CONSERVATIVE Political Views and religious censorship and harassment by Facebook
Do you think that Facebook censorship will be limited to a
preacher, a Christian band and some Bible verses when the next big election is
held in the US? The time to do something is NOW!
As you read here and consider legal implications can you
think of any reason that Facebook should not have registered as a PAC?
To file a formal elections complaint with the FEC against Facebook click here
To file a formal elections complaint with the FEC against Facebook click here
If you have been harassed, threatened or censored by Facebook
BE SURE to SAVE A SCREENSHOT because that could be very helpful in any class
action lawsuit.
If you have a valid story please also share it here on our discussions page.
If you have a valid story please also share it here on our discussions page.
Does not Facebook have a fiduciary duty to its members?
Public legal notice to Facebook. Civil litigation against
you is being considered. The identities of those making frivolous spam
complaints and all other complaints to exact censorship of valid postings, and
the identities of the corrupt Facebook employees who are cooperating with them
and harassing me and others with censorship and account disabling etc. may be
required of you by the court through subpoena and your destruction of any of those records
could be a criminal act, obstruction of justice.
Does it bother you that I call the scum
running Facebook "scum"? See if you can read to the end of this page
without calling them scum too!
When I was blocked from Facebook I took some time to update our
links and discussions area.
Click here for
our discussion links and links to other stories like Facebook's censorship of
film critic Roger Ebert and censorship of the Governor of Arizona Jan Brewer and
things like that. UPDATED 5-27-2012
Facebook EXPOSED! This link documents some of the most
insidious and blatant activity by Facebook!
Have you noticed less on your newsfeed and less friend activity? Find out
Please spread the word about
Scum running Facebook censor/harass user for quoting Gandhi
Update 12-29-2012 Facebook purging pro 2nd amendment accounts
Here is an example of disgusting FB censorship. Worley
is the one who published the addresses of a bunch of gun owners.

Discovered this example of Facebook censorship and
harassment11-2012 and felt to share it here at
Update 11-14-2012 I was blocked from posting about the stolen
election on my own page with this harassment from Facebook. I was posting a link
to with some other links about the stolen election.
Please spread the word about

Update 10-28-2012 Here is a particularly egregious sample of Facebook
censorship that we found.

Please spread the word about
International news agencies are now publishing the story of Facebook
As you read here and consider legal implications can you think of any
reason that Facebook should not have registered as a PAC?To file a formal elections complaint with the FEC against Facebook click here
Update 10-13-2012 another threat from Facebook when I was commenting on a post that showed up on MY OWN NEWSFEED. Something needs to be done to hold Facebook legally responsible for their harassment and censorship. They have an effective monopoly and their corruption demands legal recourse. Please spread the word about
Update 10-8-2012 Just when I was beginning to think they
had their act together Facebook has shown their malice and incompetence again.
Here is a threat that I received when trying to post a reply comment to a post
from a friend that appeared on MY HOME PAGE! Please share
on and off of Facebook.

Update 8-17-2012 It is truly disgusting the way that
Facebook allows some of the viler net scum to maintain clearly fake name
accounts and harass others from an anonymous platform. Here are a couple
of examples that have been pointed out to Facebook.
This demonstrates both Facebook's hypocrisy, and selective enforcement of their own rules that hopefully will support their legal liability.
If you were harassed by Facebook and forced to change your name save this information as evidence for a class action lawsuit. It documents their discrimination by their selective enforcement of their rules.
This demonstrates both Facebook's hypocrisy, and selective enforcement of their own rules that hopefully will support their legal liability.
If you were harassed by Facebook and forced to change your name save this information as evidence for a class action lawsuit. It documents their discrimination by their selective enforcement of their rules.
Update 8-20-2012 regarding the fake account mentioned
above. Just look at this garbage! It really will take legal
action to clean up the malicious garbage and incompetence at Facebook.
Below are three messages I received when I logged on Facebook today and the
block message when I tried to post to a friends page and to a group where I am
the admin. Please spread the word about
and post these screen shots since I am apparently blocked from posting.
