ISLAM Builds Mosques on Sacred Sites of Defeated Enemies a Symbol of Conquest. It has been their dirty game through the centuries!
READ AND UNDERSTAND THE TACTICS OF THE NASTY IDEOLOGY THAT PARADES AROUND PRETENDING TO BE A RELIGION! They have killed over 270 Million people. Yet they are not counted among the mass murderers of History!
Islam's most sacred site, al-Kaaba, in Mecca was a pagan
shrine that predated Islam by hundreds of years. Mohammed himself, after
his army's conquest of Mecca in 630, destroyed hundreds of idols,
proclaiming the truth of his new religion, and, since, it has become the
hub of the annual Muslim pilgrimage, hajj, and a core pillar of
Following the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem, the Ummayad Caliphate
proceeded to build the Dome of the Rock, the Masjid Qubat al-Sakhra,
on top of the Jewish Temple Mount in 689. Inscribed on the inner walls
of the shrine are clear warnings to Christianity, professing Islamic
supremacy. Sprawled on the inner octagonal arcade, flowing
counterclockwise, the dedication warns Christians and Jews to "not
exaggerate in your religion nor utter aught concerning God save the
truth" and threatens the Christian Trinity by insisting that "The
Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a Messenger of God, and His Word
which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in God
and His messengers, and say not 'Three' - Cease! (it is) better for you!
- God is only One God."[1]
Whoever believes that God had a son, "whoso disbelieveth the
revelations of God (will find that) lo! God is swift at reckoning!"[2]
Having defeated their Christian enemies, the Umayyads built a grand
mosque on top of Judaism's most sacred site that contained a clear
declaration of Muslim supremacy over their brother Abrahamic religions.
Similar conversions were ordered as the Muslim conquests expanded
across Africa and Europe. The Grand Mosque of Damascus, also known as
the Umayyad Mosque, was converted from a church dedicated to John the
Baptist in 705. The world-renown Hagia Sophia in Istanbul was a thousand
year-old Christian church before being transformed into a mosque
following the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople in 1453. It was only
converted into a museum in 1935 by ultra-secularist and Turkish founding
father Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Over the long history of Muslim
territorial advance, thousands of mosques, from Spain to India, were
built on sites of important religious or political value to their
defeated foes.The Conversion of non-Muslim places of worship into mosques occurred
primarily during the life of Muhammad and continued during
subsequent Islamic conquests and under historical Muslim rule. As a
result, numerous Hindu temples, churches, synagogues, the Parthenon andZoroastrian temples were converted into mosques.
Several such mosques in Muslim or ex-Muslim lands have since reverted or
become museums, such as the Hagia Sophia in Turkey and numerous mosques
in Spain and Israel. Hagia
Sophia, an Eastern Orthodox church converted into a mosque after the
Fall of Constantinople; since 1943 it has been converted into a museum. Cathedral–Mosque
of Córdoba, Built over a pagan worship place, then converted into
church and then, the Umayyad Moors built a mosque half of the site,
which was then turned into a Christian cathedral Ka'aba: Mecca, Saudi Arabia In Islamic teaching, the Ka'aba was built by Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son. Before the rise of Islam the Ka'aba was revered as a sacred sanctuary
and was a site of pilgrimage.". At the time of Muhammad (AD 570–632),
his tribe the Quraysh was in charge of the Kaaba, which was at that time
a shrine containing hundreds of idols representing Arabian tribal
godsand other religious figures. Muhammad earned the enmity of his tribe
by claiming the shrine for the new religion of Islam that he preached.
