So this is who wants to be the Leader of the Free World. A woman mixed up in the Murder and Mayhem.
Read and share this monster compilation.
Arkancide is the unfortunate habit of potential witnesses to the Clintons' dirty dealings in Arkansas suddenly deciding to shoot themselves twice in the back of the head. Police and Coroners in Arkansas, notably Fahmy Malak who answered to Governor Bill Clinton, automatically described these shootings as "suicides."After Bill Clinton became President the phenomenon spilled over to Washington D.C. when Hillary Clinton's ex-lover Vincent Foster was "Arkancided."
The Arkancide website consists of a history of the Clintons and their misdeeds in Arkansas and the White House,
a list of books about the Clintons,
a section on Hillary Clinton, which is rapidly growing and becoming increasingly relevant to all of us,
and a section on the press and their view of Hillary as "she who can do no wrong."
If you're in a hurry and can't spare the week or two that it would take to follow all these links,
at least read the three-part history of Hillary Clinton by Cockburn and St. Clair and
the 29 episodes of The Real Hillary Clinton is run by someone who doesn't believe in UFO's or
that the Moon landings were faked
or that JFK was shot by a guy on the grassy knoll or that Elvis is alive
(sorry!) or that Princess Diana was liquidated by MI6 or... well any of
that type of nonsense.
Conspiracy theorists are idiots and I'm pleased not to be one of them.
There was nothing "theoretical" about the Mena/ADFA conspiracy or the Whitewater conspiracy or the Cattle Futures conspiracy
or Filegate or Travelgate or Bloodgate or... I'll finish the list when I get a moment!
Here's what to do if you disagree:
Make a list of all the deceased.
Google them.
Verify that they were real people with real connections to the Clintons and who really died violently - and were not just imaginary people invented by anti-Clinton propagandists.
Find out how they were connected to the Clintons and what information they were going to divulge.
Find out when the Clintons became aware of this.
Find out how soon afterwards each potential witness was bumped off.
Explain why so many of these murders had similar MO's (bullets fired into the back of the head, exploding planes etc.).
Explain why so many of these murders were described as suicides by the coroner.
Find out who appointed the coroner.
Here's what to do if you still disagree:Make a list of all the deceased.
Google them.
Verify that they were real people with real connections to the Clintons and who really died violently - and were not just imaginary people invented by anti-Clinton propagandists.
Find out how they were connected to the Clintons and what information they were going to divulge.
Find out when the Clintons became aware of this.
Find out how soon afterwards each potential witness was bumped off.
Explain why so many of these murders had similar MO's (bullets fired into the back of the head, exploding planes etc.).
Explain why so many of these murders were described as suicides by the coroner.
Find out who appointed the coroner.
Have a brain transplant or start eating more fish.
Then the only remaining question will be: "was it Bill or Hillary?"
The Clinton Body Count
There are several websites currently displaying the list of those who knew too much about the Clintons for their own good:
Arkansas Sudden Death Syndrome
A number of persons associated with WJ Clinton or Arkansas politics
have died of unnatural causes or suddenly under circumstances that have
raised questions
The Clinton book companion - Jun 23, 2004
A is for Arkancide, or as I like to call it, S.A.D.S.: Sudden Arkansas
Death Syndrome. The dozens of mysterious deaths, suicides and really,
really bad luck that some associate with those who ran afoul of the man
from Hope
The Clinton Body Count a partial list of people with connections to the Clintons who have died under suspicious circumstances
Who's Killing Clintons Enemies?
"Many people have died who attempted to expose Clinton or just knew to
much about him....Such as Parks and Mahoney and former body guards." ...
"Who needs convincing when the facts are all there?" ... "Where's
today's Woodward & Bernstein in the media looking into this stuff?"
Clinton's Hit List Can somebody kindly explain these "coincidences" . . . ?
The Clinton Body Count The long list of people associated with Bill Clinton who have ended up dead
Partial list of deaths of persons connected to Bill Clinton Read the list and judge for yourself, but ignore the Barbara Olson entry; the Clintons were not behind 911
Review of The Secret Life of Bill Clinton
The last section is about the Dixie mafia and drug smuggling in
Arkansas, and how various people who knew too much about Bill Clinton's
friends ended up dead. If you ever wondered whether Arkansas is just
another banana republic, you'll have no more doubts after reading this
Obstruction of Justice on VHS. The amazing story of drugs, murders, and betrayal by Arkansas government officials
Clinton's Kiss of Death
"There is less evidence against 90% of the people on death row than
these troopers have brought forth relative to Bill Clinton and his
Clinton Casualties
A "Casualty" is defined as anyone threatened with harm or actually
harmed because of their knowledge of and/or involvement in one or more
of the Clinton Scandals
Clinton's Legacy by Dr. William Pierce
Bill Clinton is what the psychiatrists call a constitutional
psychopath, or a sociopath. He is not only amoral, but he also lacks the
judgment and self-control necessary to conform his behavior to
reasonable norms
Is The President A Psychopath? By Edward Zehr according to liberals, women NEVER lie about rape - unless the "alleged" rapist is Bill Clinton
Hitchens: Clinton could sell out Blair - Jun 03, 1999
After years of Clinton-watching, The British-born journalist is
convinced that the most powerful man in the world is incapable of
grasping the concept of morality as anything more than an
easily-dispensable slogan. He killed 2000 children in the Sudan to draw
attention away from Monicagate
CJ Barr: Toward a Unified Theory of Clinton - Mar, 1999
Clinton's conscience problem is that he has absolutely no conscience at
all. Clinton is what I will call an adaptive psychopath, borrowing the
term from "Manufacturing Social Distress," by Robert Reiber of CUNY.
There is a clear match between the hidden life of William Jefferson
Clinton, as we are beginning now to glimpse it, and this description of
Clinton family connections seem suspiciously fatal - Oct 18, 2007
46 people, with connections to Bill and Hillary, have died under, what I
would classify as, very suspicious circumstances. Yet, it seems that no
investigations have been launched to determine exactly what happened in
these instances
Clinton, ADFA, and the Mena Money
The Mena Coverup
When young Bill Clinton in 1974 made his first run for political
office, a crucial $10,000 loan was arranged for him by his uncle,
Raymond Clinton, who has been tied to the Hot Springs Mafia. But it was
not until 1984, when Clinton was elected for a second term as Governor
of Arkansas, that Mob money really started pouring in.
ADFA - Laundering Drug Money by the staff of the Ozark Gazette
The Iran-Contra Special Prosecutor Knew... - Sep 10, 1991
Bryant said the package shows "credible evidence" that government
operatives secretly shipped guns from the Mena Airport to the Nicaraguan
Contras and that the planes carried drugs on their return trip
The Crimes of Mena: Clinton Did Nothing - Jan 30, 1992
nothing to investigate it, that is. Includes letters sent by the
Arkansas Committee in 1991-2 to Clinton, the Arkansas State Police, and
former Polk County Prosecutors, and their replies. Nobody co-operated
Akansas Airport Called "Hub" of CIA Drugs and Guns Pipeline - May 1992 Arkansas Committee
Terry Reed / John Cummings interview - Apr 27, 1994
how Barry Seal was assassinated when he became a liability to Clinton;
how Terry Reed got his story out as insurance against getting bumped
off; Seth Ward and Webb Hubbell; fatcats like Bob Nash of ADFA; Roger
Clinton being Dan Lasater's Driver; Finis Shellnut retrieving money
dropped from Barry Seal's planes over the "Triple S Ranch" west of
Little Rock; Bill Clinton receiving money funnelled through ADFA to his
friends; some dirt on the Bush family; more on Barry Seal and Mena,
where the local sheriff, Al Hadaway, smelled a rat and passed on
information about them to the FBI, which was in on the operation and did
nothing; how the Mena operation was moved to Guadalajara in Mexico; DEA
agent Enrique Camarena and his pilot being tortured to death
Larry Nichols Interview: 1 - May 5, 1994
former marketing director of the Arkansas Development and Finance
Authority (ADFA), and former associate of Bill Clinton, talking about:
Russell Welch, poisoned with anthrax as he investigated Mena; ADFA
giving money to Clinton's pals instead of the intended recipients; Barry
Seal smuggling drugs into Mena in CIA planes; Dan Lasater laundering
the proceeds through ADFA; money given to Don Tyson; money laundering
through BCCI and Dan Rostenkowski; Clinton firing the federal prosecutor
on Rostenkowski's case; Gary Parks, son of the murdered Jerry, fearing
the same fate; arranging an interview for Ambrose Evans-Pritchard with
an informant who was killed before they could meet; journalists being
attacked or run out of Arkansas for investigating Mena and ADFA; Jerry
Parks's dossier; the paramedic who put Vince Foster's body on a
stretcher and didn't have to wash his hands because there was no blood
Larry Nichols interview: 2 - May 5, 1994
talking about: the raid on Vince Foster's office by Nussbaum, his
secretary, Hillary Clinton's personal secretary, and Patsy Thomasson;
the shredding of documents at the Rose Law Firm; Clinton's control of
the courts, the judges and the lawyers; Dan Lasater, Clinton's best
friend, who was jailed with Roger Clinton; money intended for the
Contras going to Clinton's friends; Bill & Roger Clinton's parties
at the Governor's mansion, where cocaine was in candy dishes; L.J. Davis
getting clubbed over the head and his notes stolen because he was
getting too close to the bonds scam; his attorney, Gary Johnson, who
secretly filmed Bill Clinton going into Gennifer Flowers' apartment with
a key and was forced to hand over the tape by thugs who beat him up;
Whitewater being just the tip of the iceberg
Mysterious Mena - Jun 29, 1994
Fred Hampton, the owner of Rich Mountain Aviation, purchased a land
tract near the tiny backwoods community of Nella, 10 miles north of
Mena, and cut a runway into it... people don't talk much about that
around here
C.I.A. and the Dope Business - Nov 27 1994 Skolnick: Mark
Sweeney, the head of the Arkansas Committee, came [on the "Broadside"
show] with about two foot high of documents. The "washing" of the
money... involved Hillary Rodham Clinton as an attorney at the Rose Law
Firm, and her law partner, Vincent Foster. One of the bond brokers was
supposed to go to jail, but Clinton, as governor, saw to it that he
didn't. And that was Dan Lasater
The Crimes of Mena: Gray Money - 1995
Documents obtained by the Arkansas Committee show that the Arkansas
Development and Finance Authority, a Bill Clinton signature project, was
involved in a highly questionable, and possibly illegal, sixty-million
dollar deal in which ADFA borrowed 5 million dollars from a Japanese
bank in order to buy stock in a Barbados insurance company. The stock
was not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission
Triple S question
The weekly $9 million falling out of the sky seems to have been put
into ADFA, the Arkansas Development Finance Authority. Or else where
*was* its money coming from? The state budget had no funds earmarked for
ADFA and the State Constitution barred deficit financing... Another
pilot, Billy Lane, father of Rachel Lane, smuggled guns to central
Interview with John Cummings, who wrote Compromised with Terry Reed - Mar 25, 1996
how Terry Reed met Oliver North, Barry Seal, Dan Lasater and Roger
Clinton; how thay trained Contra pilots to drop packages from planes;
how Terry Reed broke the relationship when he found out about the drug
smuggling; how Reed was framed by Buddy Young, then working as Clinton's
chief of security; how Reed went into hiding to avoid getting hit like
Barry Seal; how the judge saw through the case against Reed; how Reed
was sueing Buddy Young. Tommy Baker, and Sanders, an Arkansas cop with
the DEA but was being obstructed by the judge, one George Howard, "a
product of Arkansas politics"; "There's a lot of people running
interference for Bill Clinton"... "every attempt to pull back the rock
on Mena has been thwarted"; how Arkansas was "America's Banana
how dirty money went to finance firms run by Clinton's friends, who
could then make very nice campaign contributions to him; more about ADFA
"At the Bottom of the Barrel" - May 07, 1996 How involved was Clinton in Mena? Clinton: We had nothing - zero - to do with it
Arkansas Reform In Hands Of Huckabee, Starr - Jun 05, 1996
Law enforcement officials say that the state police shut down cocaine
probes into bond daddy Dan Lasater, chicken king Don Tyson and Roger
Clinton... Clinton ally Pulaski County Prosecuting Attorney Mark Stodola
restated his intention to use his prosecutorial powers to bring state
insurance fraud charges against key Whitewater witness David Hale
Filegate and Mena - Jul 05, 1996 Why did the FBI's J. Kevin O'Brien report finding 60 documents relating to Mena in 1991 and "no record" at all today?
