Obama and the “Party of the Rich” Enjoy Mocking Americans on Tax Cuts... but takes as much money as he can from the uber rich who run his fund raisers. This is the strategy of Plutocrats!
Brian Kelly
It is a strange world indeed in which we find utterly rich Democrats
waging a war on the rich. If it were real, it would be a suicide
mission, would it not? But it is not real. It is pure chicanery in an
attempt to charm the public into thinking that all Democrats are poor
just like the rest of us. Yet, only two Democratic presidents in fairly
recent times, Harry Truman, who by the time he died had become a
millionaire, and Bill Clinton, who later hit the jackpot with book deals
for himself and his wife, were not in the millionaire’s club on
Inauguration day. The Clinton’s net worth today is about a quarter
billion dollars. Yes, that is right, the Clintons are becoming
billionaires. Even Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama were millionaires when
elected. Let me say it again. Every United States President selected
from the ranks of the Democratic Party has been a millionaire. No wonder
Barack Obama can joke about tax cuts. Neither he nor other prominent
Democrats need them. Just how disingenuous can the Democrats be in their
bogus war on the rich? Even Al Gore came from huge wealth and like
Clinton; he too is headed for the billionaire’s club. The Kennedys, John
Kerry and FDR fit nicely in the billionaire’s club. Moreover, almost
every one of the mega-multimillionaire Democratic presidents inherited
their loot or married it. They did not earn it. They were never quite
regular Americans. Check out the net worth of your favorite Democrats
such as mega-millionaires Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Jay Rockefeller, and
Diane Feinstein next chance you get. Ask yourself why the “Party of the
Rich” would be waging a war on the rich, and why would they be so dead
set against tax cuts, which help all Americans?
Try as they may, Democrats have to lie to suggest that Mitt Romney
did not earn his own wealth. Even though it is not true, Democrats
persist in trying to demonize Romney for being successful. Thankfully,
most Americans see through their ruse. When the Romney family came to
the US from Mexico, they were penniless. But they were smart and they
believed in a great education. Mitt Romney is blessed with an innate
understanding of business, and a great gift that enables him to take
nothing and make something out of it. Mitt Romney and his father
achieved their success by relying on innovation and thinking outside the
box. The Romney’s are not conformists. The Romney’s started with zero
and worked hard for every penny that they earned. Additionally, they
earned their paychecks honestly and engaged in honest businesses. Like
many traditional American families, the son, Mitt, not only matched the
success of his father, he exceeded it.
Unlike the Democratic millionaire superstars, who all have a common
biography—born with a silver spoon in their mouth and enjoying old
wealth and family connections—Mitt Romney came into the world with none
of these advantages. In fact, Romney is more like the rest of us than
any of the Democratic presidents. He too had to work for a living.
Most Americans, me included, have never been close to being rich.
That’s OK! Many of our later generations have been blessed with far more
than our first and second generation fathers and grandfathers. Despite
our past success, we are all hurting today from the bad policies of an
inexperienced President, presiding over the longest recession since the
Great Depression. Even Obama knows that the spending and the give-away
policies of millionaires Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barney Frank
caused the financial meltdown. It was not Bush at all. However, Obama
likes to hide the truth from Americans to help his reelection chances.
Blaming Bush is much more convenient, and all of the non-thinking
progressives believe whatever Obama says.
After the original meltdown, this congressional trio plus Obama
brought unemployment to over 8% for 43 straight months from just 4.6%
when the progressives took over the Congress in the last two years of
the Bush Administration. Though Obama, had four years to get us on the
right path, the economy is still in the toilet, but the blame has never
shifted from Bush to a man who could handle an issue. Our “incomplete”
President instead chooses to blame everybody within eyeshot or earshot,
but he never blames himself. He goes so far as baiting Americans to
wage a class war against the rich and to hate the most successful people
in our country. Being a millionaire himself, Obama forgets that all
Americans are striving for the success he too has achieved, yet now
Perhaps our deified President did not spend enough time in the
mainland to realize that real Americans begrudge nobody their deserved
success or their accumulated fortunes. To each his own! The American
Dream, after all is for all Americans to achieve their own fortunes.
What good would it serve to tax our individual success at such a high
rate that Americans would be discouraged from being successful? Would
we not all be fools if we did not want our taxes cut?
