EXCLUSIVE – FBI Whistleblower: Mueller Lied To Senate Intelligence Committee

Special counsel Robert Mueller lied to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence during his time as FBI director, when questioned about a secretive FBI group’s wide-ranging surveillance activities, according to a whistleblower who worked under Mueller at the agency.
Chuck Marler, a longtime agent for the FBI’s Special Surveillance Group, told Big League Politics that Mueller was dishonest when the Senate started asking questions about the scope of his surveillance program. This bombshell revelation further taints Mueller’s credibility in his current role investigating the “Russia” case against President Trump and his staff.
Here is Marler’s full statement to Big League Politics, presented in its entirety:
“I used to work for the Special Surveillance Group (SSG) at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Robert Mueller was my Director. I have been wrestling with his disregard for my safety and his dishonesty with my and other coworkers’ concerns. That is why in 2008 I decided to quit the Bureau early and start my own business and get away from the corruption of certain members of the FBI management. I saw first hand how dishonest some of them could be. Since Mueller has taken over as Special Counsel, I’ve been concerned about him continuing that behavior which leads me to the following.
Mueller and certain members of FBI Management deceived the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in 2005 and they intimidated and bullied the U.S. Office of Personnel Management from 2005 through 2008.
Mueller and individuals in FBI Management were continually notified by members of the SSG that their surveillance activities were growing way beyond the scope of their operational plan before Congress and that their safety was at stake. After 911, the program had expanded at a rapid pace. The members of the SSG were happy to take on the vastly growing surveillances throughout the country but they wanted better protection, better compensation and more clear duties defined through Congress. Mueller and FBI Management continually ignored their cries for help.
In the Summer of 2005, two FBI employees in the SSG Program wrote a letter and mailed it to every member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI). The two FBI employees were notified by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison’s office of receipt of the letter. Those same two FBI employees and two additional employees wrote another letter and mailed it to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). That opening letter to the OPM was very generic because their work is considered Secret due to their undercover status conducting Counter Terrorism and Counter Intelligence work. The OPM letter only listed their names, job title, office and generic nature of their complaint. The letter to the SSCI was more informative due to SSCI’s level of classification regarding U.S. Intelligence.
The two employees involved in the SSCI letter were informed by staff at Senator Hutchison’s Office of Mueller’s response to the letter which the two employees knew the response was not truthful. OPM opened a routine complaint/inquiry based on the letter that they received from the four FBI employees. The OPM officer that had the misfortune to be assigned the job, sent an initiation letter to FBI Headquarters to gain security clearance to begin her assessment. She was immediately threatened with arrest by FBI agents. Subsequently and because of the letter, the four FBI employees were threatened with arrest, imprisonment, raids of their residences and loss of their job. Although better security and more defined operational duties eventually were hammered out, it was no thanks to Mueller. The four employees and their squad supervisor were overtly and covertly punished, then and to this day.
The information I have relayed to you is important but in the current climate of intimidation of whistle blowers and continued dishonest activity of some in the FBI, I have been reluctant to relay in this much detail. The reason (beyond discuss with Mueller and Comey) that I inform you now is because I know you have contacts with Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch my benefit from FIOA request regarding communications Mueller and FBI Management had with Senator Hutchinson’s Office and the OPM during 2005 thru 2008. I know the OPM Officer, the FBI employees and their supervisor because obviously I was one of the four employees. I do not suspect the gathering of evidence to Mueller’s dishonesty regarding this matter will be easy to obtain because of the cloud of secrecy it entails but I pray Mueller will answer for his actions.”
Marler’s statement ends
Mueller’s investigation is coming under fire for his team’s partisan connections to Hillary Clinton and her political establishment.
A top national attorney in consultation with U.S. attorneys confirmed to Big League Politics that special counsel Robert Mueller and members of his team can be formally disbarred for waging the “Russia” case against President Donald Trump. Mueller and his associates have glaring conflicts of interest in the case concerning Trump.
