Showing posts with label Obama is a Fraud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama is a Fraud. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Hussein Obama you are a Fraud perpetrated on the American People by your Socialist Masters. WE KNOW !



There isn’t a soul in Congress that doesn’t know Barry is not eligible to hold the office of the Presidency of the United States as an Indonesian-born child. For those that want to laugh, point fingers, and say the word “birther” SEVEN times in every sentence they use (getting louder with each one) trying refute me, this post, or the VOLUMES of proof supporting this post…save your breath. Seriously. 
Using the word “Birther” is about as asinine as calling Obamacare “affordable.” Rather than use silly name calling, try doing some research. For even the most basic starting point, one just needs a SHRED of common sense (which excludes most liberals). No one spends MILLIONS hiding their past if there is nothing to hide. Remember what Professor Gruber said about the STUPIDITY of the American Voters? If you voted for this clown, with a sealed background, YOU are THE STUPID VOTERS Gruber was referring to. 
Furthermore, you might want to know it was LAW ENFORCEMENT, not Right-Wing Tea-Baggers who proved the birth certificate Obama presented was a fraud when they set out to SHUT UP the “Birthers” by proving the birth certificate was AUTHENTIC. Sheriff Arpaio was SICK of hearing about it, so he figured to prove the authenticity and silence the “Birthers” once and for all. As it turns out, not only did Arpaio’s team prove the birth certificate is a fraud, it is a REALLY bad one from what they say.  
For additional proof there have been FAKED birth certificates, look to the lawsuit that took place in Alabama! Team Obama was so careless with the fakes, they accidentally turned in THREE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT VERSIONS of his alleged birth certificate to Alabama in his run for President. Good luck getting liberals to conjure up anything that sounds even remotely intelligent to support that screw up. If there wasn't forgery going on, how could there be THREE different versions? Could that happen to you? Me? NO! That about says it all right there anyway… but there is WAY more. They won’t. You’ll be called a racist in minutes of even beginning THAT debate. Recently the ALABAMA SUPREME COURT PUNTED ON THE ISSUE BY ESSENTIALLY RULING NOT TO RULE ON THE MATTER. Uh, ok… who did they get a visit from? Probably the SAME PEOPLE WHO VISITED JUSTICE STEVENS OF THE SUPREME COURT!
Many intervals of the “Birther” investigation are laid out in the post titled: ALABAMA SUPREME COURT PASSES THE BUCK, RULES “NO OPINION” IN OBAMA ELIGIBILITY CASE. I suggest taking a look before you say anything stupid. The most damning of the links in my opinion is: SHERIFF ARPAIO’S LEAD INVESTIGATOR DROPS BOMB ON WHITE HOUSE. At some point, even with liberals, common sense simply has to prevail. Truthfully, the “Birther” issue is far from the minds of most conservatives these days. TREASON is a word heard much more frequently. The birth certificate is old news. 

