Mueller’s Role in Delivering Uranium to Russians Raises Questions. HE WAS THE CLINTON OBAMA URANIUM MULE
Julian Assange at WikiLeaks has exposed a
2009 State Department cable to the Russians raises fresh questions
about the objectivity of Special Counsel Robert Mueller (shown), the man
named to investigate any possible “collusions” between the presidential
campaign of Donald Trump and the Russians. In 2009, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton directed FBI
Director Mueller to deliver a sample of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) to
Russia. The uranium had reportedly been stolen. It seems particularly
odd, considering that the FBI is not under the supervision of the State
Department, and that the FBI director would personally make the transfer.
Assange released the controversial cable on May 17, the same day that
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein tapped Mueller as an
“independent” counsel to investigate any supposed Trump-Russian ties. #ROBERTMULLAH
HERE is STATE DEPT (under HRC) cable documenting MUELLER secret
squirrel TRAITOR mission to MOSCOW on Sept 21 2009 to DELIVER URANIUM to
ASK YOURSELF.. If it was a diplomatic mission, why was the FBI Director Robert Mueller involved? And
if it was a law enforcement mission, why was Hillary Clinton involved?
If it was a Scheme to sell Uranium 1 to the Russians.. and everyone get rich doing it.. then it ALL MAKE SENSE!
Trump has expressed legitimate concerns about the personnel that
Mueller has hired to conduct his work. They are practically all partisan
Democrats, with seven staffers having contributed large sums of money
to either Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, or the Democratic National
Committee. None donated any money to Trump, or to any other Republican
presidential candidate in the last campaign.
Adding to that concern is the question as to what exactly was
Mueller’s role in the deal between Russia and Uranium One, the company
that Hillary’s husband, Bill Clinton, supported at the same time she was
secretary of state. Hillary Clinton, in her role as secretary of state,
voted to allow the Russian State Atomic Nuclear Energy Agency control
of about 20 percent of all uranium holdings in the United States.
As revealed by WikiLeaks, Secretary of State Clinton sent a cable to
John Beryle, who was U.S. Ambassador to Russia; the U.S. Ambassador to
the Georgia Embassy; and U.S. ambassador to the Russian Embassy, on
August 17, 2009. The cable read in part, “Action Request: Embassy Moscow
is requested to alert at the highest appropriate level the Russian
Federation that FBI Director Mueller plans to deliver the HEU sample
once he arrives in Moscow on September 21.”
Shepard Ambellas, editor-in-chief of, said in June
2017 that the classified cable indicated that the delivery of the
10-gram sample of HEU to Russian law enforcement sources occurred during
a secret “plane-side” meeting on the tarmac. (This brings up memories
of Bill Clinton’s tarmac meeting in Arizona with Attorney General
Loretta Lynch, where they said they just discussed their grandchildren.)
Not surprisingly, supporters of the Clintons, such as the Huffington Post,
interpreted the cable in the most favorable light for Hillary and Bill
Clinton. “The text and tweet released by WikiLeaks more than suggests
Mueller is guilty of a serious crime, passing on nuclear material to the
USA’s superpower rival. But,” the Post added, “the section it omitted from the tweet changes the entire context of Mueller’s actions.”
The portion the Post contended was not mentioned, but
relevant, read, “Over two years ago Russia requested a ten-gram sample
of highly enriched uranium (HEU) seized in early 2006 in Georgia [the
Russian territory, not the American state] during a nuclear smuggling
sting operation … In response to the Russian request, the Georgian
Government authorized the United States to share a sample of the
material with the Russians for forensic analysis.”
The Post then laments, “WikiLeaks used to be a force for
good in the world, playing a major role in revealing the inner workings
of Guantanamo Bay and exposing events like the killing of journalists by
U.S. forces in Iraq.” In other words, as long as WikiLeaks was
producing negative material on a Republican president, it was a “force
for good in the world.” Now that it is raising questions about the man
investigating a different Republican president, not so much. Actually, the fact that WikiLeaks appears to be nonpartisan in its
activities should give it more credibility --- more so than the Huffington Post, well-known for its pro-Clinton bias.
In his highly-praised book Clinton Cash, Peter Schweizer
discusses the famous “Russian Reset” initiated by Hillary Clinton when
she took over the State Department. Relations between the U.S. and the
Russians had degenerated during the last couple of years of the Bush
administration, and Hillary publicly said she intended to reverse the
worsened relations, complete with a “reset button.”