He wanted the Kaaba to be dedicated to the worship of the one God alone,
and all the idols were evicted. The Black Stone (al-Hajar-ul-Aswad),
still present at the Kaaba was a special object of veneration at the
site. According to tradition the text of seven especially honored
poems were suspended around the Ka'aba. Martin Lings' biography of
Muhammad claims that even an image of the Virgin Mary had been displayed
in the pagan shrine. According to Islam, Muhammad's actions were not strictly a conversion
but rather a restoration of the mosque established on that site
byAbraham, who is considered to be a prophet in Islam. Howerver, outside
of Islamic scriptures, there is no historical or archaeological
evidence that suggests that Mecca or Ka'aba existed before the 4th
century A.D., when immigrants from Yemen settled the area. The Ka'aba
thus became known as the Masjid al-Haram, or Sacred Mosque, the holiest
site in Islam. Biblical holy sites Mosques were regularly established on the places of Jewish or
Christian sanctuaries associated with Biblical personalities who were
also recognized by Islam. This practice was particularly common in
Palestine. The Caliph Umar initially built a small prayer house, which
laid the foundation for the later construction of the Al-Aqsa mosque on
the Temple Mount, the most sacred site in Judaism, possibly by
the Umayyads. The Dome of the Rock, another Muslim mosque, was also
built on the Temple Mount which was an abandoned and disused area. Upon
the capture of Jerusalem, it is commonly reported that Umar refused to
pray in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. for fear that later Muslims
would then convert it into a mosque in spite of a treaty guaranteeing
its safety. The mosque of Job in Ash Shaykh Sa'd, Syria, was previously a church
of Job. The Herodian shrine of Cave of the Patriarchs, the second most
holy site in Judaism, was converted into a church during the Crusades
before being turned into a mosque in 1266 and henceforth banned to Jews
and Christians. Part of it was restored as a synagogue after 1967 by
Israel. This
post I want ot specifically take a detailed look at the HINDU temples
In India Temples were desecrated by ISLAM. The Indian Hindus are our
natural allies in our fight against ISLAM.
Hindu, Jain and Buddhist temples: The destruction of Hindu temples in India during the Islamic conquest
of India occurred from the beginning of Muslim conquest until the end
the Mughal Empire throughout the Indian subcontinent. In his controversial book "Hindu Temples - What Happened to Them",
Sita Ram Goel produced a politically contentious list of 2000 mosques
that it is claimed were built on Hindu temples. The second volume of the
book excerpts from medieval histories and chronicles and from
inscriptions concerning the destruction of Hindu, Jain and Buddhist
temples. In Indonesia, where popular conversion from Hinduism to Islam was
more widespread, it is believed that the minaret of the Menara Kudus
Mosque, in Java, was originally part of a Hindu temple. Ram Janmabhoomi: Ram Janmabhoomi refers to a tract of land in the North Indian city of
Ayodhya which is claimed to be the birthplace of Lord Rama.
Archeological Survey of India (ASI), after conducting excavations at the
site reported that prior to 1528, filed a report that stated that a
temple stood at this site before the arrival of Mughals who
constructed Babri Mosque at its present site.[6] Critics of the report
claim that the "presence of animal bones throughout as well as of the
use of 'surkhi' and lime mortar" that was found by ASI are all
characteristic of Muslim presence, which they claim "rule out the
possibility of a Hindu temple having been there beneath the mosque". A view of the "Janmasthan (Birthplace) Mosque"/ Babri Mosque, 1528-1992 The Sangh Parivaar, along with VHP and the main Indian opposition
party, the Bharatiya Janata Party, sought to erect a temple dedicated to
Lord Rama at this site. Nobel Laureate novelist V. S. Naipaul has
praised Hindu nationalists for "reclaiming India's Hindu heritage".
Naipaul added that the destruction of Babri structure was an act of
historical balancing and the reclaiming of the Ramjanmabhoomi was a
"welcome sign that Hindu pride was re-asserting itself". The 1986 edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica stated that "Rama’s
birthplace is marked by a mosque, erected by the Moghul emperor Babar in
1528 on the site claimed of an earlier temple". Archaeological excavations at the site by the Archeological Survey of
India reported the existence of a 10th century temple. " The report
stated that scientific dating indicated human activity at the site as
far back to the 17th century BC. On 30 September 2010, Allahabad High Court ruled that the 2.7 acres
disputed land in Ayodhya, on which the Babri Masjid stood before it was
demolished on December 6, 1992, will be divided into three parts: the
site of the Ramlala idol to Lord Ram, Nirmohi Akhara gets Sita Rasoi and
Ram Chabutara, Sunni Wakf Board gets a third. Krishna Janmabhoomi (Mathura): The great temple of Keshava Rai at Mathura was built by Bir Singh Deo
Bundela during Jahangir’s time at a cost of thirty-three lakhs of
rupees. The Dehra of Keshava Rai was one of the most magnificent temples
ever built in India and enjoyed veneration of the Hindus throughout the
land. Alberuni also states that this temple was approximately 20 times
large than the largest mosque he ever saw in his life. Prince Dara
Shukoh, who was looked upon by the masses as the future Emperor, had
presented a carved stone railing to the temple which was installed in