Yet, this President speaks to us like as if we should prefer to turn
our paychecks over to faceless government bureaucrats for
redistribution, rather than spend them ourselves on things we decide. In
fact, Obama is so sure that we are fools that he has begun to joke
about tax cuts like as if he can convince sane and prudent people that
keeping their earnings for their families is a bad thing. He thinks that
feeding a bloated, out of control, government gone wild is the smart
thing to do. Smart Americans know the President is wrong. Giving a dime
to Washington helps as much as throwing it down the sewer.
And, the notion of giving your fair share to government is
ridiculous. The government already takes too much from all taxpayers.
Government is not designed to be a charity. Give your fair share to
charities such as the United Way, please. But, willfully donating
anything to our wasteful government is foolsplay.
With a federal debt now heading for $17 trillion and projected
deficits exceeding $1 trillion a year forever, over-spending is on track
to destroy our nation. Recent history tells us that the federal
government cannot control costs or live within a budget. In fact, it
cannot even pass a budget. So, why would anybody want to hand more of
their earnings over to a bunch of wild spending and misguided
bureaucrats? Nobody with any sense trusts this hapless government to
spend more wisely than they can spend themselves.
It always helps to remember that nobody ever got a job from a poor person.
Without the rich, America would be nothing but a third world country.
We should thank God that the rich still continue to choose to live,
work, and operate businesses in America. Though too many have chosen to
become ex-patriots because they are sick of being abused by leaders who
do not appreciate their contributions, this is not good for America. I
entreat the rich who are preparing to leave America to give our country
another chance. Obama is not like most Americans, and hopefully he will
soon be gone. I thank the rich every day for the many things they do. I
owe my College Education to nameless and faceless rich people who paid
for my education. Thank you.
Like many my age, I asked my father if he could help me with my
college tuition at King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, PA in 1969 when
tuition was just $950.00 per year. Can you believe that tuition? My dad
said I could continue living at home without paying room and board.
That was a great start.
Rich people had given King’s College an endowment that they could use
to help students pay for college. It was not government. It was private
citizens who did not have to contribute a dime but chose to do so. Rich
people contribute much of their wealth while they are alive and even
after they pass on to charitable organizations and educational
institutions. Why do we not, as a nation, thank the rich, instead of
revile them for not throwing enough of their salt in the pot? Many of us
have benefited from the goodness of the rich even when the rich take no
credit for their giving.
Because of generous rich people, I was able to sit for a King’s
Academic Scholarship test. From this fund, I received a 400.00 per year
scholarship. Since that amount was not enough to cover my tuition,
King’s offered me a $500.00 National Defense Student Loan, which I paid
back as soon as I could upon graduation. The loan funding again was from
rich people who paid a disproportionate share of their incomes in
taxes. I was still $50.00 short but I knew I was going to go to King’s
one way or another. King’s then offered me a job for $1.25 per hour, the
minimum wage, working as a full-time janitor in the summer and 15 hours
per week part-time during the school year. It was not a freebie. I
washed floors, cleaned steps, cleaned classrooms, scraped gum from under
desks and tables, etc. King’s paid 10% of my salary and the Federal
Work-Study fund, subsidized by rich people’s taxes paid the other 90%.
Thank you to all who contributed.
I would never have finished college without the help of rich people.
Some gave their donations to King’s directly of their free will, while
these and other rich people paid the rest through their taxes to the
government. I like rich people for their charity to Americans to this
day. Somebody in all societies is rich. The beauty of America is that
through hard work and good decisions, we can all become rich, and we too
can become benefactors for those less fortunate, without having
government as a middle man. Reaching the top is a big part of the
American Dream. Why Obama vilifies that notion is puzzlement to me.
Some rich people are not quite as generous and they choose to help
the poor by taking the earnings of others to fulfill their charitable
obligations. I admit that. But, the majority of the rich are very
generous. They just don’t talk about it and they prefer to give directly
rather than give to the government. You may know that Joe Biden and Dr.
Jill Biden, his wife, in their combined tax return, just before Joe
became the US VP gave little more than $300.00 to charity per year in
total. Check out their tax return. It is literally better than nothing
but not by much. Many of my peers and many of you give many times that
amount if not more. My peers are not rich but they are kind and
generous. Obama does not give much more than Biden but he does give a
higher percentage of his income to charity. Obama’s personal giving is
reported to be about 1% of his income.
Yet, Obama, a tightwad as far as charitable ventures go, wants to
take your taxes and do what he wants with them to help Obama. He
pretends it is for the poor. If the President were actually a truly
charitable man, he would use his own money and he would help his
half-brother George. He doesn’t even take care of “poor George.”
