Kamala Harris is NOT eligible to be President or Vice President!
Check The Constitution!
Kamala Harris is NOT eligible to serve as President or Vice President. She is not a “natural born” citizen. Neither of her parents were American at time of her birth. Those 2 Offices are the only two that the Constitution says MUST be Natural Born Citizens!
There is no argument except the one that is used by defeatist Conservatives.. "well we let Hussein Obama do it"! OK BUT NEVER AGAIN .. NEVER AGAIN!
Status as a natural-born citizen of the United States is one of the eligibility requirements established in the United States Constitution for holding the office of president or vice president. This requirement was intended to protect the nation from foreign influence.
.... and please do NOT give me the "Wong Kim Ark" argument. The Supreme Court can rule on one case and make the term "Natural Born Citizen" vague for one case but they cannot Amend the Constitution. Read Article 5 of the Constitution.
Amending the Constitution requires a process. It needs 2/3 of the 50 States to vote in favor of the amendment. ( men in Black robes who are appointed for life do not make laws for the Country Period!)
Here is the Link.. Click on it!
Constitutional Amendment Process
Children of foreign nationals inherit the
nationality of their foreign national parent(s).Natural born citizen means born here of citizen parents.
People born with divided loyalties, allegiance and citizenship are not naturally Americans.
The children of foreign nationals are precisely who the founders were excluding from the office.
Only when one cannot be anything else can one be a natural born citizen.
No foreign birth.
No foreign parent(s)
No foreign citizenship(s)
No foreign influence on the Presidency is what John Jay stated in a letter to George Washington as the reason for insisting on a natural born citizen.
Preamble!The left has gotten the American people to reject one of the most valuable safeguards bequeathed to us by the founders.
The natural born citizen clause served us well until we allowed it to be ignored.
Barry Soetoro/Barack Hussein Obama should be proof enough of the wisdom
of the founders when they tried to prevent him from being President by
requiring someone who could only be a US citizen and nothing else.
Born here of citizen parents.
Naturally a US citizen because there is no other possibility.
One cannot be anything else and also be a natural born citizen.
It does not matter if he was born in Hawaii if his father was a foreign national.Children of foreign nationals inherit the nationality of their foreign national parent(s).
Natural born citizen means born here of citizen parents.
People born with divided loyalties, allegiance and citizenship are not naturally Americans.
The children of foreign nationals are precisely who the founders were excluding from the office.
Only when one cannot be anything else can one be a natural born citizen.
No foreign birth.
No foreign parent(s)
No foreign citizenship(s)
No foreign influence on the Presidency is what John Jay stated in a letter to George Washington as the reason for insisting on a natural born citizen.
Obama told us he was born a British subject.
Who believes Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Jay, Monroe, Madison, etc. would have found him to be a natural born citizen?
Who believes they would have thought the recently deceased King of Thailand was eligible to be President?
He was born in Cambridge MA.
Usurpation Day, January 20, 2009, happened with the complete cooperation of both parties.
They want the Constitution changed without the hassle of amending the Constitution.
Confuse people about the clear meaning of a three word phrase and voila, every anchor baby and Winston Churchill is eligible.
The bench was the reason the GOP went along with the fig leaf resolution for McCain that was used by the Democrats as cover for Obama.
Jindal, Rubio, Haley, George P. Bush and Cruz were all up and comers and the future of the party and ineligible.
The truth of the Kenyanesian Usurpation will never see the light of day because both parties cooperated in the violation of the Constitution.
See my blog how Nancy Pelosi Forged the Hawaii Document that put Obama on the Ballot
Stalin said it best: "It does not matter who votes in the election.. .. It matters who counts the VOTES!!!"
Click here for that detail https://john-gaultier.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-obama-nancy-pelosi-scam-detailed.html
Let me explain as simply as I can!
( Please link to the blue links for reference articles!) https://definitions.uslegal.com/n/naturalized-citizen/
1. The Wikipedia entry states that Harris’s mother, Dr. Shyamala G. Harris, was from India, arriving in Berkeley, CA in 1960.
Dr. Harris passed away in February 2009. Her “Legacy” obituary states that she arrived alone in the U.S. at the age of 19 after having earned her undergraduate degree from Delhi University.
Kamala’s father, Donald Harris, is a retired Stanford University economics professor whose biography affirms
that he arrived in the U.S. in 1961 as an “Issa Scholar” from Jamaica.
It adds that he was born in Jamaica and naturalized in the U.S. but
does not provide the year.Neither parent reportedly was present in the U.S. as a legal resident for five years prior to Harris’s birth, a requirement to apply for naturalization!
After her parents divorced when she was
seven, Wikipedia reports, Harris’s mother was granted full custody of
her two daughters, after which they moved to Quebec, Canada. Dr.