Murder and Drugs in Arkansas - Nov 20, 1996 by J. Orlin Grabbe
CIA Linked To Seal's Assassination - Aug 18, 1997 The biggest drug smuggler in American History was a CIA Agent
L.D. Brown testifies about White House intimidation - Oct 06, 1997
Mr. Brown is in a position to corroborate the allegations by David Hale
against President Clinton, and Clinton's knowledge of illegal drug
shipments into Mena
The Mystery of the "Lost" Mena Report - Jul 26, 2001 Mark Swaney: In 1990, some students and citizens and I formed an organization at the University of Arkansas called the "Arkansas Committee"
Bill Clinton’s role needs clarification - Jan 01, 2008
As governor, Bill Clinton personally lobbied the Arkansas legislature
to award a $30 million contract to Dan Lasater to upgrade the Arkansas
state police radio network, even though the governor knew that his
crony, Lasater, was under intense investigation for distribution of
cocaine. Dan Lasater's chief assistant, Patsy Thomasson, the person who
even handled all of Lasater's affairs while he was in prison, actually
made her way into the Clinton White House. Clinton appointed her to the
position of the White House's Director of the Office of Administration,
and ironically, put her in charge of its drug testing program
The Boys on the Tracks
Most Arkancide victims had a connection to the Clintons. Some knew too much because they had been involved in the shady dealings in Arkansas; others because they had helped cover up those dealings. Most could have avoided being killed simply by avoiding the Clintons. But the boys were different. They had no Clinton connection and were killed simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is a very sad story...
Two Mysterious Deaths in Arkansas One of the boys' mothers, Linda Ives, has dedicated her life to finding out what really happened to her son, Kevin
Murder and Drugs in Arkansas - Nov 20, 1996
the police chief of Alexander, John Brown, acknowledges he obtained a
taped confession from one of the murderers of the two boys
The (Secret) Heartbeat of America - May 12, 1997
A New Look at the Mena Story... All of the engineers on the train
reported that the boys were lying motionless beneath a tarp... Duffey: "Dan Harmon was on the tracks with the boys the night that they were murdered"...
Just prior to the boys' deaths a drop at that location had gone
missing. Kevin and Don happened by, were grabbed by Kirk Lane and Jay
Campbell, Pulaski County narcotics officers, interrogated, and
subsequently killed. They are good friends with (former Clinton friend
and convicted drug distributor) Dan Lasater
The Boys on the Tracks - Nov 05, 1999 Book Excerpt: A new look at the 1987 deaths of two Saline County Teens
Excerpt from Obstruction of Justice Linda Ives, mother of Kevin Ives: Our
local investigation was headed by our sheriff, Jim Steed. He later went
on television bragging about what a thorough investigation he had
conducted, and that he felt very sorry for us as parents, but that he
had every confidence in Fahmy Malak's ruling. Their investigation was so
thorough that they left my son's foot out there for two days in plain
sight. Dan Harmon was appointed special prosecutor to head the grand
jury probe. However, as his investigation advanced, potential witnesses
began turning up dead. Last minute legal maneuvering by Harmon,
Garrett, and presiding judge, John Cole, prevented the jurors from
revealing their findings in the final report. On Dec 31, 1988 the men
and women of the grand jury were sent home frustrated that they had not
been allowed to do their job
Arkansas Justice - Jun 13, 1997
former county prosecuting attorney Dan Harmon used his office as a
criminal enterprise to extort narcotics and cash, proof that elements of
Arkansas law enforcement were corrupted by drugs during Mr. Clinton's
tenure as governor. Kevin Ives's mother, Linda Ives, has waged a
decade-long battle for the truth in the train deaths and believes Mr.
Harmon, Mena and senior Arkansas officials played some role in events
connected to her son's murder
Never let this die - May 5, 2007 Linda Ives: May
I remind everyone that the information regarding the Mena connection to
the Death of My son was verified by the FBI's lead investigator before
her investigation was shut down. Jean and I did not look for a Mena
connection and did NOT welcome it. We knew it would only make things
worse. Page 2: Harmon is out of prison and back in Benton. Keith
McKaskill's murder was pinned on the boy who reported his murder. Page
5: Linda Ives: Harmona few months ago, Harmon was living in Benton and working at the Acura car dealership in Little Rock
Keith McKaskle
Had information about the railway murders and said that Kirk Lane and
Jay Campbell of the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office were following him
around and he was afraid they were going to kill him. He was stabbed 113
times in Nov 1988. Then Jeff Rhodes, who had information about
McKaskle's murder, was tortured and shot in the head in Apr 1989
Re: The Janie Ward Case
Jeff Rhodes -- April 1989: Called his father who lived in Texas and
told him that he had to get out of Arkansas because of what he knew
about Kevin and Don's and the McKaskle murders. Was found shot and his
body burned in a dump near Benton. Frank Pilcher, Jr. was convicted of
the murder. During trial testimony, Pilcher implicated Jordan Ketelsen
in McKaskle's murder. Within weeks, Ketelsen was arrested in Texas in a
van registered to Ron Ketelsen, and police found more than 400 grams of
Out of control in Lonoke County - Jun 22, 2006 by Mara Leveritt, author of The Boys on the Tracks.
The arrest of Lonoke Police Chief Ronald Jay Campbell, for
manufacturing methamphetamine, hindering prosecution, burglary and
theft. Arkansas Circuit Judge John Cole, a veteran of Saline County
politics, appointed Benton attorney Dan Harmon to conduct a special
grand jury investigation into circumstances surrounding the [railway]
deaths... In August 1998 he told Linda Ives, mother of one of the boys,
that Campbell and Lane were responsible for her son’s murder. They and
their boss, Maj. Larry Dill, made no secret of their contempt for
Harmon's investigation. Dan Lasater said he’d known he was being watched
by federal agents because he had been tipped off by Campbell.
Witness Ronnie Godwin: I saw them pick the boy up off the ground and throw him into the back seat.
According to Godwin, the car had police hubcaps, three antennas on the
trunk and a spotlight on the side. Another witness, "Jerry", saw two men
in plain clothes pull up in an unmarked police car. Jerry identified
one of the men as Lane; Mike Crook stated that that the boys and these
two cops got into an argument and the two cops beat the boys unconscious
and threw them into the car and then drove off. Keith McKaskle told
Crook that Kirk Lane and Jay Campbell of the Pulaski County Sheriff’s
Office were following him around and he was afraid they were going to
kill him. They did. Immediately after Campbell’s arrest, Linda Ives
wrote letters reminding Lonoke officials that she had tried to warn them
about Campbell when he was hired as the city’s police chief.
The following law enforcement staff gave Campbell glowing testimonials
and therefore need to be watched: Little Rock FBI agents Mike Smith,
Brian Marshall and James Handley Jr., Sheriff Donny Ford of Dallas
County, Benton police officer Richard Stephen Holland
Libel judgment reversed on appeal - Jul 11, 2001 Court rules Arkansas deputies [Pulaski County sheriff's lieutenants Jay Campbell and Kirk Lane] public figures without standing
We finally won one - Jul 19, 2001 the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled against Jay Campbell and Kirk Lane in their lawsuit against the Obstruction of Justice video
The Boys on the Tracks - Dec 22, 2008 Ronni Wright writes about Keith McCaskill, who witnessed the murders and was himself stabbed to death soon afterwards
New Benton Police Chief is Old Benton PD - Dec 29, 2008 Kirk Lane!!! Linda Ives: I've
been told Holland is to make the announcement tomorrow. Many may recall
that Holland intended to hire Lane when he was first elected but it
caused such a "stink" that he was unable to do it then. It didn't pass
the smell test then and I am hoping it won't pass the smell test now.
Many thought I was crazy when I went public with information about Dan
Harmon and Jay Campbell and Kirk Lane. I was right about Harmon, I was
right about Campbell and I am right about Lane. Lane is the last person
we need as chief of police of Benton.
Dan Harmon - Jan 06, 2009 Harmon is working at the Circuit Clerk's office in the file room!!!
Benton City Council Decision: Police Chief Kirk Lane - Jan 12, 2009
Yes votes / FOR overriding were: Brad Moore, Doug Stracener, Larry
Wolf, Greg White, Joe Lee Richards, No votes / AGAINST overriding were:
Jerry Ponder, David Sparks, Steve Lee, Charles Cunningham, Bill Donnor
Dear "Reasonable" Council Members, better known as "Benton's Little Chicago Five"... - Jan 14, 2009 Linda Ives rips new ones for Benton's bad guys
Boys on the Tracks: Victim's mother remembers son - Aug 23, 2012 the boys were killed 25 years ago
Clinton's Corrupt Coroner - Fahmy Malak
Clinton's Ties to Controversial Medical Examiner [Malak] Questioned - May 19, 1992
Gov. Bill Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee,
refused for several years to dismiss a state medical examiner whose
controversial decrees included a ruling that helped Clinton's mother, a
nurse-anesthetist, avoid scrutiny in the death of a patient. Relatives
of murder victims formed an organization, "Victims of Malak's Incredible
Testimony", or VOMIT. Read about Clinton's mother killing two patients
through negligence
Fahmy Malak - Video Excerpts
Malak's plan was to rule the boys' deaths a double suicide. However,
after conferring with Jim Steed, Saline County Sheriff, they decided no
one would accept such a ruling and changed the cause of death to
accidental. The families' nightmare battle against the state medical
examiner was made more difficult by Governor Clinton's public support of
Malak. However, after thirteen long months, the parents were finally
able to prove what they had believed all along, that the boys had indeed
been murdered
James Milam, witness to Mena drugs operation
Decapitated. Fahmy Malak ruled death due to natural causes and that the
head had been eaten by Milam's small dog. Later the head was found
nearby, cleanly cut off Milam's body
Malak's shaky past causes Guam to rescind $160,000 job offer - Aug 19, 1992 in his interview, Malak mentioned "being caught in something political" in Arkansas
Arkansas coroner Fahmy Malak's corrupt rulings started at the beginning of Clinton's governorship
That Malak survived in Arkansas throughout the Bill Clinton years as
governor is a testament to Clinton's power. Later, Malak's house was
burned down and he took this as a message to keep quiet about what he
knew. He later told close friends that if were to be found dead, they
should not believe that it was a suicide. Funny or what?
The Stiffs Pile Up
Murder in the First Degree?
On August 6, 1996, 16 officers were punished with official reprimands
and other non-criminal punishment incident to the death of Commerce
Secretary Ron Brown and 34 other Americans in the airplane crash near
Dubrovnik, Croatia.... 7:20 Four hours and 20 minutes after the crash
the first Croatian Special Forces search party arrives on the scene and
finds only Ms. Kelly surviving. They call for a helicopter to evacuate
her to the hospital. When it arrives, she is able to get aboard without
assistance from the medics. But Kelly never completes the short hop. She
dies en route. According to multiple reports given to journalist/editor
Joe L. Jordan, an autopsy later reveals a neat three-inch incision over
her main femoral artery. It also shows that the incision came at least three hours after all her other cuts and bruises. Further necropsies will not happen.
Clinton has ordered the cremation of all victims. It is hard to perform autopsies on ashes.
Excerpts from Michael Reagan's interview with Daniel Hopsicker - Aug 31, 1997 RDemGaz reporter smeared Jean Duffey
The Unreported Story - Dec 05, 1997 The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories by the London Daily Telegraph's
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: The unexpected benefit of Clinton becoming
president was the international interest in Arkansas scandals that
surround him, including the "train deaths"
Establishment fires back at Evans-Pritchard's book - Dec 08, 1997 Evans-Pritchard established that Terry Reed's controversial book Compromised held water
The Resnick Interview with Peter Kawaja and Ex-NSA Agent Joe Jordan
The cadavers from the Ron Brown aircraft had traces of the chemical
"thermite" on them. This is a chemical in bombs. Shelley Kelly , the
flight attendant on the aircraft, walked onto the rescue helicopter with
minor cuts and bruises but somehow "bled to death" on the way to the
hospital. A 3-inch incision was found over the femoral artery. Ron Brown
was a notorious person. He's had his finger in every crooked deal. He
took a $700,000 bribe from Hanoi to get the trade embargo dropped. He
was involved in Iran-Contra. He was getting too big for his britches and
blackmailed Clinton.
Another very suspicious 'Arkancide' - Jan 12, 1999
Charles Wilbourne Miller was shot on Nov 17th. Along with the
Arkancided Vincent Foster he was involved in the White House's "Big
Brother" data base and the Clipper chip project. Only in Arkansas does a
suicide victim use two shots - not to mention two weapons - to kill
Connection between Ron Brown and Bodies and Evidence - Jul 16, 1999
"The survivor. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Shelley Kelly, a stewardess,
survived the crash for some four hours. Kelly and another stewardess had
been seated in a jumpseat at the very rear of the 737. That area was
found basically intact after the crash. According to the Air Force, she
received first aid from Croatian rescuers but died on the way to a
nearby hospital. Her autopsy report states that Kelly died of a broken
neck... At this writing, Clinton has ordered the cremation of all
Shelly Kelly: A witness dies without explanation - Jul 30, 1999
Ron Brown was going to prison - no if's, and's or but's about it. Also
Bill Clinton's presidency was surely going down with him. And the
President could not allow that.
The Parks Murder, by the Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard - Jan 16, 2000
"I'm a dead man," whispered Jerry Parks on hearing the news of Vincent
Foster's death. Two months later he was pumped full of bullets. He had
told his wife that Bill Clinton's people were "cleaning house," and he
was "next on the list."
