implement illegal alien amnesty. First Obama administration officials tried to implement stealth amnesty outside of the public eye, and then when the cat was out of the bag, they doubled down on the policy in open defiance of the law. (An alien who fails to register after 30 days with ICE and keep registration papers on their person is in criminal violation of the law - and can be jailed for up to 30 days - in addition to being deported. This administration is ignoring and condoning this mass criminality.) We know that any number of illegal aliens who receive "get out of jail free cards" from the Obama administration will go on to commit additional crimes, including murder. Obama's stealth amnesty and sanctuary policies will result in the killing of innocent Americans as surely as night follows day.
And on Friday, June 15, 2012, the Obama administration doubled down again, announcing it would no longer deport unlawfully present immigrants under age 30 who came to the United States as children, a policy described by Politico's Steve Friess as "a temporary, de facto implementation of a part of the stalled DREAM Act," that sends "a loud message to Hispanic voters to remember Obama in November."
The American people are tired of the obfuscation and gamesmanship from the Obama administration on such a serious issue: especially when they can plainly see this is all for political purposes. The message to the Obama administration is simple: No more secrecy. No more games. Obey the law. Release the records.
Until next week...

Tom Fitton
JW Sues DOJ for Records Detailing Government Pilot Program Testing Illegal Alien Amnesty
Many citizens in the cities of Baltimore and Denver might be surprised to learn that they provided a "testing ground" for the Obama administration's dangerous (and unlawful) policy of suspending the deportations of illegal aliens last year.
But that's exactly what happened. And Judicial Watch has initiated an investigation of the matter. On June 11, we filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Obama Department of Justice seeking records pertaining to this six-week pilot program designed to test the Obama administration's new "standards" for the dismissal of immigration charges against certain illegal aliens. The Obama administration tested the program first in the cities of Baltimore, Maryland and Denver, Colorado beginning on December 4, 2011.
Here's what we're after specifically pursuant to our original November 23, 2011 FOIA request to the Executive Office of Immigration Review ("EOIR"), a component of the Justice Department:
i. Any and all records regarding, concerning or related to the six-week pilot program in Baltimore and Denver that is scheduled to begin on December 4, 2011 and under which the immigration-related charges against certain undocumented residents may be subject to dismissal. This request includes, but is not limited to, any and all policy guidelines, implementation plans, training materials, and directives regarding the pilot program.
ii. Any and all records of communication between any official, employee or representative of the Executive Office for Immigration Review and any official, employee or representative of any other government agency, office or department (including, but not limited to, the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Executive Office of the President, the City of Baltimore, and the City of Denver) regarding concerning or related to the pilot program.
ii. Any and all records of communication between any official, employee or representative of the Executive Office for Immigration Review and any official, employee or representative of any other government agency, office or department (including, but not limited to, the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Executive Office of the President, the City of Baltimore, and the City of Denver) regarding concerning or related to the pilot program.
The Justice Department acknowledged receiving our FOIA request on November 28, 2011 and was required by law to respond by January 11, 2012 at the latest. As of the date of our lawsuit, however, the Obama administration has failed to turn over any records responsive to the request, indicate which records are exempt from disclosure, or notify Judicial Watch when a response is forthcoming.
And so, we filed a lawsuit to prod them into action.
If you've been reading this space for some time, you know that this "suspended deportation" controversy has been unfolding now for over two years.
It all began on June 30, 2010, when John Morton, Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) sent a memo to all ICE employees instructing local immigration officials to use their discretion in "prioritizing" illegal immigration deportation cases. (The memo was leaked to the press and caused a massive uproar.)
On June 17, 2011, John Morton followed up with another memo to all field officers, special agents and to the chief counsel further defining the term "prosecutorial discretion," which, in essence, asked immigration officials to focus deportation proceedings on illegal aliens convicted of crimes. However, Judicial Watch uncovered documents proving immigration officials considered suspending the deportation of illegal aliens convicted of violent crimes.
In November 2011, as reported by CNN, the Obama administration announced that on December 4, 2011 it would begin a pilot program in Baltimore and Denver to "test the process for reviewing cases pending before the immigration court." Details regarding this program were sparse, prompting JW's investigation.
The Obama administration has been playing games with its immigration policy from the beginning in its attempt to evade Congress and implement illegal alien amnesty. First Obama administration officials tried to implement stealth amnesty outside of the public eye, and then when the cat was out of the bag, they doubled down on the policy in open defiance of the law. (An alien who fails to register after 30 days with ICE and keep registration papers on their person is in criminal violation of the law - and can be jailed for up to 30 days - in addition to being deported. This administration is ignoring and condoning this mass criminality.) We know that any number of illegal aliens who receive "get out of jail free cards" from the Obama administration will go on to commit additional crimes, including murder. Obama's stealth amnesty and sanctuary policies will result in the killing of innocent Americans as surely as night follows day.
And on Friday, June 15, 2012, the Obama administration doubled down again, announcing it would no longer deport unlawfully present immigrants under age 30 who came to the United States as children, a policy described by Politico's Steve Friess as "a temporary, de facto implementation of a part of the stalled DREAM Act," that sends "a loud message to Hispanic voters to remember Obama in November."
The American people are tired of the obfuscation and gamesmanship from the Obama administration on such a serious issue: especially when they can plainly see this is all for political purposes. The message to the Obama administration is simple: No more secrecy. No more games. Obey the law. Release the records.
Until next week...

Tom Fitton
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