Mueller’s team is tainted not only by partisan political donations and activities, but by direct relationships with former clients like Hillary Clinton, who is integrally involved in most of the possible evidence in this case. These conflicts clearly violate American Bar Association guidelines.
Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russians in selling them our uranium. Clinton handpicked Mueller to give a sample of uranium to the Russians, and Mueller subsequently flew to Moscow, according to publicly available documents.
Don Trump Jr.’s meeting at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer, a showbiz manager and others — in which the adoption-related Magnitsky Act was discussed — is the only thing resembling evidence that the mainstream media has been able to find. But that meeting is tarred with Clinton connections. According to Wikileaks, a Hillary Clinton campaign spokesman said that “With the help of the research team we killed a Bloomberg story trying to link HRC’s opposition to the Magnitsky bill to a $500,000 speech that [Bill Clinton] gave in Moscow.” Radio host Andrew Wilkow said that Clinton took $500,000 from Sberbank, a Russian bank represented by the Podesta Group that also happens to be a client of Natalia Veselnitskaya’s law firm (Veselnitskaya is the Russian lawyer who met with Don Jr.).
Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and the DNC accuse the Russians of hacking their emails, despite evidence to the contrary, which provides further Clinton involvement in the case and further conflicts for Mueller’s Clinton-linked team.
Mueller’s 13-member Dream Team is comprised of anti-Trump stalwarts including three Democratic Party donors, legal representatives for Hillary Clinton during her email scandal, and vociferous anti-Trump tweeter Preet Bharara, who was fired by Trump from his position as a U.S. Attorney within the Department of Justice. These conflicts of interests, especially pertaining to Clinton, make it necessary for some members of the team to recuse themselves. If they don’t, they can be disbarred…
…The conflicts of interest are everywhere.Don Trump Jr.’s meeting at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer, a showbiz manager and others — in which the adoption-related Magnitsky Act was discussed — is the only thing resembling evidence that the mainstream media has been able to find. But that meeting is tarred with Clinton connections. According to Wikileaks, a Hillary Clinton campaign spokesman said that “With the help of the research team we killed a Bloomberg story trying to link HRC’s opposition to the Magnitsky bill to a $500,000 speech that [Bill Clinton] gave in Moscow.” Radio host Andrew Wilkow said that Clinton took $500,000 from Sberbank, a Russian bank represented by the Podesta Group that also happens to be a client of Natalia Veselnitskaya’s law firm (Veselnitskaya is the Russian lawyer who met with Don Jr.).
Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and the DNC accuse the Russians of hacking their emails, despite evidence to the contrary, which provides further Clinton involvement in the case and further conflicts for Mueller’s Clinton-linked team.
Mueller’s 13-member Dream Team is comprised of anti-Trump stalwarts including three Democratic Party donors, legal representatives for Hillary Clinton during her email scandal, and vociferous anti-Trump tweeter Preet Bharara, who was fired by Trump from his position as a U.S. Attorney within the Department of Justice. These conflicts of interests, especially pertaining to Clinton, make it necessary for some members of the team to recuse themselves. If they don’t, they can be disbarred…
Peter Strzok, who oversaw the Hillary Clinton email investigation for the FBI and interviewed Hillary Clinton, is on Mueller’s team.
Clinton donor Jeannie Rhee, who represented the Clinton Foundation and also Hillary Clinton during the email investigation, is on Mueller’s team.
Aaron Zebley, who repped Clinton aide and key email-scandal figure Justin Cooper, is on Mueller’s team.
Andrew Weissmann defended the federal government’s surveillance rights in a panel discussion at the George Soros-funded New America Foundation, is also an Obama donor.
Preet Bharara, the man who prosecuted conservative writer Dinesh D’Souza and was a leading contender to be Hillary Clinton’s theoretical Attorney General, was fired by the Trump administration, presenting another conflict of interest that he seems to have no intention of hiding.
Mueller also helped stonewall the Obama administration’s “investigation” of its own IRS targeting scandal.