The attempted murder of this attorney saved Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign (yes, really) - Jul 07, 2007
Johnson tells how three henchmen confiscated the tape [of Clinton
visiting Flowers], then proceeded to smash in his nasal cavity, break
his collarbone, break his elbows, puncture his bladder and spleen, and
leave him for dead
Kathleen Willey: Clintons stole my manuscript - Sep 05, 2007 House burglary over weekend targeted copy of book days after details leaked to press. I'm very remote, way out in country. You have to work hard to find me. Their clear purpose was to find the manuscript
Intimidation of Kathleen Willey
She was subpoenaed by Jones' attorneys to be deposed in their case, and
after many months of unsuccessful legal maneuvering, was forced to
testify. Two days before her testimony, she was threatened by a stranger
at dawn while walking in her rural neighborhood. She and her children
were both threatened and references were made to her damaged car and
missing 13-year-old pet. The message was clear: Remain silent
Hillary Clinton faces sensational claims from another woman in Bill's past - Nov 07, 2007
Kathleen Willey suggests in a new book that the former First Couple
could have been involved in the death of her husband Ed, who was shot in
the head (there is a chance that this was a genuine suicide but given
the wave of Arkancides at the time, Mrs Willey could be right)
It's time for Obama to talk about Brown - Apr 03, 2008
Brown died on Apr 3, 1996 - twelve years ago today - when the USAF
plane in which he and 34 others were flying crashed “inexplicably” into a
Croatian mountainside near Dubrovnik... So troubled were the Chicago
pastors by what they saw as a “conspiracy to divert justice” that they
called for the impeachment of President Clinton. Had the pastors known
about the likely sabotage of the Dubrovnik airport’s aviation systems,
the death by gunshot wound to the chest of the manager of those systems,
the purloining of Brown’s head x-rays, or the “lead snowstorm” visible
in the photos of the same, they would have been more outraged still.
There was something else the pastors did not know: Brown was desperate
after his son Michael had been targeted by an independent council. FR Comments
Nor did they know that Brown had threatened to reveal the still buried
details of the China fundraising scandal when President Clinton refused
to intervene on Michael’s behalf. After Cogswell’s revelations, White
House troubleshooters went into overdrive. They had the AFIP imposed a
gag order on Cogswell while military police escorted him to his house
and seized all of his case materials on the Brown crash.
Vincent Foster
The very last thing Hillary's ex-lover ever did was wash his hands - after shooting himself in the head!
The Vince Foster Stonewall
"Don't believe a word you hear. It was not suicide. It couldn't have
been." - Assistant Attorney General Webster Hubbell, Jul 20, 1993. Did
Hillary's affair with Foster play a role in both his death and perhaps
even that of Jerry "Luther" Parks? And did Foster make a fatal mistake
by turning Parks' file on Bill Clinton over to Hillary in the days
before he died?
The Death Of Vincent Foster - Apr 30, 1996 Hillary's fingerprints on Foster's records
Vincent Foster: the death investigation that hasn't ended - May 15, 1996 how the White House spokesman Mark Fabiani tried to gloss over the White House's obstruction of the investigation
101 Peculiarities Surrounding the Death of Vince Foster - Oct 04, 1999 The man who discovered the body in Ft. Marcy Park says there was no gun in either hand
Amended Complaint of Patrick Knowlton
Mr Knowlton stopped in Ft. Marcy Park to pee against a tree the
afternoon that Vincent Foster died. What Knowlton saw and what happened
to him afterwards is one of the most disturbing stories of the whole
Clinton saga... On October 22, 1995, a newspaper article entitled "Death
in the Park: Is this the killer?" appeared in the (London) Sunday
The FBI - A Legend Decays - May 16, 2001
the gun found in Foster's hand was the subject of three FBI background
checks in the months prior to Foster's death - though the FBI had
claimed the gun was a Foster family relic
14 Years Later, Mystery Still Remains in the Death of Vince Foster - Jul 21, 2007
No fewer than three of the paramedics on the scene indicated in reports
or testimony that the crime scene was consistent with a murder scene,
not a suicide. Who ordered the office looting? Hillary Clinton was on
the phone from Little Rock to someone at the White House in the moments
before the looting took place. FR Comments
Clinton the Rapist
Clinton crisis: The view from Little Rock - Jan 30, 1998
The closer you get to the President's roots, the smaller he becomes.
Connie Hamzy is one of several women with a story to tell about Bill
Transcript of Interview With Kathleen Willey - Mar 16, 1998 Interviewer: In your mind back then, what stood out for you about Bill Clinton? Willey: His sincerity
The question that won't go away, by Christopher Hitchens - Mar 16, 1999 President Clinton's failure to address Juanita Broaddrick's charge of rape is indefensible.
see video
Mike Isikoff Just Wanted Respect - Then He Started the Clinton Beat - Mar 28, 1999 by Christopher Hitchens
The Castration of Wayne DuMond - Mar 07, 2001 yet another Clinton saga of genitalia that fell into the wrong hands
ABC Memo Details Clinton Rape Charges Juanita Broaddrick
Nurse backs up Clinton rape charge - Jun 26, 2003 Attended Broaddrick’s wounds after alleged assault in Arkansas
Wikipedia: Paula Jones
During a polygraph exam, she was asked if then Governor Bill Clinton
had — in a hotel room in 1991 — dropped his pants, exposed himself, and
asked for sexual favors from her then he committed sexual harassment and
eschewal. Jones said yes and the polygraph operator determined she was
telling the truth
The Clinton Criminal Page
"Clinton's womanizing had "nothing to do with sex" and everything to do
with "this inferiority complex . . . I think he's spent his entire life
being scared that he was white trash." - Betsey Wright, Clinton's
former chief of staff
Lewinsky scandal
Clinton was held in contempt of court by judge Susan D. Webber Wright.
His license to practice law was suspended in Arkansas and later by the
United States Supreme Court. He was also fined $90,000 for giving false
Katherine Prudhomme confronts Hillary over Broaddrick rape, is threatened with arrest - Jul 13, 2007
Gerald Ford labelled 'sex addict' Clinton 'sick' - Oct 30, 2007 'He didn't miss one good-looking skirt at any of the social occasions'
Obama: Watch your step! - Jan 28, 2008
Email to Obama from Kathleen Willey, who came to prominence in 1997 as
part of the Paula Jones' sexual harassment lawsuit against President
Bill Clinton after being subpoenaed to testify in the case. FR Comments
FROM 1999: Landow Denies Authorizing Probe (DFU met with PI in Kathleen Willey intimidation) - Feb 01, 2008
Jared Stern has confirmed his role in obtaining Kathleen Willey's
telephone records. He did indeed feel very uncomfortable about where the
work was headed and warned Willey
'Clinton women' set to join forces - Jun 07, 2008 Gennifer Flowers and Paula Jones are teaming up on a Website,, to remind Bill Clinton they're still around. FR Comments
Hillary Clinton demands end to Congo rape - Aug 11, 2009 she said there should be no impunity for the perpetrators of sexual violence. How did she say this with a straight face?
Bill Clinton Recalls "Romantic" Days of Prostitutes in Times Square - Apr14, 2011 "I still have vivid memories of it," he said. "Romantic. Fascinating. It was dangerous." FR Comments
The Racist Clintons
Club Where Clinton Has Golfed Retains Ways of Old South - Mar 23, 1992 the Country Club of Little Rock had 500 members, all of them white
Harry Smith: Did Bill Clinton Defraud African-Americans on Race? - Jan 28, 2008 Yes. FR Comments:
Had the mainstream media documented even 10% of the Clintons'
shenanigans, they'd be out of public life and maybe wearing orange jump
The Wall Street Journal: The Clinton Race Gambit - Jan 28, 2008
Bill Clinton associated Mr. Obama's landslide victory with that of a
black candidate who never did win the Democratic nomination, much less
the Presidency, and who had run overtly as an African-American candidate
in contrast to Mr. Obama's explicit campaign theme of transcending
race. The Clintons want to portray Mr. Obama as a candidate with a
narrowly racial appeal... It's going to be fascinating to see if
Democrats and the press let the Clintons get away with this. FR Comments
New York Post: Bill Clinton's Bigmouth of the South; Outrage at 'Barack = Jesse' Remark - Jan 28, 2008 FR Comments
Fool Me Thrice: It should be no surprise that the Clintons are playing the race card - Jan 28, 2008
After falling behind in the New Hampshire primary in 1992, and after
being caught lying about the affair with Gennifer Flowers to which he
later confessed under oath, Clinton left the campaign trail and flew
home to Arkansas to give the maximum publicity to his decision to sign a
death warrant for a lobotomized black man, Ricky Ray Rector. How can
one equal Bill Clinton for thuggery and opportunism when it comes to
the so-called "race card"? And where does one even start with the
breathtaking nastiness of his own conduct, and that of his supporters,
in the last week? FR Comments: Hitchens hits one out of the park
The Race Card From Bottom Of A Cold Deck - Jan 29, 2008
I wonder how all the Clintonistas who protested that Bill and Hillary
would never, ever dream of stooping to racial politics must be feeling
now, after Bill was videotaped in the act
Bill And Hillary Count Beans As Rome Burns - Jan 29, 2008 They have brought race back as one of their many sleazy tactics to try to win in any way possible, whether clean or dirty
Clinton Told Kennedy You’re Only Endorsing Obama Because He’s Black - Jan 11, 2010 "A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee"
Clinton Blood Scandal
Clinton's Arkansas blood scandal - Sep 29, 1998
Just when you're certain you've heard about and explored every
conceivable crime to which President Clinton has been a party, another
bombshell drops
Clinton blood scandal exposed in new film - Oct 30, 2005 Bill Clinton was at the center of a scandal in Arkansas in the 1980s involving the sale of AIDS-tainted blood to Canada
Tainted Blood Scandal Jan 8, 2001
More Bad Blood Out of Arkansas - Arkansas prisons responsible for selling tainted blood plasma to Canada - Mar 12, 2001 Some say the trail of blood leads straight to Bill Clinton
Hemophilia Federation of America is planning to hold its 2008 Symposium
in Little Rock, and is promoting local attractions to its members,
including the Clinton Presidential Library and the Clinton School of
Public Service!!! Why do they want to honor the man responsible for
killing more hemophiliacs than anyone else in history? To find out,
contact them here
Other Clinton Scandals
What you won't find in the Clinton Museum and Library a good history of Bill Clinton, starting with his gangster background
Gray Money Laundering drug money through ADFA
Whitewater Scandal
14 people were convicted of more than 40 crimes, including a sitting
Governor who was forced to resign - but the Clintons didn't even get
charged! Four of these were pardoned by Bill Clinton
Arkansas roots Whitewater
Wikipedia: Webster Hubbell the guy in the office next to Hillary's. Mentions his father-in-law, Seth Ward, the mystery man in the Whitewater scandal
Neal Ainley a former Perry County Bank president who embezzled bank funds for Clinton's campaign
Susan McDougal who served prison time as a result of the Whitewater controversy
Jim Guy Tucker Bill Clinton's lieutenant governor and successor as governor, who was convicted for fraud during the Whitewater scandal
Clinton ‘Lie’-brary - Nov 19, 2004
Moctar Riady has been accused of passing illegal monies to the 1992 and
1996 Clinton-Gore campaigns. His son James pleaded guilty to passing
illegal money to the Clinton campaign. John Huang pleaded guilty in 1999
to federal charges of making illegal political contributions to the
Clinton-Gore campaign. Johnny Chung pleaded guilty and currently cites
his bank-account record as proof that Chinese army money was passed to
the Clinton-Gore campaign. Mrs. Clinton also has a virtual personal
photo gallery of modern crime. It is almost as if she wanted to collect
snapshots of herself and major crime figures
Clinton Legal Ethics Timeline - Jan 19, 2001
Clinton, during his last day as President, admits wrongdoing,
acknowledging that he gave false and misleading testimony and acted to
prejudice the administration of justice. He receives an extraordinary
five-year suspension of his law license and a $25,000 fine
Pellicano Tapes Could Spell Trouble for Bill and Hillary - Nov 12, 2003
Interestingly enough, some of Pellicano's targets, like former Los
Angeles Times reporter Anita Busch and one-time "Hard Copy"
correspondent Dina Dimond, report break-ins and property vandalism, the
kind of problems encountered by Clinton accusers like Flowers, Sally
Perdue, Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick
New Yorker and ex-President Bill Clinton formally opened his presidential library this week in Arkansas - Nov 20, 2004 President George W. Bush summed up Clinton's presidency in a concise 4 word statement: He enjoyed being President...
Brit Hume played the video of the Petah Jennings/Bubba Clinton exchange
and Brit asked Charles Krauthammer (who is a medical psychiatrist) his
opinion. Charles said that Clintoon is IN DENIAL and DELUSIONAL
Democratic corruption under Bill Clinton - Oct 31, 2005
Clinton Machine crimes for which convictions have been obtained: Drug
trafficking (3), racketeering, extortion, bribery (4), tax evasion,
kickbacks, embezzlement (2), fraud (12), conspiracy (5), fraudulent
loans, illegal gifts (1), illegal campaign contributions (5), money
laundering (6), perjury, obstruction of justice
Tiger Woods: Bill Clinton Cheats at Golf, Too - May 31, 2006 pathetic but true
The Clintons' Coal-Gate - Jan 23, 2008
Scandals: Hillary Clinton calls President Bush's talks with the Saudis
about increasing oil output "pathetic." But it's not as pathetic as her
co-president husband locking up billions of tons of clean coal in
exchange for political contributions. FR Comments:
We were all screaming about this and a whole lot of other stuff 10
years ago. It will be interesting to see if anyone cares now - they
didn’t back then
An Ex-President, a Mining Deal and a Big Donor - Jan 31, 2008 No, not Coal-Gate; this one is Uranium-Gate. FR Comments
Bill Clinton profits from company tied to felon, China - Mar 07, 2008 see also Cattle futures redux? and FR Comments
Clinton papers reveal donor, embargo ties - Mar 24, 2008
Mr. Riady's banking conglomerate, the $12 billion Indonesia-based Lippo
Group, its subsidiaries and its employees, including his son James and
executive John Huang had funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to
Mr. Clinton's 1992 presidential race and had guaranteed a $3 million
last-minute loan to a cash-short Clinton campaign just before the
crucial New York primary in 1992. Within a year, Mr. Clinton signed an
executive order lifting the Vietnam embargo, which had been in effect
since 1964. FR Comments: But of course the Clintons didn’t anything wrong. Nothing to see here...
