Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hussein Obama is NOT a Christian! His Actions and Associations speak louder than words!!

Hussein Obama is NOT a Christian! His Actions and Associations speak louder than words!!

I have been gathering information and links from all the posts I have seen and have been sent.. and trying to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that HUSSEIN is not a a REAL CHRISTIAN... in any sense of the word.If being called a Christian is just to say you are one and not act like one... then every ASSHOLE IN THE WORLD CAN CALL THEMSELVES ANYTHING THEY WANT AND YOU JUST HAVE TO ACCEPTS IT.
Right ?? ................WRONG..!!Actions and associations speak louder all the words he and his allies spout. So here is my information with as many links as I thought were necessary.I will update this from time to time but here is a rough draft. Read and share and check it it out.
So where the heck did you get the idea that Obama is a Traditional Christian??

What Kind of Christian is he? Anyone can call them selves a Christian!!

There is a saying that “Even though a Goat and a Rabbi have a beard a goat is still a goat!”

Lets logically talk this statement.  You the Reader and me!!

I will try to give you links to check out the veracity of my statements. Fair enough?

Lets go through this Step by Step and then after you have read this, tell what your thoughts are about Obama’s firm grasp of Traditional Christianity!

Barack Hussein Obama was born to
Barrack Obama Senior … A Kenyan Marxist/Muslim ( No Christianity so far!)
Stanley Ann Dunham …. A Child of Socialist Communist parents ( No Religion stated!)

Barack Obama is a "red diaper baby" who has spent his formative years -- literally from the moment of his birth -- interacting with members and sympathizers of the Communist Party, USA.  His mother Stanley Ann Dunham has been described by former classmates as a "fellow traveler."

"She was not a standard-issue girl of her times. ... She wasn't part of the matched-sweater-set crowd," said Wall, a classmate and retired philosophy teacher who used to make after-school runs to Seattle with Dunham to sit and talk -- for hours and hours -- in coffee shops. "She touted herself as an atheist, and it was something she'd read about and could argue," said Maxine Box, who was Dunham's best friend in high school. "She was always challenging and arguing and comparing. She was already thinking about things that the rest of us hadn't."

In a 2006 speech, Obama explained: "I was not raised in a particularly religious household, as undoubtedly many in the audience were. My father, who returned to Kenya when I was just two, was born Muslim but as an adult became an atheist.
My mother, whose parents were non-practicing Baptists and Methodists, was probably one of the most spiritual and kindest people I've ever known, but grew up with a healthy skepticism of organized religion herself. As a consequence, so did I."

In describing his grandparents as Baptist and Methodist, Obama was contradicting himself.  Describing his grandfather in Dreams (p17), Obama wrote:  "In his only skirmish into organized religion, he would enroll the family in the local Unitarian Universalist congregation...."

Like grandfather, like grandson: Barack Obama would make his "only skirmish into organized religion", joining Chicago's Trinity United Church, inspired by anti-American church leader, Reverend Jeremiah Wright.  He held tightly to Trinity until it endangered his presidential campaign.  Then he quit.  This is the sole basis of Obama's description of himself as a "Christian."
As we all know.. his parents split up and Stanley Ann Dunham remarried an Indonesian Muslim called Lolo Soetero .. ( A MUSLIM!! )

He went to school in Indonesia a Muslim Country and there is no evidence his new step father encouraged or allowed him and his mother to Practice Christianity. To the contrary!
"His former Roman Catholic and Muslim teachers, along with two people who were identified by Obama's grade-school teacher as childhood friends, say Obama was registered by his family as a Muslim at both schools he attended. That registration meant that during the third and fourth grades, Obama learned about Islam for two hours each week in religion class."
"The childhood friends say Obama sometimes went to Friday prayers at the local mosque. "We prayed but not really seriously, just following actions done by older people in the mosque. But as kids, we loved to meet our friends and went to the mosque together and played," said Zulfin Adi. Obama's younger sister, Maya Soetoro, said in a statement released by the campaign that the family attended the mosque only "for big communal events," not every Friday."
Recalling Obama's time in Indonesia, the Times account contains quotes that Obama "went to the mosque," and that he "was Muslim."

Here is a link with a copy of his Indonesian School Record: Please note that School documents listed Barry Soetoro as an Indonesian citizen born in Honolulu, Hawaii on 4 August 1961. Barry's religion was listed as Islam.

( No Christianity so far ???)

Lets move forward. Mom Stanley Ann leaves Little her  “non Christian” boy Barry Soetero as he is now called, with her parents. That would be Barry’s Grand Parents.

Once they had Barry with them… Barack Obama's grandparents traveled halfway across the country to attend a very special church! In Obama's own words, this was the REAL “church of influence in his life” - through his mother. Obama's grandparents, who evidently shared the values of THIS church, raised Obama after his mother left him, to continue the influence of this church through their own teaching.
What is the name of this “Church” ???  The Little Red Church !!

Anarchy Alley & The Little "Red" Church: Obama's Roots, Investigated by Bill Whittle

{Ann Dunham could not stand the dumbed-down people who "don't know anything about geography or the rest of the world."  But she had a very different idea about black Americans.  As Obama explains:

"Every black man was Thurgood Marshall or Sidney Poitier; every black woman Fannie Lou Hammer or Lena Horne.  To be black was to be the beneficiary of a great inheritance, a special destiny, glorious burdens that only we were strong enough to bear."  (Dreams p 51)}

For Reference!
Starting in the 1930s the Communist Party promoted opportunities for ‘inter-racial' relationships among its members.  The Communists could monopolize their social ties due to the intense social pressures created by the Democrats' system of Jim Crow segregation.  The social stigma against what segregationists such as Tennessee Senator Al Gore Sr. called ‘miscegenation' helped keep people in the orbit of the CPUSA.  As future Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis would explain in his 1968 book "Sex Rebel: Black", CPUSA recruitment burgeoned in part due to the sexual opportunities the Communists created.

In Hawaii.. his grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham arranged Obama's mentorship by Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis.     He went to a school in Hawaii….

Obama’s application to Punahou School – now mysteriously missing – would likely contain a birth certificate and maybe his stated religion ??