front of the deity at some distance; the devotees stood outside this
railing to have ‘darshan’ of Keshava Rai. The railing was removed on
Aurangzeb’s orders in October 1666. The Dehra of Keshava Rai was demolished in the month of Ramzan, 1080
A.H. (13 January – 11 February 1670) by Aurangzeb’s order. “In a short
time, by the great exertion of the officers, the destruction of this
strong foundation of infidelity was accomplished and on its site a lofty
mosque was built at the expenditure of a large sum”. To the author of
Maasir-i-‘Alamigiri, the accomplishment of this “seemingly impossible
work was an “instance of the strength of the Emperor’s faith”. Somnath Temple: A century later the third temple was constructed in red sandstone by the Pratihara king, Nagabhata II. Soon the temple regained its old glory and wealth, the descriptions
of which were carried to the Middle East. In particular, the accounts of
the Arab Al Biruni impressed Mahmud of Ghazni. In AD 1025, Ghazni
destroyed and looted the temple, killing over 50,000 people who tried to
defend it. The defenders included the 90-year-old clan leader Ghogha
Rana. Ghazni personally broke the gilded lingam to pieces. He took them
back to his homeland and placed them in the steps leading to the newly
built Jamiah Masjid, so that they would be stepped upon by those going
to the mosque to pray. It is also known that Mahmud of Ghazni slipped on
those very stones and died there when he was going to enter the mosque. Work on the fourth temple was started immediately by the Paramara
King Bhoj of Malwa and the Solanki king Bhima of Patan and the temple
was ready by AD 1042. This temple was destroyed in AD 1300. At that time
Allaudin Khilji occupied the throne of Delhi and he sent his general,
Alaf Khan, to pillage Somnath. The fifth temple was built by King
Mahipala of the Chudasama dynasty. Somnath temple ("today"; as reclaimed by Hindus), Somnath, India Somnath was repeatedly attacked in the succeeding centuries. The last
of these attacks was by the Mughal emperor Aurangazeb in AD 1701. A
mosque was built at the site of the temple. In AD 1783 queen Ahilyabhai Holkar built the sixth temple at an
adjacent site. The temple still stands and worship is carried out there.
After independence, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel pledged on November 13,
1947, that the seventh temple would be reconstructed. According to
prescribed Hindu rituals, pledges are made by taking holy water in one’s
fist. Leaders like Morarji Desai, Dr. Rajendra Prasad (the first
President) and Kanhaiyalal Munshi joined in and the work was entrusted
to the Sompura Shilpakars, whose ancestors rebuilt each new temple
through the ages. The mosque built by Aurangazeb was not destroyed but
carefully relocated. In 1951 Dr. Rajendra Prasad performed the
consecration ceremony with the words “The Somnath Temple signifies that
the power of creation is always greater than the power of destruction.” The temple construction was completed on December 1, 1995, long after
the demise of Sardar Patel. The then President of India, Dr. Shankar
Dayal Sharma, dedicated it to the nation. Converted structure at the site of Somnath temple, 1869 Kashi Viswanath (Benaras/Varanasi) : Kashi or Varanasi is the most sacred site in Hinduism and the worship
of Lord Shiva as Vishveshvara goes back to ancient times. According to
the Puranas, every step taken in Kashi Kshetra has the sanctity of
making a pilgrimage to a tirtha. Lord Vishvanath is regarded as the
protector of Kashi and the belief is that one earns great religious
merit by having a vision of the deity after having bathed in
the Ganges.The temple was demolished several times by Muslim invaders,
and was reconstructed again and again by Hindu kings. After destruction
of the original temple on the orders of Mughal emperorAurangzeb's
orders, a mosque was built which still stands. The Gyanvapi Mosque built by Aurangzeb on the original site of the Kashi Vishwanath temple. Kuragala Cave Temple: Kuragala Cave Temple is an ancient Buddhist holy site in the
Sabaragamuwa province of Sri Lanka which has roots in the preChristian
era and declared at the beginning of 20th century as a protected place
by the department of archeology of the country. There is small mosque and a shrine at the place used by Dafthar
Jailany for prayer. The mosque and the temple have co-existed since 10th
century AD. Other references: An inscription at the Quwwat Al-Islam Mosque adjacent to Qutb
Minar in Delhi states: "This Jamii Masjid built in the months of the
year 587 (hijri) by the Amir, the great, the glorious commander of the
Army, Qutb-ud-daula wad-din, the Amir-ul-umara Aibeg, the slave of the
Sultan, may God strengthen his helpers! The materials of 27 idol
temples, on each of which 2,000,000 Deliwal coins had been spent were
used in the (construction of) this mosque".However as the inscription
depicts, the mosque was built from the material remnants of Hindu
temples which was destroyed by Muslims. During the reign of Aurangzeb, tens of thousands of temples were
desecrated: their facades and interiors were defaced and their murtis
(divine images) looted. In many cases, temples were destroyed entirely;
in numerous instances mosques were built on their foundations, sometimes
using the same stones. Among the temples Aurangzeb destroyed were two
that are most sacred to Hindus, in Varanasi and Mathura. In both cases,
he had large mosques built on the sites. Alberuni in his India writes about the famous temple of Multan: A famous idol of theirs was that of Multan, dedicated to the sun, ..