Clinton Testimony on FBI Files Blocked - Apr 02, 2008
The lawsuit is over the Clinton White House's acquisition of hundreds
of FBI files on Republican appointees to White House jobs in previous
administrations. FR Comments
Taxpayers fund Bill Clinton spending - Apr 10, 2008
Clinton’s federal retirement allowance from 2001 through the end of
this year will run $8 million, compared to $5.5 million for George H. W.
Bush’s and $4 million for Jimmy Carter’s during the same period. FR Comments: "Please don’t let this pair of grifters anywhere near the WH again. What an absolute waste of our country’s resources"
Other Clinton News
The Trillion-Dollar Bank Shakedown That Bodes Ill for Cities - Oct 1, 2000 FR CommentsClinton Private Eye to Stand Trial - Sep 23, 2003 Of the 91 mainstream media reports on Pellicano’s case since it erupted last November, only one, in the New York Post, bothered to mention his Clinton connection, saying only that he “sleuthed for the likes of Bill and Hillary.”
The Clinton Snipe Hunt - Nov 14, 2003 Arkansas ranked 49th in per capita income in 1983, and Arkansas still ranks 49th in per capita income two decades after the Clintons promised deliverance
It's payback time for Little Rock - with the $1bn Clinton centre - Nov 14, 2004
Saudis Gave Millions to Clinton Library - Nov 22, 2004
Ex-Clinton aide took secret files - Apr 01, 2005 Samuel Berger
Dispatch from Occupied New York - Nov 09, 2000
Hillary engages Clinton double act for White House - Nov 27, 2005
Bill Clinton Praised by Iran, Arabs - Feb 03, 2006
Clinton Impeached: The View From Seven Years Later - Jan 07, 2006
Reagan-era official seeks to challenge Sen. Clinton - Mar 06, 2006
Former President Clinton Heckled at Speech - Mar 07, 2006
Clinton's Ark. Law License Suspension Ends Soon - Jan 18, 2006
Scandals Labeled 'Fight for Power' in Clinton Library - Nov 17, 2006
Can Hillary Join the Club? - Mar 12, 2006
Bill Clinton's Guests Stiffing Hillary? - Mar 13, 2006
Panama Canal: Hillary Clinton Wrong on Chinese Control - Mar 14, 2006
What Really Happened
Man Says Secret Service Moved Clinton's Elbow From His Face - Feb 18, 2008 FR Comments:
"As someone who once heckled Clinton to his face, I can tell you he
turns purple with rage during incidents like this. I’m not at all
The Strange Death of Vincent Foster: An Investigation
A Washington Tragedy: How the Death of Vincent Foster Ignited a Political Firestorm
Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA
Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House
One Scandalous Story: Clinton, Lewinsky, and Thirteen Days That Tarnished American Journalism
The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories, by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Name index for Evans-Pritchard,A. The Secret Life of Bill Clinton. 1997 An excellent resource. Use it!
On the Make: The Rise of Bill Clinton
Absolute Power: The Legacy of Corruption in the Clinton-Reno Justice Department
The Final Days: The Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White House
Hell to Pay: The Unfolding Story of Hillary Rodham Clinton
The Case Against Hillary Clinton
Hillary's Scheme: Inside the Next Clinton's Ruthless Agenda to Take the White House
Losing Bin Laden: How Bill Clinton's Failures Unleashed Global Terror
Why America Slept: The Failure to Prevent 9/11
Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Endangered America's Long-Term National Security
Madame Hillary: The Dark Road to the White House
Legacy: Paying the Price for the Clinton Years
High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton
Betrayal: How the Clinton Administration Undermined American Security
Breakdown: How America's Intelligence Failures Led to September 11
Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash
Partners in Power: The Clintons and Their America
The Nonpatriotic President: A Survey of the Clinton Years
No One Left To Lie To: The Values of the Worst Family
The Death of Outrage: Bill Clinton and the Assault on American Ideals
SellOut: The Inside Story of President Clinton's Impeachment
The Breach: Inside the Impeachment and Trial of William Jefferson Clinton
Spin Cycle: How the White House and the Media Manipulate the News
Uncovering Clinton: A Reporter's Story
Bitter Legacy: Newsmax.Com Reveals the Untold Story of the Clinton-Gore Years
All 'bout Me, An Arkansas Tail
some anti-Clinton books
Arkansas Mischief: The Birth of a National Scandal
Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton, by Kathleen Willey
Their Lives: The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine, by Candice E. Jackson
Cashill: Ron Brown's Body: How One Man's Death Saved the Clinton Presidency and Hillary's Future (2004) This hit was cleaner than the Vince Foster hit, apart from the .45 caliber hole in Mr Brown's head. Cashill explores the seedy depths of the most corrupt adminstration in American history during its two most desperate years and exposes the Clintons' dirty, relentless practices for getting financial backing
The Clinton Chronicles: An Investigation Into The Alleged Criminal Activities Of Bill Clinton VHS
Hillary Up Close, by ex-bodyguard Trooper Larry Patterson Audio Cassette. Patterson reveals a stunner about Hillary and Vince Foster, her ambitions for the presidency, and why he thinks she is far more dangerous than Bill Clinton
Ron Brown: An Uncommon Life, by Steven A. Holmes (2000) No mention of the .45 caliber hole in his head!
The Life and Times of Ron Brown: A Memoir, by Tracey L. Brown (1998) This one hints at rumors of an assassination
Shadow Warrior/the CIA Hero of a Hundred Unknown Battles by Felix I. Rodriguez, the guy who told LD Brown to shoot Terry Reed, with Clinton's knowledge, and perhaps at his behest
Arkancide books
The Clinton Chronicles (1 of 11) John Brown, former Saline County County Criminal Investigator introduces the Clinton Chronicles. Judge Jim Johnson describes Bill Clinton's crappy background and burning ambition. Nora Waye, a former business partner of Clinton's stepfather, on Bill's early lying and treachery. Larry Nichols, former Director of Marketing for Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA), describes how he ended up in the middle of Clinton's political machine. How ADFA diverted public money to Clinton's political campaigns and to the Rose Law Firm, where Hillary was a partner. The drug smuggling. |
The Clinton Chronicles (2 of 11) ADFA's dodgy dealings with Dan Lasater's bank in Chicago. Doc DeLaughter, former Arkansas Police Investigator in charge of Dan Lasater case, got harrassed by the Arkansas State Police after the Lasater indictment Sharlene Wilson on Lasater Seth Ward and his son-in-law Webb Hubbell Barry Seal's drug smuggling operation |
The Clinton Chronicles (6 of 11) | |
The Clinton Chronicles (7 of 11) Clinton's people beat Flowers' neighbor. Miss Arkansas, Sally Perdue, threatened by Clinton's people. Troopers tell of arranging Clinton trysts. Clinton's 100 sexual partners. Larry Patterson and Roger Perry, Arkansas State Police Officers. |
The Clinton Chronicles (8 of 11) Paula Jones, approached by Clinton bodyguard Amy Ferguson, and lured to a hotel room with Bill Clinton, who demanded oral sex. [3:07] Mike Isikoff suspended from the Washington Post for trying to tell Paula Jones's story. [3:33] Paula Jones's sexual harassment suit against Bill Clinton. [4:00] "A number of women who have had sexual relationships with Bill Clinton have allegedly been given major career boosts in exchange for silence. Beth Coulson received a judicial appointment to the Arkansas Court of Appeals from Clinton. Regina Blakeley landed a job with CBS National in Washington, covering the White House. Likewise, Deborah Mathis secured a lucrative job with the White House Press Corps. Susan Whitacre was made the liaison between the Arkansas State Capitol and the White House. Elizabeth Ward obtained a position with the Clintons' close friends, Hollywood producers Harry Thomasson and Linda Bloodworth-Thomasson. And Jo Jenkins was given a high-level position with AP & L. [4:46] Jerry Parks, Clinton's former Chief of Security, who had a file on Clinton's affairs over a ten-year period, murdered on Chenal Parkway. [6:23] "Shortly before Jerry's death, the phone lines at his home were cut, the security system was disconnected and the Clinton files were stolen." [6:48] The cops tell Jerry's son Gary Parks they were pulled off the case, just when they were making progress. |
The Clinton Chronicles (9 of 11) [1:26] Whitewater. How the Clintons cleaned up with taxpayers' money and got themselves off the hook by pretending to be Christians and by appointing Robert Fiske to head the special investigation into Whitewater. [4:16] "That same week, the Rose Law Firm began shredding documents." Vincent Foster's signature was on many of them. [5:33] "During that same week there was also a fire at the Northern Bank Building." This was at a CPA firm on the 14th floor, which held documents relating to Whitewater. [6:02] "If you go back to Arkansas and you look at the Secretary of State's office, anybody that's ever run for office, in recorded history - you can find out who their major campaign contributors are since day 1, except for one person. Bill Clinton's records at the Secretary of State's office disappeared." [6:40] Fiske helps cover up the murder of Vince Foster. Clinton keeps the FBI away from the case for seven months. [8:38] One latent fingerprint was visible on the pistol. This print did not belong to Foster. No attempt was made to determine the identity of the person whose print was found on the gun's handgrip. Gunpowder was found on Foster's clothing which did not match the gun found in his hand. Fiske insisted that Foster killed himself but leading forensic experts agree it is highly unlikeley that Foster pulled the trigger himself. |
The Clinton Chronicles (10 of 11) |
Yahoo Answers: Does any one still have the list of dead people associated with the Clinton's and white water?Clinton's Rogues Gallery
Bill Clinton and the Rockefellers how Clinton's shady Uncle Raymond financed his first political campaigns... Bill Clinton considers himself to be a Teflon Man; no scandal can stick to him
Clintons sell off stock holdings - Jun 15, 2007
Clinton backs up Hillary campaign - Jul 03, 2007
Loyalists, Loathers Greet the President - Sep 18, 1998
The Clinton book companion - Jun 23, 2004
Official: Sen. Clinton's GOP challenger to quit race - Dec 21, 2005 Clinton, 58, seeking re-election for the first time, had nearly $14 million in her campaign coffers as of September 30
Washington diary: Too close to Bill? - May 24, 2006
Rice disputes Clinton on terror claims - Sep 26, 2006
Hillary Clinton
America's most prominent clinical psychopath
O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain! ... That one may smile, and smile, and be a villainMadness in great ones must not unwatch’d go
- Shakespeare
Test for Psychopathy Try scoring Hillary before and after reading about her
How to spot a sociopath 18 simplified questions
Hare Psychopathy Checklist the full monty - 20 questions to ask of Hillary Clinton
Dr Robert Hare the world's leading expert in psychopathy
From Nixon Girl to Watergate: The Making of Hillary Clinton
how Hillary posed as a radical while privately scorning them for not
working within the system; how she turned her back on liberal causes to
look after big corporate interests at the Rose Law Firm
The Seeds of Corruption: Hillary Clinton in Arkansas
how Hillary exaggerated her abilities as a lawyer; ties with Jim
McDougall that were to flower into the Whitewater property speculation
and later a huge federal investigation into that deal; her friendship
with James Blair, general counsel of Tyson Foods, and his bodyguard
Robert "Red" Bone, who miraculously used cattle futures to turn $1,000
of her money into $99,000 in nine months; how she lied that this money
had been a gift from her parents; the chamber of secrets at the Clinton
Campaign headquarters in Little Rock; how she tried to get the Wall
Street Journal to produce a book showing how innocent she was but didn't
appreciate their researcher's awkward questions about her contradictory
stories; how she stalled Kenneth Starr's investigation by using the
words "I can't recall" in answer to 50 questions;
her conduct amid the collapse of Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan, when
she denied having worked for them until her billing records were
discovered; how she taxed the poor to improve education in Arkansas -
without improving it at all; how she accepted a place on the board of
Wal*Mart, a company which makes no secret of its contempt for its
workers; how she pushed Bill Clinton to regain the governorship and run
for President, long after he thought he would be found out; how she
crushed Sheffield Nelson, a Little Rock lawyer running against Bill, who
had a dossier on him; how she made an enemy of Jim McDougal of Madison
Guaranty Savings and Loan, who had more dirt on Whitewater
Secrecy, Intransigence and War: The Vices of Hillary Clinton
How Hillary made the ruthless private investigator Jack Palladino smear
Gennifer Flowers; how she recovered from insulting Tammy Wynette on
live TV; how she was adamant that Bill should not admit that he had
wanted to avoid the draft; how she got Vince Foster to keep her secrets
and do her dirty work; how money that could have given the House back to
the Democrats in 1996 was snatched by the White House purely for the
self-preservation of the Clintons; how she ordered a full-bore attack on
Lewinsky as "a stalker with a weight problem" and shoved Bill toward
the doomed posture of total denial; how there's never been a war since
Vietnam that Mrs. Clinton didn't like
HillCap - the Hillary Clinton Accountability Project Documenting the largest campaign finance fraud in America's history
Hillary Uncensored DVD - $25.99
What you won't find in the Clinton Museum and Library After becoming involved in politics, Wellesley graduate Hillary Rodham ordered her senior thesis sealed from public view
The Peter Paul vs Hillary and Bill Clinton Album read the letter Hillary wrote to Peter Paul two days after denying to the Washington Post that she even knew him!