What a great question! I’m glad you asked. If you read my post titled: CONGRESS NOT NEEDED! OBAMA MUST BE ARRESTED FOR IMPERSONATING A PUBLIC OFFICER, you will find the following:
The fact is that Obama is illegitimate and any attempt to impeach him would be an unlawful attempt to validate his “presidency” — nothing can be done to validate him as “the President,” so he cannot be lawfully impeached… If the House of Representatives unlawfully impeaches Obama, then they will also say that everything Obama has signed is legal. If the House acknowledges that Obama is a USURPER and therefore cannot be impeached, they will for the first time be formally acknowledging the fact that Obama has USURPED the Office of the President.
Congress has been avoiding the word “USURPER,” because they knew he was ineligible in 2008 and 2012 when they counted the electoral votes without objecting to his ineligibility. For the members of Congress to come to the conclusion now that Obama is a usurper would be like putting the rope around their own necks. DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH FOR THIS ONE!
Our Constitution specifically provides that a president can be impeached. It does NOT provide for the impeachment of a usurper. Obviously a usurper is NOT a president. Dr. Vieira in Thought Must Precede Action states:
“Although Mr. Obama may have succeeded in gaining PHYSICAL ACCESS to the office-space a legitimate President of the United States occupies in the White House, he never acquired LEGAL ACCESS to “the Office of President,” because, not being “a natural born Citizen,” he was NEVER CONSTITUTIONALLY ELIGIBLE, and is not now eligible, for that “Office”. For Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution declares (in pertinent part) that “[n]o Person except a natural born Citizen * * * shall be eligible to the Office of President”. If words have any meaning, a “Person” whom the supreme law of the land declares not to be “eligible to the Office of President” can never “gain access to” that “Office” in the sense of legally holding it or asserting any claim to it.”
Definition of “Office”
“Office” is defined to be a right to exercise a public or private employment, and to take the fees and emoluments thereunto belonging.
NOTE: We KNOW that Obama’s father was never an American citizen, so the evidence proves that Obama is not a natural born Citizen and therefore he does not have the right to be a president of the United States of America. We need go no further to prove that Barack Hussein Obama II was never constitutionally eligible, and is not now eligible for the “Office of the President.”
[This is the fifth in a series of coordinated open letters since MAY 2014 designed to harness the national powers of Congress, American citizens, and a Boehner -Attorney Gowdy -O’Reilly political-media leadership to arrest Barry Soetoro for his Congress-and-reverse-discrimination-enabled presidential ID felonies and his foreign sympathy crimes against America].
All I want for Christmas 2015 is for America to see, on tunnel vision television, the spectacle of Paul Irving, US House Sergeant at Arms, approach you in the Oval Office, read you a US House-prepared statement of your crimes against America, then handcuff you and lead you off to a DC jail to begin your test for drugs/full life history identification/prosecution for treason/sentencing/execution of sentences.    
You and your enablers have conscientiously denied your full identity (ID) to some 318,000,000 Americans; and this premeditated robbery of The People’s presidential knowledge, this “Ignorance is Power”, will never be tolerated as such vigorous ID cover-up is indicative that you and your closest supporters know that you were never eligible to be a Constitutional President. As such, you remain a powerless covered-up fraud-ID “President” whose entire career under oath can only be rendered Constitutionally NULL and VOID as Congress has no Constitutional authority that would empower it to accept and fund any Presidential directives and Executive Orders from any president whom they know is not a Constitutional President!  Will the newly elected Republican Congressmen be stopped on the capitol steps in DC and be instructed by Boehner and McConnell to join them in continuing to cover-up your Constitutional ineligibility from legal Americans? Or will they revolt against this ID cover-up?
You are a covered-up Indonesian Muslim citizen and not a legal “natural-born [American] Citizen”; you are a former foreign exchange student, a cocaine-stained-brain adulterous homosexual with a felonious multi-layered computer-generated “birth certificate” posted on tax-paid-for!  
You have intentionally harmed and humiliated the United States of America with an endless parade of treasonous actions while political-media leaders stand by or actively assist. You have revealed yourself to be Public Enemy No. 1 to America’s personal freedoms, personal safety, and national security. As a supposed Constitutional scholar, you lied on your Illinois attorney application by stating that you had no former name of “Barry Soetoro.”  You are a foreign-sponsored Islamic operative attempting to control America’s collective thinking while improvising a tyranny of martial law, followed by the tyranny of highway-or-die-way sharia law, as reluctant alternatives to all-out Titanic panic national anarchy.
You are a carefully marketed product from an unholy alliance of unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, David Axelrod (whose dad committed gun-assisted suicide) and yourself (whose narrative dad committed car-assisted suicide at age 46, an angry drunkard who left behind some four wives and eight children.)
Since you were only in the presence of your visiting narrative Kenyan dad for a few weeks at age 10, your confusing life history in Dreams from My Father should be re-titled Father from My Dreams! Let history record that all you three clever anarchists ever did in this world was suck off American exceptionalism and trample on America’s flag at the same time!
The Mother of all your Lies to Americans is that you are our Constitutional President; and this lie is protected by the syndicated dereliction of duty and the Omerta-like silence of the nation’s oath-taking, tax-taking Congress (Speaker Boehner in particular), by the tipped-off prejudiced Courts (the Alabama Case in particular), by the complicit US military leaders (LTC Terrance Lakin’s court-martial in particular), by the biased corporate mainstream media, and by the racist Executive Branch of the federal government ( you and Contempt-of-Congress Holder in particular) and by other complicit associations.
It remains the rightful Constitutional duty of every legal American Citizen to remove any so-called President who acts to ignore his oath of office to faithfully execute the laws of Congress, who offers aid and moral support to America’s sworn enemies, and who actively, consciously, and insolently usurps the centuries-old duties and legal constraints of the Office of the President of the United States to perform, instead, as a disengaged crackpot (also see this).
Today’s deliberate Democratic stonewalling, dove-tailed with Republican foot-dragging, is intended to promote your criminal rule until 2017. So, your immediate arrest and removal, by any appropriate means, is the only path to return to secure rational national sovereignty.
“A lawless head-of-state can only lead to a lawless body politic!” – J Mooers 2014
Within our God-provided universe (+ 13 billion years old), transported and subsisting upon our God-provided planet Earth, living within our involuntary God-provided bodies, the only thing we humans control in this world is our thinking. I think, therefore, I am. - Descartes
In the universe of things, Barry, you are no more significant than a pondering ant; you are only a single body that is 70% water within a sea of humanity. Living in 2014 with your fraudulent identity covered-up by a virtual propaganda press, you are wrongly enabled to be the keeper of the keys of America’s nuclear arsenal; and you are Congressionally-enabled by EO 13489 to act outside the supreme law of the land (the US Constitution) while you conscientiously work to harm America’s body politic with your willful imposition of your innate foreign sympathies. This is wholly unacceptable.
Barry Soetoro-Obama, since you can never be a Constitutional President, you yourself cannot even pass E-verify,  and you are the target of a formal deportation petition, you and your leading sponsor, Nancy Pelosi (a political whore whose actions align with those of Mary Surratt and whose arrogance approaches that of  Elena Ceaușescu), will be making yourselves candidates for the gallows  for assassination of domestic fidelity, national security, and Constitutional correctness. Your continued failure to uphold representative Constitutional requirements is the modern-day equivalent of TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION, and our guilt-locked Congress has no Constitutional alternative except to defund and de-power your usurpation of the Oval Office!




