Sunday, December 19, 2021

DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN KILL COVID WITH HEAT? Temperatures above 135 degrees Fahrenheit or 57 degrees Celsius is sufficient to kill influenza viruses including COVID.



Our Grandparents were smarter than the Faucis of the world and the smart ones among you know that the Covid Virus although real... is a Political sledgehammer set up to be the 21st Century's boogieman that can potential convert America in to a Feudal Socialist Oligarchy without firing a shot!

Here are a few simple no brainer processes to prevent Flus and Colds and Viruses that enter your body through your nose

HOT STEAM UP YOUR NOSTRILS KILLS VIRUS . Any Idiot who tells you it wont work is a Big Pharma Lackey or an Idiot who heard it form his useful idiot news! ... or a wuss afraid of a little heat up your nose!


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a temperature above 135 degrees Fahrenheit or 57 degrees Celsius is sufficient to kill most influenza viruses. This temperature is often cited as lethal against viruses in general.

See facts: Click on the link >> Tables and Research facts

Moreover, an elevated body temperature can thwart viruses. This is the reason the human body reacts to infection by raising its own temperature. Consequently, having a fever isn't always a bad thing; it helps kill the viruses that are making the patient sick.

So a simple way to stop it early within the body is to heat up the access points. The Nasal passages and the Throat area.  Inhaling steam or using a hair dryer to blow hot air into your nostrils is a simple way to at least stave off the first attack of the virus. What do you have to lose? There are no side effects.

It has been observed that the virus can stay active for 8-10 days on dry surfaces and while it survives in the human body at 37 degree Celsius or 135 degrees Fahrenheit, they are heat labile like all viruses and are deactivated or destroyed when subjected to heat. The exact threshold temperature to deactivate COVID-19 is about 135% F it is just a simple but fairly contagious virus period. Its not some alien bogeyman thats come to earth to destroy humans. That's what the Left and the Fascists have scared the shit out of the "sheeple people" into believing!

Around the world, while different experts have varying views on whether sunlight and heat can limit growth and longevity of the virus, they all agree that observing proper hygiene is more effective in preventing spread. However, the corona virus is known to be sensitive to three things: Sunlight, High temperature, and Humidity. Sunlight affects the ability of a virus to grow while heat deactivates it. So people what do you have to lose? Use a hair dryer and Inhale steam every time you come into contact with another human AFTER you have washed your hands!

Want to be a little more daring? Take 200 mg of Hydroxychloroquine ONCE A WEEK . That's 52 Tablets a year.

Hydroxychloroquine has been consumed by millions of people for over 67 years. People with Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis are prescribed 1000 mg a day by doctors in the US. Many of the same doctors who have been brainwashed coerced and even threatened with their livelihood being taken away for prescribing 200 mg of HCQ once a week! Soldiers in the 60's and 70's serving in Vietnam took the same dosage while in country. Big Pharma does not want a cheap 10Cent tablet to usurp their money making Jab. Every jab costs the Federal Government $ 2000. The drug companies do not wan a cheap tablet stealing their money making scam!

Read the link Below

Death rates in countries that rely on hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for the treatment of Covid-19 appear to be dramatically lower than death rates in countries that discourage the use of the drug. A new study claims that the death rate in the countries that used HCQ early on was 79% lower than in countries where the drug was not used. (









Friday, December 17, 2021




This Is 1938 all over again.

💀 First, they claimed it was a deadly virus and millions would die

💀 Then they claimed they need to shut down the Country to "Flatten the Curve" .. just for 3 weeks or so!

💀 Then they said we all needed to wear masks and "Social Distance" and businesses need to stay closed for a while to stop the virus

💀 Then they dismissed all cheap effective prophylactics like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermevtin as snake oil fake medicine so that more people would fall sick.

💀 Then the banned anyone who talked about these pills as possible prophylactics from the social media and the regular media and the airwaves. They banned Doctors, Nurses., Immunologists and real scientists who had alternative points of view.

💀 Then they said that there had created a "Vaccine" that would immunize the people. A vaccine that would prevent us all from getting the virus.

💀 Then they said that all those who had not taken the vaccine shots were evil spreaders and should be shunned.

💀 Then when they began tracking the jabbed and the unjabbed they realized that there were a lot unjabbed people still defying the Government edicts to be jabbed.

💀 Then when they realized that Young People were not getting the virus in large numbers they called all flu's and Colds and Coughs the Corona virus but they said it was a variant of the original virus afflicting young people and scared the population into taking booster shots to save them from this new variant.

💀 Then when they realized the children were not getting the cold/Virus/flu they concocted a new strain variant and called in Omricon and said that this strain only attacks children and began to insist that children now take the Jab. 

💀 Then they said the "Vaccinated Citizens" were safer than the unvaccinated, but hen the vaccinated started to get the virus they blamed the un vaccinated which was illogical.

💀 Then when the Vaccinated started to die from complications of the Jab.. they worked to hide the facts and censor the nurses Doctors who warned about the side effects from the front line.



Its because in a totalitarian society, the Oligarchs and Fascist Leaders need to be able to segregate the sheep from the Patriots. One simple way is to identify a bleater ( "Baaaa People" ) from those who will defy the Government edicts. What easier way than to see who obeys blindly and who does not! See who accepted the Jab and who did not! Who will wear a mask and who will not!

What they are afraid of is the few who will stand up and say NO. Because that is how movements begin and how totalitarianism falls.



BTW.... If you do not know this already....Hospitals get more money from the Federal Government if the can classify the illness as Corona Virus.

 Here are the facts:

Hospitals in COVID-19 "hotspots" to receive $10 billion more in federal aid.

Click the link >>> News 8 can verify that hospitals do get paid more for COVID-19 related cases. A provision in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security or CARES Act pays an additional 20% on top of traditional Medicare rates during the public health emergency.




What its leading to is the 2022 Mid Terms that are now around the corner. The Political machine in power will in the states that are swing states will mandate that since the "Chink Virus" is on the upswing...(whatever variant they will have called it at that time)... that voting will have to be done by mail in ballots and that there will be no ID checks and that ballots will be mailed to all households so that they can fill them out and mail them or drop them off in unsecured drop boxes.. "JUST FOR THE SAFETY OF THE CITIZENS" JUST SO THEY DO NOT GET THE NEWEST LATEST AND GREATEST DEVIANT VARIANT THEY HAVE CONCOCTED.

Yes its election season and the "Political Tool" of the 21st century will be used once again. The elections will be controlled and manipulated to give the juggernaut of the New World Government Gang another win.

MAO once said that "Power Comes from the barrel of a gun"
They now have terrified the world with the "Power that comes from the needle of a syringe"

Then the Conservatives will whine.. the Conservative Political Pundits will write their books, they will analyze and dissect the loss of power once again and then get back to the role of victimized Conservatives and the will blame each other and get on the Government sanctioned Rant Radio and Whine TV and bitch about how the left snookered them again.

Meanwhile the Juggernaut will continue it march to Fascism of some kind. 

THE ONLY WAY WE CAN WIN IS REVOLUTION ! So many of you do not like to hear that... but someone has to tell the truth. The Conservative movement is like the Emperor with no Clothes. Lots of Memes, whines and rants.. but NO TEETH !

Fight Now or God help us all!

 Read this article By Wayne Allyn Root

"It's time for alarm bells. It's time for me to play the part of Paul Revere: "The communist tyrants and dictators are coming! The communist tyrants and dictators are coming!" They're coming first for unvaccinated Americans.