When Muhammad Ibn Alkasim Ibn Almunabbih, conquered Multan, he inquired
how the town had become so very flourishing and so many treasures had
there been accumulated, and then he found out that this idol was the
cause, for there came pilgrims from all sides to visit it. Therefore he
thought to build a mosque at the same place where the temple once stood.
When then the Karmatians occupied Multan, Jalam Ibn Shaiban, the
usurper, broke the idol into pieces and killed its priests. .. When
afterwards the blessed Prince Mahmud swept away their rule from those
countries, he made again the old mosque the place of the Friday-worship. An inscription of 1462 Jami Masjid at Malan, in Banaskantha
District of Gujarat states: The Jami Masjid was built by Khan-I-Azam
Ulugh Khan, who suppressed the wretched infidels. He eradicated the
idolatrous houses and mine of infidelity, along with the idols with the
edge of the sword, and made ready this edifice. He made its walls and
doors out of the idols; the back of every stone became the place for
prostration of the believer. Mughal Emperor Jahangir wrote in his Tujuk-i-Jahangiri: "I am here led to relate that at the city of Banaras a temple had
been erected by Rajah Maun Sing, which cost him the sum of nearly
thirty-six laks of five methkaly ashrefies. ...I made it my plea for
throwing down the temple which was the scene of this imposture; and on
the spot, with the very same materials, I erected the great mosque,
because the very name of Islam was proscribed at Banaras, and with God’s
blessing it is my design, if I live, to fill it full with true
believers". Zoroastrian temples: After the Islamic conquest of Persia, Zoroastrian fire temples, with
their four axial arch openings, were usually turned into mosques simply
by setting a mihrab (prayer niche) on the place of the arch nearest to qibla (the
direction of Mecca). This practice is described by numerous Muslim
sources; however, the archeological evidence confirming it is still
scarce. Zoroastrian temples converted into mosques in such a manner
could be found in Bukhara, as well as in and near Istakhr and other
Iranian cities. Synagogues: Intricate stone carvings on the cloister columns at Quwwat ul-Islam Mosque, Qutb complex, Delhi The ancient synagogue of Katzrin was converted to a mosque in the Mamluk period. It is now a museum in the state of Israel. After the expulsion of all Jews from Algeria, the Great Synagogue of Oran was confiscated for use as a mosque. The practice today: The conversion of non-Islamic places of worship into mosques has
abated since no major territorial acquisitions have been made by Islam
in recent times. However, some of the Greek Orthodox churches
inTurkey that were left behind by expelled Greeks in 1923 were converted
into mosques, and a number of synagogues were confiscated and converted
to mosques after the expulsions of the Jews from Arab lands during the
1950s and 60's. A relatively significant surge in church-mosque conversion followed
the 1974 Turkish Invasion of Cyprus. Many of the Orthodox churches
in Northern Cyprus have been converted, and many are still in the
process of becoming mosques.This practice has sparked considerable
contempt in the Greek Cypriotcommunity, and is likely to complicate
reconciliation with the Turkish Cypriots. In Iran, all holy places of the Bahá'í religion have been demolished.
