Showing posts with label New Zealand Mosque Killer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Zealand Mosque Killer. Show all posts

Sunday, March 17, 2019

New Zealand mass shooter is a far-Left “eco-fascist” who praised communist China.

New Zealand mass shooter is a far-Left “eco-fascist” who praised communist China. LEFTY FAKE NEWS US MEDIA LIED ABOUT HIS REAL AFFILIATIONS!

As usual, the lying mainstream media is busy plastering up fake headlines all over the place about the latest mass shooting incident that took place in New Zealand, describing the alleged shooter as a “Trump-supporting white supremacist” who hates Muslims for being brown. But the guy’s own 1,500-page manifesto, which Big Tech is actively trying to scrub from the web, by the way, tells a much different story.
Tarrant’s full manifesto is available for online viewing at this link. READ IT AND YOU CAN SEE FOR YOUR SELF..  This low IQ 28 year old stiff did not pen this manifesto. It was planned and put together by deep dark forces we are trying to identify. It was cveratinly not the work of a low level nut job. 

Follow his money trail. New Zealand has no death penalty.. so he will not be put to death. He chose New Zealand because of this fact. Someone or some group close to him will be paid money. Just like Hamas pays suicide bombers for blowing themselves up in Israel.


He also traveled to many 3rd world countries including Muslim Pakistan. If he was a "White Supremacist" he would not be grunging around in Islamic Brown skinned people's countries! What a joke ! This was just teh Lefty media's narative !

Far from being a rally-attending apologist for President Donald Trump like the fake media is now claiming, 28-year-old Brenton Tarrant, the man whom Australian media outlets have named as the shooter, is a self-described “eco-fascist by nature” – meaning he’s a Leftist that’s more aligned with Democrats than Republicans.
Tarrant clearly wrote in his rambling manifesto, in response to a question he apparently posed to himself, that he certainly does not support President Trump. “As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no,” were Tarrant’s exact words, unequivocally indicating that, contrary to fake news claims, he likely wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a MAGA (Make America Great Again) hat.
Tarrant’s diary goes on to reveal that he’s anything but a conservative, and is actually more aligned with radical domestic terrorist groups like Antifa. In response to another question he posed to himself about where he aligns both politically and socially, Tarrant had this to say, in no uncertain terms:
“The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China.”

In other words, Tarrant is a full-fledged communist, just like Democrat Darling and failed 2016 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, 

For more news about how the fake news media routinely spins tragedies to paint conservatives in a negative light.

Brenton Tarrant says his intent was to spark civil war in America, claims Candace Owens “influenced me above all”

As to why Tarrant decided to carry out this particular attack, his manifesto reveals that one of his primary aims was to “create conflict” between opposing ideologies in the United States as it concerns legal gun ownership. His apparent hope was that this ongoing battle over the Second Amendment would result in another civil war, which he believes “will eventually balkanize the U.S. along political, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines.”

Tarrant also bizarrely credited conservative pundit Candace Owens for being the person that “radicalized” him and “influenced me above all,” further describing Owens as someone whose insights and views “helped push me further and further into the belief of violence over meekness.” Candace Owens is BLACK. White Supremacists do not have Black mentors or heroes! Another Give away.

How come the fake news never clearly identifies Muslims whenever they carry out terror attacks?

Keep in mind that Candace Owens is a black woman, which suggests that Tarrant isn’t doing a very good job at being the “white supremacist” that the fake news media is claiming he is. Further, he describes himself as transitioning from communism, to anarchism, to libertarianism, to eco-fascist. This is a set up!

But almost none of this is being reported in the mainstream news, as fake headline after fake headline pushes the narrative that Tarrant is no different than you’re average Trump supporter. Even worse are the escalating Leftist dog whistles against white people, conservatism, patriotism, and gun rights – as if some deranged New Zealander has anything to do with these things here in the United States.
Had this incident been inverted, with a deranged Muslim storming into a Christian church and murdering several dozen innocent people, you can be sure that the mainstream media would be working overtime to conceal the shooter’s ethnic and religious identity. And anyone who actually told the truth in this hypothetical scenario would have been immediately labeled “Islamophobic.”
But because the shooter in this case has lighter skin and doesn’t claim that Allah is God, fake news outlets are having a heyday branding him with all sorts of anti-white, anti-Trump stereotypes in an attempt to foment more Leftist rage against Caucasians, while simultaneously fueling anti-Second Amendment sentiments.
“It’s like clockwork,” wrote one commenter at The Gateway Pundit about the fake news media’s tired and obvious tactic of exploiting tragedies like this to promote their anti-American agendas.
“The left immediately exploits tragedy and horror as a tool to bludgeon their opposition and critics and promote their agenda. The dead and dying have not even been moved from the scene before they start in with their hateful ideological harangue. They don’t mourn the victims, they cheer the political potential of their demise. That isn’t just sick, it’s evil.”