This is 1938. I'm a Jew. I now understand just a little of what it felt like to be a Jew in 1938. No, it's not the Holocaust. Nothing can be compared to the Holocaust. Ever.

But 1938 was not the Holocaust. It was the pre-Holocaust. It was the time before the nightmare, when the foundation was being laid to destroy the freedom, free speech, businesses and lives of millions of Jews.

Everything happening today to the American people ... to the U.S. Constitution ... to freedom ... and particularly to unvaccinated Americans reminds me of 1938. This is only the beginning. It gets much worse from here.

First, "the papers." Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are just like 1938, when the Gestapo demanded papers from every German.

Republicans asked for "papers" from migrants who had broken into our country. Criminals. Democrats said, "No, that's racism." Republicans asked for "papers" once every two years for federal elections, to prove you have a right to vote. Democrats said, "No, that's racism."

Now Democrats want American citizens, not illegal aliens, not criminals, but patriots born in this country, to produce papers 24/7. We'll need papers to enter restaurants, bars, nightclubs, concerts, casinos, conventions and hotels and to board a train, plane or bus. We'll need papers to enter a supermarket, or we'll starve to death. All for the crime of being unvaccinated against ... wait for it ...

The flu.

All for the crime of being unwilling to inject an untested, rushed to production, experimental, "for emergency use only" shot into our bodies.

What happened to the war cry of Democrats: "My body, my choice"? It only applies to murdering babies, but it doesn't apply to dangerous experimental shots that we don't want injected into our bodies.

Weren't Jews injected with experimental drugs by the depraved Nazi government? Wasn't that a key part of the Nuremberg trials? That no government could ever again inject experimental shots into the bodies of unwilling citizens? Isn't that a basic human right?

By the way, this isn't about vaccines. If you want the vaccine, take it. I'd never stop you. I'd never limit your freedom, your choice. This is about vaccine mandates -- forcibly injecting Americans who don't want it. That's 1938.

But there's much more in common with 1938. Mask mandates. If you're scared, wear them. I'm not scared. I don't want to wear them. Mandates are about forcing individuals to lose their freedom, choice, individuality and human rights. That's 1938.

Lockdowns are a match with the Warsaw Ghetto. Jews were locked down. Jews couldn't work. Jews couldn't travel. Jewish businesses were labeled "nonessential."

If government can force us to close our businesses, to kill our jobs, to decide who is nonessential, then this is 1938.

Stars on clothing. It's coming. The vaccinated get into restaurants, bars, concerts, supermarkets, planes and trains. They keep their jobs. The rest of us are marked as "subhuman" for life. That's the star. That's 1938.

Media and social media as the public-relations wing of the government. That's called propaganda. Remind you of 1938? Back then, the Jews' books were burned. Today, it's those of conservatives, patriots and specifically the unvaccinated. We are silenced. Our facts are labeled "misleading." Only the facts that agree with big government's agenda count. That's 1938.

Door-to-door intimidation and making lists of those who disagree with "government knows best." Trust me, that army of door-to-door vaccine brainwashers will soon be turned into a Gestapo of gun-grabbers. 1938 was the year Nazis banned Jews from owning guns. They took them door to door. That's 1938.

Only days ago, a former Department of Homeland Security official said the unvaccinated should be on the federal no-fly list. That's exactly how Nazis attacked the Jews and others who disagreed with their agenda. It was always lists. Lists of people to be disappeared in the middle of the night; lists of those to be sent to reeducation camps; lists of those to be sent to concentration camps; lists of enemies of the state. It's happening again. Maybe this time you'll only lose your job or free speech. This is, again, 1938.

It's all disgusting and disgraceful. But I'm warning you, this is just the start. It's all going downhill from here -- fast. This is the end of America. This is 1938.

Unless we stop it now. Unless we take a stand now. Unless we draw a line in the sand now.

First, they came for the unvaccinated. Trust me: Next, they're coming for you."

Wayne Allyn Root is the author of the new No. 1 national bestselling book "TRUMP RULES." Wayne is a CEO, entrepreneur, and host of the daily nationally syndicated show "Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered" on USA Radio Network, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST and the "WAR RAW" podcast.



Tuesday, December 7, 2021


My Friends... the Country and the world is quickly devolving into 2 distinct camps.
Those who believe that they are about to die if the Covid "sucker ball" gets them and those who believe that the Virus is another virus like the flu that is a little more contagious but just as  infectious as other viruses in this world. This one just acquired Fascist "Political Clout"!

The Only Difference is that Governments have found a way to control the Citizens of all Countries by creating a propaganda driven terror machine that makes the not so well informed citizens believe they are in iminent danger form the Virus and they do what they are told and go along with the incremental increases in Government control of their lives. This is the dawn of Global Fascism. Using fear of a virus to dictate the lifestyle of the subjugated population.
Each step you accept progresses to the next step. Till you are all subjugated!
But in all of this.. Remember this.......
It takes JUST one man to stand up and say NO.
The world will change.
I hope it will be you!

Court-Ordered Pfizer Documents They Tried To Have Sealed For 55 years Show 1223 Deaths, 158,000 Adverse Events in 90 Days Post Emergency Use Authorization Release. The Most Shocking Document Release Of The Last 100 years.



Everybody who has failed to oppose this is complicit in mass murder. There are not “two sides.” Pfizer itself can explain exactly why all the people dropping dead have died, but they felt it should be hidden for 55 years, so they could continue to murder and maim without interference. The mass media is the engine of the catastrophe, the sine qua non. 

Most smoking guns are not really smoking guns, but this one is.A group called “Public Health and Medical Professional For Transparency Documents” sued the FDA for the release of Pfizer’s documents concerning adverse events from their Covid “vaccine”, which Pfizer fought to have concealed 55 years, but a courageous judge ordered them released anyway.

They wrote on their website:
”Four days after the Pfizer vaccine was approved for ages 16+, we submitted a Freedom of Information Act Request to the FDA for all of the data within Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine biological product file. We have now sued the FDA for not releasing the data. Click below for court documents and for productions of Pfizer’s documents from the FDA.”


In the 90 days following EUA release of the “vaccine” they recorded 1223 deaths, and 158,000 adverse reactions, including fetal deaths, spontaneous abortions and more. They call this, in their encrypted, trans-human Pharma-lingo, the “post marketing experience.” [See link above]

Whose experience? Pfizer’s, or the dead? 

 you can have a visual sense of the extent of the “adverse events” Pfizer outrageously and blithely calls “..of special interest.” [Note: The events are in fact a master list of potential events that encompass all adverse events they have ever collected. See update and correction here.

These “events” have never been “of special interest” to the protected class of mass media vaccine propagandists, but they are REAL. They are now here in black and white, from Pfizer’s own documents. They mirror exactly what everybody who has been trying to sound the alarm has ever said; There is no mystery anymore.

Anybody who tells you these “vaccines” are safe is somewhere between hypnotized, dishonest, and malicious.

As these Pfizer documents lay bare, our bodies are nothing but their field of sadistic experimentation, their wealth gain, their total self-appointed right to destroy life, while raking in billions, maybe trillions, and even guilt-tripping their endless victims for not promoting “vaccines” once they have been crippled. Even the dead are expected to promote vaccines from the grave, via their surviving loved ones.
Yet you are an “anti-vaxxer.”

And this is a fate worse, they make clear, than death.