Update 8-2-2012 I received another threat the same as on
6-20-2012 when posting a comment to an ongoing debate with a false preacher. Please share on sites and blogs outside of FB as well
as sharing it here.
Update 6-27-2012 I received another threat the same as on
6-20-2012 when posting a comment to a post that appeared on my own newsfeed on
my own page. Please share on sites and blogs outside of FB as well
as sharing it here.
Update 6-20-2012 I am convinced that it will take a lawsuit to
clean up the scum running Facebook. Here is a screenshot of the
threat/harassment that I received when commenting on a news post that
appeared on my own personal page. Something really needs to be done about
the scum running Facebook. Please spread the word about

Update 6-19-2012 I received the same harassment and threat as
on 4-28-2012 by the scum running Facebook. This event is interesting
because I was posting to my OWN group! Please spread the word about
and be sure to SAVE a SCREENSHOT when you are threatened or harassed by FB.
That could be very important once a lawsuit is filed against Facebook.
Update 6-13-2012 I again received the same harassment and
threat as on 4-28-2012 from Facebook when posting a valid comment regarding a
malicious stalker named Suleman Peter who is a polytheistic false-christian
minister who is obsessed with me because my Bible studies expose him as a fake.
Update 5-27-2012 I again received the same harassment and
threat as on 4-28-2012 from Facebook when posting a valid comment regarding a
Bible posting. Maybe somehow some of the people who lost money on the
Facebook IPO would like to get involved in a class action lawsuit against
Facebook? Please spread the word about
Update 5-15-2012 I received the same threat again as on
4-28-2012 by the scum running Facebook. Please spread the word about this site!
Update 4-28-2012 I received the threat below when preparing to
make a valid comment. I believe that nothing short of lawsuits will clean
up the scum running Facebook! Please spread the word about and
if you are threatened harassed or censored by Facebook be sure to save a screen
shot and document it for possible legal action. A class action suit
would be the best option.

Update 4-15-2012 A false-christian deceiver named
Keith Starnes has been harassing and stalking me on Facebook for some time, so
what do the scum at Facebook do? They censor one of my replies to him.
Update 4-8-2012 When posting a valid comment on a
friend's page I received another threat from the scum running Facebook that if
people didn't like my comment that my ability to comment might be suspended.
Please spread the word about Hopefully the events that I am
documenting here along with supporting evidence will form the basis of one or
more lawsuits against Facebook.
Update 3-21-2012 I am being harassed with security CAPCHA
to even post to MY OWN PAGE on Facebook. I am more and more convinced that
it will take legal action to get this mess cleaned up. Please spread the
word about this site so that Facebook investors can be aware of
what they are supporting and trusting. I believe that Facebook has a duty
to those who built on their foundation due their apparently FALSE ADVERTISING
and misleading representation of what Facebook really is! Facebook
advertisers and investors need to be made aware of what Facebook is.
Update 3-2-2012 Facebook has falsely labeled me as a
spammer even knowing that I am the victim of campaigns of frivolous complaints
and harassment. I am convinced that nothing short of lawsuits and/or a
mass exodus from Facebook will clean up their mess. Please spread
the word about

Update 10-28-2011 Facebook censorship, harassment and
threats is getting worse. Here is the latest. Consider the blatant
violation of their rules that Facebook allows for those who harass, stalk, and
libel me. I believe this recent event was the result of an organized
campaign by a reprobate devil named Jonathan Jackson ( who
is obsessed with harassing and stalking me because I preach the truth, He has published malicious
libel about me, many blatant lies and even boasted of his practice of organizing campaigns of
frivolous complaints against me to manipulate Facebook.

Update October 15-18, 2011 Facebook is KNOWINGLY and
DELIBERATELY allowing obviously fake accounts like one named "Beard Buster " to
repeatedly publish malicious libel, copyrighted material of mine and lies about me. Spread the word
about There is even a scum posting as Al
Einstein that was reported ages ago but Facebook ignores fake accounts while
harassing real Christians and conservatives on minor technicalities. This
further documents the corruption and dishonesty of Facebook.