But we also know that Obama’s mother and grandparents associated with Communist Party leaders such as Frank Marshall Davis, a man who, according to Obama’s book, Dreams from my Father, was his main mentor during much of his Hawaiian boyhood (although Obama tried to disguise his identity in his book). During the Cold War, Davis was named by congressional investigators as a key member of a secretive pro-Soviet networked that existed in Hawaii at that time.

The lack of documents regarding Obama also extends to his mother and to his grandparents. Indeed, researchers have been unable to find marriage licenses for his mother’s two marriages, assuming she was ever legally married. Ditto goes for the marriage license for Ann’s parents. They cannot find birth certificates for her, her parents, or for even for her grandparents. Even more so, despite Obama’s boast of his grandfather’s military service, there’s no record of that either. For reasons no one knows, much of Obama’s life, his mother’s life and his grandparent’s life has been erased from the records as if they never existed.


Immigration and Naturalization Service cards routinely filled out by airplane passengers arriving on international flights for the week of President Obama's birth, which was the first week of August in 1961, are missing from the National Archives.
Why does anything to do with Obama's past mysteriously disappear??

Now we do know about “Frank”  without a last name in Obama’s book for very good reason.  (This was Frank Marshall Davis)

Honolulu had just earlier been shaken by the Honolulu Seven Trial of Longshoremen's Union leaders and other Communist Party members ending with convictions overturned by a 1958 Supreme Court decision.  But just as with John Stenhouse and Mercer Island, this didn't scare the Dunhams -- it attracted them.  Upon arriving in Honolulu, they became fast friends with Frank Marshall Davis who had been a columnist for the ILWU's communist-line Honolulu Record newspaper.  Davis had at one point chaired the Honolulu Seven defense committee.  Davis' editor had been one of the Honolulu Seven defendants -- Koji Ariyoshi.  The largest shareholder in the Record was Ed Rohrbough.  Ariyoshi's memoir "From Kona to Yenan" describes how he and Rohrbough worked as US military intelligence officers hand in hand with Mao Zedong in Yenan, China during WW2.  During and after the war they helped steer US policy toward the Red Chinese and against the Nationalists.

In Davis' memoir, "Livin the Blues" (p321), Davis describes the numerous highly successful people among Hawaii's very small black population and lists the positions they have risen in their various professions.  He then complains:

"These and similar jobs and elective positions were obtained solely on merit.  There are not enough souls here to wield political or economic power.  There is no ghetto, hence no potential Black Power."

Because Smith Street was the closest Hawaii had to a black ghetto, it became a focus of work for the Communist Party in Hawaii.  When attempting to lead a hostile CPUSA takeover of the NAACP in the late 1940s, Davis pointed to Smith Street as an example of segregation in Hawaii.  And just as Davis described joining the CPUSA in "Sex Rebel: Black", he also described interracial group sex and voyeurism in the back room of a Smith Street bar he called the "Green Goose". (p278-80)

Obama describes Davis as playing a very intimate role in his life from age 9 to 18.  When Barack returned to Honolulu from Indonesia in 1970, grandpa almost immediately took Barack to meet Davis.  Davis was to serve as a father figure to the young Obama for much of his youth and adolescence.  In light of the Communists' bizarre focus on Smith Street, Obama's description of meeting Davis for the first time at age 9 or 10 in 1970 or 1971 takes on new meaning: the time I met Frank he must have been pushing eighty, with a big dewlapped face and an ill-kempt gray Afro that made him look like an old, shaggy-maned lion. He would read us his poetry whenever we stopped by his house, sharing whiskey with gramps out of an emptied jelly jar.  As the night wore on, the two of them would solicit my help in composing dirty limericks.  Eventually, the conservation would turn to laments about women.
"They'll drive you to drink, boy," Frank would tell me soberly.  "And if you let ‘em, they'll drive you into your grave."

I was intrigued by the old Frank, with his books and whiskey breath and the hint of hard-earned knowledge behind the hooded eyes.   The visits to his house always left me feeling vaguely uncomfortable, though, as if I were witnessing some complicated, unspoken transaction between the two men, a transaction I couldn't fully understand....

Then Obama immediately segues into a description of Smith Street:

....The same thing I felt whenever Gramps took me downtown to one of his favorite bars, in Honolulu's red light district.

"Don't tell your grandmother," he would say with a wink, and we'd walk past hard-faced, soft-bodied streetwalkers into a small, dark bar with a jukebox and a couple of pool tables.  Nobody seemed to mind that Gramps was the only white man in the place, or that I was the only eleven- or twelve-year-old.  Some of the men leaning across the bar would wave at us, and the bartender, a big, light-skinned woman with bare, fleshy arms, would bring a Scotch for gramps and a Coke for me.  If nobody else was playing at the tables, Gramps would spot me a few balls and teach me the game, but usually I would sit at the bar, my legs dangling from the high stool, blowing bubbles into my drink and looking at the pornographic art on the walls-the phosphorescent women on animal skins, the Disney characters in compromising positions....

...Our presence there felt forced, and by the time I had reached junior high school I had learned to beg off from Gramps's invitations, knowing that whatever it was I was after, whatever it was that I needed, would have to come from some other source.
In essence, when the young Obama returned from Indonesia, Gramps set about teaching him the CPUSA version of what it meant to be black.  That is why Obama was introduced to Davis and that is why gramps took him to Smith Street until Obama finally stopped accepting the initiations.


CPUSA archivist Gerald Horne explains the mold into which young Barack was cast by his mother, grandparents, and Frank Marshall Davis:

"In his best selling memoir ‘Dreams of my Father', the author (Obama) speaks warmly of an older black poet, he identifies simply as "Frank" as being a decisive influence in helping him to find his present identity as an African-American, a people who have been the least anticommunist and the most left-leaning of any constituency in this nation ...."

The hunger for recruits has given the CPUSA a black fetish -- both literally and figuratively.  And this fetish has in turn shaped the Communist view of society and of politics.
  And so, in Obama’s eyes, socialism is “black”.  And the definition of race is ideological rather than biological.  And this marks the fundamental nature of the “red diaper baby” -- ideology has triumphed and established its dominion over all the natural aspects of life, even love itself  


Went to Occidental College in Los Angeles…No Records
Went To Columbia.. no Records.
Went to Harvard… Got a scholarship! Who funded it ? No Records.