The House of the Báb in Shiraz was turned to rubble in 1979, soon after
the Islamic Revolution, and a mosque dedicated to the Imam Mahdi was
built on the site. The defunct Hagia Sophia Church in İznik (ancient Nicaea) was
re-converted into a mosque on the Eid al-Adha of 2011. The prayer
session was attended by the ruling AK Parti deputies as well as an
immense Muslim congregation. The Great Synagogue of Oran in Algeria was confiscated and turned into a mosque. Churches and synagogues in non-Islamic countries re-arranged as mosques: In areas that have experienced Islamic immigration, such as parts of
Europe and North America, some church buildings, and those of other
religious congregations, that have fallen into disuse have been
converted into mosques following a sale of the property. In London, the Brick Lane Mosque has previously served as a French Protestant chapel and a synagogue. The Aksa mosque in The Hague, Netherlands, was formerly a synagogue. Churches of Istanbul: Hagia Sophia: Interior view of the Hagia Sophia, showing Islamic elements on the top of the main dome. (from the Greek: Ἁγία Σοφία, "Holy Wisdom"; Latin: Sancta Sophia or Sancta Sapientia; Turkish: Ayasofya)
is a former Orthodox patriarchal basilica, later a mosque, and now a
museum in Istanbul, Turkey. From the date of its dedication in 360 until
1453, it served as the Greek Patriarchal cathedral of Constantinople,
except between 1204 and 1261, when it was converted to a Roman Catholic
cathedral under the Latin Patriarch of Constantinople of the Western
Crusader established Latin Empire. The building was a mosque from 29 May
1453 until 1931, when it was secularized. It was opened as a museum on 1
February 1935. In 1453 Sultan Mehmed laid siege to Constantinople, driven in part by
a desire to convert the city to Islam, Constantinople was conquered by
the Ottoman Turks under Sultan Mehmed II, who subsequently ordered the
building converted into a mosque. The bells, altar, iconostasis, and
sacrificial vessels were removed and many of themosaics were plastered
over. Islamic features – such as the mihrab, minbar, and four minarets –
were added while in the possession of the Ottomans. It remained a
mosque until 1931 when it was closed to the public for four years. It
was re-opened in 1935 as a museum by the Republic of Turkey. Hagia Irene: Hagia Irene or Hagia Eirene (Greek: Ἁγία Εἰρήνη, "Holy Peace", Turkish: Aya İrini), often erroneously rendered in English as St Irene, is a former Eastern Orthodoxchurch located in the outer courtyard of Topkapı Palace in Istanbul, Turkey. Today, the Church serves mainly as a concert hall for classical
music performances, due to its extraordinary acoustic characteristics
and impressive atmosphere. Many of the concerts of the Istanbul
International Music Festival have been held here every summer since
1980. Hagia Eirene in 2007
Jerusalem and the Temple Mount
The Dome of the Rock is situated in the center of the Temple Mount, the site where once the Jewish Second Temple had stood. The Temple was destroyed in 70 CE by the Romans, who built a temple to Jupiter on the site.[citation needed] During the Byzantine
era, Jerusalem was primarily Christian, and pilgrims came by the tens
of thousands to experience the first church of Christianity and places
where Jesus walked
Jewish reverence for the Temple Mount (Har HaBayit) long predates the building of the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque in the 7th century CE, and even predates the construction of the first Jewish Temple (Beit HaMikdash) by King Solomon almost 2000 years earlier in 954 BCE and which was destroyed in 587 BCE.
The Beit HaMikdash was built, according to Jewish tradition, on the Even Hashtiya,
the foundation stone upon which the world was created. This is
considered the epicenter of Judaism, where the Divine Presence (Shechina)
rests, where the biblical Isaac was brought for sacrifice, where the
Holy of Holies and Ark of the Covenant housing the Ten Commandments once
stood, and where the Temple was again rebuilt in 515 BCE before being
destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. The Temple Mount is also known as
Mount Moriah (Har HaMoriah), mentioned frequently in the Torah.
Jerusalem, Judaism’s holiest city, is mentioned hundreds times in the Tanakh. It
was the capital city of ancient Israeli kingdoms and home to Judaism’s
holiest Temple. Jews from all over the ancient world would make
pilgrimages to the Beit HaMikdash three times a year to participate in
worship and festivities, as commanded in the Torah. Jerusalem and the
Beit HaMikdash have remained the focus of Jewish longing, aspiration,
and prayers. Daily prayers (said while facing Jerusalem and the Temple
Mount) and grace after meals include multiple supplications for the
restoration of Jerusalem and the Beit HaMikdash. Jews still maintain the
9th day of the Hebrew month of Av, the date on which both the First and
Second Temples were destroyed, as a day of mourning. The Jewish wedding
ceremony concludes with the chanting of the biblical phrase, “If I
forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its cunning,” and the
breaking of a glass by the groom to commemorate the destruction of the
Temples. And Yom Kippur services and the Passover Seder conclude each
year with the phrase “Next Year in Jerusalem.”
The Western Wall (Kotel Hama’aravi, known simply as the Wall or Kotel) is
the remnant of the outer retaining wall built by Herod to level the
ground and expand the area housing the Second Jewish Temple. Its
holiness derives from its proximity to the Temple site and specifically
its proximity to the Western Wall of the Temple’s Holy of Holies (Kodesh Hakodashim---the inner sanctuary that housed the Ark of the Covenant–Aron HaBrit–and wherethe High Priest–Kohen Gadol--
alone was permitted to enter on Yom Kippur). According to Midrashic
sources, the Divine Presence never departed from the Western wall of the
Temple’s Holy of Holies.