Others are noticing the corruption and harassment by
Facebook and calling it getting Fbooked Takes.html Takes.html
Update October 2011! It just keeps getting worse!
After destroying groups so they could remove the discussion boards and making
people start over with pages, Facebook is now REMOVING the discussion areas from
pages!!! They are destroying years of peoples work to make it so
they can censor easier.
Spread the word about
Spread the word about
Update 9-28-2011 Facebook Censorship and hypocrisy have hit
a new low even for them. Here are some screen shots. I had been
harassed by a reprobate devil named Jonathon Jackson who even blasphemed the
Holy Ghost and published quite a bit of malicious libel about me without
Facebook taking any action.

Then we have another related THREAT by Facebook.
Please spread the word about

Update 9-9-2011 I have noticed that Facebook
has removed the ability for me to email the members of an event that I set up
within a group that I run. Their noose of censorship is tightening.
They are changing things to make it impossible for a group owner of a large
group to contact all of the members.
Update 8-22-2011 I received two harassing
emails from Facebook informing me that they had censored two of my posts in
discussion groups. Meanwhile they allow false-christian filth to violate
their vague TOS repeatedly and do nothing about it. This is nothing less
than harassment and discrimination by Facebook.
You will see below that Facebook
FORCED me to change my username from "Bro Steve Winter" because they don't allow
titles or fake names.
Yet here are some sample fake name accounts of devils that have been reported to Facebook but after some time are still active. That proves what was done to me was harassment and discrimination. Apostolic Faith (ImallaboutJesus) Dcapstone Message Benjamin King Jesus Elder Tarrin Dunamis Gary
Yet here are some sample fake name accounts of devils that have been reported to Facebook but after some time are still active. That proves what was done to me was harassment and discrimination. Apostolic Faith (ImallaboutJesus) Dcapstone Message Benjamin King Jesus Elder Tarrin Dunamis Gary
Update 8-17-2011 Facebook continues their threats and
harassment on behalf of mostly false-christians. The blatant hypocrisy of
Facebook is astounding. See here the latest popup harassment threat by

Legal notice to Facebook. I have published a plethora of
documentation regarding discrimination harassment, threats, intimidation and
even aiding and abetting criminal stalking and harassment by Facebook staff
against me at The details and identity of all
Facebook employees and users involved may be requred of you by the courts and
destruction of any evidence, logs communications etc by FB would be criminal
obstruction of justice. You are well aware of organized campaigns of frivilous
complaints against me by groups of mainly false-christians who blatantly and
repeatedly violate your selectively enforced and deliberately vague and unclear
TOS themselvesUpdate 7-31-2011 While corrupt scum at Facebook harass me on the Godvine discussion board on behalf of the false-christian scum there, they allow the same false-christian scum free reign to harass and spam. They are even allowing the devilish stalker Carl Mccaskey to continue spamming malicious libel and totally ignore their "TOS". Some history of Carl's criminal harassment is available at
Update 7-30-2011 Facebook is censoring valid
postings on the Godvine discussion page on behalf of false-christians there.
I hope everyone can understand what has happened. Before, discussion areas
were managed and moderated by group OWNERS, now Facebook has trashed all the
groups with their "upgrade" and destroyed the old discussion format and moved to
a new format where THEY do the censorship. The discussion areas LOOK the same,
but... I hope you can see what the scum at Facebook have done!
Please spread the word about
Update 7-28-2011 The scum running Facebook, while ignoring even criminal activity against me are harassing and threatening me on behalf of a handful of false-christian scum from a page called Godvine who have been filing frivolous and hypocritical complaints in an attempt at censorship. It is becoming very clear that a lawsuit against Facebook will be the only solution to their hypocrisy and corruption. It would be best to have a class action lawsuit. Look here at the threat that was waiting for me on my home page today. Consider what all the scum on Facebook knowingly allow
All of these new "improvements" and "upgrades" on Facebook are to centralize their CONTROL and CENSORSHIP abilities. It was for years the owners of a group that managed the content of a discussion board. NOW Facebook manages the content of discussion boards!