Sunday, May 4, 2014


Who IS This Man? HE IS A FAKE!!

For over years now, We the People have been asking this question, “Who is this man?”  Today we are no closer to the answer than before.  In fact, we become more confused by the day.
Is his name Barack Hussein Obama II, as contended in two books arguably written by him and on a specious COLB presented to a gullible lamestream media on partisan blogs and campaign websites?  Or is his name Barack Obama Jr., as he was called in the infamous FactCheck blog defense of his British/Kenyan citizenship? Or is his name Barry Obama, as (it is claimed) he was known in school in Hawaii?   Or is his name Barry Soetoro, as school registration forms from Indonesia seem to indicate?  Or is his name Soebarkah, as his mother’s passport records seem to indicate?  (A one word name, in keeping with Indonesian tradition, because he was adopted by his stepfather.) Or is his name Barry Dunham, Steve Dunham, or the latest:  Barrack Houssein Obama II, as indicated on records from a U.S. MILITARY Court-Martial of patriotic American, LTC Lakin, who himself put his life and freedom on the line in a quest to learn the answer to this question:   WHO IS THIS MAN?
Link to the records; see for yourself:

Why would a transcript from a U.S. government court-martial refer to the president of the United States as Barrack Houssein Obama II?  Has anyone before seen that spelling of his name?  What does this court, this judge, know that We the People do not know?  Will this man answer our question:  WHO ARE YOU?
This is an open thread.  Feel free to comment at will.  I’d like to request, also, that anyone who can, please tell us what is represented on those gold drapes that this POTUS is so frequently photographed in front of.  In addition, can anyone familiar with Muslim names, please inform us as to the possible differences in meaning between Barack versus Barrack, and Hussein versus Houssein?

UPDATE,  9/15/2010.