For their part, the Russians appeared pleased with her selection as
secretary of state. Schweizer noted, “An important side note to the
Russian reset was how it involved a collection of foreign investors who
had poured vast sums of money into the Clinton Foundation and who
continued to sponsor lucrative speeches for Bill. These investors stood
to gain enormously from the decisions Hillary made as secretary of
Schweizer explained why the Hillary “reset” was so important in the
uranium deals. The Bush administration had pulled out of a uranium deal
with the Russians after Russian forces went into Georgia in 2008, but
the Obama administration (with Hillary taking the lead) reopened the
negotiations. A deal was reached in 2010, and as Schweizer wrote,
“Several multimillion-dollar Clinton Foundation donors were at the
center of the deal.” In fact, “The Clinton Foundation also failed to
disclose major contributions from entities controlled by those involved
in the Uranium One deal. Thus, beginning in 2009, the company’s
chairman, [Ian] Telfer, quietly started funneling what would become
$2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation through a Canadian entity he
While the revelation of a secret meeting involving Robert Mueller in
the delivery of uranium to the Russians, by itself, does not prove
anything of a criminal or unethical nature, it does raise questions that
merit an investigation. After all, when Mueller was FBI director under
the Obama administration, he was trusted enough by Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton to carry out this mission. If it was a diplomatic
mission, why was the FBI director involved? And if it was a law
enforcement mission, why was Clinton involved?
So what do you think? Is Mueller sufficiently objective to conduct an impartial investigation of a Republican president ? And don't tell me he is a republican! That is not a defense. He is a compromised paid Whore for the Clinton Obama Thug enterprise!
He is desperately trying to find some connection between Trump and some Crime that they can then negotiate a truce deal that is structured that they stop investigating if the Clinton Obama Investigations stop as well.
BREAKING: FBI retaliated against Michael Flynn by launching a Russia probe because he was going to Testify against McCabe in a Major Sexual Harassment Case.
The FBI launched a criminal probe against former Trump
National Security Adviser Michael Flynn two years after the retired Army
general roiled the bureau’s leadership by intervening on behalf of a
decorated counterterrorism agent who accused now-Deputy FBI Director
Andrew McCabe and other top officials of sexual discrimination,
according to documents and interviews. Flynn’s intervention on behalf of Supervisory Special Agent
Robyn Gritz was highly unusual, and included a letter in 2014 on his
official Pentagon stationary, a public interview in 2015 supporting
Gritz’s case and an offer to testify on her behalf. His offer put him as
a hostile witness in a case against McCabe, who was soaring through the
bureau’s leadership ranks. The FBI sought to block Flynn’s support for the agent,
asking a federal administrative law judge in May 2014 to keep Flynn and
others from becoming a witness in her Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC) case, memos obtained by Circa show. Two years later,
the FBI opened its inquiry of Flynn. The EEOC case, which is still pending, was serious enough
to require McCabe to submit to a sworn statement to investigators, the
documents show.
The deputy director’s testimony provided some of the
strongest evidence in the case of possible retaliation, because he
admitted the FBI opened an internal investigation into Gritz’s personal
conduct after learning the agent “had filed or intended to file” a sex
discrimination complaint against her supervisors.
McCabe eventually became the bureau’s No. 2 executive and
emerged as a central player in the FBI’s Russia election tampering
investigation, putting him in a position to impact the criminal inquiry
against Flynn.
Three FBI employees told Circa they personally witnessed
McCabe make disparaging remarks about Flynn before and during the time
the retired Army general emerged as a figure in the Russia case.
The bureau employees, who spoke only on condition of
anonymity for fear of retribution, said they did not know the reason for
McCabe’s displeasure with Flynn, but that it made them uncomfortable as
the Russia probe began to unfold and pressure built to investigate
Flynn. One employee even consulted a private lawyer. “As far as the troops in the field, the vast-majority were
disgusted with the Russia decision, but that was McCabe driving the
result that eventually led [former FBI Director James] Comey to make the
decision,” said a senior federal law enforcement official, with direct
knowledge of the investigation.
FBI agents’ concerns became more pronounced when a
highly-classified piece of evidence -- an intercepted conversation
between Flynn and Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak -- suddenly leaked
to the news media and prompted Flynn’s resignation as Trump’s top
security adviser.