Also note that the scum running the page on Facebook are just as much scum as any of those running
It is amazing to me the hypocrisy of the scum running
Facebook that they allow so much harassment from obviously fake accounts like a
false-christian scum using the username "Praise
Him" who has been sending me harassing messages (after being reported) and a
plethora of others like that while they claim that they enforce real names only.
They are lying scum. It is that simple. The trash running Facebook
are LYING SCUM! See below how they have harassed me and made me change my
Update 7-25-2011 I am still receiving harassing email from the false-christian
scum using the fake name "Praise Him". Maybe it will take a criminal
complaint against Facebook to resolve this. Please spread the word about
Update 5-30-2011 After destroying my 1800 plus member Bible study group with
their "upgrade" and forcing me to start over at -0- members with a new "page",
Facebook is REFUSING to let me advertise the new page. (see below for
Here is a link to documentation SCREEN SHOTS of Facebook DESTROYING AKA censoring years of peoples work by deleting ALL the members of their group and making them start over from -0-! Some of these people have invested YEARS of work and promotion based on Facebook's encouragement and advertising!
I am also noticing that Facebook is planning to remove all the members of some of the groups that they are "upgrading". This is nothing more than brazen censorship. If Facebook does not get majorly sued before the next election the USA is in big trouble.
I had also been for months
documenting much of the information presented here on the Wall Street Journal
Community but I just discovered that corrupt scum at the Wall Street Journal
deleted most all of it. They deserve our deepest contempt.
Update 7-11-2011 Today the scum running Facebook, as blatant harassment, blocked me from logging in and forced me to change my name and drop the "Bro". While they claim that no titles are allowed I have reported MANY obviously fake accounts and Facebook ignores the reports. This is nothing more than blatant harassment by Facebook. The corruption of the malicious scum running Facebook is ASTOUNDING! See below regarding Facebook allowing criminal harassment from an obviously fake account impersonating me! Please spread the word about
Consider what the scum at Facebook have done
here. They KNOWINGLY allowed a fake "Steve Winter" account to be active
for several days and allowed some stalker to post wherever he wished as me,
using my copyrighted photo. THEN the scum at Facebook forced me to
change my name from Bro. Steve Winter to just Steve Winter so NOW anyone
looking will believe that I actually was the author of whatever offensive
material the impersonator posted in the several days that Facebook gave
him/her/it free reign to harm me as they pleased.
If you have any doubt
regarding what lying low life scum are running Facebook, do a search for Apostle
or Pastor or Elder or even Jesus and see how many are using those as part of
their Facebook name!

July 7 2011 Facebook is again aiding and
abetting criminal stalking. Someone setup a profile impersonating me here and started sending
me obscene harassing messages on Facebook that I believe are extreme enough to
be criminal and a violation of Federal law. The fake account is still
active several hours now after being reported to Facebook. If I file a
criminal complaint I will be naming Facebook as a criminal accessory.
Update July 9,2011, the low life scum running Facebook have still done nothing about the fake account impersonating me and violating copyright of my likeness. The account is still active.

Update July 9,2011, the low life scum running Facebook have still done nothing about the fake account impersonating me and violating copyright of my likeness. The account is still active.
June 2011 ONGOING - This is really amazing! Facebook is aiding and abetting criminal harassment as retaliation against me. It is also notable that Facebook is deliberately allowing stalkers (including one Carl Mccaskey who I have even filed criminal complaints against (See ) to stalk me and repeatedly spam malicious libel which is a clear violation of their Terms of Service while deleting my replies. They censor what they want and allow blatant abuse when it suits their whim. They have also been censoring most of my replies to Carl Mccaskey where I point out his history of harassment and stalking. This is just one more example of Facebook corruption. Facebook is also allowing him to repeatedly harass me using the Facebook email system. If I file another criminal complaint against him I will be adding Facebook as a criminal accessory.