Hillary is a congenital liar - William Safire - Jan 08, 1996 FR Comments (posted Mar 26, 2008): "Hillary just doesn't have Bill's gift and like Pinocchio gets caught in her lies"
Hillary's "Vast right-wing conspiracy" remarks on The Today Show on Jan 27, 1998 the
great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and
explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring
against my husband since the day he announced for president
Arkansas committee reviewing first lady's law license - Apr 11, 2000
Hillary Rodham Clinton's actions in the Whitewater venture have now
come under scrutiny of the Arkansas Supreme Court's disciplinary arm,
which is already considering a complaint seeking to disbar President
Media Ignore Broaddrick's Scary Revelation About Hillary Clinton - Juanita Broaddrick - Nov 20, 2000
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #2: Children in the Hospital sick, sick, sick
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #7: Hillary Calls the Police Murderers - Dec 27, 2002
Shauna Carroll, the 11-year-old daughter of embattled police officer
Sean Carroll, sent this angry letter to Hillary Clinton - who recently
admitted she "misspoke" about the Diallo case: ... Our lives have
changed a great deal because of this tragedy. I have heard death threats
on my answering machine and watched people like you use my dad for
political purposes...
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #9: Sister Frigidaire - Dec 29, 2002 In high school
she seemed to seek out intelligent boys, then cooly compete with them,
establishing her dominance. It was not a matter of finding equality,
some came to think, but a matter of maintaining a respectable
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #12: Hillary Lied to Zeifman, Rigged Nixon Impeachment Protocols - Dec 31, 2002
Now that America faces its second impeachment crisis in as many
generations, it's worth remembering how the rules were bent by partisans
committed to destroying a presidency - when the target was Richard
Nixon. And how the media looked the other way when it happened
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #13: It Takes A Village To Stiff a Waitress - Dec 31, 2002
Trish Trupo, a 31-year-old waitress in Albion NY, worked for $2.90 per
hour plus tips. Hillary stopped by to fill up on scrambled eggs and left
no tip. The next day, when Hillary was asked about the tipping incident
by a reporter in New York, she did what she does best. She lied. She
said, That's just another wild story. They are all wild stories, aren't they, Hillary?
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #14: Rape, Part 1 - Jan 01, 2003 Hillary: I am proud that my husband has stood up as President to confront the violence and to protect American women Are we in a parallel universe?
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #15: Rape, Part 2 - Jan 02, 2003
Juanita Broaddrick describes the time when Hillary spoke to her, a few
weeks after Bill had raped her: "She caught me and took my hand and
said, I am so happy to meet you. I want you to know that we appreciate everything you do for Bill. I started to turn away and she held on to my hand and reiterated her phrase—looking less friendly—and repeated her statement: Everything you do for Bill.
I said nothing. She wasn’t letting me get away until she made her
point. She talked low, the smile faded on the second thank you. I just
released her hand from mine and left. I was in a state of shock
...nausea went all over me ..."
During Juanita's controversial January interview with NBC News, two
producers refused to continue when the subject of the Hillary encounter
was brought up. "As soon as I told them what happened with Hillary,"
Juanita said, "they stopped rolling the tape and said not to go down
that road."
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #16: Rape, Part 3 - Jan 03, 2003
Juanita's letter to Hillary: "I have no doubt that you are the same
conniving, self-serving person you were twenty-two years ago when I had
the misfortune to meet you. When I see you on television, campaigning
for the New York senate race, I can see the same hypocrisy in your face
that you displayed to me one evening in 1978. You have not changed."
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #17: Hillary Doesn't Really Have a Goon Squad, Does She? - Jan 03, 2003
Yes. He is Patrick Halley and he admits in his book, "On the Road With
Hillary," that those who don't like Hillary in a crowd may have the
opportunity to get roughed up a bit
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #18: Al Gore Learns Lesson on Inauguration Day 1993 - Jan 04, 2003
One of the reasons the Clintons were late was because Vice President
Gore had just found out that the West Wing office usually reserved for
the vice president was instead going to be occupied by the first lady.
Hey, Al, you were apparently too stupid to realize that the Clintons
didn't give a damn about you. You were a fall guy. Just like everyone
who has been touched by them, they take what they need and then you are
thrown overboard. Look at the silver lining - at least your body wasn't
dumped in a park
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #19: Strom Thurmond Meets the Hillary Express - Jan 05, 2003 stay out of Hillary's way or get knocked down
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #20: Childish Behavior at the President's Historic Speech - Jan 06, 2003
NY Sen. Clinton shunned patriotism for petulance. While New Yorkers
mourned, their junior senator sulked. After the most devasting attack
ever on U.S. soil, Hillary Clinton did what she has done her entire
life. She thought of herself. Patriotism be damned. It is all about
Hillary. It is always all about Hillary
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #21: Why Cops and Firemen Hate Hillary - Jan 07, 2003 Why Hillary was booed off the stage at Paul McCartney's benefit Concert for New York
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #22: The Wind Up, Here Comes the Pitch - Jan 10, 2003 a lamp throws some light on Hillary
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #23: Pssssst...Hey, Can You Watch My Husband? - Jan 11, 2003
Back in the 1980's Hillary hired Little Rock P.I. Ivan Duda to spy on
Bill. Duda came up with eight women that Bill was involved with,
including an employee at the Rose Law Firm, where Hillary herself was a
lawyer. The Clintons hired San Francisco P.I. Jack Palladino as a member
of a 'secret police' force the Clinton administration used to discredit
women who had sexual affairs with the President
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #24: Witches In Glass Houses Shouldn't Throw Race-Baiting Stones - Jan 13, 2003 Hillary was no stranger to the "N" word
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #25: Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue (Healthcare) - Jan 14, 2003
...lobbyists and Clinton campaign donors, who stood to benefit
financially from Hillary’s plan, illegally took part in the task force.
While there were thousands of documents addressed to Hillary, there were
virtually none from Hillary. There is no doubt such documents were
withheld. Their release would have shed light on Hillary’s involvement
in Magaziner’s falsehoods. It is a dubious proposition that Magaziner
could have lied without Hillary’s advance knowledge. Webster Hubbell
states in his new book, “I think the beginning of Vince’s downturn was
when the Health Care Task Force was sued.” Hubbel asserts that Hillary
snapped at Foster, Fix it, Vince
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #26: Madison Dies, Hillary Lies, What a Surprise (Part 1) - Jan 24, 2003 why Hillary wanted to hide those Madison Guaranty billing records
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #28: Semper Fido Hillary's ridiculous claim that she tried to join the Marines
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #29: Filegate; Who Hired Craig Livingstone - Feb 06, 2003 how the Clintons destroyed an FBI agent who knew that Hillary had recommended Livingstone to Nussbaum
Book: Hillary threatened husband's accusers - Jun 01, 2005 Women say she had major role intimidating them into silence. Hillary Clinton is either
as misogynistic as her husband or she is simply willing to conspire to
mistreat women if that's what it takes to preserve their [the Clintons'] political careers
Fraud lawsuit targets Hillary - Aug 22, 2005 Fund-raiser claims 'smoking guns' prove campaign in massive scam
The ultimate Hillary quotebook - Mar 16, 2006 'I've Always Been a Yankees Fan' will arm you for battle
Kuiper: I've Always Been a Yankees Fan: Hillary Clinton in Her Own Words (2006)
she grew up in Chicago rooting for the Cubs. Here's what she told her
Secret Service guard who wanted to keep his hands free in case of a
security threat: If you want to remain on this detail, get your ass over here and grab those bags. Charming little psychopath!
Hillary Clinton's Arkansas Plantation - Jan 18, 2006
when Hillary and Bill ran Arkansas, Dr. King didn't even have a holiday
in his honor - at least not all to himself. Instead, Arkansans
celebrated a combination holiday that honored both King and Robert E.
Lee, the Confederate general who fought to allow the South to keep
blacks enslaved
Top donor seeks to expose 'Hillary's Chappaquiddick' - Mar 29, 2006
Claiming Hillary Clinton pulled off the biggest campaign-finance fraud
in history, business mogul Peter Franklin Paul is preparing to file a
complaint with the Federal Election Commission charging the Democratic
senator with submitting a false report – for a fourth time – that hides
his personal donation of a multi-million dollar Hollywood gala and
fund-raiser that helped put her in office
Liberals attack book of Hillary Clinton quotes - Apr 24, 2006 there are some good ones here, including: Jay,
there are literally millions of people who have never read a printed
book. You cannot believe, Jay, how many people I have met who have told
me that MY book is the FIRST BOOK they have ever read That's right, Hillary - we don't believe it
Hillary Clinton Hopes Country is Ready for Female President - Aug 31, 2006 while pretending to be too focussed on the Senate elections to think about a presidetial bid!
Hillary, King and Goldwater - Mar 12, 2007
On March 4th Hillary claimed to have had an attachment to Martin Luther
King Jr. as a high school student in 1963. As a politically attuned
honor student, she must have known in 1964 that Goldwater was one of
only six Republican senators who joined Southern Democratic segregationists opposing the historic voting rights act of 1964 inspired by King
Hillary's other man - Jun 03, 2007
Hillary's relationships with Vince Foster (who she had bumped off) and
Webster Hubbell (Chelsea's biological father), in extracts from A Woman in Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton, by Carl Bernstein
Katherine Prudhomme confronts Hillary over Broaddrick rape, is threatened with arrest - Jul 13, 2007
Clinton Campaign Will Keep Contributions - Aug 28, 2007
Donations from two major campaign contributors closely track one
another. Mr. Hsu is a “bundler,” or a person who holds fund-raisers and
collects campaign donations from other contributors. For that reason,
many of the checks “bundled” by Mr. Hsu all have the same contribution
date. But Lawrence Barcello, an attorney for Mr. Hsu, denied any
suggestions that the Paw family donations had indeed come from Mr. Hsu
rather than the Paws.
WANTED: Major Hillary Campaign Contributor & Swindler - Aug 29, 2007 Is America Really Ready for another 4 years of Clinton Scandals?
Leading Clinton Donor Stays Below the Radar - Aug 29, 2007 It is legal for individuals to ask friends, colleagues and family members to make donations to political candidates, though not to reimburse people for such donations
Hsu-icide diary: A curious Google search - Sep 13, 2007 who types a suicide note?
Hillary Clinton's Chinatown Tangle - Nov 02, 2007 Chinese money-laundries
Hill gets corn-fed question Nov 10, 2007 the beast can no longer absolutely depend on the ratmedia to help her lie
Huma Abedin, Hillary's current girlfriend
Gennifer Flowers asked Bill if there was any truth to the rumor that
Hillary was having an affair with another woman. Bill laughed and said: Honey - she’s probably eaten more p*ssy than I have. But Hillary's team are trying to keep Huma a secret, even though nobody really cares about Hill's thrills
Hillary Inevitable No More? - Nov 20, 2007
lingering doubts about Hillary Clinton's honesty and forthrightness are
keeping the Democratic presidential contest close in Iowa
Kathleen Willey Takes Aim at Clintons - Nov 20, 2007 Hillary Clinton wants everybody to believe that she's a champion for women's rights, a feminist, a woman's advocate, Mrs. Willey said. She could not possibly be any of those if she continues to degrade and abuse woman like me
America hates Hillary Clinton and Co - Nov 24, 2007
almost everywhere we went people questioned her candidacy... "She
couldn't keep her own home together, so how can we trust her to manage
In Iowa, Clinton Is Pressed on Murdoch - Nov 25, 2007 and faces both ways
Couric To Clinton: Has She Considered Not Getting The Nomination? No, I Haven't. - Nov 26, 2007 see the video clip
Bundling Citizen's Guide Glossary
Hillary's Texas Money Bundler - Nov 27, 2007
Alonzo Cantu "...persuaded more than 300 people in Hidalgo County,
where the median household income in 2006 was $28,660, to write checks
ranging from $500 to $2,300 to the senator from New York." Cantu's
brother-in-law says, "The last thing you want to do is get on Alonzo's
bad side."
Hillary Aide Scolds Scarborough For Airing Party-Pooping Poll - Nov 27, 2007
there was something chilling about hearing a key Hillary insider tell a
network host that a poll the Clinton camp didn't like "shouldn't be on
your show"
Bill Clinton '07 vs. Bill Clinton '03 (and '04) - Nov 28, 2007 It's amazing how much of a pain in the ass the truth must be for Bill Clinton. The truth keeps coming up and biting him there
New film feature's Hillary's 'crimes on tape' ("Hillary Uncensored") - Nov 28, 2007 the star-studded story of Hollywood mogul Peter Franklin Paul's civil fraud suit against the Clintons
Hillary’s 2008 liability: Bill Clinton - Nov 29, 2007 It isn't just Bill who would rather not mention Hillary...