After 1,700 years, The Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan fall to Taliban dynamite
2001 destruction of the two giant Buddhas in Bamiyan is, by far, the
most spectacular attack against the historical and cultural heritage of
Afghanistan committed during the country’s recent period of turmoil. On February 26, 2001, and after having consulted a college of ‘ulama’,
Mullah Muhammad Omar, the leader of the Taliban, issued a decree
ordering the elimination of all non-Islamic statues and sanctuaries in
Afghanistan. A kind of jihad was launched against the two
Buddhas — the one to the east 38 meters high, and the other to the west,
55 meters high — hewn into the cliff of Bamiyan. “Our soldiers are
working hard; they are using all available arms against them,” said the
Taliban’s spokesman.[1]
Rockets and tank shells were brought in to help, and the destruction
was completed with dynamite. On March 14, the Taliban issued a public
announcement that the giant figures had been destroyed. Mullah
Omar’s decree had prompted many attempts by Western countries and
moderate Muslim clerics and heads of state from among Afghanistan’s
neighbors to convince the Taliban to call off their plans. The need to
preserve a cultural heritage and to respect religious tolerance was at
the core of this general protest. UNESCO emissaries pleaded in vain that
a necessary distinction should be made between idolatry and exemplarity
— between a secular admiration and an idolatrous veneration. Others
insisted on the exemplarity of piety, the “lesson of faith,” that these
statues could offer to the believers of all religions. In fact, the
Taliban’s argument gave these ambassadors of culture no chance of
success: “If the statues were objects of cult for an Afghan minority, we
would have to respect their belief and its objects, but we don’t have a
single Buddhist in Afghanistan,” said the Mullah, “so why preserve
false [sic] idols? And if they have no religious character, why get so
upset? It is just a question of breaking stones.”[2]
Besides the steps taken by UNESCO to save the statues, the MET (New
York), as well as some Buddhist states, such as Thailand, Sri Lanka, and
even Iran, offered to “buy” the Buddhas. Yet, the victory over
the Buddhas could only be won if there were witnesses. This is why
journalists were flown to Bamiyan on March 26 to see with their own eyes
the gaping openness of the niches, deep into the cliff, where the
statues had stood. Prior to that, on March 19, the Taliban had agreed
for this one occasion to let Al-Jazeera cameramen witness the final
phase of the demolition. Such an extraordinary attack on religious
and cultural emblems led many to speculate about the real intentions of
the Mullah. Two kinds of explanation of the Mullah’s astounding
decision are possible. The first, based on his and his close
collaborators’ explicit argumentation, highlights the Taliban clerics’
conception of Islamic law. The second, a more contextual explanation,
takes into account the position of the Taliban regime on the
international scene. This point of view is supported by the
contradictory statements made by the Taliban since they came to power.
In July 1999, three years after the entry of the Mullah’s forces into
Kabul, the Taliban Minister of Culture spoke about the respect due to
pre-Islamic antiquities and also mentioned the risk of retaliation
against mosques in Buddhist countries. He made clear that, though there
were no Buddhist believers in Afghanistan, “Bamiyan would not be
destroyed but, on the contrary, protected.”[3] The famous February 26 decree appears as a real volte-face
since it maintains that “these statues were and are sanctuary for
unbelievers” — hence the religious obligation to destroy them. The
assault against the Buddhas seems thus to be an answer to a changing
political context, a kind of reprisal against the sanctions imposed by
the UN Security Council on the Taliban regime and the refusal of most UN
members to recognize the Taliban Emirate.
THE world's two largest standing Buddhas - one of them 165ft high - were blown up by the Taliban in Afghanistan
A Buddha of Bamiyan statue
stands over 150 feet high above a small town situated at the foot of the
Hindu Kush mountains of central Afghanistan, prior to its destruction
After failing to destroy the 1,700-year-old sandstone statues of Buddha with anti-aircraft and tank fire,
the Taliban brought a lorryload of dynamite from Kabul. A Western
observer said: "They drilled holes into the torsos of the two statues
and then placed dynamite charges inside the holes to blow them up."
operation to wreck the statues carved into a cliff in the Bamiyan
Valley in the Hindu Kush mountains of central Afghanistan was supervised
by Mullah Obaidullah, the Taliban defence minister. There has been an international outcry
since Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Taliban leader, issued a special edict
on Feb 26 ordering the destruction of all non-Islamic statues.