Here are some screen shots that document my claims regarding Mccaskey and Facebook's aiding and abetting.
Update 5/6/2011 The basic destruction of established groups
by Facebook by their new "upgrade" has the effect of destroying months if not
years of work of those who built groups on Facebook. They have destroyed
the ability for the admin to mass email the membership, but made it so every
wall post spams everyone in the group a private message AND they have done away
with the entire discussion area making the new "group" little more than a wall.
This is one of the most destructive acts of censorship yet and proves that
UPDATE 4/6/2011 see details below.
Facebook was actually censoring/blocking Bible verses from wall
Please spread the word about With enough publicity maybe
the right lawyers will see the opportunity that Facebook is creating with their
blatant false advertising and censorship
Political and religious censorship on a site like Facebook
should be a concern to all regardless of political or religious leanings.
Facebook is lying when they claim that legitimate, on topic, comments are abusive just because they or a handful of members disagree with the viewpoint being expressed. At the same time that Facebook is engaging in censorship and harassment against me for posting my opinions they are KNOWINGLY allowing harassment and libel to be published about me often from anon accounts AND knowingly allowing malicious distorted altered copies of my copyrighted likeness to be published from an obviously fake account as well as allowing a group clearly labeled for the purpose of defaming and harassing me to exist. Also Facebook is knowingly allowing "get rich quick spam" and such like even though I have reported it.
Facebook is lying when they claim that legitimate, on topic, comments are abusive just because they or a handful of members disagree with the viewpoint being expressed. At the same time that Facebook is engaging in censorship and harassment against me for posting my opinions they are KNOWINGLY allowing harassment and libel to be published about me often from anon accounts AND knowingly allowing malicious distorted altered copies of my copyrighted likeness to be published from an obviously fake account as well as allowing a group clearly labeled for the purpose of defaming and harassing me to exist. Also Facebook is knowingly allowing "get rich quick spam" and such like even though I have reported it.
Facebook is knowingly allowing the publishing of malicious
libel about me from obviously fake accounts while they censor my valid content.
It is becoming clear that nothing short of a lawsuit will
clean up the mess at Facebook. They apparently have learned nothing from
the lawsuits that they recently lost. I believe that the case could
and SHOULD be made that Facebook has a fiduciary duty to its members who have
built upon their foundation.
One of the ways that Facebook abuses their position is to
falsely label valid content as "abusive". The people running Facebook are
corrupt and irresponsible.
Even if the Facebook religious and political
censorship is an automated result of people falsely "reporting" views they
disagree with as "abusive", Facebook is still responsible for what they unleash
upon their customers. Incompetence and laziness are no excuse for
Facebook's failure as a fiduciary to those who believed their advertising and
built upon their foundation thereby making Facebook rich and powerful. If
their system is allowing automated censorship of unpopular viewpoints by those
who disagree that makes it even worse and shows gross negligence by Facebook!
Want to share your story? Click here for discussions and blogs about Facebook censorship and our comments area where others testify of being censored by Facebook.
Update 5-30-2011 Is Facebook run by scum or is Facebook run by scum?
After having my 1800 member Bible study group destroyed by Facebook I started
over at -0- with a "page". After being solicited to "advertise" my new
page I thought to maybe give it a try. Here is what I was greeted with:

Seriously, is Facebook run by scum or is Facebook run by scum?
The page that Facebook is refusing to advertise is
6-26-2011 After enduring several days of the scum running Facebook allowing a stalker named Carl Mccaskey (see ) to blatantly spam malicious libel duplicate posts while deleting my replies, I believe that Facebook has hit a new low even for them. I have just had several of my posts to MY OWN DISCUSSION AREA on my own PAGE just disappear. I have felt that one of the reasons that Facebook destroyed the existing groups and removed all the old discussion areas was to move everyone to a format that they could more easily censor. Facebook censoring a page owner on their own discussion group is a new low and even greater cause for alarm.