Bill Clinton, Secret War Opponent - Nov 30, 2007
Hillary was prescient enough in anticipating Bill’s reversal and
tax-hike (retroactive to the beginning of 1993, even before he was sworn
in as president), that she took her Rose Law Firm bonus early (December
of 1992) thus avoiding the impact of that tax-hike. What’s the old
expression... “character is revealed by what you do when nobody is
looking”? The Clintons don’t care even if everyone is looking
She Still Takes a Villager -- Hillary’s Authorship Lies - Dec 01, 2007 The hype says: For the most part, this is not the former first lady and presidential hopeful we all know. That's because the actual author was Barbara Feinman Todd
Hillary Clinton suggests Obama has character issues - Dec 02, 2007 That's good, coming from a psychopath. To find out how Hillary reacts to a simple "good morning" see message # 39
Hillary email - Dear doug, it has been 316 days since we started this journey - Dec 03, 2007 see if you can read it without puking
Will Clinton's Obama Attacks Backfire? - Dec 04, 2007
Hillary tries to dig the dirt on Obama - from his kindergarten days!
Stephen J. Wayne, government professor at Georgetown University: it will reinforce the negative stereotype of Mrs. Clinton as a cold and calculating person who will do whatever it takes to win. In other words a psychopath
Clinton Campaign Attacks Press For Not Realizing Kindergarten Crack was "a Joke" - Dec 04, 2007 Laugh at my jokes or I’ll kill you!
Exposing Clintons' lies - The Washington Times - Dec 04, 2007
no presidential candidate as beset by scandals and brushes with the law
as Sen. Clinton has ever existed. The runner-up is her husband
Hillary on Obama: Fear and Hatred on the Campaign Trail - Dec 05, 2007
The woman whose heathcare reforms failed so dismally called Obama a
"talker" not a "doer" and a purveyor of "false hopes." A senior House
Democratic aide notes, "The Clinton people are going nuts in how much
they hate him [Obama]." Clinton Campaign calls Obama "uppity." Which
word beginning with N usually follows "uppity?"
Clinton Volunteer Quits Over Obama Email - Dec 05, 2007 Hillary gets dirty
Friends of Hillary (Alpha Women Remain Elusive) - Dec 08, 2007
women who have struggled to the top by their own efforts resent this
"feminist" hypocrite who rode her husband to the top and who wants to
tax them heavily
Clinton, Buffett Denounce Income Gap - 11/12/07 How much is Hillary worth these days?
Clinton Camp Targets Obama's Drug Use - 12/12/07 is there anyone out there who can't see how funny that is?
Bill Clinton clashes with Hillary's advisers - Dec 16, 2007
he said it would now be a "miracle" if she won the key first caucus
state of Iowa. But Mrs Clinton denied her White House run was in
Sick Children Barred From Mrs. Clinton's Hospital Visit (from ten years ago) - Dec 17, 2007
"I've tried for years to find a nurse or administrator to go on record
who was there. If anyone can find that person, you will be doing a great
service to your country"
Failed Fraudulence - Dec 19, 2007 by Jonah Goldberg of the National Review Online
Clumsy Candidates - Dec 19, 2007
by Noemie Emery of the National Review Online. There is a sense of
deja-vu-all-over-again as Bill Clinton’s over-ambitious First Lady
replays his vice president’s fate
Video: Hillary’s unintentionally revealing Christmas ad - Dec 19, 2007 and A very Hillary Christmas. The Clintons transcend parody. Some people have absolutely no self awareness
Clinton Acolytes' Racist Attacks - Dec 19, 2007
Her campaign has been clearly playing to the deep seated stereotype
that some white people harbor—of Blacks as natural born criminals and
drug dealers
Rush to Judgment - Dec 19, 2007
by Maureen Dowd of the New York Times. Back in the ’92 race, Clinton
pollsters devised strategies to humanize her and make her seem more warm
and maternal. Fifteen years later, her campaign is devising strategies
to humanize her and make her seem more warm and maternal. The public
still has no idea of what part of her is stage-managed and
focus-grouped, and what part is legit. It’s pretty pathetic, at this
stage of her career, that she has to wage a major offensive, by
helicopter and Web testimonials, to make herself appear warm-blooded
Guess Who Gave Millions To The Clintons? - Dec 20, 2007
Remember the fit that the potential sale of management rights for
American ports to a Dubai company started? What will this UAE donation
Clinton Launches Obama Attack Web Sites - Dec 20, 2007
ABC News has learned that the campaign of Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y.,
has registered the names of two Web sites with the express goal of
attacking her chief rival, Sen. Barack Obama
Hillary's Pity-Pot Politics - Dec 20, 2007 Many view Hillary as calculating and cold-hearted
It's All About Hillary - Dec 20, 2007 by Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post. Hillary has been having a difficult time because she is the issue
Hillary Campaign launches Obama attack websites - Dec 21, 2007 so she can't complain about!
Tammany Hil (more Hillary Clinton corruption) - Dec 21, 2007
Some of the $500 million in secrets behind the Clinton Foundation and
its ties to Hillary's presidential campaign are now revealed. The
charity seems to be a clearing house for buying political favors
Halleluiah!... Hillary's Jesus Moment Is Staged... Update: With Video - Dec 21, 2007 Hillary first said, "what? Is the Sunday School teacher here?...", referring to her Sunday School teacher as "the" Sunday School teacher not "my"
Sunday School teacher, very weird, very impersonal, very business-like,
very pre-arranged sounding. Well, ABC/CNN/NBC/CBS will be all over
this... any day now... maybe
Clinton in panic mode - Dec 24, 2007
Using political surrogates, campaign apparatchiks, and an increasingly
indignant former president, the senator's nomination drive has engaged
in a level of innuendo remarkable in its sleaziness
Felons among those named to Hillary Clinton's TN steering committee - Dec 24, 2007 it's getting to be a prerequisite
Clinton triangulation comes full circle with Hillary's campaign struggles - Dec 26, 2007 Even committed liberals tell focus groups she's too cold, too calculating
Hillary's Foreign Policy Flub - Dec 27, 2007
the mainstream media stress how well Hillary knew Bhutto and show nice
pictures of the two together, but non quotes the flub or remarks on it
Ask me no questions - Dec 28, 2007 Hillary Clinton is taking few chances. She tells crowds that it’s their turn to pick a president,
but over the last two days she has not invited them to ask her any
questions. When a television reporter approached her after a rally and
asked if she was moved by Benazir Bhutto’s assassination, Clinton turned
away without answering! Hillary is seen as haughty, arrogant, and
ill-tempered. Refusing to answer questions underscores every one of
those characteristics, especially when asking for support from voters
Hillary's connection with Mena drug smuggler Dan Lasater (see message # 8) - Dec 29, 2007
As for Lasater, by the mid- 1980s he had become involved in several
shaky savings and loans, at least one of which, First American Savings
& Loan of Oak Brook, Illinois, had its difficulties with Lasater
negotiated by the bank's legal team of Vince Foster, Webster Hubbell,
and Hillary Rodham Clinton of Little Rock's Rose Law Firm, much to
Lasater's satisfaction. Apparently the thrift was unaware of the
relationship its own legal team enjoyed with Lasater. Though the thrift
had sought millions, it ended up settling for $200,000
Clinton dodges Obama's POTUS-credentials query - Dec 30, 2007
Hillary Clinton, who has stressed her experience along the campaign
trail, refused to say whether rival Sen. Barack Obama is as qualified as
her husband was when he ran for president
(Paul v Clinton) New FEC complaint filed against Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton - Dec 31, 2007 The
sleaze continues: Senator Clinton violated the public’s right to know
who was giving how much to her campaign when she was directly questioned
by the Washington Post regarding Paul’s role in Event 39. Through her
spokesman, Howard Wolfson, she used the media to deliberately hide
Paul’s contributions from the public by falsely claiming Paul had not
given any money to her campaign and that the campaign would not accept
any money from him
Chelsea Clinton Snubs 9-Year-Old - Dec 31, 2007 normally I leave Chelsea alone but now it seems she's turning into a junior psycho
How credible is Hillary Clinton on Pakistan? - Jan 01, 2008 er, um, guess!
Is this the end of the Clintons? - Jan 02, 2008
The case she made was far from compelling – that she’s human (honest)
and that she has unrivalled experience. Both propositions are debatable
and she was much less compelling than Barack Obama and John Edwards have
been in recent days. She seems to have had some kind of speech therapy
to create a softy-soft voice that made me long for the grating
shrillness of yore
Why Hillary Lost [Iowa] - Jan 04, 2008
Her attempts to soften her image and shed the popular image of herself
as a vindictive, cold, calculating opportunist and remake her image into
that of a soft caring human only served to convince much of the public
that they are watching a contrived performance
Hillary Plans To Draw Sharper "Contrast" With Obama In Days Ahead - Jan 04, 2008 Hillary: Of all the people running for president, I’ve been the most vetted, the most investigated, and my goodness, the most innocent it turns out
Democrats Boo Hillary - Jan 04, 2008 they're waking up
What Hillary never mentions (and others fail to ask....) - Jan 04, 2008
"Hillary was personally responsible and not simply acting feloniously
at the behest of Bernie Nussbaum." ... "I came to regard Doar, Nussbaum
and Rodham as somewhat less than honorable lawyers, unworthy of either
public or private trust." ... "it's completely understandable why
Hillary never mentions her work on the Nixon impeachment inquiry. I also
think it's quite understandable why she's never asked. (Not that
anyone's allowed to ask her about anything these days anyway.)" FR Comments
Clintons’ aging strategy has seen better days - Jan 06, 2008
they’re reduced to using ham-handed fools like Billy Shaheen and Bob
Kerrey to peddle half-baked lies about Muslims and cocaine dealing
The Rejection of Hillary Clinton - Jan 07, 2008
It is impossible to hide the fact that Hillary is about as likeable as a
premenstrual badger that is out of Midol. This fact aside, the media
has done its best to show her in the best possible light by ignoring
just about every one of her many gaffes
Fired Up and Ready to Bore! (Hillary tanking) - Jan 07, 2008
responses include: "Oh, my!!! This is the WASHINGTON POST, not the
WASHINGTON TIMES. She is being mocked by the POST" and "Hillary Clinton
personally has all the charsima of a dead skunk"
Brittany, Hillary, and Redemption - Jan 07, 2007
Hillary is as addicted to money and power as Brittany is to her
pharmaceuticals of choice. Hillary’s attitude toward donors is, if the
body’s warm and the check is good, he’s on the list. Hillary cannot be
Clinton’s Civil Rights Lesson - Jan 07, 2008 Hillary's campaign starts hinting at Obama assassination
Hillary Clinton’s Messiah Complex - Jan 07, 2008 "Hillary acts as though she has been chosen by God." She has some major delusions
On Deep Background – Hillary’s Campaign Staffers Getting Resumes Out - Jan 07, 2008 At least two major PR/Lobbying firms in DC have received a number of resumes and cover letters from Clinton campaign staffers
Clinton: I actually have emotions - Jan 08,2008
No, you don't. What other politician would have to say they had
emotions? Hillary is emotional only because she sees her campaign going
down in flames. She cares only for herself. Rush is right. She’s leaving
this race in a straightjacket.
Clintons in Crisis: It's the lies & fakery, stupid - Jan 09, 2008
It's the media's fault. It's sexism's fault. It's the vast right-wing
conspiracy's fault. It took a lifetime of lies, deception, hypocrisy and
hardball power grabs before Hillary and Bill's political facades
2008 New Hampshire State Primary Results: A Closer Look At The Count - Jan 09, 2008 it's all in the pink column!
A history of racial and ethnic slurs: The Foulmouthed & Lying Clintons - Jan 09, 2008
Patterson said Hillary was no stranger to the "N" word either. He heard
her say "*igger" "probably six, eight, ten times. Being a pathological
liar, Hillary denies & denies & denies. It's sad and depressing
that millions of moronic Americans believe her
The woman who made Clinton cry was not persuaded that Clinton's display of emotion had been entirely sincere - Jan 10, 2008 Mrs Young ended up voting for Obama!
