The Ferguson riots are not what they seem and those behind them are
professionals. One of the top organizers of the protesters for the
Ferguson riots is Lisa Fithian,
someone who was intimately involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement.
She has been deemed “Professor Occupy.” In 2005 and 2008, Lisa Fithian,
Root Activist Network of Trainers, (2005), Alliance for Community
Trainers Inc. (2008), was voted onto the Steering Committee for United for Peace and Justice. United for Peace and Justice is a partner organization of the George Soros linked Institute for Policy Studies. Several Marxist organizations are involved in the UFPJ leadership, but the most influential has been the Communist Party USA.
Lisa Fithian joined the labor movement through the AFL-CIO Organizing Institute in 1993. She is considered a legendary organizer. She also served as a human shield in actions conducted by the International Solidarity Movement in the Palestinian cities of Jenin and Nablus and has accused Israel of “slaughter[ing] Palestinians every single day in Gaza and the Occupied territories.” These are just a few of her credits.
Fithian is known for her statement: “create crisis, because crisis is that edge where change is possible.” Sound familiar? It should, it is straight out of Holder’s and Obama’s playbook, as well as Marxism in general. Fithian was a lead organizer in the infamous 1999 Seattle riots against the World Trade Organization that devolved into violence. She is known for teaching violent tactics as well as community organizing. She specializes in aggressive “direct action” tactics. Fithian previously provided training and support for the controversial ACORN group, National People’s Action, the new version of the Students for a Democratic Society and other radical organizations. She trained somewhere around 600 protesters for Ferguson.
The following video shows anti-capitalist radical Lisa Fithian training Chicago union teachers on how to stage their arrests for the camera in 2011:
Fithian is far from alone in her Revolution organizing. She is joined by the likes of Code Pink, RevCom, the New Black Panthers, Socialist Party USA, etc. The ACLU has been in the mix from the beginning as well, along with SEIU. The UN also became involved, along with national LGBT organizations, climate environmentalists, amnesty groups, pro-Palestinian organizations, Christian social justice groups and Planned Parenthood.
LGBT organizations represented include the Human Rights Campaign, Lambda Legal, National Black Justice Coalition, National Center for Lesbian Rights, National Center for Transgender Equality, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Fund, National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance, National Center for Lesbian Rights Action Fund and PFLAG National.
Amnesty International sent a “13-person human rights delegation” to the town to “examine” potential human rights abuses, in what they refer to as an “unprecedented” move by deploying in the United States. Many other groups joined in, such as Tauheed Youth Development Life, the Organization for Black Struggle (OBS), the Moorish Science Temple, the Coalition Against Police Crimes and Repression and the Universal African Peoples Organization (UAPO). No radical party would ever be complete without the Socialist Workers Party as well.
Pro-Palestinian groups included: St. Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee, Organization for Black Struggle, U.S. Palestinian Community Network, Muslims for Ferguson, US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, Council on American Islamic Relations – St. Louis, Palestinian BDS National Committee, National Students for Justice in Palestine, Palestinian Youth Movement, American Muslims for Palestine and African Americans for Justice in the Middle East and North Africa.
In reality, there was a great presence at the riots by those such as the Nation of Islam, the New Black Panthers, CAIR and a whole host of Jihadists and their supporters – including ISIS. Walid Shoebat is correct when he states that radical Islamists want to weaken and demilitarize the police. They are promoting Jihad in our streets and Ferguson is the perfect environment for their message. Even Iran’s Ayatollah got into the act.
From Walid Shoebat via Fox News:
And there were others of the communist variety at the riots. One of the protest leaders was Michael McPhearson. Just like Lisa Fithian, McPhearson has connections to CPUSA and United for Peace and Justice. McPhearson is the co-chair of the Don’t Shoot Coalition and addressed the crowd together with Julia Ho, a community organizer with Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment.