But no need to believe “anti-vaxxers” anymore—here’s the data from Pfizer, of everything these predators have “observed” in their victims, whose lives they are ostensibly so insistent upon “saving” and who were healthy before the shots, but spellbound by fear, and sacrificed by an unspeakably cold-blooded media: 


1p36 deletion syndrome;2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria;5'nucleotidase increased;Acoustic neuritis;Acquired C1 inhibitor deficiency;Acquired epidermolysis bullosa;Acquired epileptic aphasia;Acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus;Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis;Acute encephalitis with refractory, repetitive partial seizures;Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis;Acute flaccid myelitis;Acute haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis;Acute haemorrhagic oedema of infancy;Acute kidney injury;Acute macular outer retinopathy;Acute motor axonal neuropathy;Acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy;Acute myocardial infarction;Acute respiratory distress syndrome; [note: that sounds like “Covid 19.”] Acute respiratory failure;Addison's disease;Administration site thrombosis;Administration site vasculitis;Adrenal thrombosis;Adverse event following immunisation;Ageusia;Agranulocytosis;Air embolism;Alanine aminotransferase abnormal;Alanine aminotransferase increased;Alcoholic seizure;Allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis;Allergic oedema;Alloimmune hepatitis;Alopecia areata;Alpers disease;Alveolar proteinosis;Ammonia abnormal;Ammonia increased;Amniotic cavity infection;Amygdalohippocampectomy;Amyloid arthropathy;Amyloidosis;Amyloidosis senile;Anaphylactic reaction;Anaphylactic shock;Anaphylactic transfusion reaction;Anaphylactoid reaction;Anaphylactoid shock;Anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy;Angioedema;Angiopathic neuropathy;Ankylosing spondylitis;Anosmia;Antiacetylcholine receptor antibody positive;Anti-actin antibody positive;Anti-aquaporin-4 antibody positive;Anti-basal ganglia antibody positive;Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody positive;Anti-epithelial antibody positive;Anti-erythrocyte antibody positive;Anti-exosome complex antibody positive;Anti- GAD antibody negative;Anti-GAD antibody positive;Anti-ganglioside antibody positive;Antigliadin antibody positive;Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody positive;Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease;Anti-glycyl-tRNA synthetase antibody positive;Anti-HLA antibody test positive;Anti-IA2 antibody positive;Anti-insulin antibody increased;Anti-insulin antibody positive;Anti-insulin receptor antibody increased;Anti- insulin receptor antibody positive;Anti-interferon antibody negative;Anti-interferon antibody positive;Anti-islet cell antibody positive;Antimitochondrial antibody positive;Anti-muscle specific kinase antibody positive;Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein antibodies positive;Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein associated polyneuropathy;Antimyocardial antibody positive;Anti-neuronal antibody positive;Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody increased;Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive;Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive vasculitis;Anti-NMDA antibody positive;Antinuclear antibody increased;Antinuclear antibody positive;Antiphospholipid antibodies positive;Antiphospholipid syndrome;Anti-platelet antibody positive;Anti-prothrombin antibody positive;Antiribosomal P antibody positive;Anti-RNA polymerase III antibody positive;Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody test positive;Anti-sperm antibody positive;Anti-SRP antibody positive;Antisynthetase syndrome;Anti-thyroid antibody positive;Anti-transglutaminase antibody increased;Anti-VGCC antibody positive;Anti- VGKC antibody positive;Anti-vimentin antibody positive;Antiviral prophylaxis;Antiviral treatment;Anti-zinc transporter 8 antibody positive;Aortic embolus;Aortic thrombosis;Aortitis;Aplasia pure red cell;Aplastic anaemia;Application site thrombosis;Application site vasculitis;Arrhythmia;Arterial bypass occlusion;Arterial bypass thrombosis;Arterial thrombosis;Arteriovenous fistula thrombosis;Arteriovenous graft site stenosis;Arteriovenous graft thrombosis;Arteritis;Arteritis



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coronary;Arthralgia;Arthritis;Arthritis enteropathic;Ascites;Aseptic cavernous sinus thrombosis;Aspartate aminotransferase abnormal;Aspartate aminotransferase increased;Aspartate-glutamate-transporter deficiency;AST to platelet ratio index increased;AST/ALT ratio abnormal;Asthma;Asymptomatic COVID- 19;Ataxia;Atheroembolism;Atonic seizures;Atrial thrombosis;Atrophic thyroiditis;Atypical benign partial epilepsy;Atypical pneumonia [Note: This sounds like the original definition of Covid-19 out of Wuhan];Aura;Autoantibody positive;Autoimmune anaemia;Autoimmune aplastic anaemia;Autoimmune arthritis;Autoimmune blistering disease;Autoimmune cholangitis;Autoimmune colitis;Autoimmune demyelinating disease;Autoimmune dermatitis;Autoimmune disorder;Autoimmune encephalopathy;Autoimmune endocrine disorder;Autoimmune enteropathy;Autoimmune eye disorder;Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia;Autoimmune heparin-induced thrombocytopenia;Autoimmune hepatitis;Autoimmune hyperlipidaemia;Autoimmune hypothyroidism;Autoimmune inner ear disease;Autoimmune lung disease;Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome;Autoimmune myocarditis;Autoimmune myositis;Autoimmune nephritis;Autoimmune neuropathy;Autoimmune neutropenia;Autoimmune pancreatitis;Autoimmune pancytopenia;Autoimmune pericarditis;Autoimmune retinopathy;Autoimmune thyroid disorder;Autoimmune thyroiditis;Autoimmune uveitis;Autoinflammation with infantile enterocolitis;Autoinflammatory disease;Automatism epileptic;Autonomic nervous system imbalance;Autonomic seizure;Axial spondyloarthritis;Axillary vein thrombosis;Axonal and demyelinating polyneuropathy;Axonal neuropathy;Bacterascites;Baltic myoclonic epilepsy;Band sensation;Basedow's disease;Basilar artery thrombosis;Basophilopenia;B-cell aplasia;Behcet's syndrome;Benign ethnic neutropenia;Benign familial neonatal convulsions;Benign familial pemphigus;Benign rolandic epilepsy;Beta-2 glycoprotein antibody positive;Bickerstaff's encephalitis;Bile output abnormal;Bile output decreased;Biliary ascites;Bilirubin conjugated abnormal;Bilirubin conjugated increased;Bilirubin urine present;Biopsy liver abnormal;Biotinidase deficiency;Birdshot chorioretinopathy;Blood alkaline phosphatase abnormal;Blood alkaline phosphatase increased;Blood bilirubin abnormal;Blood bilirubin increased;Blood bilirubin unconjugated increased;Blood cholinesterase abnormal;Blood cholinesterase decreased;Blood pressure decreased;Blood pressure diastolic decreased;Blood pressure systolic decreased;Blue toe syndrome;Brachiocephalic vein thrombosis;Brain stem embolism;Brain stem thrombosis;Bromosulphthalein test abnormal;Bronchial oedema;Bronchitis;Bronchitis mycoplasmal;Bronchitis viral;Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis allergic;Bronchospasm;Budd- Chiari syndrome;Bulbar palsy;Butterfly rash;C1q nephropathy;Caesarean section;Calcium embolism;Capillaritis;Caplan's syndrome;Cardiac amyloidosis;Cardiac arrest;Cardiac failure;Cardiac failure acute;Cardiac sarcoidosis;Cardiac ventricular thrombosis;Cardiogenic shock;Cardiolipin antibody positive;Cardiopulmonary failure;Cardio-respiratory arrest;Cardio-respiratory distress;Cardiovascular insufficiency;Carotid arterial embolus;Carotid artery thrombosis;Cataplexy;Catheter site thrombosis;Catheter site vasculitis;Cavernous sinus thrombosis;CDKL5 deficiency disorder;CEC syndrome;Cement embolism;Central nervous system lupus;Central nervous system vasculitis;Cerebellar artery thrombosis;Cerebellar embolism;Cerebral amyloid angiopathy;Cerebral arteritis;Cerebral artery embolism;Cerebral artery thrombosis;Cerebral gas embolism;Cerebral microembolism;Cerebral septic infarct;Cerebral thrombosis;Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis;Cerebral venous thrombosis;Cerebrospinal thrombotic