Who Paid For Obama's Harvard Law Education?

Now it turns out that an influential, radical black Muslim with close ties to the Saudi royal family and an outspoken opponent of Israel helped finance Obama's law school education. Obama's benefactor at the young age of 25 is Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour a/k/a Donald Warden.

Barack Obama has not released transcripts for his grades from Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law. He has also not released his SAT and LSAT scores. No explanation has been offered for not releasing them.
Per the Wall Street Journal September 11, 2008, "Obama's Lost Years," Obama graduated from Columbia University (to which he transferred after his first two years at Occidental College in California), with a degree in Political Science without honors, so had a GPA less than a 3.3. His roommate Sohale Siddiqi indicated Obama initially felt alienated, felt "very lost," and used drugs to get high, which could have led to low grades initially. The roommate indicates that he then turned serious and "stopped getting high." Obama transferred to Columbia because he was concerned with urban issues. Based on his overall undergraduate GPA of less than a 3.3, Mr. Obama's admission to Harvard Law School may reflect affirmative action statutes, low grades early, then higher grades later (purely speculation) and/or other factors.
At Harvard Law School, Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude, which, according to the Harvard Law School website, is awarded to the top 10% of Harvard Law School students.
Also at Harvard Law School, Obama was accepted as one of 85-90 Editors of the Harvard Law Review, out of an estimated 1,000 students from the 2L and 3L classes that might have sought this honor. Obama was also elected President of the Law Review, which according to a Harvard Law spokesperson is not based at all on academics, but on other measures as would occur in any club.
Money from Saudis! No records on this either! 
Weird that a man with any accomplishments would hide or have No records of his accomplishments?

Why ?? Listen to Valerie Jarret his handler for a comical answer…


We know he spent 20 years in the congregation of Jeremiah Wright who is a virulently anti-american African Preacher who believes in “Black Liberation Theology…

Obama and Wrigt call this Christianity! Right!!
What is black liberation Theology… hear it from its creator JAMES CONES:

Black Liberation Theology and James Cones:

This is what they call “Christianity”!!

This is Obama’s Christianity for 20 Years … Jeremiah Wright... the Racists
Befeore he started to preach Black Liberation Theology… Jeremiah Wright was a Muslim

Jeremiah Wright Was a Muslim: Why That Matters
Long before Reverend Wright entered the national stage, Ryan Lizza of The New Republic, in the March 19, 2007 issue, dropped this little gem:
Wright was a former Muslim and black nationalist who had studied at Howard and Chicago, and Trinity’s guiding principles–what the church calls the “Black Value System”

Now check out the associate of the “Christian” Obama…
Al-Mansour is an outspoken hater of the United States, Israel, and white people generally. In recent years he has accused the U.S. of plotting a "genocide" designed "to remove 15 million black people, considered disposable, of no relevance, value or benefit to the American society." He has told fellow blacks that "whatever you do to [white people], they deserve it, God wants you to do it and that's when you cut out the nose, cut out the ears, take flesh out of their body, don't worry because God wants you to do it." Alleging further that Palestinians in Israel "are being brutalized like savages," he accuses the Jews of "stealing the land the same way the Christians stole the land from the Indians in America."

Here is a post from 2010.. about his personal Christian Faith…
  • Ben Smith
  • Obama goes to church
Obama goes to church - Ben Smith: Obama goes to church
September 19, 2010
Obama goes to church
President Barack Obama, beset by substantial public doubts about his religion and right-wing suspicions that he is Muslim, took a few steps on Sunday to dispel those image problems: He and his family crossed Lafayette Park to St. John’s Episcopal Church, just the third time he has worshipped in public since he became president last year.

So How many time since then ?

If this is what the leader of the most Christian Nation on the planet professes his Christianity…

IN MY OPNION he is Lying that he is really a Christian. He just wants to sound good for votes and ratings because a large portion of his BLACK Voters are really Christian!!


Are you prepared to do your part ?

I hope you all realize that soon it MAY be time to transform from "Keyboard Commandos" to acvtive participants on the Terra Firma... in a battle to retake America.

It will not be pretty..IF IT HAPPENS...
To reduce the risk it is imperative that all true Patriots work through the "ballots" before we resort to "bullets" . Boots on the ground in every precinct NOW... to rally conservative voters to REGISTER and then to actually get them to Vote. If that does not work... GOD HELP US ALL.