Then we have Maria Chapelle-Nadal who was elected to the Senate to succeed fellow Democrat Rita Heard Days of St. Louis. Chapelle-Nadal has numerous ties to CPUSA. Communist Party USA affiliate, Julie Terbrock was a Legislative Assistant to Representative Maria Chappelle-Nadal. John L. Bowman, another CPUSA affiliate, ran her campaign to be elected as well. Chapelle-Nadal also attended the Missouri Communist Party USA’s Friends of the People’s World when they hosted their 18th annual ‘Hershel Walker Peace and Justice Awards Breakfast’ on Saturday, May 8th, 2010. You might recall Nadal as the one who said Missouri was now in a race war after the Grand Jury announcement came down.
You have the race hustlers Jesse Jackson and especially, Al Sharpton. Sharpton was a great instigator in all this, stirring up the family of Michael Brown and the protesters wherever he could. He also claims to be a personal adviser to Barack Obama.
Which brings us to Governor Nixon and Valerie Jarrett. Nixon loudly and publicly proclaimed that there was no government influence on the National Guard not showing up the first night of the riots as businesses burned and were looted, and police cars were rocked and set on fire. Nixon let the city burn as directed by Jarrett and the Obama Administration. It is acknowledged by the White House that Valerie Jarrett and Nixon were in close contact for the first 24 hours of the violent protests. It’s not hard to see who called the shots there.
Doug Ross has this to share on Jarrett:
By By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
From PJ Media:
Official list of Occupy Wall Street’s supporters, sponsors and sympathizers
Lisa Fithian joined the labor movement through the AFL-CIO Organizing Institute in 1993. She is considered a legendary organizer. She also served as a human shield in actions conducted by the International Solidarity Movement in the Palestinian cities of Jenin and Nablus and has accused Israel of “slaughter[ing] Palestinians every single day in Gaza and the Occupied territories.” These are just a few of her credits.
Fithian is known for her statement: “create crisis, because crisis is that edge where change is possible.” Sound familiar? It should, it is straight out of Holder’s and Obama’s playbook, as well as Marxism in general. Fithian was a lead organizer in the infamous 1999 Seattle riots against the World Trade Organization that devolved into violence. She is known for teaching violent tactics as well as community organizing. She specializes in aggressive “direct action” tactics. Fithian previously provided training and support for the controversial ACORN group, National People’s Action, the new version of the Students for a Democratic Society and other radical organizations. She trained somewhere around 600 protesters for Ferguson.
The following video shows anti-capitalist radical Lisa Fithian training Chicago union teachers on how to stage their arrests for the camera in 2011:
LGBT organizations represented include the Human Rights Campaign, Lambda Legal, National Black Justice Coalition, National Center for Lesbian Rights, National Center for Transgender Equality, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Fund, National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance, National Center for Lesbian Rights Action Fund and PFLAG National.
Amnesty International sent a “13-person human rights delegation” to the town to “examine” potential human rights abuses, in what they refer to as an “unprecedented” move by deploying in the United States. Many other groups joined in, such as Tauheed Youth Development Life, the Organization for Black Struggle (OBS), the Moorish Science Temple, the Coalition Against Police Crimes and Repression and the Universal African Peoples Organization (UAPO). No radical party would ever be complete without the Socialist Workers Party as well.
Pro-Palestinian groups included: St. Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee, Organization for Black Struggle, U.S. Palestinian Community Network, Muslims for Ferguson, US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, Council on American Islamic Relations – St. Louis, Palestinian BDS National Committee, National Students for Justice in Palestine, Palestinian Youth Movement, American Muslims for Palestine and African Americans for Justice in the Middle East and North Africa.
In reality, there was a great presence at the riots by those such as the Nation of Islam, the New Black Panthers, CAIR and a whole host of Jihadists and their supporters – including ISIS. Walid Shoebat is correct when he states that radical Islamists want to weaken and demilitarize the police. They are promoting Jihad in our streets and Ferguson is the perfect environment for their message. Even Iran’s Ayatollah got into the act.