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tamponade;Cerebrovascular accident;Change in seizure presentation;Chest discomfort;Child- Pugh-Turcotte score abnormal;Child-Pugh-Turcotte score increased;Chillblains;Choking;Choking sensation;Cholangitis sclerosing;Chronic autoimmune glomerulonephritis;Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus;Chronic fatigue syndrome;Chronic gastritis;Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy;Chronic lymphocytic inflammation with pontine perivascular enhancement responsive to steroids;Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis;Chronic respiratory failure;Chronic spontaneous urticaria;Circulatory collapse;Circumoral oedema;Circumoral swelling;Clinically isolated syndrome;Clonic convulsion;Coeliac disease;Cogan's syndrome;Cold agglutinins positive;Cold type haemolytic anaemia;Colitis;Colitis erosive;Colitis herpes;Colitis microscopic;Colitis ulcerative;Collagen disorder;Collagen-vascular disease;Complement factor abnormal;Complement factor C1 decreased;Complement factor C2 decreased;Complement factor C3 decreased;Complement factor C4 decreased;Complement factor decreased;Computerised tomogram liver abnormal;Concentric sclerosis;Congenital anomaly;Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome;Congenital herpes simplex infection;Congenital myasthenic syndrome;Congenital varicella infection;Congestive hepatopathy;Convulsion in childhood;Convulsions local;Convulsive threshold lowered;Coombs positive haemolytic anaemia;Coronary artery disease;Coronary artery embolism;Coronary artery thrombosis;Coronary bypass thrombosis;Coronavirus infection;Coronavirus test;Coronavirus test negative;Coronavirus test positive;Corpus callosotomy;Cough;Cough variant asthma;COVID-19;COVID-19 immunisation;COVID-19 pneumonia;COVID-19 prophylaxis;COVID-19 treatment;Cranial nerve disorder;Cranial nerve palsies multiple;Cranial nerve paralysis;CREST syndrome;Crohn's disease;Cryofibrinogenaemia;Cryoglobulinaemia;CSF oligoclonal band present;CSWS syndrome;Cutaneous amyloidosis;Cutaneous lupus erythematosus;Cutaneous sarcoidosis;Cutaneous vasculitis;Cyanosis;Cyclic neutropenia;Cystitis interstitial;Cytokine release syndrome;Cytokine storm;De novo purine synthesis inhibitors associated acute inflammatory syndrome;Death neonatal;Deep vein thrombosis;Deep vein thrombosis postoperative;Deficiency of bile secretion;Deja vu;Demyelinating polyneuropathy;Demyelination;Dermatitis;Dermatitis bullous;Dermatitis herpetiformis;Dermatomyositis;Device embolisation;Device related thrombosis;Diabetes mellitus;Diabetic ketoacidosis;Diabetic mastopathy;Dialysis amyloidosis;Dialysis membrane reaction;Diastolic hypotension;Diffuse vasculitis;Digital pitting scar;Disseminated intravascular coagulation;Disseminated intravascular coagulation in newborn;Disseminated neonatal herpes simplex;Disseminated varicella;Disseminated varicella zoster vaccine virus infection;Disseminated varicella zoster virus infection;DNA antibody positive;Double cortex syndrome;Double stranded DNA antibody positive;Dreamy state;Dressler's syndrome;Drop attacks;Drug withdrawal convulsions;Dyspnoea;Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy with burst-suppression;Eclampsia;Eczema herpeticum;Embolia cutis medicamentosa;Embolic cerebellar infarction;Embolic cerebral infarction;Embolic pneumonia;Embolic stroke;Embolism;Embolism arterial;Embolism venous;Encephalitis;Encephalitis allergic;Encephalitis autoimmune;Encephalitis brain stem;Encephalitis haemorrhagic;Encephalitis periaxialis diffusa;Encephalitis post immunisation;Encephalomyelitis;Encephalopathy;Endocrine disorder;Endocrine ophthalmopathy;Endotracheal intubation;Enteritis;Enteritis leukopenic;Enterobacter pneumonia;Enterocolitis;Enteropathic spondylitis;Eosinopenia;Eosinophilic



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fasciitis;Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis;Eosinophilic oesophagitis;Epidermolysis;Epilepsy;Epilepsy surgery;Epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic seizures;Epileptic aura;Epileptic psychosis;Erythema;Erythema induratum;Erythema multiforme;Erythema nodosum;Evans syndrome;Exanthema subitum;Expanded disability status scale score decreased;Expanded disability status scale score increased;Exposure to communicable disease;Exposure to SARS-CoV-2;Eye oedema;Eye pruritus;Eye swelling;Eyelid oedema;Face oedema;Facial paralysis;Facial paresis;Faciobrachial dystonic seizure;Fat embolism;Febrile convulsion;Febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome;Febrile neutropenia;Felty's syndrome;Femoral artery embolism;Fibrillary glomerulonephritis;Fibromyalgia;Flushing;Foaming at mouth;Focal cortical resection;Focal dyscognitive seizures;Foetal distress syndrome;Foetal placental thrombosis;Foetor hepaticus;Foreign body embolism;Frontal lobe epilepsy;Fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus;Galactose elimination capacity test abnormal;Galactose elimination capacity test decreased;Gamma-glutamyltransferase abnormal;Gamma-glutamyltransferase increased;Gastritis herpes;Gastrointestinal amyloidosis;Gelastic seizure;Generalised onset non-motor seizure;Generalised tonic-clonic seizure;Genital herpes;Genital herpes simplex;Genital herpes zoster;Giant cell arteritis;Glomerulonephritis;Glomerulonephritis membranoproliferative;Glomerulonephritis membranous;Glomerulonephritis rapidly progressive;Glossopharyngeal nerve paralysis;Glucose transporter type 1 deficiency syndrome;Glutamate dehydrogenase increased;Glycocholic acid increased;GM2 gangliosidosis;Goodpasture's syndrome;Graft thrombosis;Granulocytopenia;Granulocytopenia neonatal;Granulomatosis with polyangiitis;Granulomatous dermatitis;Grey matter heterotopia;Guanase increased;Guillain- Barre syndrome;Haemolytic anaemia;Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis;Haemorrhage;Haemorrhagic ascites;Haemorrhagic disorder;Haemorrhagic pneumonia;Haemorrhagic varicella syndrome;Haemorrhagic vasculitis;Hantavirus pulmonary infection;Hashimoto's encephalopathy;Hashitoxicosis;Hemimegalencephaly;Henoch-Schonlein purpura;Henoch- Schonlein purpura nephritis;Hepaplastin abnormal;Hepaplastin decreased;Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia;Hepatic amyloidosis;Hepatic artery embolism;Hepatic artery flow decreased;Hepatic artery thrombosis;Hepatic enzyme abnormal;Hepatic enzyme decreased;Hepatic enzyme increased;Hepatic fibrosis marker abnormal;Hepatic fibrosis marker increased;Hepatic function abnormal;Hepatic hydrothorax;Hepatic hypertrophy;Hepatic hypoperfusion;Hepatic lymphocytic infiltration;Hepatic mass;Hepatic pain;Hepatic sequestration;Hepatic vascular resistance increased;Hepatic vascular thrombosis;Hepatic vein embolism;Hepatic vein thrombosis;Hepatic venous pressure gradient abnormal;Hepatic venous pressure gradient increased;Hepatitis;Hepatobiliary scan abnormal;Hepatomegaly;Hepatosplenomegaly;Hereditary angioedema with C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency;Herpes dermatitis;Herpes gestationis;Herpes oesophagitis;Herpes ophthalmic;Herpes pharyngitis;Herpes sepsis;Herpes simplex;Herpes simplex cervicitis;Herpes simplex colitis;Herpes simplex encephalitis;Herpes simplex gastritis;Herpes simplex hepatitis;Herpes simplex meningitis;Herpes simplex meningoencephalitis;Herpes simplex meningomyelitis;Herpes simplex necrotising retinopathy;Herpes simplex oesophagitis;Herpes simplex otitis externa;Herpes simplex pharyngitis;Herpes simplex pneumonia;Herpes simplex reactivation;Herpes simplex sepsis;Herpes simplex viraemia;Herpes simplex virus conjunctivitis neonatal;Herpes simplex visceral;Herpes virus