Arabs/Muslims/Mohammed are not descendants of Ishmael!
"Arabian literature has its own version of prehistoric times, but it is entirely legendary." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 2:176)
"there is no historical evidence for the assertion that Abraham or Ishmael was ever in Mecca, and if there had been such a tradition it would have to be explained how all memory of the Old Semitic name Ishmael (which was not in its true Arabian form in Arabian inscriptions and written correctly with an initial consonant Y) came to be lost. The form in the Quran is taken either from Greek or Syriac sources." (Islam, Alfred Guillaume, 1956, p 26-27, 61-62)
The first positive reference to the Arabians extant occurs in an inscription of the Assyrian, Shalmaneser III, who speaks of the capture of a thousand camels from Gindibu, the Arabian, in 854 B.C. (Islam and the Arabs, Rom Landau, 1958 p 11-21)
According to Muslim tradition, God told Abraham to begin the rite of pilgrimage to Becca (now Mecca). In a rite called tawaf, Arab pilgrims from time immemorial circled the stone counterclockwise seven times and ran seven times between the two promontories in memory of Hagar's seven passages. The historicity of this Abrahamic tradition is difficult to confirm; the first verifiable reference to the Arab people occurs in an inscription of Shalmanezer III dated 853 BC. (The Joy of Sects, Peter Occhigrosso, 1996, p394-397)
"The pure Arabs are those who claim to be descended from Joktan or Qahtan, whom the present Arabs regard as their principle founder...The ‘Arabu ‘l-Musta’ribah, the mixed Arabs, claim to be descended from Ishmael.they boast as much as the Jews of being reckoned the children of Abraham. This circumstance will account for the preference with which they uniformly regard this branch of their pedigree, and for the many romantic legends they have grafted upon it...The Arabs, in their version of Ishmael’s history, have mixed a great deal of romance with the narrative of Scripture." (A Dictionary of Islam, pgs. 18-19)
"Muhammad was not informed about the family of Abraham." (Encyclopedia of Islam) I: 184. See also pages 544-546.
"There is a prevalent notion that the Arabs, both of the south and north, are descended from Ishmael; and the passage in Gen. xvi.12, "he (Ishmael) shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren," is often cited as if it were a prediction of that national independence which, upon the whole, the Arabs have maintained more than any other people. But this supposition is founded on a misconception of the original Hebrew, which runs literally, "he shall before the faces of all his brethren," i.e., (according to the idiom above explained, in which "before the face" denotes the east), the habitation of his posterity shall be "to the east" of the settlements of Abraham’s’ other descendants...These prophecies found their accomplishment in the fact of the sons of Ishmael being located, generally speaking to the east of the other descendants of Abraham, whether of Sara or of Ketuah. But the idea of the southern Arabs being of the posterity of Ishmael is entirely without foundation, and seems to have originated in the tradition invented by Arab vanity that they, as well as the Jews, are of the seed of Abraham--a vanity which, besides disfiguring and falsifying the whole history of the patriarch and his son Ishmael, has transferred the scene of it from Palestine to Mecca." (McClintock and Strong, Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, (Vol. I:339)
In the Qur’an, "Gen. 21.17-21...are identified with Mecca." (The Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, p. 193). It also states that the Southern Arabs come from Qahtan, not Ishmael (p. 48).
The Arabs’ claim to the land of Israel rest entirely on three false assumptions:
All Arabs are the descendants of Abraham through Ishmael.
Ishmael and his descendants were included in the covenant God made with Abraham.
Since the Abrahamic convenant included the land of Israel, the Arabs have a legitimate claim to it.
Ten Historical Facts that refute these Arab claims:
According to the Torah, when Abraham left Ur of the Chaldees, he went West to what is now called Israel (Gen. 12 ff.). He became a dweller in tents in that land. It was in Israel that God made a covenant with him for the land in which he was living at that time. It was in Israel that he fathered Isaac, Ishmael, and many other sons and daughters. Isaac was the only son of Abraham chosen by God to be the heir of the covenant. Abraham took Isaac to Mt. Moriah to be offered up as a sacrifice to God.
The Torah is contradicted by Qur’an at nearly every point. According to Surah 2:119-121, Abraham and Ishmael did not dwell in tents in Israel but in the city of Mecca in Arabia. Together they rebuilt the Kabah and placed the black stone in the wall. It was Abraham who started the tradition of an annual pilgrimage to Mecca, throwing stones at the devil, etc. Abraham took Ishmael (not Isaac) to nearby Mt. Mina to offer as a sacrifice to God.
Ishmael’s twelve sons were named Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah. (Gen. 12:11-16) They intermarried with the local population in North Arabia and produced several nomadic tribes know as the "Ishmaelites."
It was prophesied in the Torah that Ishmael and his family would "live to the East of all his brothers." (Gen. 16:12) "And they settled from Havilah to Shur which is east of Egypt as one goes toward Assyria." (Gen 25:18) This broad area is the desert section East of Egypt in Northern Arabia toward the kingdom of the Assyrians.
The Ishmaelites are mentioned as a distinct tribe in the Assyrian records. They later intermarried with and were absorbed by the Midianites and other local tribes. In Gen. 37:25-28; 39:1, the Ishmaelites are called the Midianites and in Judges 8:22-24 cf. 7:1f, the Midianites are called the Ishmaelites. The identification cannot be made any stronger.
Arabia was already populated by the descendants of Cush and Shem long before Abraham or Ishmael were born (Gen. 10:7). Their cities and temples have been well documented by archeologists.
If all the Arab people descended from Ishmael as Muhammad claimed, where did all the original Arabs go? What happened to them? Who did Ishmael marry if the Arabs did not already exist? If Arabia was unpopulated, who built Mecca? Since he lived there, obviously it existed before he was born. The facts speak for themselves. The Arab people existed before, during, and after Ishmael moved started roaming the wilderness of North Arabia.
The descendants of Ishmael were scattered in Northern Arabia from the wilderness of Shur to the ancient city of Havilah. They were absorbed by the local tribes such as the Midianites (Gen. 37:25-28; 39:1; Judges 8:24). There is no historical or archeological evidence that Ishmael went south to Mecca and became the "Father" of the Arab race. Some modern Arab scholars admit that before Muhammad, Qahtan was said to be the "Father" of the Arab people, not Ishmael.
The Abrahamic Covenant was given only to Isaac and to his descendants. Ishmael and the other sons of Abraham were explicitly excluded by God from having any part of the covenant made with Abraham. (Gen. 18:18-21)
Therefore the descendants of Ishmael and the other sons of Abraham do not have any claim to the land of Israel because they are not included in the covenant God made with Abraham. Only the Jews have any claim to the land of Israel.
The Islamic Claim to Palestine because they are descendants of Ishmael:
Muslims like to claim that Islam gave them the right to claim the land of Israel as their own. This claim rests upon two false assumptions:
All Arabs are the descendants of Ishmael;
Muhammad went to Jerusalem.
Three Historical Facts that refute these Islamic claims:
The first assumption has already been proven false. The Arab people are not all the descendants of Ishmael and hence they are not the heirs of the Patriarchs, the prophets, the Scriptures or the land of Israel.
The claim that Muhammad went to Jerusalem is false. According to the Qur’an and the Hadith, Muhammad had a dream in the middle of the night in which he traveled through the sky, visited seven heavens, met great people like Jesus, and visited the Jerusalem. Since this was only a dream, he was never actually in Jerusalem. The Mosque on the temple site in Jerusalem is a hoax built on the lie that Muhammad stood on the site.
Nowhere in the Qur’an does it state that Ishmael is the progenitor of the Arab race. Since it is not taught in the Qur’an, it cannot be a true Islamic belief.
The Arab people are not the children of Ishmael. Even if they were, they would still have no claim to Israel because Ishmael was excluded by God Himself from having any part in the covenant made with Abraham. Isaac was the only heir of the Abrahamic covenant. Thus the Arabs as a people have no claim to the land of Israel.
The Muslims have no claim to the land of Israel either. Muhammad never went to Jerusalem except in a dream. The only ones with a spiritual and biblical claim to the land of Israel are the descendants of Isaac, the Jews.
Other references:
The Encyclopedia of Religion, Vol. 7, pg. 296 where the connection between the Midianites and the Ishmaelites is noted.
The Shorter Encyclopedia of Islam, pgs. 178-179.
A Popular Dictionary of Islam, p. 127.

