Showing posts with label Aletrantive platforms to facebook and Twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aletrantive platforms to facebook and Twitter. Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2019

FIND AN ALTERNATIVE PLATFORM. Facebook and Twitter have a plan to throttle our content as we go into 2020. Now is the time to fix it!



We have a little over a YEAR and a HALF from the next Election. Now is the time that a Conservative platform has to be chosen for all to use. The time for Capitalistic squabbling is over. Unless we come together and choose one Platform that is promoted for all Conservatives and then ALL C0NSERVATIVES Migrate to that platform... the Social media battle is already lost!

I have migrated to there must be many more... but The heavy hitters like Alex Jones and Milo and Laura Loomer must all come together and announce a platform they will use and then call upon their followers to migrate to it. We can have a voice in 2020 on social media. If not we will all be selective blocked banned, Shadow banned by real live censors and algorithms and have no concerted voice in 2020. THE TIME IS NOW
 In place of twitter I use

Time is short.. no time for the "this platform or that platform is better" squabbles. Join all then!

Better yet..choose one and migrate. Then tell Hannity and Levin and EVEN DONALD TRUMP to promote the platform. Any platform is better than Facebook and Twitter!


...and please don't tell me some other platform is better.. it maybe.. but this one seems to have a presence based on the fact that google+ closed and a lot of members have moved here ! Its growing faster than other platforms.

I do not have a dog in this alternative platform fight.. I just need to have a platform with millions of members NOW!

Soon it will be too late. They block you and they will ban you and in a worst case scenario if left alone they will even ban Donald Trump with his millions of followers.