From Walid Shoebat via Fox News:
Muslim groups have stepped up efforts to co-opt protests over the fatal shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., with a drive to equate the teen’s death to the death of a radical Islamist shot during an FBI raid in 2009, a Washington-based security watchdog group is warning.Also from Shoebat, he states that another Muslim activist behind the Ferguson chaos wrote that Muslims, including CAIR have been involved since the beginning of this controversy:
Using social media, conference calling and traditional outreach methods, leaders of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) are portraying Brown and Detroit mosque leader Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah as African-American victims of police targeting, according to the Washington-based Center for Security Policy (CSP). In a conference call organized by CAIR-linked “Muslims for Ferguson, a CAIR official called Abdullah a “Shaheed,” or martyr, and said both he and Brown were victims of a national security apparatus that had “completely gone wild” and engaged in “demonizing and criminalizing Muslims.”
“The reality is that this country, in law enforcement, be it local, state or federal law enforcement, people with guns have always seen black men and black people as threats,” Dawud Walid, executive director of CAIR’s Michigan Chapter, told the some 100 protest organizers on the call, made on the five-year anniversary of Abdullah’s death and which was monitored by CSP.
Walid claimed Brown was a Muslim, although when pressed, Walid denied he had made such a claim. Brown was buried in August after a memorial service at the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis.
From day one, Muslims have been on the ground in Ferguson. The Facebook group Muslims for Ferguson and other efforts were just later manifestations of what was already happening. Muslims were in Ferguson first and foremost because we live in the community like everyone else and are concerned about its well-being.Muhammad Sankari, a youth organizer with the Chicago-based Arab American Action Network, argued that black and Latino minorities should look to Muslims as the “gatekeepers of policing” in the United States because anti-terrorism efforts had provided police with greater arsenals that, he claimed, were now being turned on those communities. He said “justice” could only be found “in the streets,” and not in “marble halls and marble buildings.” Muslims are looking to cause conflict to justify instituting Shariah Law state by state, city by city across the US.
Along with Brothers Anthony Merrill and Naji Fakhrid-deen Adams, I was on the ground in Ferguson on the first night. I grew up in the area and have been talking about issues of violence and policing and surrounding economic issues for years.
For me, it was a no-brainer to stand in solidarity with those protesting in the streets. Brother Anthony also grew up in the area and has been vocal on local issues for years. Brother Naji is a reformed East St. Louis gang leader and substance-abuse counselor who works in the community every day.
Talal Ahmad was also on the ground from day one. A native of the O’Fallon Park Neighborhood in North St. Louis living in Jennings Brother Talal is a local independent-journalist who emerged as a protest leader with the group Tribe X. Brother Talal was instrumental in the successful occupation and subsequent negotiations with St. Louis University.
Brother Anthony Shahid of the Tawheed Youth Group and Masjid Tawheed is a long time St. Louis activist and veteran of the African-American struggle for justice. Brother Shahid was on the ground from day one and played a pivotal-role as a peacekeeper.
Missouri State Senator Jamillah Nasheed and her aide Eric Vickers, both Muslim, have also been mainstays at the protests. Ministers Donald and Akbar Muhammad, members of the Fruit of Islam security, and the Final Call News and others components of the Nation of Islam have also been active on the ground as have members of the Moorish Science Temple.
Mustafa Abdullah of the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri has not only been active on the ground he has taken local police to court over the “5 second rule” and other egregious abuses of civil-liberties. Faizan Syed, director of the St. Louis Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations along with community-activist and Hafiz Abdul-Basit Syed, have also been of assistance to activists starting at an early date.
And there were others of the communist variety at the riots. One of the protest leaders was Michael McPhearson. Just like Lisa Fithian, McPhearson has connections to CPUSA and United for Peace and Justice. McPhearson is the co-chair of the Don’t Shoot Coalition and addressed the crowd together with Julia Ho, a community organizer with Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment.