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infection;Herpes zoster;Herpes zoster cutaneous disseminated;Herpes zoster infection neurological;Herpes zoster meningitis;Herpes zoster meningoencephalitis;Herpes zoster meningomyelitis;Herpes zoster meningoradiculitis;Herpes zoster necrotising retinopathy;Herpes zoster oticus;Herpes zoster pharyngitis;Herpes zoster reactivation;Herpetic radiculopathy;Histone antibody positive;Hoigne's syndrome;Human herpesvirus 6 encephalitis;Human herpesvirus 6 infection;Human herpesvirus 6 infection reactivation;Human herpesvirus 7 infection;Human herpesvirus 8 infection;Hyperammonaemia;Hyperbilirubinaemia;Hypercholia;Hypergammaglobulinaemia benign monoclonal;Hyperglycaemic seizure;Hypersensitivity;Hypersensitivity vasculitis;Hyperthyroidism;Hypertransaminasaemia;Hyperventilation;Hypoalbuminaemia;H ypocalcaemic seizure;Hypogammaglobulinaemia;Hypoglossal nerve paralysis;Hypoglossal nerve paresis;Hypoglycaemic seizure;Hyponatraemic seizure;Hypotension;Hypotensive crisis;Hypothenar hammer syndrome;Hypothyroidism;Hypoxia;Idiopathic CD4 lymphocytopenia; [Note: sounds like “AIDS” except Fauci re-defined AIDS in 1993, after the “Amsterdam Surprise” as only occurring when HIV was “present” so all thousands the non HIV, “idiopathic CD4 lympho-cytopenia cases were excluded, creating a tautological definition that came to be “HIV/AIDS.” ] Idiopathic generalised epilepsy;Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia;Idiopathic neutropenia;Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis;IgA nephropathy;IgM nephropathy;IIIrd nerve paralysis;IIIrd nerve paresis;Iliac artery embolism;Immune thrombocytopenia;Immune- mediated adverse reaction;Immune-mediated cholangitis;Immune-mediated cholestasis;Immune-mediated cytopenia;Immune-mediated encephalitis;Immune-mediated encephalopathy;Immune-mediated endocrinopathy;Immune-mediated enterocolitis;Immune- mediated gastritis;Immune-mediated hepatic disorder;Immune-mediated hepatitis;Immune- mediated hyperthyroidism;Immune-mediated hypothyroidism;Immune-mediated myocarditis;Immune-mediated myositis;Immune-mediated nephritis;Immune-mediated neuropathy;Immune-mediated pancreatitis;Immune-mediated pneumonitis;Immune-mediated renal disorder;Immune-mediated thyroiditis;Immune-mediated uveitis;Immunoglobulin G4 related disease;Immunoglobulins abnormal;Implant site thrombosis;Inclusion body myositis;Infantile genetic agranulocytosis;Infantile spasms;Infected vasculitis;Infective thrombosis;Inflammation;Inflammatory bowel disease;Infusion site thrombosis;Infusion site vasculitis;Injection site thrombosis;Injection site urticaria;Injection site vasculitis;Instillation site thrombosis;Insulin autoimmune syndrome;Interstitial granulomatous dermatitis;Interstitial lung disease;Intracardiac mass;Intracardiac thrombus;Intracranial pressure increased;Intrapericardial thrombosis;Intrinsic factor antibody abnormal;Intrinsic factor antibody positive;IPEX syndrome;Irregular breathing;IRVAN syndrome;IVth nerve paralysis;IVth nerve paresis;JC polyomavirus test positive;JC virus CSF test positive;Jeavons syndrome;Jugular vein embolism;Jugular vein thrombosis;Juvenile idiopathic arthritis;Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy;Juvenile polymyositis;Juvenile psoriatic arthritis;Juvenile spondyloarthritis;Kaposi sarcoma inflammatory cytokine syndrome;Kawasaki's disease;Kayser-Fleischer ring;Keratoderma blenorrhagica;Ketosis- prone diabetes mellitus;Kounis syndrome;Lafora's myoclonic epilepsy;Lambl's excrescences;Laryngeal dyspnoea;Laryngeal oedema;Laryngeal rheumatoid arthritis;Laryngospasm;Laryngotracheal oedema;Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults;LE cells present;Lemierre syndrome;Lennox-Gastaut syndrome;Leucine aminopeptidase increased;Leukoencephalomyelitis;Leukoencephalopathy;Leukopenia;Leukopenia neonatal;Lewis-Sumner syndrome;Lhermitte's sign;Lichen planopilaris;Lichen planus;Lichen sclerosus;Limbic encephalitis;Linear IgA disease;Lip oedema;Lip swelling;Liver function test abnormal;Liver function test decreased;Liver function test increased;Liver induration;Liver injury;Liver iron concentration abnormal;Liver iron concentration



