Showing posts with label LEFTY LIB CELEBS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LEFTY LIB CELEBS. Show all posts
Monday, July 30, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Who is more Violent? Leftists or Constitutionalists? Its the Obama Crowd hands down. READ THE HISTORY AND BE CONVINCED!
Yet Brian Ross wanted to try and paint the guy as right so they could help Obama's Campaign with some brownie points!
( I can see BrianRoss Brown Nosing Obama.... "Massa... I did some dirt work on your behlaf... I should get some credit no ?? Don't only kisss Chris Mathews!!)
Well, we do have some proof now, and it's clear that the shooter was in no way connected to the Tea Party, the Republican Party, or any other movement on the political right. Law enforcement officials have revealed that suspect Jared Loughner was rejected by the Army and kicked out of college. He appeared to have mental health issues, and he was a reader of The Communist Manifesto.
But since Krugman and the other members of the leftist chattering classes have brought up the subject of politically inspired violence, maybe we ought to remind them of the left's protracted association with political violence.
We could begin over a century ago, when William McKinley was shot by Leon Czolgosz. Czolgosz was inspired by anarchist Emma Goldman (today a darling of the academic feminists). Goldman's lover, Alexander Berkman, attempted to assassinate Henry Clay Frick because Frick was a prominent capitalist.
But it wasn't until the 1960s (when Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, and Ho Chi Minh became idols of the American left) that the left really ramped up the violence. Who can forget Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam? Or Eldridge "rape is an insurrectionary act" Cleaver and his Black Panthers? What about the bombings perpetrated by the Weathermen? Former Weatherman bomber Bill Ayers is, of course, a close associate of President Barack Obama. Ayers managed to escape prosecution (and proclaimed himself "[g]uilty as hell, free as a bird"), but his wife Bernadine Dohrn served jail time for her part in the violence. Black radicals seized Cornell University at gunpoint in 1969, the same year the SDS and the Weathermen staged the "Days of Rage" riots. Race riots took place in Watts in 1965 and nationwide in 1968; leftists rioted at the Democratic Party Convention in Chicago in 1968. John Kennedy was murdered by a communist, and Robert Kennedy was shot by a Palestinian -- hardly men of the right.
The 1970s weren't much calmer. The Army Math Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison was bombed by leftist radicals in 1970. Heiress Patty Hearst was kidnapped and took part in a series of armed bank robberies by the left-wing Symbionese Liberation Army. The SLA inspired Sarah Jane Moore to try to assassinate Gerald Ford -- less than three weeks after Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, a disciple of Charles Manson, tried to kill Ford also. And what about the shooting of FBI agents at Wounded Knee by the American Indian Movement in 1975?
Since we're taking about violence against members of Congress, how can we possibly fail to mention the murder of Congressman Leo Ryan and the mass suicide of nine hundred people by the leftist/Marxist Jonestown cult in 1978?
Does anyone recall that President Clinton pardoned members of the Marxist-Leninist-inspired Puerto Rican terrorist group FALN? Clinton also pardoned left-wing radical Susan Rosenberg, who was imprisoned for her role in the murder of two police officers and a security guard in a robbery in 1981. She was offered a teaching job at Hamilton College, but public outcry forced her to decline the position.
More recently, we've seen anarchist and communist riots against the WTO in Seattle in 1999, and violent anti-Bush and antiwar protests. In 2007, leftist playwrights in New York created a stage performance about killing president Bush.
The politics of the contemporary left is absolutely intertwined with either tacit or overt support for violence. How dare the left-wing media attempt to pin the actions of a deranged individual in Tucson on the right! To do so is nothing less than a calumny, a slander, and a blatant hypocrisy
Friday, July 20, 2012
Obama supports Outsourcing Exec... and hobnobbed with the 1% kissing ass for that $25,000 a plate fund raising meal.
Hours after "in-sourcer-in-chief" speech, Obama fund raises at "ruthless" out-sourcer's penthouse at $25,000 a pop event
Immediately after bashing Mitt Romney for allegedly out-sourcing American jobs overseas at Bain and claiming he wants "to be a pioneer in in-sourcing," yesterday Obama's motorcade sped to the luxury penthouse of former Dell exec Tom Meredith, on record as priding himself in being "ruthless" in cutting American jobs in Texas and other states, while preserving them in Asia to cut costs for Dell.
See Buzzfeed for more. One would think the media might be interested in reporting Obama's brazen hypocrisy but I guess not. They're too busy clamouring for Mitt Romney's old tax returns.
See Buzzfeed for more. One would think the media might be interested in reporting Obama's brazen hypocrisy but I guess not. They're too busy clamouring for Mitt Romney's old tax returns.
After giving a speech in Austin, Texas in which he decried Mitt Romney for overseeing companies that outsourced jobs, President Obama attended a fundraiser hosted by Tom Meredith, a former Dell executive who once oversaw outsourcing at his own company — and said he would be "ruthless" about cutting costs.
In 2001, while serving as senior vice president of Dell Computer Corp, Meredith defended plans to lay off between 3,000 and 4,000 employees — largely in Texas — while sparing about 4,000 jobs in Asia Pacific. When that strategy was reported by the tech press at the time Meredith defended the move.