5-27-2011 While Facebook is destroying groups that took years to build up and the other things documented here, they are allowing a stalker named Carl Mccaskey to spam groups all over with malicious libel about me. This is a sicko that I have even filed repeated criminal complaints against over a period of years.. I have documented some of that harassment and criminal activity at
5-6-2011 Since there was no real choice I "upgraded" a Bible study group that I admin with almost 2000 members. Facebook destroyed the discussion group, POOF GONE, messages moved to the wall, removed the ability for me to mass email the membership AND now EVERY new wall posting is spammed to the private email of every member. I have basically had my months of work destroyed and have to start a "page" from scratch. One would hope that this would spark a class action suit as many on Facebook are having YEARS of work and building DESTROYED by Facebook! That is far worse than the previous censorship documented here at
5-6-2011 There is serious concern about Facebook changing their "group" format. Some feel that Facebook is basically destroying groups that took years to build. The instability of Facebook is manifesting in many different ways and a lot of people are growing more and more concerned.
5-1-2011 The Facebook censorship of wall comments is continuing just as before with valid comments being blocked from walls.
4-29-2011 It appears that a lot of the Facebook censorship is abating (or they are getting better where I am not noticing) but they are STILL censoring the discussion on the Wall Street Journal community regarding their censorship. There is a button to add the topic to my Facebook page but it never appears on my Facebook page. The WSJ discussion is here
4-24-2011 I was able to post a few comments with Bible verses today that were still there when I checked back. At least some of the Facebook censorship seems to be subsiding.
4-23-2011 I tried to post some Bible verses on a wall comment on a Christian group that I am the admin of and the Bible verses were auto deleted from my comment when it was saved. I am amazed that there is not more outrage about what the corrupt filth at Facebook are doing.
4-21-2011 The bumbling malicious filth running Facebook are continuing to censor Bible verses from wall comments. I tried to comment on a friends news post to my wall and the comment was blocked.
4-17-2011 Facebook censored the text below that I tried to post as a comment to a friends news post ON MY OWN WALL to add to the discussion. I really believe that there is real opportunity here for the right law firm.
Here is a link to my letter to the editor published in the Roxboro
Courier Times regarding the LDS.
The real Jesus Christ of the Bible is Jehovah Saviour.
Bro. Winter
4-17-2011 Facebook is now censoring links to Christian Sermons on YouTube. Facebook censored the following from my attempt to post a wall comment REPLY to a religious group news posting that appeared on MY Facebook home page from a group that I am a MEMBER OF. Google video is discontinuing
so I am moving some videos over to Youtube. Learn why trinitarianism is
not merely stupid and foolish; but is actually an antichrist religion.
4-15-2011 Facebook seems to have no problems with death threats against me and my family while they continue to censor Bible verses and links to Winterband music videos from wall comments. I have created a new page to document the death threat thing. When I tried to mention which video had upset the young lady Facebook CENSORED this link here. The last time I checked nothing had been done about the death threat.
4-14-2011 The following was censored by Facebook when I put it as a comment to a news post that appeared on my home page from a group that I am a member of. I am hearing from others who have also been censored by Facebook.
Facebook is even censoring Bible verses from wall comments. Regardless
of whether you appeciate the truth that I preach do you really approve
of FB actually censoring Bible verses from wall comments?
I am NOT the only one this is happening to!
4-13-2011 In a religious discussion on a friend's wall I posted a comment with the following Bible verses. When I saved the comment these Bible verses were GONE from my comment!
1John 4:5 They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. 1John 4:6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
Update 4/12/2011 My comment to a wall post from the New York Times was censored by Facebook. I commented on a news post that appeared on MY personal wall. It seemed to be fine until I looked back just a minute or two later and it was GONE. When you make a comment to a wall post. GO BACK in a few minutes to make sure it is still there. Please spread the word about With enough publicity maybe the right lawyers will see the opportunity that Facebook is creating with their blatant false advertising and censorship
Update 4/11/2011 The following was censored by Facebook as I tried to publish it as a comment to a Music news post that appeared on MY personal wall.