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increased;Liver opacity;Liver palpable;Liver sarcoidosis;Liver scan abnormal;Liver tenderness;Low birth weight baby;Lower respiratory tract herpes infection;Lower respiratory tract infection;Lower respiratory tract infection viral;Lung abscess;Lupoid hepatic cirrhosis;Lupus cystitis;Lupus encephalitis;Lupus endocarditis;Lupus enteritis;Lupus hepatitis;Lupus myocarditis;Lupus myositis;Lupus nephritis;Lupus pancreatitis;Lupus pleurisy;Lupus pneumonitis;Lupus vasculitis;Lupus-like syndrome;Lymphocytic hypophysitis;Lymphocytopenia neonatal;Lymphopenia;MAGIC syndrome;Magnetic resonance imaging liver abnormal;Magnetic resonance proton density fat fraction measurement;Mahler sign;Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue;Manufacturing materials issue;Manufacturing production issue;Marburg's variant multiple sclerosis;Marchiafava-Bignami disease;Marine Lenhart syndrome;Mastocytic enterocolitis;Maternal exposure during pregnancy;Medical device site thrombosis;Medical device site vasculitis;MELAS syndrome;Meningitis;Meningitis aseptic;Meningitis herpes;Meningoencephalitis herpes simplex neonatal;Meningoencephalitis herpetic;Meningomyelitis herpes;MERS-CoV test;MERS-CoV test negative;MERS-CoV test positive;Mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis;Mesenteric artery embolism;Mesenteric artery thrombosis;Mesenteric vein thrombosis;Metapneumovirus infection;Metastatic cutaneous Crohn's disease;Metastatic pulmonary embolism;Microangiopathy;Microembolism;Microscopic polyangiitis;Middle East respiratory syndrome;Migraine-triggered seizure;Miliary pneumonia;Miller Fisher syndrome;Mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase increased;Mixed connective tissue disease;Model for end stage liver disease score abnormal;Model for end stage liver disease score increased;Molar ratio of total branched-chain amino acid to tyrosine;Molybdenum cofactor deficiency;Monocytopenia;Mononeuritis;Mononeuropathy multiplex;Morphoea;Morvan syndrome;Mouth swelling;Moyamoya disease;Multifocal motor neuropathy;Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome;Multiple sclerosis;Multiple sclerosis relapse;Multiple sclerosis relapse prophylaxis;Multiple subpial transection;Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children;Muscular sarcoidosis;Myasthenia gravis;Myasthenia gravis crisis;Myasthenia gravis neonatal;Myasthenic syndrome;Myelitis;Myelitis transverse;Myocardial infarction;Myocarditis;Myocarditis post infection;Myoclonic epilepsy;Myoclonic epilepsy and ragged-red fibres;Myokymia;Myositis;Narcolepsy;Nasal herpes;Nasal obstruction;Necrotising herpetic retinopathy;Neonatal Crohn's disease;Neonatal epileptic seizure;Neonatal lupus erythematosus;Neonatal mucocutaneous herpes simplex;Neonatal pneumonia;Neonatal seizure;Nephritis;Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis;Neuralgic amyotrophy;Neuritis;Neuritis cranial;Neuromyelitis optica pseudo relapse;Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder;Neuromyotonia;Neuronal neuropathy;Neuropathy peripheral;Neuropathy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa syndrome;Neuropsychiatric lupus;Neurosarcoidosis;Neutropenia;Neutropenia neonatal;Neutropenic colitis;Neutropenic infection;Neutropenic sepsis;Nodular rash;Nodular vasculitis;Noninfectious myelitis;Noninfective encephalitis;Noninfective encephalomyelitis;Noninfective oophoritis;Obstetrical pulmonary embolism;Occupational exposure to communicable disease;Occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2;Ocular hyperaemia;Ocular myasthenia;Ocular pemphigoid;Ocular sarcoidosis;Ocular vasculitis;Oculofacial paralysis;Oedema;Oedema blister;Oedema due to hepatic disease;Oedema mouth;Oesophageal achalasia;Ophthalmic artery thrombosis;Ophthalmic herpes simplex;Ophthalmic herpes zoster;Ophthalmic vein thrombosis;Optic neuritis;Optic



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neuropathy;Optic perineuritis;Oral herpes;Oral lichen planus;Oropharyngeal oedema;Oropharyngeal spasm;Oropharyngeal swelling;Osmotic demyelination syndrome;Ovarian vein thrombosis;Overlap syndrome;Paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infection;Paget-Schroetter syndrome;Palindromic rheumatism;Palisaded neutrophilic granulomatous dermatitis;Palmoplantar keratoderma;Palpable purpura;Pancreatitis;Panencephalitis;Papillophlebitis;Paracancerous pneumonia;Paradoxical embolism;Parainfluenzae viral laryngotracheobronchitis;Paraneoplastic dermatomyositis;Paraneoplastic pemphigus;Paraneoplastic thrombosis;Paresis cranial nerve;Parietal cell antibody positive;Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria;Partial seizures;Partial seizures with secondary generalisation;Patient isolation;Pelvic venous thrombosis;Pemphigoid;Pemphigus;Penile vein thrombosis;Pericarditis;Pericarditis lupus;Perihepatic discomfort;Periorbital oedema;Periorbital swelling;Peripheral artery thrombosis;Peripheral embolism;Peripheral ischaemia;Peripheral vein thrombus extension;Periportal oedema;Peritoneal fluid protein abnormal;Peritoneal fluid protein decreased;Peritoneal fluid protein increased;Peritonitis lupus;Pernicious anaemia;Petit mal epilepsy;Pharyngeal oedema;Pharyngeal swelling;Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta;Placenta praevia;Pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis;Pneumobilia;Pneumonia;Pneumonia adenoviral;Pneumonia cytomegaloviral;Pneumonia herpes viral;Pneumonia influenzal;Pneumonia measles;Pneumonia mycoplasmal;Pneumonia necrotising;Pneumonia parainfluenzae viral;Pneumonia respiratory syncytial viral;Pneumonia viral;POEMS syndrome;Polyarteritis nodosa;Polyarthritis;Polychondritis;Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type I;Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type II;Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type III;Polyglandular disorder;Polymicrogyria;Polymyalgia rheumatica;Polymyositis;Polyneuropathy;Polyneuropathy idiopathic progressive;Portal pyaemia;Portal vein embolism;Portal vein flow decreased;Portal vein pressure increased;Portal vein thrombosis;Portosplenomesenteric venous thrombosis;Post procedural hypotension;Post procedural pneumonia;Post procedural pulmonary embolism;Post stroke epilepsy;Post stroke seizure;Post thrombotic retinopathy;Post thrombotic syndrome;Post viral fatigue syndrome;Postictal headache;Postictal paralysis;Postictal psychosis;Postictal state;Postoperative respiratory distress;Postoperative respiratory failure;Postoperative thrombosis;Postpartum thrombosis;Postpartum venous thrombosis;Postpericardiotomy syndrome;Post-traumatic epilepsy;Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome;Precerebral artery thrombosis;Pre-eclampsia;Preictal state;Premature labour;Premature menopause;Primary amyloidosis;Primary biliary cholangitis;Primary progressive multiple sclerosis;Procedural shock;Proctitis herpes;Proctitis ulcerative;Product availability issue;Product distribution issue;Product supply issue;Progressive facial hemiatrophy;Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy;Progressive multiple sclerosis;Progressive relapsing multiple sclerosis;Prosthetic cardiac valve thrombosis;Pruritus;Pruritus allergic;Pseudovasculitis;Psoriasis;Psoriatic arthropathy;Pulmonary amyloidosis;Pulmonary artery thrombosis;Pulmonary embolism;Pulmonary fibrosis;Pulmonary haemorrhage;Pulmonary microemboli;Pulmonary oil microembolism;Pulmonary renal syndrome;Pulmonary sarcoidosis;Pulmonary sepsis;Pulmonary thrombosis;Pulmonary tumour thrombotic microangiopathy;Pulmonary vasculitis;Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease;Pulmonary venous thrombosis;Pyoderma gangrenosum;Pyostomatitis vegetans;Pyrexia;Quarantine;Radiation leukopenia;Radiculitis