I forgot this alias:  Barack Abdallah Husein Obama, kindly provided to us by this Tanzanian online newspaper.
Second UPDATE of the day:
Baracka Hussein Abu Amama from
They post that his mother changed  Abu Amama to Obama. Goodness gracious.  How many names do YOU have?
UPDATE 11/01/2010: We have yet another name for this person, “Wuod Sarah”, Dholuo for “the son of Sarah.”  In addition, persons who know Luo naming conventions have pointed out that his name, technically, should be Barack Hussein.  Just that.  No  Obama.
UPDATE 06/05/2011:   Lawyer Stephen Pidgeon claims that Barry’s name was changed to its current form from Barak Mounir Ubayd in British Columbia in 1982.
UPDATE 09/01/2011:  Researchers turned up an alias for Barry:  Harrison J. Bounel.  During the 2008 campaign, Obama was adopted by a Native American family (Crow) and given this name: Awe Kooda bilaxpak Kuuxshish
UPDATE 09/07/2011: h/t Kathy  and Gateway Pundit.  Gaddafi the tyrant of Libya wrote to Barry: “Our dear son, Excellency, Baraka Hussein Abu Oumama, your intervention in the name of the U.S.A. is a must, so that Nato (NATO) would withdraw finally from the Libyan affair.”  A commenter on another blog explained that Abu in Arabic means “the father of”, and Oumama refers to Obama’s daughters because it means the female children of Umama, the Arabic root of  Obama. Makes sense.  But here’s another name and it seems Gaddafi is tweaking him, doesn’t it?  What does Gaddafi know?  Strangely enough, the man who owned the home where Obama’s Uncle Omar lived when he was arrested for DUI and evading a deportation order is named Ouma.   This man also owned the home where Uncle Omar lived in 1987-1991, when the IRS placed a lien against Omar for non-payment of taxes.  So Mr. Ouma helped Omar for over twenty years. Is he kin?  Did he shorten his name to Ouma, a variation of Obama?
UPDATE: March 5, 2012:  When Obama appeared in a panel discussion with other Alinsky-lovers in 1998, his name was advertised on a poster as Senator BARAKA ObamaMinutes of a Board of Education from Paterson, NJ, where they talked about students being introduced to IL State Sen. Baraka Obama.  Now where did they get that spelling? h/t SEO.
UPDATE: April 17, 2012: Obama carved his name in cement near his school in Hawaii:  King Obama.
In a hearing before an administrative law judge, about Obama’s eligibility to be placed on the New Jersey primary ballot, Judge Jeff S. Maslin dismissed the complaint against Barak Obama (p. 7).  On the first two pages of the ruling, which seem to reprise the petitioners’ filing, Barack Obama is referred to as “the respondent” and “president”.  But which is his LEGAL name?   Does the judge know?  Is that why the judge used Barak, while the petitioners used Barack?
UPDATE: March 3, 2013: Obama apparently used the name Barack Soetoro at Columbia University, 2960 Broadway, in NYC.ARREST THIS MAN... HE IS A FRAUD!!!

  1. Barack Hussein Obama II
  2. Barack Obama Jr.
  3. Barry Obama
  4. Barry Soetoro
  5. Soebarkah
  6. Barry Dunham
  7. Steve Dunham
  8. Barrack Houssein Obama II     (U.S. Military   – Lakin)
  9. Barack Abdallah Husein Obama  (Tanzanian newspaper)
  10. Baracka Hussein Abu Amama  (Abu Amama changed to Obama)
  11. Barack Hussein
  12. Wuod Sarah -   (Dholuo for the “Son of Sarah”)
  13. Barak Mounir Ubayd  (Stephen Pidgeon – British Columbia)
  14. Harrison J. Bounel – (Name associated with SSN).
  15. Awe Kooda bilaxpak Kuuxshish – (Crow adoption)
  16. Baraka Hussein Abu Oumama  (Gaddafi, Libya)
  17. Baraka Obama  (Alinsky Poster -Breitbart)
  18. The One
  19.  Zero
  20. King Obama (written in cement by Obama)
  21. Barak Obama (NJ ALJ Jeff S. Maslin, ruling, p. 7)
  22. Barack Soetoro