Obama’s brother lives in a one person sized hut in the squalor of the
raw sewage and garbage in the slums of Nairobi. Obama doesn’t talk much
about George because George actually thinks like most Americans and does
not expect anything from his brother. “He has his own family,” says
George, explaining away his brother’s indifference to his plight. Too
bad George Soros did not take a liking to George Obama instead of
brother Barack.
Unfortunately, the older brother ignores George’s needs. Yet, the
same person has the gall to joke about tax cuts that all regular
Americans need. Obama does not need the tax cuts because he is funded by
somebody who is rich, and from whose coattails, somehow, he too
magically has become a multi-millionaire.
Not only does Obama choose not to help his younger brother, he has no
respect for working people anywhere and he has full intentions to
redistribute as much of their income as possible. The President is a
taker and not a giver. That is why even those expecting that he would be
giving “stuff” away from his “stash” upon election, have been
disappointed. Who do you think gets the earnings the Obama government
confiscates and redistributes? It goes to people whose votes the
President can buy and who will thank and praise Obama for the favor
eternally. Obama takes our money, gives it to others, and then he basks
and grins and takes all the good will that he can. Hmmm!
Though this essay is mostly about Obama’s mocking the notion that all
Americans need tax cuts, let’s check out how Mitt Romney fares in the
charity area. To make this expose’ even more exciting, let’s compare it
with the President’s propensity to be charitable with his own money.
You remember Mitt Romney don’t you? He’s the guy that Obama wants us
to think is the poster boy for the nasty and greedy rich. Obama would
like to get you to hate Romney and he does his best to adjust your
thinking every day. He works to get you to wage your own war against the
rich. Like most proselytizations of Obama, his attempts to convince us
all that Romney is a real bad guy are fraught with the fodder that fact
checkers dream about. And the lies go on and on and on. If Obama’s
target were himself rather than Romney, the fact checkers would be
having nightmares as Obama, does not have enough charity in him to be
worthy of tying Mitt Romney’s shoelaces.
Compared to the rounded up 1% in charity that Obama gives from his
heart to everybody except brother George, Mitt Romney is doing quite
well. If Obama actually has a stash, he keeps it for Michelle and the
family whereas Mitt Romney gives a large part of his stash to charity.
For example, as all members of his church, Romney pledges a whopping
10% of his earnings to the church. That is 10 times higher as a
percentage than Obama’s total giving. But, that is not enough for Mitt
Romney. In 2011 as an example, he donated 19% of his income to
charitable causes. That is 19 times more than Obama and hundreds of
times more than Biden.
When you give to charity, as we all know, your effective tax rate
goes down so the disingenuous Barack Hussein Obama calls the press’s
attention to Romney’s tax rate. Obama can lower his tax rate also if he
chooses to up his charitable ante.
Many of us have seen the email circulating in which even the liberal
Snopes couple agrees that Romney is the real deal. The verified email
highlights the non-cash charitable work of Mitt Romney. For example,
early in life, for a whole year, Romney volunteered in his dad’s
gubernatorial campaign. Not a cent! But, just like my dad when I went to
college, George Romney helped his kid in as many ways as he could. Mitt
Romney was also an unpaid intern in the Governor’s office for eight
years. He was a Mormon missionary in Paris for two years and an unpaid
Bishop in his church for ten years. One thing is common in his public
service; he did not take a salary. I wonder if President Obama took a
salary in his multiple roles as a community organizer.
When Obama rescued the Olympics, again, Obama took no salary. Whoops!
Wrong guy! Of course Obama took no salary because he never did anything
as spectacular as rescuing the US Olympics from failure. Yet, Obama is
pleased as punch to mock any and all of Romney’s achievements. Did
Obama also rescue the Olympics? You can bet if Obama could put the
Olympics in his accomplishments column, he would be bragging about it
forever. But it was Romney, quietly as the hero again, with no fanfare
and no salary. When Romney was governor of Massachusetts; you guessed
it, he took no salary. On top of all the good that Obama says is bad
about Romney, especially those who say Romney came from wealth and it
was all easy for him, consider this one little fact that Obama and the
demonizing Democrats have missed. Romney donated his entire inheritance
to charity.
Like it or not, Romney is a self made man worthy of being admired as a
good American. We should all give the governor kudos for being a great
American. Instead, for political expediency, Obama makes things up about
this man, and puts him down like as if he was a nothing. For
twenty-eight years, even when he was not so successful, Romney did not
take a salary when doing the public’s work. Yes, Romney is a millionaire
for sure because he did it the old fashioned way. He earned it. Can
millionaire Obama say the same? Ask him.