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brachial;Radiologically isolated syndrome;Rash;Rash erythematous;Rash pruritic;Rasmussen encephalitis;Raynaud's phenomenon;Reactive capillary endothelial proliferation;Relapsing multiple sclerosis;Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis;Renal amyloidosis;Renal arteritis;Renal artery thrombosis;Renal embolism;Renal failure;Renal vascular thrombosis;Renal vasculitis;Renal vein embolism;Renal vein thrombosis;Respiratory arrest;Respiratory disorder;Respiratory distress;Respiratory failure;Respiratory paralysis;Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis;Respiratory syncytial virus bronchitis;Retinal artery embolism;Retinal artery occlusion;Retinal artery thrombosis;Retinal vascular thrombosis;Retinal vasculitis;Retinal vein occlusion;Retinal vein thrombosis;Retinol binding protein decreased;Retinopathy;Retrograde portal vein flow;Retroperitoneal fibrosis;Reversible airways obstruction;Reynold's syndrome;Rheumatic brain disease;Rheumatic disorder;Rheumatoid arthritis;Rheumatoid factor increased;Rheumatoid factor positive;Rheumatoid factor quantitative increased;Rheumatoid lung;Rheumatoid neutrophilic dermatosis;Rheumatoid nodule;Rheumatoid nodule removal;Rheumatoid scleritis;Rheumatoid vasculitis;Saccadic eye movement;SAPHO syndrome;Sarcoidosis;SARS-CoV-1 test;SARS-CoV-1 test negative;SARS-CoV-1 test positive;SARS-CoV-2 antibody test;SARS-CoV-2 antibody test negative;SARS-CoV-2 antibody test positive;SARS-CoV-2 carrier;SARS-CoV-2 sepsis;SARS-CoV-2 test;SARS- CoV-2 test false negative;SARS-CoV-2 test false positive;SARS-CoV-2 test negative;SARS- CoV-2 test positive;SARS-CoV-2 viraemia;Satoyoshi syndrome;Schizencephaly;Scleritis;Sclerodactylia;Scleroderma;Scleroderma associated digital ulcer;Scleroderma renal crisis;Scleroderma-like reaction;Secondary amyloidosis;Secondary cerebellar degeneration;Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis;Segmented hyalinising vasculitis;Seizure;Seizure anoxic;Seizure cluster;Seizure like phenomena;Seizure prophylaxis;Sensation of foreign body;Septic embolus;Septic pulmonary embolism;Severe acute respiratory syndrome;Severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy;Shock;Shock symptom;Shrinking lung syndrome;Shunt thrombosis;Silent thyroiditis;Simple partial seizures;Sjogren's syndrome;Skin swelling;SLE arthritis;Smooth muscle antibody positive;Sneezing;Spinal artery embolism;Spinal artery thrombosis;Splenic artery thrombosis;Splenic embolism;Splenic thrombosis;Splenic vein thrombosis;Spondylitis;Spondyloarthropathy;Spontaneous heparin-induced thrombocytopenia syndrome;Status epilepticus;Stevens-Johnson syndrome; [Note: This, SJS, can result in the skin coming off the body altogether, from the body’s attempt to rid itself of poison.] Stiff leg syndrome;Stiff person syndrome;Stillbirth;Still's disease;Stoma site thrombosis;Stoma site vasculitis;Stress cardiomyopathy;Stridor;Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus;Subacute endocarditis;Subacute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy;Subclavian artery embolism;Subclavian artery thrombosis;Subclavian vein thrombosis;Sudden unexplained death in epilepsy;Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis;Susac's syndrome;Suspected COVID- 19;Swelling;Swelling face;Swelling of eyelid;Swollen tongue;Sympathetic ophthalmia;Systemic lupus erythematosus;Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index abnormal;Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index decreased;Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index increased;Systemic lupus erythematosus rash;Systemic scleroderma;Systemic sclerosis pulmonary;Tachycardia;Tachypnoea;Takayasu's arteritis;Temporal lobe epilepsy;Terminal ileitis;Testicular autoimmunity;Throat tightness;Thromboangiitis obliterans;Thrombocytopenia;Thrombocytopenic purpura;Thrombophlebitis;Thrombophlebitis migrans;Thrombophlebitis



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neonatal;Thrombophlebitis septic;Thrombophlebitis superficial;Thromboplastin antibody positive;Thrombosis;Thrombosis corpora cavernosa;Thrombosis in device;Thrombosis mesenteric vessel;Thrombotic cerebral infarction;Thrombotic microangiopathy;Thrombotic stroke;Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura;Thyroid disorder;Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin increased;Thyroiditis;Tongue amyloidosis;Tongue biting;Tongue oedema;Tonic clonic movements;Tonic convulsion;Tonic posturing;Topectomy;Total bile acids increased;Toxic epidermal necrolysis;Toxic leukoencephalopathy;Toxic oil syndrome;Tracheal obstruction;Tracheal oedema;Tracheobronchitis;Tracheobronchitis mycoplasmal;Tracheobronchitis viral;Transaminases abnormal;Transaminases increased;Transfusion-related alloimmune neutropenia;Transient epileptic amnesia;Transverse sinus thrombosis;Trigeminal nerve paresis;Trigeminal neuralgia;Trigeminal palsy;Truncus coeliacus thrombosis;Tuberous sclerosis complex;Tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome;Tumefactive multiple sclerosis;Tumour embolism;Tumour thrombosis;Type 1 diabetes mellitus;Type I hypersensitivity;Type III immune complex mediated reaction;Uhthoff's phenomenon;Ulcerative keratitis;Ultrasound liver abnormal;Umbilical cord thrombosis;Uncinate fits;Undifferentiated connective tissue disease;Upper airway obstruction;Urine bilirubin increased;Urobilinogen urine decreased;Urobilinogen urine increased;Urticaria;Urticaria papular;Urticarial vasculitis;Uterine rupture;Uveitis;Vaccination site thrombosis;Vaccination site vasculitis;Vagus nerve paralysis;Varicella;Varicella keratitis;Varicella post vaccine;Varicella zoster gastritis;Varicella zoster oesophagitis;Varicella zoster pneumonia;Varicella zoster sepsis;Varicella zoster virus infection;Vasa praevia;Vascular graft thrombosis;Vascular pseudoaneurysm thrombosis;Vascular purpura;Vascular stent thrombosis;Vasculitic rash;Vasculitic ulcer;Vasculitis;Vasculitis gastrointestinal;Vasculitis necrotising;Vena cava embolism;Vena cava thrombosis;Venous intravasation;Venous recanalisation;Venous thrombosis;Venous thrombosis in pregnancy;Venous thrombosis limb;Venous thrombosis neonatal;Vertebral artery thrombosis;Vessel puncture site thrombosis;Visceral venous thrombosis;VIth nerve paralysis;VIth nerve paresis;Vitiligo;Vocal cord paralysis;Vocal cord paresis;Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease;Warm type haemolytic anaemia;Wheezing;White nipple sign;XIth nerve paralysis;X-ray hepatobiliary abnormal;Young's syndrome;Zika virus associated Guillain Barre syndrome.

[It goes on from there.]







Friday, December 3, 2021

The inside scoop on the Corona Virus Scheme from Wuhan to Omricon ( "Con"!! Get It ? ) and how the Globe has and will change with the China Scheme!

( And how the Left "Never lets a good Crisis Go to waste")
Please Read, Comment and Share


 So here we are.... almost 2 years into a bogus disaster. A scheme that was set up by the architects of the Global Oligarchies (who like the Monarchs and potentates of yesteryear divvied up the world as they knew it into spheres of influence and control) have found ways to keep their terrified "Subject/Citizens" in line by scaring them into believing that death was imminent if they did not follow the feudal decrees. In the past it was death by hanging, firing squad or Guillotine.. but today they have devised a more subtle and more skillful way to get the populace to go along by scaring the shit out of them with lies about painful deaths they will experience if they do not follow the Oligarchical Government edicts. China the ascendant nation chomping at the bit to take over from America as the Dominant Nation (who have been planning this for 40 years), took advantage of the deep divisions among the peoples of  America and a weak Republican Party and a President not prepared to risk his wealth or his freedom from criminal indictment (that they had threatened him falsely with)  to redefine America for the better through a movement he inspired the Patriotic Citizens to start.