“The Flynn leaks were nothing short of political,” one FBI
employee said, noting the specific contents of the conversation were
known by only a handful of government officials when they leaked. “The
leaks appeared to be targeted to take Flynn out.”
Eventually the probe on Flynn moved beyond Russia to
questions about whether he properly disclosed foreign payments affecting
his security clearance.
FBI officials declined to answer any questions from Circa,
including whether McCabe ever considered recusing himself or has recused
himself from the Flynn aspects of the Russia probe. McCabe declined
comment via the FBI press office.
But one of the FBI’s most famous whistleblowers says McCabe
has an ethical obligation to recuse himself in the Flynn probe to avoid
the appearance of retribution or bias.
“I don't think they have any choice. He has to step aside,”
said Frederic Whitehurst, who as an FBI special agent and forensic
chemist blew the whistle on misdeeds inside the FBI crime lab two
decades ago and prompted widespread reforms.
“If he stays involved, the case against Flynn has no
credibility,” explained Whitehurst, now often called as an expert
witness in court cases. “If there are criminal charges that could go
against Flynn, that's got to go to court. And those agents at some point
may be called before a grand jury and anything he (McCabe) said to them
about Flynn could be used as exonerating information or evidence of
Whitehurst said he saw senior FBI officials, including
then-Director Louis Freeh and then-General Counsel Howard Shapiro,
recuse themselves in the 1990s from his whistleblowing case to avoid
looking they were involved in retribution after he made allegations of
wrongdoing by the bureau
“Louie and Howie did it, and that sets the precedent I think,” Whitehurst said.
Documents and memos obtained by Circa detail how Flynn and
other top officials at other government agencies in 2014 and 2015 came
to intervene in the EEOC case of Gritz, who rose over two decades to a
supervisory special agent inside the FBI on the strength of her
counterterrorism work.
For nearly a decade, Gritz worked with the intelligence
community to help successfully track down global terrorists or rescue
Western hostages, and was even occasionally called upon to personally
brief then-Director Robert Mueller on sensitive cases like the
disappearance of a retired agent Robert Levinson inside Iran, memos
But her career took a sudden downward turn after she went
to work under McCabe and his leadership team in 2012, resulting in her
first negative rating after years of outstanding performance reviews.
She filed an EEOC complain inside the FBI against a handful of bureau
executives in 2012, alleging her career was being derailed by sexual
The FBI referred her for an Office of Professional
Responsibility investigation for timecard irregularities. As hostilities
rose between the two sides, emails and testimony showed senior FBI
officials castigated Gritz for being too “emotional,” having a possible
mental illness and sending inappropriate emails.
The FBI concluded there was no discrimination, arguing
Gritz was referred to OPR for investigation on June 20, 2012 before she
ever filed her EEOC complaint.
But McCabe’s sworn statement offered evidence that actually
supported Gritz’s claim of retaliation and discrimination, recounting a
conversation on June 19, 2012 in which he authorized the OPR
investigation of Gritz after one of his deputies told him Gritz was
about to file an EEO complaint, his sworn statement shows. “I first learned of the issues that led to Ms. Gritz’s
current OPR investigation during a telephone call with Deputy Assistant
Director (DAD) Jennifer Ley on June 19, 2012,” McCabe testified. “I recalled that during the course of our conversation DAD
Ley mentioned to me that Ms. Gritz had filed or intended to file an EEO
complaint against her immediate supervisor.”
The very next day, the FBI initiated the OPR investigation
of Gritz, according to evidence in the FBI’s official personnel files.
FBI records support McCabe’s version of events, showing Gritz had
contacted FBI EEO officials in mid-June before the OPR probe was
initiated, then filed her formal complaint a few weeks later. The FBI ‘s
official report of investigation on Gritz’s EEO complaint, which
absolved the FBI of any discrimination, omitted any mention that McCabe
had been aware of the EEO complaint before the bureau filed its OPR
action against Gritz.