Time to Die - Live At Stonehenge 2011??
Christian rock band sounding the trumpet for the end times.
Update 4/10/2011 The following was censored by Facebook as I tried to publish it as a comment to a Christian news post that appeared on MY personal wall.
FB has serious issues with censorship and have even been censoring Bible
verses from wall comments. See for
some specific examples. People can ban whoever they wish from their
groups as it should be but when FB is censoring on behalf of mobs of
cultists that is a problem.
Update 4/9/2011 The following was censored by Facebook as I tried to publish it as a comment to a Christian news post that appeared on MY personal wall.
New Christian rock Song for soul winning
Using the power of music for the Kingdom of God!
Time to Die - Live At Stonehenge 2011??
Christian rock band sounding the trumpet for the end times.
Bible studies at
More music at
Update 4/6/2011 The scum running Facebook are now actually blocking/censoring Bible verses from wall comments. I tried to reply in a Bible discussion with the verse "Acts 22:16 And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord." and it was CENSORED/BLOCKED by Facebook. The depth that these scum running Facebook are willing to go to has actually surprised me!
Another Update 4/5/2011 The scum at Facebook are actually censoring/blocking the phrase "Christian rock by WinterBand" from wall comments. I really believe that there is a clear opportunity for the right law firm to make some money and also make the internet a better place.
Update 4/5/2011 Wow, the scum running Facebook are now censoring even more phrases from wall comments that have to do with Facebook censorship as well as references to our Christian group as mentioned below. The scum are also allowing trash from fake accounts to freely spam group discussions with malicious libel about me.
Update 4/3/2011 Wow, the scum running Facebook are now censoring the phrase "Real Acts 2:38 Christians and ministers on Facebook" from wall comments as well as and who knows what else. My updates to the Wall Street Journal community about the censorship on FB are not updating to MY Facebook page either. Please spread the word about this site.
Update 4/2/2011 Regarding the new more insidious aspect of Facebook
censorship. The phrase is now being blocked from wall comments.
Nothing short of a class action lawsuit is going to clean up the mess at
I have also noticed that my posts to the Wall Street Journal Community
where I click the box to have my topic added to my FB page is being censored
by Facebook and the Wall Street Journal posts are being censored by Facebook..
Update 4/1/2011 I have noticed a new more insidious aspect of Facebook censorship. Sometimes while leaving a comment to a wall post it looks like it is saving it but when you do a refresh of the page it is not there. No notice, no threat, the comment simply disappears.
Upon further research I have determined that the phrase being censored is this:
Real Acts 2:38 Christians and ministers on Facebook
This is a valid Facebook group that I admin with almost 2000 members.
Update 3/3/2011 It is very notable and might be of interest to any attorneys considering these matters that while censoring and threatening me from time to time, Facebook continues to allow fake accounts like "Satanloves Brostevewinter" to publish harassment and malicious libel and spam about me, harass me directly, and even spammed a group that I run in spite of having been reported to Facebook way earlier. Such clear cases of ignoring their own rules about fake accounts and real spam when they don't like the person being harassed may add a new legal aspect to the case.
Update 3/5/2011 It is interesting that the trash running Facebook have still done nothing about the fake account Satanloves Brostevewinter (Steeve Satanicus) that has been used to spam my group and harass me in other forums.
On 2/20/2011 I experienced another Facebook censorship event with the same
popup as shown below in the other events, blocking me from posting valid
religious content in reply to a wall posting. This should be an
excellent opportunity for the right attorney. Please spread the link
Update 2/20/2011Wow, speaking of censorship the false-christian scum running the FB wannabe site called Freedom Torch where they falsely advertise their site as "where you can't be censored or deleted for loving America or standing for truth!"
especially. Jonathan Cousar are some of the most vile and censorious false-christian scum I have ever encountered. . The scum Jonathan Cousar just banned me from there for preaching the truth (after allowing the false-christian scum there to accuse me of being muslim for teaching basic Bible that Jesus is God. What a lying, false advertising piece of scum Jonathan Cousar is! What a SNAKE PIT of false-christian filth that site is!