Do NOT allow your 2nd Ammendment rights to be signed away by the LEFTY LIBERALS... READ THE UNITED NATIONS TREATY ON SMALL ARMS:

The OECD is an international organization, established in 1961, of thirty countries (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States) committed to democracy and the market economy. The OECD collects economic and social data, monitors trends, analyses and forecasts economic developments, researches social changes or evolving patterns in areas such as trade, environment, agriculture, technology, taxation and publishes more than 150 new titles in the fields of economics and public policy a year.

The Organization provides a setting where governments compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practice and coordinate domestic and international policies. The Development Assistance Committee (DAC) is the principal body through which the OECD deals with issues related to co-operation with developing countries. DAC, like many other bodies working in the field of development, argues that one of the greatest challenges faced by countries trying to develop politically, economically and socially is insecurity and conflict: security and development are inextricably linked and mutually reinforcing. With this in mind, the OECD in 2005 produced a set of Guidelines for Security Sector Reform and Governance, which reviews good practices on Security System Reform to help developing countries address their public security systems overall, including the functioning of police and justice systems, civilian control of the armed forces, and protection of human rights.

In July 2007, after a two-year consultative process, OECD-DAC published the Handbook on Security System Reform: Supporting Security and Justice as a practical guide for those working to address insecurity, offering advice on designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating Security Sector Reform (SSR) programmes with different institutions, including the police, intelligence services and the military. The objective is to bridge the gap between policy and practice and ensure a more coherent and coordinated approach by all of the different actors and departments involved with SSR. The handbook emphasises the benefits of an integrated approach to SSR in post-conflict situations, noting clear links between SSR and programmes for the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants (DDR), and small arms and light weapons (SALW) control, as well as with other peacebuilding activities such as transitional justice initiatives. Such projects could be used as entry points for the implementation of SSR programmes and the formulation of national action plans. This may also work in reverse: the timing of programmes to reduce the number of weapons in civilian hands needs to be closely linked to how well DDR and SSR initiatives are progressing. The handbook also points out that conducting inventories of weapons stockpiles, ensuring they are secure, and destroying surplus stocks are important linkages between SSR and small arms control and so should be included as measures in both types of programmes and can serve as mutual entry points. SSR is also linked to small arms control in the context of the battle against terrorism, organized crime and illicit trafficking. Cross-border cooperation and coordination between programmes are therefore recommended.

For the purposes of the handbook, small arms control is taken to include the development of laws, regulations and administrative procedures to control the production, export, import and transit of small arms and light weapons., the development of institutional structures for policy guidance, research and monitoring, stockpile management and security, destruction of excess SALW, public awareness campaigns, voluntary surrender and regional and subregional cooperation and information exchange

Armed Violence Reduction
A comprehensive OECD Armed Violence Reduction (AVR) policy paper was endorsed by the OECD DAC in January 2009 after two years of preparation. This OECD endorsed publication is the first comprehensive account of armed violence reduction. It identifies a number of significant emerging trends. Firstly, conflict and crime are increasingly linked. Secondly, levels of armed violence are a severe challenge in many non-development countries. Thirdly, increasing youth populations in the global South and the emergence of ungoverned urban spaces and youth gangs are a growing reality in many parts of the world. Alongside this, there are increasing links between local, national, regional and global security issues, for example through the trafficking of drugs, arms and or people. The policy paper presents a number of well-researched avenues that can help respond to the above challenges and ultimately help enable development.

Based on the policy paper the OECD DAC is now in the process of developing practical programming notes on a range of key AVR issues. In this regard AVR programming notes on urban violence and youth violence are currently being developed. Work on developing theses programming notes has now commenced and it is envisaged that complete draft programming notes will be available for review by the end of 2009. A comprehensive mapping of AVR programmes is also due to commence in the coming months. Based on the results of the mapping exercise a number of AVR programmes will be chosen for more in-depth evaluation in 2010 in order to increase knowledge about what works and why.”


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Obama's Man... Eric Holder’s Two Decades Of Concealing Murder

Eric Holder’s Two Decades Of Concealing Murder

OBAMA NEEDS TO BE HUNG !!! Obama Administration to Spend $20 Million on Green Energy Plan – For Africa

AMERICANS ARE SUFFERING.. 15% Unemployment and the Obama Administration to Spend $20 Million on Green Energy Plan – For Africa



Emails obtained by the House....reveal secret Obamacare deal with drug compnaies!!

                                    FIRE HIS ASS

You look into this man's eyes and you see deceit. Pure unadluterated lying and deceit!!


Remember how Pelosi and Obama and Reid pushed Obama Care? Also how transparent it was suposed to be.... ON C-SPAN ..well what Obama mean was ( C-SPIN = CROOK SPIN!! )
Emails obtained by the House....reveal secret Obamacare deal with drug compnaies!! Yes side deals to make sur ethey played ball with our money!! FUCKERS ALL OF THEM! We the people are being hoodwinked again !! AND AGAIN... AND AGAIN... SHARE THIS INFORMATION PATRIOTS...

>>>>>>> In a June 2009 email, President Obama’s point person on health care promised the pharmaceutical industry it would be protected against efforts to allow cheap drugs to be re-imported from Canada, because drug lobbyists had been “constructive” in their secret negotiations with White House officials.

The email is just one of thousands that House Republicans mined through as part of a more than a year-long investigation into Obama’s closed-door deal making with PhRMA, the drug industry lobbying group.

Though it was previously known that Obama had cut a deal with drug companies, a memo released today by the House Energy and Commerce Committee provides more specific details than have been previously reported.

The disclosures provide further evidence that once in office, Obama tossed aside his promises to be transparent and stand up to special interest groups.

Between May and August 2009, as the White House officials and key players in Congress were formulating the national health care law, the Obama administration held ongoing negotiations with PhRMA to secure industry support for the health care law as well as other policy concessions.

