Ashura in New York...... scroll here for previous years of Ashura in NY and across the world. Gruesome.

Unsuspecting New Yorkers were descended upon with calls for prayer, dawah and prosyltizing to Islam. So we jumped out of the cab .......
Men march first......the women bring up the rear.
The coffin precedes the chests pounding and self flagellation

Ashura i Afghanistan .....let the blood beating begin
Muslim men beat themselves with chains and blades during this Muslim ritual on the sixth day of Ashura celebrations in the streets of Kabul on December 12, 2010. Ashura, a public holiday in Afghanistan, is the final day of 10 days of mourning for the killing of Imam Hussein, the grandson of Mohammad in the year 680.
Here is a scan of propaganda passed out in the streets of New York:
On an otherwise quiet Sunday morning, imagine our surprise when, in the driving rain, traffic was at a full stop. There was a sea of black burkas and coffins -- yes, another shiny, happy Muslm parade.Park Avenue, NYC: "Fight oppression" -- oh, the irony.
Unsuspecting New Yorkers were descended upon with calls for prayer, dawah and prosyltizing to Islam. So we jumped out of the cab .......
Men march first......the women bring up the rear.
The coffin precedes the chests pounding and self flagellation
Ashura marches across the world:
Here is a snap shot of a similar Ashura march in Lebanon:Ashura i Afghanistan .....let the blood beating begin
Muslim men beat themselves with chains and blades during this Muslim ritual on the sixth day of Ashura celebrations in the streets of Kabul on December 12, 2010. Ashura, a public holiday in Afghanistan, is the final day of 10 days of mourning for the killing of Imam Hussein, the grandson of Mohammad in the year 680.
Here is a scan of propaganda passed out in the streets of New York:
Monday, December 28, 2009
Ashoura: Respect it!
We seek broader engagement based upon mutual interest and mutual respect. We will listen carefully, we will bridge misunderstanding, and we will seek common ground. We will be respectful even when we do not agree. Barrack Hussein
Indian Muslims flagellate themselves on Ashura, in Mumbai, India, Monday, Dec. 28, 2009.
A Muslim girl participates in an Ashura procession in Mumbai December 28, 2009.
"The message is for all people," Baydoun said of Ashura. "It's about the universal cause of justice."Detroit News has a piece entitled: Muslim holy day Ashura grows more popular worldwide
Just look at what these clowns are selling:
The traditions of Ashura -- a holy day Shi'ite Muslims will observe Sunday -- started in the Middle East and spread to Iran and South Asia, where they have been practiced for centuries. But in recent years, the ceremonies have become more popular in other parts of the world as populations of Shi'ite Muslims grow elsewhere.Millions throng Karbala for Ashoura
From metro Detroit to Europe and Japan, some people cross national boundaries to commemorate the 10 days that lead up to Ashura.
Ashura commemorates the 7th-Century death of the grandson of Islam's prophet. Imam Hussain died in Karbalaa, Iraq, at the hands of an unjust ruler.
"It's about standing up for justice, standing up for democracy, standing up for peace and equality," Mohamed Al-Najjar explained at the Karbalaa Islamic Education Center in Dearborn. The center is named after the city in Iraq.
Ashoura in Mumbai
Here's a glimpse of Ashoura images around the Muslim world. Ashoura commemorates the death of Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, in the 7th century battle of Kerbala. Atlas covers it every year - go here.
Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) Secretary General Addresses The Muslim World On The Occasion Of Ashura
Afghan Muslims flagellate themselves during Ashoura in Kabul, Afghanistan
Ashura blades: An Afghan Shiite Muslim man beats himself with blades during Ashura at a Shiite mosque in Kabul
A Lebanese child cries as he is cut in the head during Ashoura day in the southern market town of Nabatiyeh, Lebanon
Ashoura India 12/28
Muslims flagellate themselves during an Ashura procession in Hyderabad, India,
Tens of thousands of Hizbullah supporters gathered in the southern suburbs of Beirut for the Shiite festival of Ashoura on Sunday.
The ceremony came after a mysterious explosion rocked Dahiyeh overnight, targeting Hizbullah's ally in Lebanon, Hamas.
Ashoura caps a 10-day period of self-flagellation and mourning for the Prophet Muhammad's grandson, Imam Hussein, killed in 680 A.D. during a battle that sealed the split between Shiites and Sunnis.(more here)
A Lebanese child cries as he is cut in the head during Ashoura day in the southern market town of Nabatiyeh, Lebanon
Muslims gash their heads with blades during a ceremony marking Ashura in Basra, about 420 km (260 miles) southeast of Baghdad, Iraq.
Ashoura Baghdad
Muslims who live in Greece participate in a Shiite Muslim religious procession using swords and chains to self-inflict cuts in Athens
Muslim worshippers bleed as they perform self-flagellation to mark the Ashura festival in Qatif
Bloodied water drains from a sink where Bahraini men wash up after participating in a Shiite Muslim religious procession using swords and chains to self-inflict
Pakistani Shiite Muslims flay themselves during a religious procession in Lahore to mark Ashura. A suicide attack at a Shiite Muslim mosque in Pakistani-administered Kashmir killed five people and wounded dozens more, marking a bloody start to Ashura commemorations
Blood and violence as millions mark Youm-e-Ashur
Turkey: Muslims shout Islamic slogans as they mourn during an Ashura procession in Istanbul
India: Muslims flagellate themselves during a Muharram procession ahead of Ashura in Amroha, in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh
A Lebanese Shiite girl, right, looks on as her mother reacts during Ashoura day in Beirut's southern suburbs
In this photo taken Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2009, a Santa Claus doll is seen at a shop in central Baghdad, Iraq. Christmas is coming at the same time this year as one of Islam's most solemn holidays so even among Iraq's Christians, Santa is suffering. In the southern Iraqi town of Basra, a local pastor has banned celebrations, decorations and other public displays of making merry out of respect for Ashoura, the annual Shiite period of mourning. In Baghdad, Iraq's capital, Christmas has gone underground.