Robert Bauer and Anita Dunn (Spouse) in Obama’s White House. Nepotism? Or Political Protectionism? UPDATE! Bauer is “IN”
TAXPAYERS PAID OBAMA LAW FIRM PERKINS-COLE LLP OVER 2.6 Million Dollars. Robert Bauer.. the Attorney is Married to ..YUP.. ANOTHER LEFTY... ANITA DUNN ( Of "her Favorite philosopher is Mao fame remember her??)
by John Gaultier ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Obama eligibility lawsuits, Perkins Cole law firm, Obama for America April 2010 payouts, Obama not natural born citizen, Perkins Cole represents Obama
Obama eligibility lawsuits, Perkins Cole law firm, Obama for America April 2010 payouts
Let’s see, the last presidential election was in November, 2008.
Enquiring minds want to know Checked the April Quarterly expenditures for Obama For America. The Total Disbursements for that Period were $ 632,263.18. Well over a third of that total, $ 261,206.69, was paid to the law firm of Perkins Cole.
Now let me see, where have I heard that name before…………
Oh yeah, one of the first times was back in 2008.
From the Philip J Berg lawsuit against Obama, et al and specifically a Certificate of Service from Mr. Berg filed on October 9, 2008.
“I, Philip J. Berg, Esquire, hereby certify that Plaintiff’s Response and Brief inth 2008 upon the following:”
Opposition to Defendants Barack Hussein Obama and the Democratic National
Committee’s Motion for a Protective Order Staying Discovery pending Decision on
Defendants Motion to Dismiss was served via electronic filing on the ECF System, this
9 day of October
“Robert F. Bauer, Esquire
General Counsel, Obama for America
607 Fourteenth Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005-2003
Telephone: (202) 628-6600 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
FREE (202) 628-6600 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Facsimile: (202) 434-1690
Attorney’s for Defendant’s
Barack Hussein Obama and
The Democratic National Committee”
Here is another reference to Perkins Coie representing OBAMA.
From the Gregory S. Hollister v Barry Soetoro, et al lawsuit, specifically the Barack Obama and Joseph Biden motion to dismiss, January 26, 2009.
Defendants President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden, through
counsel, respectfully move to dismiss the Complaint pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure 12(b)(1) and 12(b)(6). The grounds for this motion are set forth in defendants’
Memorandum in Support of their Motion, which defendants incorporate herein by reference.”
”Respectfully submitted,
By: /s/ Robert F. Bauer
Robert F. Bauer
D.C. Bar No. 938902
607 Fourteenth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005-2003
Telephone: 202.628.6600 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
FREE 202.628.6600 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Facsimile: 202.434.1690
Attorney for Defendants Barack Obama and
Joseph Biden”
Oops, here’s another one.
From the James D. Schneller Petition for Writ of Mandamus dated December 17, 2008.
“Attorney: Robert F. Bauer, Esq.
Address: Perkins Cole
1110 Vermont Ave NW #1200
Washington, DC 20005
Phone No.:
Representing: Senator Barack Obama, Respondent”
For those far left Obama supporters spewing lies about Obama not spending money on attorneys.
Is that cool aid working for OBAMA?
Lest we forget, Obama has been using taxpayer dollars on government attorneys in addition to using law firms like Perkins Coie to keep hiding his birth certificate and college records. Any congressmen or judges out there paying attention?
Obama eligibility lawsuits, Perkins Cole law firm, Obama for America April 2010 payouts, Obama not natural born citizen, Perkins Cole represents Obama
Obama eligibility lawsuits, Perkins Cole law firm, Obama for America April 2010 payouts
Let’s see, the last presidential election was in November, 2008.
Enquiring minds want to know Checked the April Quarterly expenditures for Obama For America. The Total Disbursements for that Period were $ 632,263.18. Well over a third of that total, $ 261,206.69, was paid to the law firm of Perkins Cole.
Now let me see, where have I heard that name before…………
Oh yeah, one of the first times was back in 2008.
From the Philip J Berg lawsuit against Obama, et al and specifically a Certificate of Service from Mr. Berg filed on October 9, 2008.
“I, Philip J. Berg, Esquire, hereby certify that Plaintiff’s Response and Brief inth 2008 upon the following:”
Opposition to Defendants Barack Hussein Obama and the Democratic National
Committee’s Motion for a Protective Order Staying Discovery pending Decision on
Defendants Motion to Dismiss was served via electronic filing on the ECF System, this
9 day of October
“Robert F. Bauer, Esquire
General Counsel, Obama for America
607 Fourteenth Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005-2003
Telephone: (202) 628-6600 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting

Facsimile: (202) 434-1690
Attorney’s for Defendant’s
Barack Hussein Obama and
The Democratic National Committee”
Here is another reference to Perkins Coie representing OBAMA.
From the Gregory S. Hollister v Barry Soetoro, et al lawsuit, specifically the Barack Obama and Joseph Biden motion to dismiss, January 26, 2009.
Defendants President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden, through
counsel, respectfully move to dismiss the Complaint pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure 12(b)(1) and 12(b)(6). The grounds for this motion are set forth in defendants’
Memorandum in Support of their Motion, which defendants incorporate herein by reference.”
”Respectfully submitted,
By: /s/ Robert F. Bauer
Robert F. Bauer
D.C. Bar No. 938902
607 Fourteenth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005-2003
Telephone: 202.628.6600 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting

Facsimile: 202.434.1690
Attorney for Defendants Barack Obama and
Joseph Biden”
Oops, here’s another one.