Nancy DeParle, then director of the White House Office of Health Reform, wrote the following email to PhRMA’s chief lobbyist on June 3, 2009: “Yes – I pushed this to everyone (Messina, Rahm) is in Egypt with POTUS but Phil Schrillo, Dana Singlser and I made decision, based on how constructive you guys have been, to oppose importation on this bill.”

At the time, Rahm Emanuel was White House Chief of Staff, Jim Messina was deputy chief of staff, Phil Schrillo was Obama’s legislative affairs director and Dana Singlser was his special assistant to the president for legislative affairs.

That September, top PhRMA lobbyist Bryant Hall reported in an email that he “had a good call w Messina,” and wrote: “Confidential: WH is working on some very explicit language on importation to kill it in health care reform. This has to stay quiet.”

Drug re-importation never made it into the final legislation.

As part of the final deal, PhRMA agreed to support health care legislation, spend millions on ads promoting it, and agree to $80 billion in savings and taxes to help finance the bill.

In exchange, PhRMA not only ended up with a law that promised to provide it with millions of new customers, but protected it against policies contemplated by Democrats that would have been harmful to their profits, such as introducing a government plan into the Medicare prescription drug program, allowing rebates for drug purchases through the program and drug re-importation.

Taken together, the emails paint a picture of insider deal making with a powerful special interest – something that stands in stark contrast to Obama’s campaign pledges.

In 2008, Obama ran an ad titled “Billy,” blasting then PhRMA president Billy Tauzin and the art of deal making in Washington. “I don’t want to learn how to play the game better, I want to put an end to the game playing,” Obama vowed.

Yet months into his presidency, Obama cut a deal with Tauzin’s lobbying group, and did so behind closed doors – a violation of his pledge to broadcast all health care negotiations on C-SPAN.



Four years ago today, Candidate Obama said it was "irresponsible" and "unpatriotic" to add $4 trillion in debt. But in just one term, President Obama has added a record $5 trillion in new debt, more than any president in American history. Change direction at



U.S. Coal and the U.S. Economy

Coal Powers the U.S. Economy

Coal mining provides jobs for the long-term.
  • According to the National Mining Association, coal mining will need 50,000 new employees over the next 10 years, because of increasing demand for coal and retiring coal workers.1
  • Surface mining alone provides about 60,000 good jobs in Appalachia.2
Coal mining jobs fuel other jobs.
  • For every coal mining job, an additional 3.5 jobs are created elsewhere in the economy.3
  • In other words, coal mining keeps about 500,000 people – including an estimated 134,000 coal miners – on the job and earning a paycheck, so they can support themselves and their families.4
Coal mining jobs are well paid.
  • The average mining wage is more than $66,000 per year, approximately 57 percent higher than the average wage for other industrial jobs.5
  • U.S. coal mining generated $8.1 billion in personal income and payroll taxes in 20076 – and billions more in property and other taxes – which are ultimately returned to taxpayers through vital government services such as K-12 education.
Surface mining is an economic driver.
  • About 70 percent of U.S. coal production is mined using surface mining methods.
  • The National Mining Association estimates the direct value of surface mining activity at more than $5 billion.  Billions more come from the purchase of mining equipment, costs for coal transportation, use of engineers and consultants, and tax payments to government.7
Coal is abundant and affordable.
  • Coal supplies half the electricity consumed by Americans.8
  • Surface mining operations alone provide enough energy to power more than 25 million American homes.9
  • Electricity from coals costs Americans about 6 cents per kilowatt/hour, among the lowest electricity rates in industrialized nations.10 The national average price of electricity from all fuel sources is nearly 10 cents per kilowatt/hour.
Surface mining makes economic sense.
  • Surface mining is safer and more efficient than underground mining.
  • Surface mining has created much needed level land in Appalachia, while preserving the natural beauty of our mountains.
  • Today, communities benefit from commercial developments such as shopping malls, airports and recreational facilities – all built as part of highly regulated, government-approved restoration and reclamation plans – leading to a higher quality of life and greater economic diversity and prosperity in the region.
Print this PDF document  and pass it around

Private Jobs Down 4.6 Million From January 2008; Federal Jobs Up 11.4%


Private Jobs Down 4.6 Million From January 2008; Federal Jobs Up 11.4%
By Ed Carson
... Fri., June 08, 2012 8:18 PM ET

President Obama’s statement Friday that the private sector is “doing fine” drew so much ridicule that he was forced to backtrack hours later. But it’s clear that Obama and many other Democrats see job problems — and solutions — starting and stopping with government employment.

A quick look at payroll stats shows that’s not the case.
See More
Private-sector jobs are still down by 4.6 million, or 4%, from January 2008, when overall employment peaked. Meanwhile government jobs are down just 407,000, or 1.8%. Federal employment actually is 225,000 jobs above its January 2008 level, an 11.4% increase. That’s right, up 11.4%.

Private payrolls have been trending higher in the last couple of years while government has been shedding staff. But that’s because governments did not cut jobs right away. Overall government employment didn’t peak until April 2009, 16 months after the recession started. It didn’t fall below their January 2008 level until September 2010.

The recession was boomtime for federal employment, especially after Obama took office. Federal jobs kept rising (excluding a temporary Census surge in early 2010) until March 2011 — more than three years after overall payrolls peaked.

Obama’s 2009 stimulus did little to revive private jobs, but did funnel massive funding to state and local governments. That, however, only delayed the day of reckoning for states and cities to curb spending. They finally did significantly slash jobs in 2010 and 2011. But those layoffs have slowed to a crawl in recent months — averaging less than 3,500 job cuts a month since November.

It’s easy to argue that Obama’s tunnel vision on government employment reflects his complete lack of experience in the business world. But it’s also mainstream Democratic thinking.

The Wisconsin recall election was about liberals’ zeal to maintain government employees’ privileges far and above those of struggling private sector workers who pay their salaries.

Payroll change since January 2008

Total: -5.01 million -3.6%

Private: -4.61 million -4%

Government: -407,000 -1.8%

Federal Government: (excluding post office) +225,000 11.4%

Sources: Labor Department, Datastream

Update: Why does Obama think the private sector is "doing fine"? "We've seen record profits in the corporate sector." And high corporate profits are good for tax revenues to pay for government programs and government jobs. That's the main reason Obama cares about the private sector.