Gritz’s initial complaint in 2012 named the FBI supervisor
below McCabe. She chose to resign from the FBI in 2013, her case
becoming the poster child for a National Public Radio story on the FBI’s
allegedly hostile environment for women agents in 2015. In 2014, Gritz amended her EEOC complaint to specifically
name McCabe, alleging she suffered “a hostile environment, defamation of
character through continued targeting by Andrew McCabe in official
documents, and continuous patterns and instances of severe and excessive
hostile behavior/attitude toward complainant. These actions have a
negative impact on the complainant, professionally, financially, and
Flynn’s intervention in the case occurred around the time
that McCabe’s name was added to the complaint. Flynn's first act was to
write a letter of support in her case.
“SSA Gritz was well-known, liked and respected in the
military counter-terrorism community for her energy, commitment and
professional capacity, and over the years worked in several interagency
groups on counter-terrorism targeting initiatives,” Flynn wrote May 9,
At the time, Flynn was an Army lieutenant general and the
chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and he put his letter on
official agency stationary to be submitted in Gritz’s case. As soon as Gritz revealed to the FBI that Flynn and
other top federal figures had written letters to support her case and
likely would be called as witnesses, the bureau dispatched a lawyer to
try to block the evidence from being included in the EEO case, documents
show. The FBI “has reviewed the letters submitted by the
Complainant and objects to their inclusion in the record,” the bureau’s
lawyer wrote. “They are selfserving letters, not part of any personnel
file nor contemporaneous generated during the period of Ms. Gritz’s
employment with the FBI, and which she has unilaterally solicited and
obtained. They should be excluded.”
While the FBI argued Gritz’s had become underperforming,
tardy to work, insurbordinate, possibly mentally ill or emotional and
deserving of a poor performance review, Flynn argued just the opposite,
saying he saw the agent excel while working with the DIA and other
intelligence community agencies.
“Her work consistently made a positive difference,” Flynn
wrote. “.Her tenacity and personal commitment consistently produced
outstanding results in the most challenging environments.”
Flynn went further, offering an interview in 2015 with NPR
in which he called Gritz one of the “bright lights and shining stars” in
the intelligence community who “just kinda got it when it came to the
kind of enemy that we were facing and the relationship that was
necessary between law enforcement and the military.”
Flynn wasn’t alone among top officials who came to Gritz’s defense in her battle against the FBI.
“SSA Gritz was without question, the most energetic, most
consistently engaged and prepared and single most effective member of
this interagency group,” wrote Navy Rear Admiral B. L. Losey, who served
both Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama as the White House’s
National Security Council Director for Combatting Terrorism.
Losey offered a most poignant endorsement of the female
agent. “If I were taken hostage, I would hope that above all others SSA
Robyn Gritz were assigned the task to track and recover me,” he wrote. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley also
afforded Gritz support, asking federal authorities to investigate
whether her case was emblematic of a hostile workplace for women inside
the FBI.
In a brief interview this weekend, Gritz said she was
mortified to think that her request to Flynn to help with her EEOC case
in any way affected his relationship with the FBI or his current status
as someone under investigation in the Russia case.
“Flynn was the first leader to defend me,” said Gritz. “He
forwarded a letter to the FBI and I personally think that Comey did not
receive it. McCabe knew Flynn and I were friends. I felt that from the
beginning it was an issue.”
General Flynn also stood up to Obama. He had a Radical way to stop ISIS and the Obama Administration would not even say the words "RADICAL ISLAM!"
Here is the America Thinker Interview with General Flynn.
The Field of Fight by Lt. General Michael Flynn delves into the world of ISIS. American Thinker had the privilege of interviewing him. Having
been at the Republican convention, the general told of his dismay at
those who concentrated on Melania Trump’s speech while there are so many
important matters occurring in today’s world. He noted to American
Thinker, “This shows you how petty the media will go to discredit Donald
Trump. Since I was the next speaker, as I waited in the wings, I heard a
woman who spoke from the heart about her love for this country and her
husband. With all the complexities, threats, and challenges that the
U.S. faces, for the media to harp on that is just ridiculous.” The
Democrats and media criticism emphasized the importance of words spoken
in a certain context. Yet, President Obama will never utter the words
Islamic Extremist or Radical Islam. Flynn points out the hypocrisy, “The
president should clearly and unambiguously define the enemy that we
face and the threat to our way of life. It is radical Islam… ISIS is a
very determined enemy who wants to establish a global Caliphate. This
political correctness of not naming our enemy is dangerous for the
country. I am confident Americans can take the truth.” Political
correctness has also interfered in the way the U.S. conducts the war
against terrorism. According to Flynn, “Using drones is a narrow
strategy. We have to be able to capture guys and learn from them by
getting the intelligence we need. We are not capturing anyone any more.