Then we have Maria Chapelle-Nadal who was elected to the Senate to succeed fellow Democrat Rita Heard Days of St. Louis. Chapelle-Nadal has numerous ties to CPUSA. Communist Party USA affiliate, Julie Terbrock was a Legislative Assistant to Representative Maria Chappelle-Nadal. John L. Bowman, another CPUSA affiliate, ran her campaign to be elected as well. Chapelle-Nadal also attended the Missouri Communist Party USA’s Friends of the People’s World when they hosted their 18th annual ‘Hershel Walker Peace and Justice Awards Breakfast’ on Saturday, May 8th, 2010. You might recall Nadal as the one who said Missouri was now in a race war after the Grand Jury announcement came down.
You have the race hustlers Jesse Jackson and especially, Al Sharpton. Sharpton was a great instigator in all this, stirring up the family of Michael Brown and the protesters wherever he could. He also claims to be a personal adviser to Barack Obama.
Which brings us to Governor Nixon and Valerie Jarrett. Nixon loudly and publicly proclaimed that there was no government influence on the National Guard not showing up the first night of the riots as businesses burned and were looted, and police cars were rocked and set on fire. Nixon let the city burn as directed by Jarrett and the Obama Administration. It is acknowledged by the White House that Valerie Jarrett and Nixon were in close contact for the first 24 hours of the violent protests. It’s not hard to see who called the shots there.
Doug Ross has this to share on Jarrett:
And who is our crypto-president?Iranian born Valerie Jarrett is more of a President than Obama is and she is an enemy within through and through. Digging all the way down to who is behind the Fergusion riots, you find a cadre of communists, radicals, Islamists, Progressives and in the end, the face behind the chaos is the Muslim Brotherhood-connected visage of the President’s consigliere – the voice of Iran and a devout Marxist, Valerie Jarrett.
In 2008, The Boston Globe exposed Jarrett’s background as the failed chief executive of The Habitat Company, which managed government-subsidized housing complexes in Chicago from 2001 until 2006. Her leadership, if you can call it that, resulted in violations so egregious that many units were deemed “uninhabitable” and eventually the federal government was forced to seize the properties.
That year, Judicial Watch named Jarrett to its “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” list for her ties to the failed housing complexes and “other shady real estate scandals.”
Jarrett’s family background is equally troubling. Her father-in-law was a card-carrying Communist who worked with Obama’s mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.
Jarrett’s grandfather Robert Taylor is reported to have served in a leadership role for the Soviet Union’s American front group during World War II, when Stalin was still allied with the Third Reich. Taylor’s “American Peace Mobilization” was a Soviet initiative designed to keep America out of the war so that Hitler and Stalin could divvy up Europe and Asia virtually unopposed.
So, in short, the first female President is a hard-core Leftist with an abysmal track record for decision-making, a horrifically failed tenure as a chief executive, a stunning inability to learn and a steely refusal to take responsibilities for her many failures.
But she’s the president and you’re not.
Which explains why Jarrett — against all historic precedent — was given a Secret Service detail for protection.
By By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
From PJ Media:
Official list of Occupy Wall Street’s supporters, sponsors and sympathizers
Communist Party USA
American Nazi Party |
Ayatollah Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran
Barack Obama
The government of North Korea |
Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam |
Revolutionary Communist Party |
David Duke
Joe Biden
Hugo Chavez
Revolutionary Guards of Iran
Black Panthers (original)
Socialist Party USA
US Border Guard |
Industrial Workers of the World
Nancy Pelosi |
Communist Party of China |
International Bolshevik Tendency
International Socialist Organization |
PressTV (Iranian government outlet) |
Marxist Student Union |
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Party for Socialism and Liberation |
1 comment:
Like I said before Obama needs a diversion, This is just one of them. He will do what ever it takes. We need some body with balls in charge to send in our national guard and make these people go home and end this now before it gets worse.
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