Follow Ed Carson on Twitter: @EdCarson1

Obama THE LIAR IN CHIEF.... promises during the campaign, guess how many he kept???...


Just listen to all the blind, ignorant sheep clapping and yelling. The sheep are ripe for the slaughter! Instead of having him actually talking you should have the sound of the teacher from the Charlie Brown specials.



George Sorros Home Address with Co-ordinates !!

George Soros’s Home Address

136 Cantitoe St. Katonah, NY 10536-3804
Lat: 41.2374910 Lon: -73.6520730



See More

George Soros' House
George Soros' House
George Soros' House
Google Maps Google Maps Birds Eye Birds Eye Yahoo Maps Yahoo Maps
By:tlp333 @ 2007-09-10 23:41:04
map #38727
Description:This is the $9.8M property of the financial speculator, stock investor, philanthropist and political activist.
Location:Katonah, New York (NY), US
@ 41.23749100, -73.65207300



Obama Whines: "Most People Would Acknowledge That I've Tried Real Hard"

Obama Whines: "Most People Would Acknowledge That I've Tried Real Hard"

Yes!  you have you freaking Kenyan Creep !! You have worked hard to destroy all that America stands for ...IN OUR WORLD...

HEY AFRICAN AMERICANS.... Are you smarter than a Third Grader? Dr. King was about you ??

Black Pastors Group: Pride in Obama Has Turned to Shame:
Obama has no history as being part of a family of slaves. He is the sone of a white trash communist and a Kenyan Socialist turned Muslim. So what do African American decendants of plantation slaves and Obama have in common... SKIN COLOR ..thats it !!

Friday, 06 Jul 2012 11:25 PM
By Todd Beamon

A coalition of African-American pastors is calling on blacks to boycott President Barack Obama and sign a petition demanding that the administration withdraw support for gay marriage.

The group, the 1,300-member Coalition of African-American Pastors, says it was snubbed by Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder when it demanded a meeting to discuss same-sex unions. The group had requested the meeting last month.

Rev. William Owens. (Getty Images)

“By embracing gay marriage, President Obama is leading the country down an immoral path,” Rev. William Owens, president of the Memphis-based coalition, said on Friday, The Washington Examiner reports. “Some things are bigger than the next election.”

The pastors are angered with Obama’s recent endorsement of gay marriage. But the president has not suggested that he would back federal legislation permitting same-sex marriage.

The coalition supports African-American pastors who believe marriage should be between a man and a woman.

“The black church has always been the conscience of America, and today we are calling on black pastors and black Christians to withhold support from President Obama until he corrects course,” Owens said.

“We were once proud of President Obama, but our pride has turned to shame,” Owens said.
© 2012 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Read more on Black Pastors Group: Pride in Obama Has Turned to Shame


Obama's Brethren....Suicide Bomber Auction for Syria in Saudi Arabia

An unbelievable leaked video of an auction for a suicide bomber against Syria!

Obama's MUSLIM  Brethren....Check this out...Suicide Bomber Auction for Syria in Saudi Arabia!!
This is how fucked up tye Musliim mind is across the world....!!
An unbelievable leaked video of an auction for a suicide bomber against Syria! This takes place in a hotel conference room in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The atmosphere is festive, and the audience has children in it. But the merchandise auctioned is human flesh and blood!
The video shows the father, Abu-Salah, attending the auction and offering his son
Khaled as a sacrifice This is his SECOND son to be sold as a suicide bomber.The father receives 1.5 million Riyals ($400,000) as
future compensation for his son's demise in Syria.At one point in the video, the father is elated at the high bids.
What kind of father sells his son? What kind of person pays to have a stranger blow himself up?




MALCOLM X  ( Obama's real Father ??? )  asked a simple the 60's
Your Comments !!


"Have any of your reporters ever covered any of this material?"
July 8, 2008
What Barack Obama learned from the Communist Party
By Andrew Walden
American voters must make up their minds about what Barack Obama really believes in, if anything. His recent rhetorical concessions to the center further muddy the waters. So we must look to his past teachers and associates for help in understanding the inner Obama.

In his first series of national campaign commercials since securing the delegates needed to win the Democratic presidential campaign, Barack Obama struggles to re-introduce himself.  Images focus on the story of lessons learned from his grandparents and his mother, described in his book Dreams from my Father as "a girl from Kansas.... dab-smack, landlocked center of the country," in towns "too small to warrant boldface on a roadmap."  Speaking in Independence, Missouri, Obama tells his audience: "patriotism can never be defined as loyalty to any particular leader or government or policy."   ...

EXPOSED AGAIN !! OBAMA...Communists to the left of him Socialists to the right!! DAVID AXELROD'S COMMUNIST ROOTS.

David Axelrod’s Red Roots: Obama Adviser’s Communist Ties Exposed

From the cover story of the March print edition of The American Spectator!