"We will be ruthless in how we address our cost structure," Meredith said, a comment that drew wide attention at the time.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
George Soros-Backed SuperPAC Targeting Allen West Confidential Memo Leaked
Soros-Backed SuperPAC Targeting Allen West Confidential Memo Leaked
July 11, 2012 | Filed under: Allen West | Posted by: Javier Manjarres
By Javier ManjarresBy Javier Manjarres
Our source has confirmed that the PAC will indeed file early next week, most probably on Tuesday, and hope to immediately start fundraising.The Super PAC has been christened “Dump West” and is expected to file with the Federal Election Commission early next week. Sources have told The Shark Tank that a website along with a targeted web advertising campaign will soon be launched. Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi asked former Congressman Larry Smith, who’s now working as a lobbyist, to help line up initial funding for the group. West is said to be at the top of Pelosi’s hit list.Sources have also us that left wing billionaire George Soros is among those who committed to a $5 million war chest to defeat West. “It’s not surprising that the hard Left is seeking to beat West” said Florida Tea Party leader Eric Von Tausch “West’s a conservative hero.”-(Source-Soros SuperPAC)
Now the Shark Tank has obtained the actual ‘Confidential Memorandum” that was circulated among “Interested Parties.
Here is the Memo
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Brad Pitt's mom in fear after slamming Obama ..IF THE LEFT DOES IT... WHY ARE WE SO WEAK ?? WE MUST DO THE SAME WHEN THEY SPEAK OUT AGAINST OUR VALUES! ... Brad Pitt’s mom in fear after slamming Obama!!
Brad Pitt's mom in fear after slamming Obama
Welcome to the Death Camp of Tolerance.
Jane Pitt is the mother of actor Brad Pitt. On Tuesday, the Springfield News-Leader published her letter in support of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Via Life News:
Any Christian who does not vote or writes in a name is casting a vote for Romney’s opponent, Barack Hussein Obama — a man who sat in Jeremiah Wright’s church for years, did not hold a public ceremony to mark the National Day of Prayer, and is a liberal who supports the killing of unborn babies and same-sex marriage.
Gasp! A pro-life Christian who doesn’t support gay marriage? Time for the Left’s self-proclaimed arbiters of tolerance to teach her a lesson with their hateful, misogynist slurs and death wishes.
Any Christian who does not vote or writes in a name is casting a vote for Romney’s opponent, Barack Hussein Obama — a man who sat in Jeremiah Wright’s church for years, did not hold a public ceremony to mark the National Day of Prayer, and is a liberal who supports the killing of unborn babies and same-sex marriage.
Monday, July 9, 2012
I HATE BILL MAHER: Bill Maher Likes His Black Men Violent and His Black Women Prostitutes
Wayne Brady: Bill Maher Likes His Black Men Violent and His Black Women Prostitutes
The entertainer responds to the HBO host's racist insult with a devastating rebuttal.
Bill Maher, possibly the whitest guy on the planet, believes he’s the reigning authority on what blackness means. While pontificating on the personality of the president, he wished Obama were more like Suge Knight, gangster thug and criminal, and less like Wayne Brady, successful, law-abiding entertainer. For those of you unfamiliar with the gangster rap world, Knight was guilty of many crimes, including theft, assault, and weapons charges. For more on him, just read his Wikipedia entry to be thoroughly disgusted.
Maher clearly believes a person can’t be truly considered black unless he has a criminal record. Wayne Brady, who worked incredibly hard to become successful, is just not black enough in Maher’s eyes because he never beat anyone up…yet. It looks like Maher might not want to encounter Brady without a bodyguard after his insult. Brady responded to Maher on a Girl on Guy podcast with Aisha Tyler:
Maher is a known misogynist, calling conservative women all manner of horrible names that aren’t fit for print, but Brady’s accusation that Maher likes black prostitutes is more than just speculation. Maher had a famous relationship with rap video girl and porn star Karrine Steffans, who became famous for writing a tell-all novel about the rap world and her experience as a “whore” for rappers (her words). Steffans, a victim of abuse from childhood and from her choices as an adult, didn’t fare better under Maher, who loves to call conservatives racists. Steffans spilled the beans in an issue of Vibe magazine as reported by the New York Post:
Bill Maher, possibly the whitest guy on the planet, believes he’s the reigning authority on what blackness means. While pontificating on the personality of the president, he wished Obama were more like Suge Knight, gangster thug and criminal, and less like Wayne Brady, successful, law-abiding entertainer. For those of you unfamiliar with the gangster rap world, Knight was guilty of many crimes, including theft, assault, and weapons charges. For more on him, just read his Wikipedia entry to be thoroughly disgusted.
Maher clearly believes a person can’t be truly considered black unless he has a criminal record. Wayne Brady, who worked incredibly hard to become successful, is just not black enough in Maher’s eyes because he never beat anyone up…yet. It looks like Maher might not want to encounter Brady without a bodyguard after his insult. Brady responded to Maher on a Girl on Guy podcast with Aisha Tyler:
So, that means it’s a diss to Obama to be called me because he wants a brother-brother, or what he perceives. Just because you f*** black hookers, just because you have that particular black experience. … Now, I’m not saying I’m Billy Badass, but if Bill Maher has his perception of what’s black wrapped up, I would gladly slap the shit out of Bill Maher in the middle of the street, and then I want to see what Bill Maher would do.
Maher is a known misogynist, calling conservative women all manner of horrible names that aren’t fit for print, but Brady’s accusation that Maher likes black prostitutes is more than just speculation. Maher had a famous relationship with rap video girl and porn star Karrine Steffans, who became famous for writing a tell-all novel about the rap world and her experience as a “whore” for rappers (her words). Steffans, a victim of abuse from childhood and from her choices as an adult, didn’t fare better under Maher, who loves to call conservatives racists. Steffans spilled the beans in an issue of Vibe magazine as reported by the New York Post:
Bill wants someone he can put down in an argument, tell you how ghetto you are, how big your butt is, and that you’re an idiot. That’s why you never see him with a white girl or an intellectual. I might as well have been a Muslim woman with my head wrapped, walking 10 paces behind my man. [But] I couldn’t be “Bill Maher’s girlfriend” any more – not when I’m Karrine Steffans . . . best-selling author.Not at all shocking.
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