Beyond that, apprehending individuals allows us to expose them instead
of turning them into a martyr after being killed. By doing this we can
show how their ideology is a disease that must by excised. The
information warfare component of battle must discredit them. We show
them as cowards and weak.” Exposure does seem to work if people think of
how imbedded in their memory are the pictures of Khalid Sheik Mohammed
and Saddam Hussein after their capture. Flynn
also debunks Democrats and some Republican pundits who say ISIS is
being defeated. They point to the terrorist groups loss of land and that
these recent attacks are acts of desperation. He strongly disagrees
with “those people because that is actually false. We excised them from
some village in Iraq like Fallujah, yet they are able to attack the
international community in San Bernardino, Orlando, France, Germany,
Bangladesh, and Turkey, all of these in recent months. The reason for
this is that the enemy has doubled in size and grown in a global
geographic footprint in the last six or so years.” The
blame lies squarely in the hands of the Obama administration, including
Hillary Clinton. In the book, Flynn gives high marks to President Bush
while lambasting President Obama, “He (Bush) realized the war was going
badly, that we were losing, and our entire strategy needed to change.
The mere fact that he recognized this and proceeded to make the
difficult decisions he eventually made is a leadership characteristic
our current president lacks.” Directly
commenting, “There is no enemy that is unbeatable. Even though
President Bush was at the end of his administration he brought in the
fresh leadership of General David Petraeus and Robert Gates. We were
able to reverse the strategy and come up with a new one to win. Now we
are at the end of President Obama’s term; yet, when 99% of President
Obama’s advisors told him to keep 10,000 troops in Iraq to stop the rise
of radical terrorism; he did not listen. He made a political decision
rather than a decision for our national security. This is a weakness in
his leadership style. His problem is that he refuses to recognize this
strategy is not working and the enemy has grown in capacity.” One
of the problems is that the current president wants to be surrounded by
yes men. In the book Flynn reconts how he was fired in 2014 because he
went before Congress and spoke of how to keep America safe. When asked
about this, he responded, “I was appointed by President Obama twice, as
Assistant Director of National Intelligence and the head of the Defense
Intelligence Agency. I never met with the president once; imagine that.
Why not ask to speak with me about our differences of opinion and my
suggestions? To me, this is very disturbing.” He
suspects he was fired because “our agency was very brutally honest
about our findings. I am not, nor have I ever been the type of person
that will state what the boss wants to hear. I am always very blunt and
say what I feel, including offering solutions. I was fired partially due
to my honesty about the enemy we are facing, radical Islam. In complete
contrast to the president who called ISIS the JV team, I told Congress
they were dangerous and growing. Intelligence is about truth to power.” Although he outlines extensive solutions, he summarized it for American Thinker,
“In order to beat this enemy we need to discredit the ideology. Muslims
need to take a more public international stand. To do it they will have
to be helped, prompted, and pushed by the U.S., something we are not
doing now. We need to depend on Middle East allies like Israel, Jordan,
and Egypt. Finally, something that I have been criticized for is to get
Russia involved. They should assume responsibility and pressure Iran to
stop their proxy wars. As I show in the book the ties between the
Iranian regime and al Qaeda have been a well-established fact.” Since
ISIS is a byproduct of al Qaeda does that mean Iran has ties to them as
well? Flynn responded, “Dig deep down into the intelligence and you
will find ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend.’ There are these funny
relationships that exist. We have clearly seen with Iran and al Qaeda
that a Shiite state nation and a Sunni organization have worked
together. They do this because at the end of the day they hate the U.S.
more than they hate each other.” Americans
should take solace in knowing that Lt. General Flynn is one of Donald
Trump’s top foreign policy advisors. Obviously, Mr. Trump is not
surrounding himself with yes people, but those who would not sit quietly
back if he believes a “president” Trump has the wrong strategy. When
asked if he will be the next secretary of defense, and what type of
leader would he be, Flynn commented, “I am confident in what I know but
also what I do not know. I am willing to listen and learn. I believe we
should never get involved in wars unless we have a clear unambiguous
goal to win. America has forgotten how to win wars. I am not answering
the question of my employment right now. Republicans must win many more
battles before the war is won.”