From the James D. Schneller Petition for Writ of Mandamus dated December 17, 2008.
“Attorney: Robert F. Bauer, Esq.
Address: Perkins Cole
1110 Vermont Ave NW #1200
Washington, DC 20005
Phone No.:
Representing: Senator Barack Obama, Respondent”
For those far left Obama supporters spewing lies about Obama not spending money on attorneys.
Is that cool aid working for OBAMA?
Lest we forget, Obama has been using taxpayer dollars on government attorneys in addition to using law firms like Perkins Coie to keep hiding his birth certificate and college records. Any congressmen or judges out there paying attention?
First, if you haven’t read my FIRST blog about the Robert Bauer/Anita Dunn/Obama relationship go HERE.
THEN ADD THIS: Remember there is a CONNECTION between Perkins Coie and Obama.
Robert Bauer Relationships through Perkins Cole LLP (America Votes)
**Note Perkins Cole LLP is one of Obama’s lawyers in the “Birther” issue***
AT&T Wireless Services >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Boeing Company >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Craigslist >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Google Inc. >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Microsoft Corporation >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Nintendo of America >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
David T. Biderman >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Thomas L. Boeder >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Alexandra R. Cole >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Craig E. Courter >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Theresa Cropper >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Marc E. Elias >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Susan D. Fahringer >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Robert E. Giles >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Judy Gold >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Salim Ahmed Hamdan >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Stewart M. Landefeld >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Joseph E. Mais >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Guy R. Martin >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Chun M. Ng >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Roy W. Tucker >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Edward Wes >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Laura N. Whitaker >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
V.L. Woolston >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
13th Regional Corporation >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound >> through Perkins Cole LLP
America Votes >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Dragonslayers, Inc. >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
HRK Group, Inc. >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Navajo Nation >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Tamarack Resort LLC >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Western Urban Water Coalition >> through Perkins Cole LLP >>
Robert F. Bauer campaign contributions:
(Donations of $3,000 or more during 2007-2008 cycle)
Obama for America – $3,600 on 7/31/2008
Guantanamo Bay prison – detainee
WHO supposedly is the alleged driver of OSAMA BIN LADEN.IS Salim Hamdan one of the FIVE Gitmo detainees that Eric Holder of the Justice Deparment is bringing to the US to stand trial here?
The 9-11 Mastermind( confirmed) and possibly the alledged driver of Osama Bin Laden?
Re: AMERICA VOTES (connected to Perkins Cole)
America Votes is a national coalition of grassroots, get-out-the-vote organizations. Its website claims that the coalition represents “more than 20 million Americans in every state in the country” through its member groups. America Votes is itself a member of the “Shadow Party,” identified by DiscoverTheNetworks as a nationwide network of activist groups whose agendas are ideologically Left, and which are engaged in campaigning for the Democrats.
Member organizations of the America Votes coalition include, among others, the American Association for Justice; the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN); Campaign for America’s Future; Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund; Democracy for America; EMILY’s List; the League of Conservation Voters; the League of United Latin American Citizens; Political Action; the NAACP National Voter Fund; NARAL Pro-Choice America; the Planned Parenthood Action Fund; Progressive Majority; the Service Employees International Union; the Sierra Club; and USAction.
The organization was launched on July 15, 2003. According to Texas Monthly (August 2003), Shadow Party leaders Harold Ickes Steve Rosenthal, Ellen Malcolm, Andrew Stern, and Jim Jordan decided jointly to start America Votes and appointed Cecile Richards its first President. Richards also served on the Board of America Coming Together (ACT).Turner Foundation and Planned Parenthood, and finally as Deputy Chief of Staff for Democrat minority whip Nancy Pelosi, soon to become minority leader. Richards held that post for eighteen months before joining America Votes. (She held the presidency of America Votes from July 2003 to January 2006, when she was named President of Planned Parenthood.) George Soros’ son, Jonathan T. Soros, has donated $250,000 to America Votes. Many of the organization’s top donors, such as Rob McKay, Robert Glaser, and Andrew Rappaport, are associates of Soros. Other major donors to America Votes include The Media Fund; Human Rights Campaign; Planned Parenthood Action Fund; Music for America; SEIU; League of Conservation Voters; Voter Fund; NARAL Pro-Choice America; AFL-CIO; Moving America Forward; American Federation of Teachers; Sierra Club; America Coming Together; and EMILY’s List.
Richards is the daughter of former Texas governor Anne Richards, whose political career was ended when George W. Bush defeated her in 1994. She harbors a deep antipathy toward the so-called “Christian Right,” which she held partly responsible for her mother’s defeat, and in 1994 founded the Texas Freedom Network, a grassroots organization aimed at countering the political influence of conservative Christians, especially on school boards. Richards subsequently moved to Washington, DC, where she served as Organizing Director of the AFL-CIO, then as a pro-abortion activist for the
Is Lady Justice truly blind? Or is this current Administration trying to blindfold AMERICA as to what their true agenda/ideology is?
November 13, 2009
WH announces that DNC Counsel Bob Bauer will serve as WH Counsel by year’s end
Thirty minutes after White House Press Secretary refused to confirm the change in White House Counsel, the White House released the official statement announcing DNC Chief Counsel Bob Bauer will serve as White House Counsel by the end of the year, taking over for Greg Craig who is returning to private practice.