All I know is what I hear Obama say, and he says an awful lot and
most is negative. He sure likes to mock real achievers and for my money,
little though it may be, such behavior is beneath the dignity of the
office of the Presidency.
Democrats and their friends in the US media love to demonize anything
that can hurt progressives, including this President. The entire media
is like a kennel of lapdogs trying to please the master. They expect to
always be able to dupe America and Americans. Their following is so
loyal that they often succeed, except for a few independent thinking
break-aways. The Progressives expect you and me to fall in line and
believe their malicious blather. Their latest theme is that tax cuts
are actually bad for taxpayers. Isn’t that insane? They want all
Americans to let the government spend our money.
Consider how incongruous this notion is to good thinking. Yet, at the
DNC convention, the Obama Lemmings stood and cheered as the President
spewed his venom both against a man of good will, and a nation in great
need of true leadership. Do they really want their taxes to go up? Since
calling the President a liar is disrespectful of the office, let’s just
say from what I saw, Obama is a very clever Prevaricator in Chief.
Will this new demonization of those who do not donate all to
government, cause the Lemming Progressives to begin to scream in the
streets: “Tax me, Tax me, Tax me… oh please Tax me.” Somebody should
write a song about that!
Obama’s new joke is not just against Romney; it is against all
Americans who want to keep their hard earned paychecks and starve the
government; instead of feeding a bloated government and starving
themselves. Obama knows what he is doing and he thinks he will get away
with it. He thinks that with his wiliness and his unabated charm, he can
convince all Americans that low taxes are actually unpatriotic and bad
for the country. The corollary of course is that big government can
spend your money better than you can. Rational people will not buy the
argument but those more hopeful than rational just may. Here is vintage
Obama from the DNC Convention:
“All they’ve got to offer is the same prescriptions that they’ve had
for the last 30 years: tax cuts, tax cuts, gut some regulations — oh,
and more tax cuts, he said. Tax cuts when times are good, tax cuts when
times are bad, tax cuts to help you lose a few extra pounds tax cuts
to improve your love life — I — it’ll cure anything, according to them,
….. Feel a cold coming on? Take two tax cuts, roll back some
regulations and call me in the morning,” Obama mocked. He mocked Romney
and all Americans thinking we are all too dumb to see the truth.
Ironically, while mocking Romney and the American people, Obama also
was mocking the spirit of JFK. Way back in 1963, President John
Fitzgerald Kennedy, a Democrat, though nothing like the liberal
progressives of today, knew that rich people were the economic engine of
America. He knew that the rich needed to keep some of their earnings
to expand their businesses and hire new workers. President Obama is no
JFK, and he never will be. Obama does not understand economics, but he
does know how to put down honest efforts to do the right thing for
JFK reduced the tax rate of the wealthy from a punishing 91 percent
and he reduced the corporate rate from 52%. As Kennedy expected, after
the cut in tax rates, economic growth averaged more than 5 percent a
year for three years, with very low inflation. In other words, mock as
Obama may, cutting taxes worked for Kennedy. It worked for Reagan and
it worked for Bush. Which of the four is the dunderhead? JFK was smart
enough to know the solution and had no problem saying that tax cuts
actually increase revenue, spark growth, create jobs and can lower the
deficit. Barack Obama must have skipped school the day that lesson was
on the agenda.
Ronald Reagan is another great president who well understood how a
government run by a socialist / communist like Obama actually works:
“Governments view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”
Reagan and Kennedy had the right idea. After four years, we know that
Obama has the wrong idea. America cannot afford four more years of
Obama. The people should keep their money and government should take
only as much as it needs to do the things that the people cannot provide
for themselves—roads, bridges, national defense, etc. Not much else is
really necessary. Big government simply does not work and it requires
too much of the people’s money to keep it afloat.
There are many examples of things that America does not need from its
national government. One example is that the national government should
not be in charge of education. Local school boards with local teachers
do just fine. Having the federal government in charge of education is
very costly and very ineffective. Worse than that, it leads to the
indoctrination of very tender minds towards the ideological principles
of the political party in charge.
“Mmm Mmm Mmmm Barack Hussein Obama!”
Brian Kelly is a business owner and former assistant professor at
Marywood University; he and his wife live in Northeastern
Pennsylvania. Kelly is running for Senate in his state and believes
limited government brings liberty and freedom.
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