How Hillary Clinton made a pact with the devil for political power - Jan 11, 2008
Bill seduced any woman in sight - but let HER run the White House. She
paid him back with explosions of foul-mouthed rage. As Hillary fights
for power in her own right, a new book The Clintons in the White House
reveals the brutal truth about her marriage. Hillary's word was law in
the White House. "There is a saying," said one top administration
official, "If Mama's not happy, nobody is happy." People were scared of
her because they knew she could chop off their testicles if she so
chose. You did not cross Hillary." FR Comments
Las Vegas Stop: Clinton pitch hits home - Jan 11, 2008 Hillary repeats a favorite lie: I've
inspired lots of people to get involved in these elections who've never
been involved before. I feel very proud of the inspiration that I am. Compare this with her remarks to Jay Leno after publication of It Takes a Village (which was actually ghost-written for her by Barbara Feinman Todd): Jay,
there are literally millions of people who have never read a printed
book. You cannot believe, Jay, how many people I have met who have told
me that MY book is the FIRST BOOK they have ever read. That's right, Hillary - we don't believe it
Hillary Clinton Researcher Uncovers Tall Tales - Jan 12, 2008 Kuiper's quote book, I've Always Been a Yankees Fan: Hillary Clinton in Her Own Words,
features over 500 provocative quotes carefully collected from 63 books
and over 100 articles and news reports. "Hillary Clinton has a long
history of telling whoppers. There is not an ounce of authenticity to
her public pronouncements." FR Comments
The Case Against Hillary Clinton - Jan 14, 2008 Hillary's main "experience" involved the comprehensive fouling-up of the nation's health-care arrangements. FR Comments
'Conservative' targets Hillary case - Jan 14, 2008
Peter F. Paul's complaint to the Federal Election Commission asks the
agency to re-open an investigation into illegal contributions to Sen.
Hillary Clinton and to probe alleged continuing violations of the law by
the Democratic presidential candidate
The Clintons and History - Jan 14, 2008
"What’s most confounding... is the Clintons’ remarkable capacity to
cast themselves as the victims in every fight." ... "Some of my
African-American friends are so angry, that they have taken to referring
to the Clintons as the KKKlintons."FR Comments
In case you're wondering what Hillary would do with your basic freedoms: Clinton Allies Suppress the Vote in Nevada - Jan 15, 2008
"This is the Clinton campaign. They tried to disenfranchise students in
Iowa. Now they're trying to disenfranchise people here in Nevada." FR Comments
Going Old South On Obama - Jan 16, 2008
Ma And Pa Clinton Flog Uppity Black Man. "some of the suffragettes that
she and her followers hail as feminist pioneers were racists. Some even
endorsed the lynching of black men" FR Comments
"Clinton’s campaign has been pursuing a fairly obvious strategy of
having surrogates attack Obama while the campaign itself denies any
Judges Restrict Anti-Clinton Movie Ads - Jan 17, 2008 Hillary Censored
The First Look At Hillary Documents - Jan 17, 2008
In a press release from Judicial Watch earlier this evening, they
excerpted some explosive passages within the records from Hillary
Clinton's task force on revamping the American health-care system,
passages which will create some uncomfortable questions for Hillary on
the campaign trail. FR Comments
Clinton China link - Jan 18, 2008 Hillary hires some of her sleazy friends. FR Comment "I wonder if the Clintons think no one remembers any of this"
Politicizing the Office? (More On Those Hillary Clinton Documents) - Jan 18, 2008 A mere two weeks after her husband's 1993 inauguration, Hillary was abusing her position, a position she didn't even hold... FR Comments
Fact Checking Hillary's Website - Jan 18, 2008 "She said on Sunday's Meet the Press
that she was only 14 when she went to hear Martin Luther King speak in
Chicago in April of 1962, but Hillary’s campaign website still features a
major speech she made less than a year ago stating it happened in
1963." ... "She said she saw MLK in January of 1963, but the sermon she
says she remembers was given in April of 1962. I doubt she was there at
Hillary's Oedipal Problem - Jan 18, 2008
The pattern of working with corrupt and criminal figures to achieve
radical aims characterized the first two Clinton terms. Whether Hillary
knows when she tells the truth by now is doubtful. FR Comments
Hillary Clinton pretends to reveal personal anguish over Lewinsky saga - Jan 18, 2008 I never doubted Bill's love for me, ever, and I never doubted my faith and my commitment to our daughter and our extended family. FR Comments
How very touching, except that Hitlery's idea of being "true to
herself" meant blaming her cheating husband's situation on the "vast
right wing conspiracy"
Good Morning Mrs. President - Gary Aldrich anecdote about Hillary and her health care - Jan 18, 2008 How Hillary deprived her staff of health insurance
The First Lady: A Comprehensive View of Hillary Rodham Clinton (health care task force debacle) - Jan 18, 2008
Hillary was the only First Lady in history to confer with Congress on a
crucial domestic policy issue, whereupon she flouted her own "public
interest" principles by shrouding her failed project in secrecy
Obama Manager Accuses Clintons of Widespread Dirty Politics (Fraud by Hillary's Campaign) - Jan 19, 2008
There are reports of over 200 separate incidents of trouble at caucus
sites, including doors being closed up to thirty minutes early,
registration forms running out so people were turned away, and ID being
requested and checked in a non-uniform fashion. FR Comments and more FR Comments
Hillary's Henchmen Neuter Chris Matthews - Jan 21, 2008 Hillary: You know, I don’t know what to do with men who are obsessed with me. (True enough; ask Vince Foster.) FR Comments
Why Primaries Should Be The Standard - Jan 21, 2008
"One voter who hadn’t even finished registering said that she was
undecided, and the Hillary operative physically escorted her to the
Hillary side" ... "The Hillary operative tried to force the doors to
close at 11:30am"
'Two Pinocchios' for Hillary Clinton - Jan 23, 2008 for "significant omissions or exaggerations" at Monday's Democratic debate in South Carolina. And a former Senate leader - a Democrat - is part of a new South Carolina Truth Squad to counter the Bill and Hillary Clintons' "incredible distortions." FR Comments |
Obama Returns Fire On Fundraiser Question - Jan 23, 2008 Obama Spokesman Chides Clinton On Hsu Connection. FR Comments
Obama Camp Complains to Nevada Dems - Jan 23, 2008 Hillary's instruction sheet: "It's not illegal unless they tell you so." FR Comments
Clintons nailed with Rezko - Jan 25/2008 Hillary (to Obama): I
was fighting against those ideas when you were practicing law and
representing your contributor, Rezko, in his slum landlord business in
inner city Chicago
Hillary denies Knowing Rezko (Did She Remember The 'Billing Records' either, etc? - Jan 25, 2008
Funny how the pictures of Jack Abramoff at a public reception in the
White House were used by the Democrats and their media lapdogs as
evidence of President Bush having a close relationship with Abramoff.
Sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose!
Blacks Stung By Bill Clinton's Remarks - Jan 25, 2008
For nearly two decades, Yvette Wider, an African American, adored Bill
Clinton. But now, after Clinton's recent remarks, she feels she hardly
knows the former president. "It made me think he's been playing us all
this time." FR Comments:
Yvette baby, the Clintons like you the way they like their coffee:
Black and contained and ready to throw away if you turn cold on them
Hillary Takes Credit for "So-Called" Surge Success - Jan 25, 2008 FR Comments: “We back stabbed the troops, to help the troops.”
Clinton Says She Must Counterattack - Jan 25, 2008 Delusional remarks from Hillary. Further evidence of her mental condition
Hillaryland Is Hell, Staffers Say - Jan 25, 2008
The unease has been spurred in large part by the “fear-inducing,
high-handed” leadership of the advisors known as “the Five” – Grunwald,
campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle, top strategist Mark Penn, policy
chief Neera Tanden, and communications director Howard Wolfson. The
five, called by Cottle the “devout members of Hillaryland,” have kept
“an iron grip on everything from ideas to access.” ... "I've never seen a
campaign where everyone feels so bad about themselves," says one
campaign staffer, echoing others. [During a conference call with
Hillary], no one spoke... An angry Hillary finally snarled: This has been very helpful talking to myself — and hung up. FR Comments: Just a preview of the discomfort the entire Nation will feel if she wins it all
A Study in Relative Sleaze / Obama and Clinton - Jan 26, 2008
Barack Obama numbers one friend who was indicted on Federal corruption
charges while Hillary Clinton numbers seventeen friends including her
husband Bill Clinton who was only the second president to be impeached.
Clinton also was fined and had his Arkansas and US Supreme Court bar
licenses suspended
What Hillary Knows About National Security ... - Jan 26, 2006
Moctar and James Riady played a key role in bringing the Clintons to
power in Washington. The Indonesian billionaire and his Lippo banking
company managed to contribute large sums of money into the Clintons'
campaigns even though it was against the law. Moctar even owned the firm
selected by Hillary Clinton to replace the White House travel office.
The Lippo Group is in fact a joint venture of China Resources, a trading
and holding company "wholly owned" by the Chinese communist government
and used as a front for Chinese espionage operations. Mrs. Clinton has
so many skeletons in her closet that I am surprised her house does not
rattle at night
Now It Was 1961. (Hillary Was 13 [when she met Martin Luther King]) - Jan 28, 2008 The Clinton campaign website now has two different dates that Hillary saw Dr. King
Bill Clinton strikes out Hillary - Jan 28, 2008 The Clintons' dirty tricks aimed at Obama demonstrate their bad judgment. FR Comments: I can’t understand how this is only JUST NOW plain to some people!
Hillary's Gambits - Dirty or Brilliant? - Jan 29, 2008
In Michigan and Florida, Hillary and Obama promised each other not to
campaign - then, while Obama played the good guy, Hillary broke her word
and went in
Hillary - The Movie - Jan 30, 2008
Bill Clinton recently accused Barack Obama of doing “a hit job" on him
when, in truth, for years Hillary did "hit jobs" on those she considered
political obstacles
New York Post endorses Barack Obama - Jan 30, 2008
"His opponent, and her husband, stand for a return to the
opportunistic, scandal-scarred, morally muddled years of the almost
infinitely self-indulgent Clinton co-presidency." FR Comments: Murdoch has spoken... He has thumbed his nose at the Witch
Clinton Less Capable, Less Electable - Jan 31, 2008
Based on her own words, she is seen as a political extremist –
something of a Nazi, a Communist, or a hybrid of both. She’s angry,
manipulative, mean-spirited, and hateful. Standing firmly on stage with
that “determined” look, waving her hands, and shouting she’ll “take and
take” in order to impose her will; one can’t help but think of Hitler at
least a little... Rehearsed facial expressions, memorized lines,
professionally written speeches, waving and pointing randomly and glassy
eyed can only go so far FR Comments
Clinton Remained Silent As Wal-Mart Fought Unions - Jan 31, 2008 Tapes Reviewed by ABC News Show Clinton As a Loyal Company Woman
Will Hillary's Wal-Mart Experience Trip Her up? - Jan 31, 2008
Hillary has attempted to parry criticism of her Wal-Mart connection by
claiming that she did what she could to press for positive change while
on the board. But ABC News
has reviewed hours of stockholder meeting videotapes and finds no
evidence that she ever pushed Wal-Mart to be more union friendly. FR Comments
Hillary the Phoney - Feb 01, 2008
ABC news has tapes of 24 meetings of the board of directors of
Wal-Mart. The Wal-Mart board of directors was plotting against unions,
and Hillary did nothing
Guess Who Hillary's Selling Her Contributor List To - Feb 01, 2008 Vinod Gupta, a man with an impressive record of alleged improprieties involving funneling shareholders' money to the Clintons! FR Comments
Who Was Hillary Clinton? - Feb 02, 2008
Hillary Clinton is running for President based in large part on her
experience, especially her eight years as first lady. So it is revealing
that she and her husband don't want the media and others to have ready
access to the records that might tell us a good deal more about that
1990s "experience." FR Comments
Bill and Hillary Clinton: the dynamics of a marriage - Feb 03, 2008
“She could be moody, but she would never stop moving forward,” said Ann
Stock, who served as White House social secretary. “Hillary has complex
layers. What you see is not what you get.”... “She was extremely
Machiavellian, a master of doing things that could not be traced back to
her,” recalled one close colleague. “She would say, Do this, but don’t leave any finger-prints.” Hillary’s mother once observed: “She just does everything she has to do to get along and get ahead.”... She once wrote to a college friend: “Unthinking emotion is pitiful to me.”FR Comments
Hillary Clinton, A Question of Character - Feb 04, 2008
Hillary's "experience" lie: A man would not dare claim his wife's work
experience as his qualification for a job, yet we're letting a woman
offer her husband's resume to qualify her for the most important job in
the world. Quiet as it is kept, Barack Obama has more experience than
Hillary Clinton, and he's more qualified than she is. Barack has served
in an elected position for 11 years to Hillary's 7 years, he has
campaigned for an elected position 6 times to Hillary's 3. He spent 4
years in the trenches, working for people at the grass roots level.
Hillary has never held a position that required consistent contact with
grass roots people. Barack built his political machine himself, Hillary
used the political machine built by her husband
Hillary’s Crocodile Tears in Connecticut - Feb 05, 2008 by Jerry Zeifman:
"I have just seen Hillary Clinton and her former Yale law professor
both in tears at a campaign rally. My own reaction was of regret that,
when I terminated her employment on the Nixon impeachment staff, I had
not reported her unethical practices to the appropriate bar
associations." Hillary's habit of concealing documents goes back to 1974
How Hillary found her voice - she hired a voice & drama coach - Feb 05, 2008 Hillary: "I found my own voice." No, she found a voice coach!
Is This What Burkle Bought? - Feb 07, 2008 where did Hillary get the $5 million she has had to lend to her campaign?
Landlord: Clinton staff stiffed me on rent - Feb 08,2008 FR Comments:
Is this the same Hillary who got such a big laugh and applause in the
LA debate when she said it took one Clinton to clean up the first Bush’s
mess and maybe another Clinton to clean up the second Bush’s mess? Team
Clinton trashed White House offices before leaving in ‘01 .. why would
anyone think they wouldn’t do the same to a small rental property?