Annan, the United Nations Secretary-General, had pleaded with the
Taliban's foreign minister, Wakil Ahmad Muttawakil, in Islamabad
yesterday to save Afghanistan's cultural heritage. He was told that all
other "moveable statues" - including more than a dozen smaller Buddha
statues in the Kabul Museum - had also been destroyed.
It was not the first time these statues have been attacked. Around 1221,
the statues were assaulted at the behest of the Mongol ruler Genghis
Khan, and in the 18th century, the Persian King Nader Afshar also fired
heavy artillery at them. The face of the larger statue was destroyed by
Afghan King Abdur Rahman Khan as an answer to the Shia Hazara rebellion.
One of the many tragedies that have unfolded in the wake of the
Islamic State (IS) is their smashing of statues and the destruction of
ancient archaeological sites. Indeed, the rapid and terrifying advance
of the IS has proved fatal for much invaluable heritage. They toppled priceless statues at the Mosul Museum in northern Iraq.
They used sledgehammers and power tools to deface giant winged-bull
statues at Nineveh on the outskirts of Mosul. At Nimrud, IS detonated
explosives, turning the site into a giant, brown, mushroom cloud. They
used assault rifles and pickaxes to destroy invaluable carvings at
Hatra; and at Palmyra in Syria they blew up the 2,000-year-old temples
dedicated to the pagan gods Baal Shamin and Bel.
A damaged artefact at the Mosul
museum, where Islamic State militants filmed themselves destroying
priceless statues and sculptures in 2015.Thaier Al-Sudani /ReutersIt’s difficult to interpret the unprecedented scale of this heritage
destruction. The global media and politicians have tended to frame these
events as random casualties of wanton terror or as moments of
unrestrained barbarism. UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Director General Irina Bokova, for instance, reacted to the destruction
of Nimrud by arguing that such attacks were underpinned by “propaganda and hatred”. There is, she said, “absolutely no political or religious justification for the destruction of humanity’s cultural heritage”. However, in an article published recently in the International Journal of Heritage Studies,
we argue that the acts of heritage destruction undertaken by IS are
much more than mere moments of propaganda devoid of political or
religious justification. We analysed two key IS media outlets: Dabiq, their glossy periodical
online magazine, which is part manifesto, part call to arms, and part
grisly newsletter; and the various slick propaganda films released by
Al-Hayat. We found that the heritage destruction wrought by IS was not only
very deliberate and carefully staged, but underpinned by three specific
and clearly articulated frameworks.
Firstly, the IS have gone to great theological (if selective) lengths
to justify their iconoclasm. For example, an Al-Hayat film documenting
the destruction at the Mosul Museum and Nineveh starts:
Oh Muslims, the remains that you see behind me are the idols of
peoples of previous centuries, which were worshipped instead of Allah.
The Assyrians, Akkadians, and others took for themselves gods of rain,
of agriculture, and of war, and worshipped them along with Allah, and
tried to appease them with all kinds of sacrifices… Since Allah
commanded us to shatter and destroy these statues, idols, and remains,
it is easy for us to obey, and we do not care [what people think], even
if they are worth billions of dollars.
Jounalists walk near the remains of the Monumental Arch in the historic Syrian city of Palmyra in April last year.Omar Sanadiki/ReutersThe destruction at Palmyra features in a double-page spread with 14
colour photographs in Dabiq. In the French edition, Dar-al-Islam, the
text states:
Baal is a false divinity for which people sacrificed their children
as indicated in the book of Jeremiah (Old Testament). But by the Grace
of Allah, soldiers of the Caliphate destroyed it.
Secondly, the IS make frequent reference to key historical figures to
justify their iconoclasm. These include the Prophet Abraham’s
destruction of idols and the Prophet Muhammad’s iconoclasm at the Ka’ba,
the centrepiece of Mecca’s mosque.
Palmyra’s Monumental Arch in 2010.Sandra Auger/ReutersIn an Al-Hayat film documenting the destruction at the Mosul Museum and Nineveh, one militant states:
The Prophet Muhammad shattered the idols with his own honourable
hands when he conquered Mecca. The Prophet Muhammad commanded us to
shatter and destroy statues. This is what his companions did later on,
when they conquered lands.
Similar homage is also paid throughout the magazine Dabiq to other,
more contemporary, moments of iconoclasm perpetrated by Islamic
fundamentalists. These include the destruction of untold numbers of
heritage sites by the Wahhabi sect across the Arabian peninsula from the mid-18th century; the Taliban’s destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan in 2001; and the destruction of the al-‘Askari mosque by al-Qa’eda in Iraq in 2006.