Harris’s obituary, reposted at SFGate on March 22, 2009, states that her
medical research took her to McGill University in Montreal for 16
years. It further reads, in part:
Her passion for
science was augmented by a fervent commitment to social justice. While a
student at Berkeley in the ’60s, she became fully engaged in the Civil
Rights Movement, leading to a lifelong fight against injustice, racial
discrimination and intolerance. She instilled these values in her
daughters, who in turn have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of
justice and equality – one as the first female elected District Attorney
of SF and the other as vice president of Peace and Social Justice at
the Ford Foundation in NY.
According to Wikipedia, Harris graduated from Westmount High School in Westmount, Quebec, presumably in 1981 or 1982. However, Harris’s U.S. Senate biography does not say that she lived and obtained most of her public education in Canada: ASK WHY !! ITS TO COVER UP THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE QUALIFICATION OF "Natural Born Citizen"
Senator Kamala Harris talks in her bio how she was born in and grew up in CA. But, she did not grow up there during her formative years! She is engaging in clever wordsmith-ing deception about her early life narrative. She is avoiding any focus on how much of her early life was spent living in Canada.
She is also avoiding transparency
about her parents citizenship status when Kamala was born. Kamala
actually spent all her formative years in Canada with her foreign born
mother when her mother moved there when Kamala was age 7. She graduated
from high school in Canada.
Kamala Harris is definitely not a person the founders and framers envisioned as being eligible to be President and Commander-in-Chief of our military,
that is a future person after the founding generation was gone who is
free from any foreign influences at and by birth, i.e., a person born
with sole allegiance and unity of citizenship
to the USA and only the USA. She was born with lots of foreign
influence and allegiance claims on her via her two foreign national,
non-U.S. Citizen parents when she was born and spending all her
formative years in a foreign country. Likewise she is not eligible to
be the Vice President per the last sentence of the 12th Amendment to our
U.S. Constitution. She is NOT a natural born Citizen of the United
States. She fails the Three Legged Stool Test.
Senator Kamala Harris is NOT a ‘natural born Citizen” of the United States to constitutional standards since both of her parents were foreign nationals who were NOT U.S. citizens when Senator Harris was born in the USA. She is missing two legs of the three legs of the ‘natural born Citizen’ test. She is of course a basic “Citizen” at birth per the Wong Kim Ark legal decision by the U.S. Supreme Court of 1898, and as such she is eligible to be a U.S. Senator, but she is not a “natural born Citizen” at birth, and thus is NOT eligible to be President and Commander in Chief of our military or the Vice President, per our U.S. Constitution. She inherited multiple allegiances at birth due to her parents being foreign nationals living in the USA when she was born. Senator Kamala Harris did not have sole allegiance and unity of citizenship at birth to the USA and only the USA.
Some other politicians besides Kamala Harris (D) in the two major political parties who have been mentioned for future election to high national political office, who are also not a “natural born Citizen” to constitutional standards are: Marco Rubio (R), Ted Cruz (R), Bobby Jindal (R), and Nikki Haley (R). Both major political parties are choosing to ignore the founders and framers intent and understanding of what a “natural born Citizen” is in order to run candidates that they believe are very marketable political candidates. This started in a major way in the 2008 election cycle with Obama vs McCain.
For more information about the ‘natural born Citizen’ term read this White Paper essay – The Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How the Natural Born Citizen Term was Put Into Our U.S. Constitution as to eligibility for the office of the President of the United States.
Read the following essays regarding the presidential eligibility term “natural born Citizen” in Article II of the U.S. Constitution:
1. Natural born Citizen and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. Natural born Citizens are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: https://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com/2012/06/20/of-natural-born-citizens-and-citizens-at-birth-and-basic-logic-trees-are-plants-but-not-all-plants-are-trees-natural-born-citizens-nbc-are-citizens-at-birth-cab-but-not-all-cab/
2. Citizenship Terms Used in the U.S. Constitution – The 5 Terms Defined & Some Legal Reference to Same | by CDR Charles F. Kerchner, Jr. (Ret): http://www.scribd.com/doc/11737124/Citizenship-Terms-Used-in-the-U-S-Constitution-The-5-Terms-Defined-Some-Legal-Reference-to-Same
3. U.S. Constitution Article II Presidential Eligibility Facts: http://www.art2superpac.com/issues.html … or … http://www.scribd.com/document/161994312/Article-II-Presidential-Eligibility-Facts
Cannot be President and Commander In Chief
U.S. Senator Kamala Harris is NOT a ‘natural born Citizen‘ of USA – NOT Eligible to be President and Commander-in-Chief of Our Military per U.S. Constitution
Senator Kamala Harris’s staff has refused to answer any questions
regarding the citizenship status of her parents when she was born. The
normal path to becoming a naturalized U.S. Citizen takes five years. Kamala Harris was born in 1964. Her father emigrated from Jamaica to the USA in 1961. Her mother emigrated from India to the USA in 1960.