Questions over Hillary Clinton's family wealth - Feb 10, 2008
Two years ago, she was outspoken in her denunciation of the Bush
administration’s plan to sell control of six major US ports to Dubai
Ports World, but it later emerged that her husband was advising the Arab
emirate how to handle the furore! FR Comments:
"How come no one has documented Hillary's ACTUAL work/service/income
history...year by year....she talks about all this service to the
country...Is commodity trading...Rose Law firm ripoffs ...real estate
scams now considered service to the country??"
Clinton campaign manager out - Feb 10, 2008 Patti Solis Doyle left the position today, to be replaced by Clinton's former top White House aide, Maggie Williams. FR Comments:
"Officer Henry P. O’Neill said that on July 20, 1993, several hours
after Mr. Foster’s body was found in a Virginia park, he saw Mrs.
Clinton’s chief of staff, Margaret A. Williams, carrying two
handfuls of folders from Mr. Foster’s office (before the FBI had a
chance to see them)" and... "Johnny Chung made almost 50 visits to the
Clinton White House, and on one occasion, gave Hillary’s Chief of Staff,
Maggie Williams, a check for the DNC in the amount of $50,000.
The check was actually given in the White House (in violation of the
law)" ... "WHERE"S the FBI??? Oh she MARRIED the FBI guy, Ron Noble!!! I
detest these people"
Odd Film by Hillary Backer - Feb 11, 2008 Anti-Semitic Turk Mehmet Celebi
Hillary hits Obama on transparency, style - Feb 11, 2008 She promised there would be no new scandals involving her husband
Clinton Not Ready To Release Tax Returns - Feb 11, 2008 until after she wins the nomination! Transparency eh?
5 Million Internet Views of Hillary! Uncensored Film Helps Derail Hillary White House Bid! - Feb 12, 2008 Film Ranked By Google As #1 Video in the World!
MSNBC'S Chelsea Confessions - Feb 13, 2008
Hillary's personal style of political warfare is ruthless, a
bare-knuckles fight to the death. Ask Ken Starr. Her idea of employee
relations is also rough. Paul Fray, an Arkansas campaign worker said she
cursed him out with F-bombs and ethnic slurs after Bill Clinton lost
his one race for Congress in 1974. A co-worker told NBC News in 1999
that he heard cussing from Hillary that night like he’d never heard
before. So it’s a little strange to see Hillary appearing so upset over
MSNBC reporter David Shuster suggesting that Chelsea Clinton was being
“pimped out” by Hillary’s campaign. FE Comments
Clintons' InfoUSA Ties Scrutinized - Feb 13, 2008
Info U.S.A.'s CEO is Vinod Gupta, a close ally of both Clintons.
Gupta's empire also includes the Opinion Research Corporation, which
conducts the political polling for the television network CNN. Vin Gupta
has a long history of giving and raising campaign money for the
Clintons, and gave $1 million for the 2000 Millennium Celebration, a New
Year's Party thrown by the Clintons. When he was president, Bill
Clinton named Gupta to the Kennedy Center board of directors. Gupta also
got to sleep in the Lincoln bedroom. He gave another million to the
Clinton Presidential Library. FR Comments: Not only does she pimp out her daughter, she pimps out her donors. more FR Comments on Feb 17, 2008
Clinton, Boxer donor to plead guilty - Feb 21, 2008
His case, much like that of jailed Democratic fundraiser Norman Hsu,
exemplifies the pitfalls of political fundraising, in which candidates
hungry for cash ignore warning signs about those able to raise it. FR Comments
What are the Clintons Hiding? - Feb 21, 2008
Bill Clinton's ties to mining mogul Frank Giustra extend far beyond the
lucrative contract he won in Kazakhstan after the two of them shared a
dinner with that nation's president. Bill and Hillary's finances are
co-mingled, and the senator recently loaned her sinking campaign $5
million. So when will Hillary Clinton finally release her tax returns? FR Comments
Paul v Clinton - Bill, Hillary, Chelsea, raise your right; do you solemnly swear... - Feb 21, 2008 A brief status conference was held this morning in chambers with Superior Court judge Aurelio Munoz to discuss Paul v Clinton. FR Comments:
Chelsea’s deposition should be particularly interesting because
Hillary’s lying declaration has set her up to commit perjury to protect
her mom
Obama robbed in NY - Feb 16, 2008
Barack Obama's primary-night results were strikingly under recorded in
several congressional districts around the city - in some cases leaving
him with zero votes when, in fact, he had pulled in hundreds, the Board
of Elections said today
Do-or-die Hillary turns bully as Obama starts to pull away - Feb 17, 2008 Ohio Governor Ted Strickland believes the voters have yet to get to know the warm-hearted, “deeply caring” Clinton. FR Comments
Defeat in primary elections is revealing true Clinton character - Feb 18, 2008
And it's not a kinder and gentler version of the original. When Hillary
loses, she gets angry and condescending and terribly unappealing. FR Comments
Clinton pals chair Dem credentials panel - Feb 19, 2008
Hillary Clinton has close ties to the leaders of an obscure Democratic
Party committee that could decide the fate of her presidential
campaign!!! FR Comments: Stalin: “It’s not who votes for the delegates that counts, but its who seats them that counts.”
Clinton ad: 'She's worked the night shift, too.' - Feb 19, 2008 Hillary's delusional propaganda. FR Comments
Clintons to face fraud trial - Feb 19, 2008 FR Comments the record-breaking Clintons
An early look at how Clinton deals with crisis - Feb 24, 2008 In 1975 Hillary furthered her career as a lawyer by defaming a 12 year old rape victim. FR Comments
Hillary’s Tin Man Campaign Doesn’t Have Heart - Feb 25, 2008 Hillary is as cold as a dead fish. It’s all planning, calculation and stage-management. FR Comments
Democrat Debate: Clinton Done, Obama Winner - Feb 27, 2008
John Mark Reynolds identifies one of Hillary's psychopathic
characteristics: She is smart, perhaps having the most book smarts in
the race, but she has not “people intelligence.”
Clinton’s Efforts on Ethanol Overlap Her Husband’s Interests - Feb 28, 2008 FR Comments (from 3 years later)
Texas caucus hardball - Mar 01, 2008 Hillary instructs her supporters to take control of the caucus process in Texas
Clinton to Release Tax Returns April 15 - Mar 02, 2008 says her communications director Howard Wolfson. FR Comments: Man, they must have a VERY slow copy machine at Hitlery’s office if it takes a month and a half to copy her income tax return
Clinton aide compares Obama to Ken Starr - Mar 06, 2008 a huge blunder by the sleazy Howard Wolfson. FR Comments and ABC Comments and more FR Comments: There are millions out there saying Ken who? They will Google, they will find excerpts from the Starr report, they will read details they have never been told by the mainstream media
Richard Milhous Rodham - Mar 06, 2008
Hillary's psychopathic tactics. "Hillary enjoys the ruthlessness of
politics, sifting through blades in her bag of dirty tricks until she
finds one that really cuts."FR Comments: When Nixon lied, he at least had the decency to sweat... And Nixon had the good grace to know when to quit
'Hillary Clinton's a monster': Obama aide blurts out attack in Scotsman interview - Mar 07, 2008 (see reply 341)
InfoUSA says SEC and internal investigations delays annual report - Mar 07, 2008 A shareholder lawsuit claims the company misspent millions, some of it on Bill and Hillary Clinton. FR Comments
Nobel winner: Hillary Clinton's "silly" Irish peace claims - Mar 08, 2008 FR Comments and more FR Comments and more FR Comments and more FR Comments and more FR Comments
Clinton's Foreign Policy Record Examined - Mar 08, 2008
Clinton is taking credit for accomplishing more than some of those who
were active in foreign policy during the Clinton years recall. FR Comments
Clinton Revises Remark on Women in Mississippi - Mar 08, 2008
Hillary Rodham Clinton tried to backpedal Friday from comments she made
in October suggesting Mississippi was a backward place for women's
progress. FR Comments
...Say Anything - Mar 10, 2008 Hillary has displayed a monstrous distortion of the truth to date on the campaign trail. FR Comments:
Hillary Clinton will say and do anything to get her party’s nomination.
On a trust-level and integrity, she basically comes up with a “0” on a
0-10 scale
Hillary's Empty Foreign Portfolio - Mar 10, 2008
One by one, the medals that Commander Hillary has pinned to her chest
are falling away like so many leaves and flowers withering into the
truth. FR Comments: "yes hillary has accomplished a lot for China"
The Clinton Tax Returns: What's the Holdup? - Mar 10, 2008
Since 1999, the couple's net worth has increased from somewhere between
$1.25 million and $5.7 million to between $10 million and $50 million. FR Comments
Aussie feminist Greer brands Hillary 'cold, bossy' - Mar 10, 2008 "I can't see that Hillary would appeal to feminists because, why is she there? She is there because she is Bill's wife." FR Comments
Sinbad Unloads on Hillary Clinton - Mar 11, 2008 Exposes her lies about "dangerous" Bosnia trip. FR Comments: Hillary tells such ridiculous lies, all the time, her staff must be terrified to warn her what a fool she’s making of herself
Obama fury over Clinton backer Ferraro's race remark - Mar 11, 2008 FR Comments: Obama’s one appeal is that he doesn’t overtly appeal based on race
Hillary fibs about SCHIP experience too - Mar 14, 2008
Hillary Clinton, who has frequently described herself on the campaign
trail as playing a pivotal role in forging a children’s health insurance
plan, had little to do with crafting the landmark legislation or
ushering it through Congress. FR Comments
The Clinton Runaround - Mar 14, 2008
USA Today has finally received some records from the Clinton Presidency
four years after making a Freedom of Information Act request. Except
that hundreds of pages pertaining to the handling of Bill Clinton's 140
last-minute pardons have been redacted or withheld. FR Comments: "This is vintage clinton ... you might recall Hillary's lost billing records"
Hillary’s Hubris - Mar 16, 2008 she has been myopic in her insatiable desire for unbridled and absolute power. And she will stop at nothing to get it. FR Comments: Claiming that being married to the President is “executive experience” is like saying Yoko Ono was a Beatle
Hillary Clinton 'boasted' about First Lady role - Mar 19, 2008
Hillary Clinton’s boasts that she gained major foreign policy
experience as First Lady have been undermined after 11,046 pages of her
White House schedules provided scant evidence to back up her claims. FR Comments: Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't
First lady Clinton and the intern crisis - Mar 19, 2008
an aide discovered inside the White House family residence long-sought
billing records of Mrs. Clinton's legal work on Whitewater-related real
estate transactions that turned out to be fraudulent. Furious
prosecutors, who had subpoenaed the records 18 months earlier, ordered
Mrs. Clinton to testify before a federal grand jury about the records.
She appeared on Jan. 26, 1996.
Witnesses say Pellicano threatened them - Mar 20, 2008 FR Comments: Hillary's Hitman Pelican Needs a Pardon
Sniper Fire, and Holes In Clinton's Recollection - Mar 22, 2008 see also NewsBusters and FR Comments |
PA Vet Tossed Out of Clinton Rally - Mar 22, 2008 Questions not welcome (again). FR Comments
Clinton camp in lockdown mode over Bosnia flap - Mar 25, 2008 FR Comments:
"This reminds me of the time Hillary said the Chelsea was right under
the falling debris of the falling towers in New York on 9/11. Turned out
Chelsea wasn’t aware of her mothers statement and states she wasn’t
anywhere near the towers on 9/11. Doesn’t phase Hillary; she just moves
on to the next lie." ... "Her problem is that she has no real
accomplishments - so she needs to fake some!"
Chelsea Clinton Questioned on Bosnia Sniper Fire - Mar 25, 2008 FR Comments: "This is the same Chelsea that was jogging around the World trade center on 9-11"
Hillary Under Fire - Mar 25, 2008 From determination to desperation
Hillary's Other Fabrication - Mar 25, 2008
She invented the entire story [about Chelsea witnessing 9/11] on
national television, the "Today" show, and didn't blink an eye. FR Comments
Hillary Clinton's Bosnia sniper story exposed - Mar 26, 2008 She blamed tiredness for a dramatic description that was shown to have been significantly exaggerated. FR Comments: "Then maybe she's not the right person to be answering the phone at 3:00 AM"
Now Bunko Hill is under Fire - Mar 26, 2008 Insulted military blasts her serial 'sniper' lies. FR Comments
Hillary's List of Lies - Mar 26, 2008 FR Comments: if all her lies were listed, the FR server would crash!
Fed-up electorate won't take this 'lying' down - Mar 26, 2008 You know it's bad when Bill Clinton is the honest one
Hillary Clinton: Truth or Consequences - Mar 26, 2008 by Carl Bernstein. “Hillary Rodham Clinton has always had a difficult relationship with the truth…” FR Comments
Getting Mrs. Clinton - Mar 28, 2008
We've reached the point where, with Hillary Clinton, either you get it
or you don't. There's no dodging now. You either understand the problem
with her candidacy, or you don't. You either understand who she is, or
not. And if you don't, after 16 years of watching Clintonian dramas, you
probably never will. FR Comments: Old Southern saying - some people would rather climb a tree to lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth
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