Finally, and often overlooked, the IS have used political reasoning to justify the destruction. One Dabiq article states:
The kuffār [unbelievers] had unearthed these statues and ruins in
recent generations and attempted to portray them as part of a cultural
heritage and identity that the Muslims of Iraq should embrace and be
proud of. Yet this opposes the guidance of Allah and His Messenger and
only serves a nationalist agenda.
We can see two dimensions of the IS’s political iconoclasm here.
First, it is an attack on “the kuffār”. These are presumably Westerners
who, as part of the colonial period, drew the modern borders and
created the contemporary states of the Middle East. They also excavated
Mesopotamian archaeological sites and placed relics in public museums to
be admired. Second, the attacks on sites inscribed on UNESCOs World Heritage List
(such as Hatra and Palmyra) are also an attack on the values such
institutions promote: secular, liberal, humanist values that promote a
recognition of the shared heritage of human civilization. This is in
stark contrast to the IS who seek to create religious, historical and
political homogeneity under the rule of a strict caliphate. In March 2015 UNESCO’s Bokova issued a statement referring to the destruction of heritage sites at the hands of the IS as a “war crime”.
Hatra in 2002, before the carnage.Suhaib Salem/ReutersKnowing that UNESCO was powerless to stop them, the following month
the IS released an Al-Hayat video filmed at the ancient city of Hatra.
The film shows militants using sledgehammers and assault rifles to
destroy priceless reliefs engraved into the walls of the fortress city.
It also features a bold repost to Bokova:
Some of the infidel organisations say the destruction of these
alleged artefacts is a war crime. We will destroy your artefacts and
idols anywhere and Islamic State will rule your lands.
Such brash assertions made by IS clearly demonstrate that their
heritage destruction cannot be dismissed as being simple propaganda. Instead, as we have shown, the heritage destruction undertaken by the
IS are not only very carefully planned and executed, but also couched
within a broader religious, historical and political framework that
seeks to justify their violent iconoclasm. Understanding the complex layers that drive such iconoclasm are a
step towards developing better responses to the destruction of our
shared cultural heritage.
YES MY FRIENDS ITS ALL THERE TO SEE..Islam has subjugated civilizations for 1,400 years!
These figures are a rough estimate of the death of non-Muslims by the political act of jihad. Africa
Thomas Sowell [Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture, BasicBooks,
1994, p. 188] estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the
Atlantic and 14 million were sent to the Islamic nations of North Africa
and the Middle East. For every slave captured many others died.
Estimates of this collateral damage vary. The renowned missionary David
Livingstone estimated that for every slave who reached a plantation,
five others were killed in the initial raid or died of illness and
privation on the forced march.[Woman’s Presbyterian Board of Missions, David Livingstone,
p. 62, 1888] Those who were left behind were the very young, the weak,
the sick and the old. These soon died since the main providers had been
killed or enslaved. So, for 25 million slaves delivered to the market,
we have an estimated death of about 120 million people. Islam ran the
wholesale slave trade in Africa.120 million Africans Christians
The number of Christians martyred by Islam is 9 million [David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-10] . A rough estimate by Raphael Moore in History of Asia Minor is that another 50 million died in wars by jihad. So counting the million African Christians killed in the 20th century we have:60 million Christians Hindus
Koenard Elst in Negationism in India gives an estimate of 80 million
Hindus killed in the total jihad against India. [Koenard Elst, Negationism in India,
Voice of India, New Delhi, 2002, pg. 34.] The country of India today is
only half the size of ancient India, due to jihad. The mountains near
India are called the Hindu Kush, meaning the “funeral pyre of the
Hindus.”80 million Hindus Buddhists
Buddhists do not keep up with the history of war. Keep in mind that in
jihad only Christians and Jews were allowed to survive as dhimmis
(servants to Islam) everyone else had to convert or die. Jihad killed
the Buddhists in Turkey, Afghanistan, along the Silk Route, and in
India. The total is roughly 10 million. [David B. Barrett, Todd M.
Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-1.]
10 million Buddhists Jews
Oddly enough there were not enough Jews killed in jihad to significantly
affect the totals of the Great Annihilation. The jihad in Arabia was
100 percent effective, but the numbers were in the thousands, not
millions. After that, the Jews submitted and became the dhimmis
(servants and second class citizens) of Islam and did not have
geographic political power. This gives a rough estimate of 270 million killed by jihad.
1 comment:
Hey John, it's David. Please let me know what kind of so ial media you are on now or let's like up through email. Thx brother
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