Thus there was not sufficient time for either of Kamala’s parents to
become naturalized U.S. Citizens. Kamala’s father eventually became a
naturalized U.S. Citizen per his bio. It is not known at this time if
Kamala’s mother ever became a naturalized U.S. Citizen. She moved to
Canada with Kamala when Kamala was about seven years old. It is possible
that Kamala’s mother might have naturalized at some point as a Canadian
citizen. Kamala Harris’s mother is now deceased.
As I said in the first sentence, Senator Harris is not being
transparent on this issue and her office staff has refused to answer any
questions on this subject. Given Kamala Harris’s year of birth, and her
parents emigration years, she was born in the USA to two foreign
nationals and thus inherited their respective birth nation’s citizenship
when she was born, in addition to being a basic Citizen by being born
in the USA to aliens legally domiciled here. Thus Senator Kamala Harris
was born with citizenship and required allegiance at birth to three
countries. This is hardly what the founders and framers intended when they selected the “natural born Citizen” requirement
for the person who would in the future be permitted to be the President
and Commander in Chief of our military, once the founding generation
was gone.
As per ‘Principles of Natural Law‘ in place at the time of the founding of our country and when the founding documents including the U.S. Constitution were written, a ‘natural born Citizen’ is one born in the country to parents who are both Citizens (born Citizens or naturalized Citizens) of that country when their child is born in the country. See ‘The Three Legged Stool Test‘ for a graphic presentation of this constitutional requirement as to who can be President and Commander in Chief or our military. See the Euler Diagram shown to the right for a logic diagram presentation of this constitutional requirement.
Make no mistake they have started the revolution already. We are already counter Revolutionaries!
As per ‘Principles of Natural Law‘ in place at the time of the founding of our country and when the founding documents including the U.S. Constitution were written, a ‘natural born Citizen’ is one born in the country to parents who are both Citizens (born Citizens or naturalized Citizens) of that country when their child is born in the country. See ‘The Three Legged Stool Test‘ for a graphic presentation of this constitutional requirement as to who can be President and Commander in Chief or our military. See the Euler Diagram shown to the right for a logic diagram presentation of this constitutional requirement.
Make no mistake they have started the revolution already. We are already counter Revolutionaries!
Since OBAMA flaouted the law they think they can slip another one through
If you sincerely believe this, all you need to do is find ONE Republican voter in California (is there one left?) who has standingto sue Harris becase she would be ineligible to be a US Senator.
Also, how to you respond to the fact that SEVERAL US presidents have had one (or, in Andy Jackson's case, TWO non-American parents? Do we adjust the history books to remove references to Jefferson, Buchanan, Chester Arthur, Woodrow Wilson, and Hoover?
Oh, by the way, I'm sure that if I scour the internet I will find several posts where you call for Ted Cruz to drop out of the Presidential racd and Senate because he was born in Alberta, Canada to a Cuban father.
For those who think the fraud and usurper barack hussei obama has gotten away with his illegal terms in office think again ! Justice is finally coming to the Clinton crime family and when Hillary Clinton goes down she will take the fraud and usurper Barack hussein Obama with her . The Clintons were one of the first so called BIRTHERS !
comprehensive proof, we needed that before the keynsian national usurped our office of president of the usa !!
They did establish a "resident" with the Kenyan, albeit a criminal one. I believe that the Kenyan will have to be CHARGED AND PROSECUTED for ELECTORAL FRAUD or we just might somehow lose this point of natural protection in our Constitution! Harris is a filthy criminal who's primary concern as California "Attorney General" was prosecuting "enemies" and partying down with Ed Buck, Pig Pelosi, Mad Maxine Waters and Adam Schitt. THEY ARE ALL A BUNCH OF FLIPPING FILTHY CRIMINALS!!!
The article is correct, in that, according to international law, a child born abroad inherits the citizenship country of the father. As neither of Ms. Harris' parents were citizens of the US, Kamala is a "natural" citizen of Jamaica.
She was born in the U.S. makes her a citizen. Parents don't have to be citizens.
Kamala had to be naturalized to become a US citizen. If either of herb foreign parents was naturalized before she turned 12, she gained citizenship through them. It’s doubtful her Hindu mother ever became a US citizen because she was very proud of high Brahmin caste in India. Her father never returned to Jamaica , but did not share custody of Kamala or her sister Maya being raised in Canada by their Indian mother and aunt. Kamala’s must explain when and how she became a US citizen, if in fact she ever did.
I agree that upholding constitutional requirements is important.
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