On 2/19/2011 I experienced another Facebook censorship event with the same
popup as shown below in the other events, blocking me from posting valid
religious content in reply to a wall posting.
On 1/28/2011 I notice that a bunch of positive comments had been removed from another one of my videos by Facebook. This is really becoming disgusting. The video is here
On 1/23/2011 I see that I am STILL BLOCKED from commenting on wall postings getting the same popup as displayed below with a false accusation of abuse. I am even being blocked from replying to comments directed at me personally.
On 1/22/2011 I was again the victim of censorship and harassment when commenting on a post on my own news feed on my home page. I think it really will take a lawsuit to clean up the mess at Facebook. It was the same popup block/threat as is documented previously several times at
On 1/20/2011 I noticed my comments removed, AGAIN from my own video.
On 1/19/2011 I noticed all of the comments removed, including my own, from one of my music videos that I had uploaded to Facebook. Some of the comments were very positive and I hated to lose them. I am the only one who is supposed to be able to remove MY OWN COMMENTS to MY OWN VIDEO!
Here is a screen shot of blatant religious censorship by Facebook on 12/29/2010. I can understand why some false-christians would like to see information like this suppressed but Facebook encourages people to build on the foundation of Facebook, but then censors, harasses and threatens them. Does not Facebook have a fiduciary duty to those who believe their advertising?
Update 12/27/2010 I have experienced yet another Facebook censorship/harassment event trying to reply to a news posting. I had not been particularly active in posting leading up to the event.
Update 12/19/2010 I have again experienced Facebook censorship in some groups that I was a member of where they labeled valid content as "abusive". I believe that the case could be made due to Facebook's advertising and encouraging of individuals to build upon their foundation, ie to invest their time (and money in many cases) and the scope of Facebook's success in monopoly that a fiduciary duty exists between Facebook and its users or principals. The ongoing Facebook harassment and censorship could rise to the level of a violation of that legal responsibility.
Update 12/18/2010 I was blocked from commenting on a post on a group that I am a member of. Apparently if a handful of people disagree with someone then they can get Facebook to block them by filing frivolous reports. That is not how it is supposed to work. If a group owner does not like someone they can simply remove them from THEIR group and delete anything they don't like. Facebook is engaging in blatant censorship and harassment.
Update 12/17/2010 I was blocked from commenting on a CNN article that appeared on my home page. I have had other events that I had just attributed to Facebook incompetence but this time I got the popup threat that you see below.
Update 11/3/2010 I was blocked from political commentary on newsfeed articles from US Christians on my own home page with the popup that you see below. I am now actively seeking an attorney to file a lawsuit against Facebook
Update 11/2/2010 I was blocked from commenting on newsfeed articles on my own home page with the popup that you see below.
Update 10/24/2010 I was blocked by Facebook from sending a private communication to a group that I admin on Facebook. I am not sure what content of the Bible study that they deemed "abusive content". I have also been experiencing other blocks and censorship by Facebook. I am becoming convinced that a lawsuit against Facebook would make the online world a better place.
Update 10/16/2010 I was blocked by Facebook from sending a private communication with the link because it was "abusive content". It is a link to a Christian message board.
I am sorry to say that it turns out that the group US Christians on Facebook is run by false-christian scum who ban the truth from being published there because it would expose them for the ministers of Satan that they really are.
Please keep in mind that these documentations below are portions of screen shots from my HOME PAGE news feed where I was blocked from commenting on posts that appeared on my own page in groups or pages that I was a VALID MEMBER of. Anyone with a group or a page on Facebook can ban anyone they disagree with so this is BLATANT FACEBOOK CENSORSHIP that you see here. You can see most of what I was attempting to post as a comment.
1 comment:
Share this everywhere you can...
If facebook think that they can do this... then we must show them we retaliate. Post in all businesses that have facebook pages... that we will not do business with them because of facebook policies!
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