Presidential historian Paul Kengor has dug up some fascinating facts about the background of David Axelrod, showing President Obama’s top political strategist to have deep ties to the American Communist Party (CPUSA) and other leftist individuals and organizations.
For example, Axelrod’s mother, Myril Bennett Axelrod, worked for the left-wing New York newspaper, PM. Although it lasted less than a decade (1940-48), PM became notorious because of its penetration by Stalinists and others who promoted the Communist Party line on issues both foreign and domestic. Kengor points out that PM‘s famed Washington correspondent, I.F. Stone, was subsequently identified as a Soviet agent both in the so-called “Venona” documents and also by a former top KGB official, Oleg Kalugin.
It is unclear where Axelrod’s mother fit in the orbit of Communists, Soviet sympathizers and other “progressives” who worked at PM, Kengor says, because despite “scouring reel upon reel of microfiche” copies of the newspaper, he was “unable to find a single article with Myril’s byline.” Nevertheless, her association with the paper locates her politics on the far-left fringe of the American politic spectrum in the 1940s, which would seem important to understanding her son’s later activities.
While a student at the University of Chicago in the early 1970s, David Axelrod began working as a political reporter for the Hyde Park Herald, which Kengor says brought Axelrod to the attention of Don Rose and David Canter. Both of these men were associated with the Communist Party and other far-left organizations.
Kengor explains that David Canter’s father, Harry Canter, was “an instructor at the Abraham Lincoln School, an infamous Chicago-based [CPUSA] front that instructed pupils in the teachings of Marx and Lenin.” David Canter followed in his Communist father’s footsteps, so that a 1970 congressional investigation report, “Guide to Subversive Organizations and Publications,” lists David Canter 25 times. His Chicago-based publishing company was believed to be partly subsidized by Soviet funds and in the 1960s, Kengor writes, “David Canter and Don Rose joined forces to start a [Chicago-area] community newspaper called Hyde Park-Kenwood Voices.”
This Canter-Rose publication “was on the far left,” Kengor writes. Hyde Park-Kenwood Voices editorialized for the abolition of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), whose investigations had exposed the pro-Soviet subversive activities of both David Canter and his father Harry. At a time when U.S. troops were fighting communism in Vietnam, Hyde Park-Kenwood Voices also published “pro-Hanoi screeds by [Students for a Democratic Society] members based in Chicago,” Kengor writes.
Don Rose was associated with SDS (the left-wing campus organization from which Bill Ayers’s terrorist splinter group Weather Underground spun off in 1969) and was also a member of the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam, commonly known by the slang term “the Mobe.”
Rose and Canter played a critical role as “mentors” to young David Alexrod, Kengor explains, citing numerous sources including David Canter’s son Marc Canter for the fact that it was a letter of recommendation from Don Rose that helped Axelrod land a job as a reporter for the Chicago Tribune. By 1987, all three of these men — Don Rose, David Canter and David Axelrod, who had left journalism to become a paid political adviser — were part of the campaign to re-elect Harold Washington as Chicago’s mayor.
Kengor’s American Spectator article is important because Axelrod’s background — like Obama’s associations with such left-wing figures as Frank Marshall Davis and Bill Ayers — shows how ideas, policies and rhetoric originating in Marxist-Leninist doctrine and anti-American propaganda have been “mainstreamed” into Democratic Party politics.
Critics of Kengor’s investigative report will likely raise the charge of ”McCarthyism,” expecting us to miss the irony of that accusation because, of course, revelations from the Venona papers and other sources have largely vindicated Sen. Joseph McCarthy: There were Soviet agents in the U.S. government, and the American Communist Party was at all times an instrument of Soviet subversion.
What strikes me, in Kengor’s extensive account of Axelrod’s background (the article is more than 5,000 words long), is the remarkable degree to which Americans seem to have lost their horror of Communism in the post-Cold War era. There was a time when anyone with such clear connections to the world of Marxist subversion would have been regarded as an untouchable in mainstream American politics. But if a far-left agitator like Obama could be elected president, perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that no one is alarmed by the far-left background of his chief political strategist.



Friday, July 06, 2012

Ohio restaurant owner Ann Harris dies after Obama visit - Kind of like how our U.S. economy died after he was elected president.

Kind of like how Breitbart Died after he exposed Obama

Photo: Ann Harris, in a pink floral shirt, stands with her family

Friday morning, President Barack Obama ate a breakfast of eggs, bacon and wheat toast at Josephine "Ann" Harris' restaurant in Akron, Ohio. She met the president, and embraced him. A few hours later, she was dead. The Akron Beacon Journal said Harris, 70, apparently succumbed to a heart attack.

Obama, winging his way back to Washington aboard Air Force One, telephoned her daughter, Wilma Parsons, according to White House press secretary Jay Carney.

"The president expressed his sorrow and his condolences at the very sad event. He was honored to meet her this morning and passed on his feelings that the whole family is in his thoughts and prayers today," Carney told reporters. Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki read a statement from the campaign's Ohio director, Greg Schultz.

"We're extremely saddened by Ann's sudden passing this morning. Our sincere condolences go to Ann's family during this difficult time. As a small business owner, a mother, a grandmother, a great-grandmother, and a friend of many throughout the community, Ann led an exceptional life and will be missed by all who knew her. Ann and her family are in our thoughts and prayers." The President now wished he had paid for his meal.

"I'm sure this was her highlight," Frankie Adkins, Harris' sister, told the Akron Beacon Journal. "She loved Obama."



OBAMA'S OWN CONGRESSIONAL Budget Office SAYS: Obama's Stimulus Failed on Jobs

By Paul Scicchitano

In a blow to the Obama administration, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has concluded that the president’s economic stimulus plan created fewer jobs than expected and “crowds out” private investment.

A new report the CBO released on Tuesday finds that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act may have boosted the economy in the short run by sustaining some 700,000 jobs at its peak in 2010 but “will reduce output slightly in the long run — by between 0 and 0.2 percent after 2016.”

The report estimates that the total number of jobs the plan produced was far fewer than the 3.5 million the Obama administration predicted during the peak of spending.

The CBO estimates that the stimulus is responsible for sustaining between 600,000 to 1.8 million jobs during this quarter, which lowered the nation’s unemployment rate by as much as 1 percent.

In July, the conservative Weekly Standard estimated that Obama’s stimulus package had cost taxpayers $278,000 for every job it created.

There was no immediate comment from the White House on the CBO report, but officials haveinsisted in the past that the economy would have fallen into a depression without the jobs act..

In September, White House press secretary Jay Carney called it “uncontestable” that the infrastructure projects the act created “were very well managed, came in on budget or under budget and led to the creation of many, many jobs” that would not have been created otherwise.

CBO, a nonpartisan agency, has re-evaluated the stimulus every three months with varying estimates of the total price tag — from $787 billion, up to $862 billion and now $825 billion.

The agency also has changed its model for the spending's impact on the economy, and the new calculations show that the act did less than originally projected.

CBO’s latest report reveals that the top-end decline of two-tenths of a percent is deeper than the agency predicted before the stimulus passed in February 2009, according to a report in The Washington Times.

At the peak of spending from July through September 2010, the American economy sustained between 700,000 and 3.6 million jobs, which lowered the unemployed rate between four-tenths of a percent to 2 percent, The Times reports.

An opinion piece in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution acknowledges that the stimulus failed to keep unemployment below 8 percent, as the Obama administration had projected, but blamed the discrepancy on a greater decline in the gross domestic prodcut than previously estimated.

“In short, in early 2009 we thought the economy had fallen off a ladder,” the article says. “In reality, it had fallen off a six-story building.”

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