The Oligarchs and the Chinese Phalanx knew that if Trump won again.. the trajectory of the world would move away from their big plans of top down control. So they did everything they needed to do to win the elections for the Democrats who agreed to place a senile dope as their figure head leader. A limp weak blubbering man who would do what he was commanded to do for the privilege of getting a chance to go down in History as a "President". Something he and his wife had yearned for all their adult life! It worked! JOE THE "USEFUL IDIOT" BIDEN WAS NAMED PRESIDENT.
Not because of the brilliance of the Sino/Democrat plan but because of the sloppy and cowardly way the Republicans and Conservatives reacted to the blatant and obvious election fraud that was perpetrated. The loss is on the Conservatives and the Republicans who knew it was a fraud, could prove it was a Fraud but were too timid to fight back. They tried sloppily in the corrupted court systems. They whined about it on Media they controlled but when push came to the big shove....they were too timid to use bullets to correct the ballots. 

All those GUNS that they demanded the right to bear based on the 2nd Amendment they remained holstered and in their gun racks. They were too afraid to bring out those weapons that they all claimed they had and brandished on social media and in chat rooms and on talk radio.. those weapons (that the Founding Fathers who fought to give us Freedom from the British and gave us the right to bear arms to fight a renegade Government) those weapons that were to be used as the 2nd Amendment clearly states to overthrow an illegal Government.. NEVER saw the light of day! They still are in hiding! 
This brings us to where we are today! If anyone has any doubt that the Chink Flu was a scheme designed to redirect the trajectory that the world was going in... you are out of totally out of touch.
Think logically. Think rationally and do not think like a terrified rat! Then the truth will reveal itself in your mind.
What were the "Arab Springs" ? 
What was the Hong Kong marches ?
What was Brexit?
What was the Trump Presidency?
What were the EU Exit movements in France and Italy 
What were the Trump Marches Rallies and Parades across the nation?
If you have not figured that out... you are a blind sheep!

 The "Corona Virus" was unleashed by the Chinese as a means to curtail activities of the restless populations across the world yearning for freedom. So, based on the Freedom movements that were on going on the Fall of 2019 in America, In Ukraine, In France in Greece the "Wuhan Scheme" was unleashed.

The Oligarchs with China in the lead realized that they had 2 options to curtail the growing unrest in their nations.

1. Brute Force ( which would turn public opinion against the "perpetrators of the Force")
2. A kind of subtle force using the fear instinct of humans for pain and death.

Both these options rely on the same fears of pain and death, but the second option just required a few small actions accompanied by massive amounts of propaganda from media that the Oligarchs already controlled to scare the population into believing that the pain of fighting the scheme was far worse that the pain of complying.

So they went to work. They needed the populations across the world to cease agitating for more Freedom and rather than fear the "Brute Force" of option 1 go into a state passivity based on the "subtle force" of option 2. ( The option that convinced the sheeple populations that they were doing it for the "greater good")

It worked. China in concert with operatives in the US  through Dr. Fauci and the CDC who had funded the Virology Lab in Wuhan unleashed a virus in Wuhan to test the efficacy of the scheme...IT WORKED.. they terrified the citizenry by locking them down.. by showing videos of Police dragging women and Children claiming they were infected into paddy wagons, they had videos of workers in Hazmat suits and head to toe protection spraying down public places. The result was that a stupid world started to feel helpless and terrified!



This is how they started the panic globally! It worked.

The daily marches and demands for Freedom stopped overnight in Hong Kong! Hong Kong Shut down economically too. Everything was closed and the Hong Kong Economy went into a tail spin. 

 Hong Kong Economy in Tail Spin

Seeing the success of this scheme... China exported the scheme to Europe and America. Through Italy into Europe and to California and New York in America. They realized they could curtail the Western Economies!

 The Chinese realized that they could bring down the white hot economy of America by using the same scheme. It worked. America shut down as businesses were forced to close and all of a sudden that Trump Economy did not look so good. With bad advise and naivete Trump relied on the Globalist Doctor Fauci and other Oligarchs who were probably appraised of the possibility of destroying the American Economy and also taking the shine off the Trump Economic Miracle.

 Click below


It worked! So Trump needed a quick fix and again..  instead of going after the scheming Oligarchs and arresting the enemies of America who stole an election, Trump thought he could win back America by playing the part of Savior of America by creating a vaccine to protect the whole population. Now I have no doubt that the intention behind the creation of a cure all vaccine was honorable on Trumps part but the naïve stupidity was glaring. The people he put in charge of creating the vaccine were no friends of the Trump Administration. The Faucis of the country, the Bill Gates of the country had wanted Trump to fail from day one. Why in the world he thought he could bring them all together to fight a "Virus" unleashed specifically to destroy America economically and stymie the Trump Presidency and record.. is beyond me! Pride? Ego ? Something like that! We saw the result. 

The enemies of America who controlled the centers of power convinced/Coerced the Judges and the Politicians that voting "in person" was going to kill more people so they created laws that allowed NO ID Vote by mail and drop the ballots off in unsecured kiosks and drop boxes. They adulterated the voting system in the name of keeping America Safe. They imposed stupid rules that they named very cleverly. "Social Distancing",  "Self Quarantine" "Wear a Mask" etc. Then using Trump's own sword they created a vaccine that they swore off would save the population from this "Deadly Pandemic". They killed off old people by gathering them together in old peoples homes.. to infect them all.. just like they did with kids in the old days when one got chicken pox. ( Remember they got all the kids together and they all got chicken pox) But this was a deadly game of "Visually Scare the People". The more the TV Channels showed people dying, hospitals with rows and rows of ventilators and a daily count like never in the history of the world of who got the virus and who died of the virus that day. Tallies! Graphs. TV Doctors who never practiced in 15 years and more gave "Government authorized" updates and analysis of the "dangerous pandemic".  The more disastrous the better the ratings. Millions of people were going to die. Stay inside.. wear a mask, do not gather in groups. Standing in a line to vote could kill you. Better to vote by mail. See the scheme? God I hope all of you who read this get the picture. This was a scheme.

 When possible cures were shown to work, with cheap tablets like hydroxychlorquine and Ivermectin and Zinc and Azithromycin, these tablets were made to look like the Devil Mix. Conversations about the efficacy of these tablets was banned on social media and TV. The only cure was a mask every day, stay away from gatherings and voting lines and take a "life saving" a double does of vaccine!

Look behind the curtain. The lobbies pushing the vaccine were the Big Pharma and their lackeys in Politics and the media. Trump in his naivete or Stupidity or worse ( Taking a kick back from Big Pharma maybe) endorsed this reckless drive to create a magic bullet vaccine. He got the federal government to finance this operation. Big Pharma saw the opportunity and began milking it to the hilt. They were losing out economically in 2019 when Trump was hammering them to reduce prices to make drugs more affordable. They hated Trump. This was their chance to make a killing and to put down Trump and his Free market ways! Boy did it work.

 Trump went on to lose the presidency due to the Fake Election process. .. the Big Pharma companies cashed out and now have assumed the position of the 1970 - 2010 houses of economic power...The "Military Industrial Complex" They are the new lobbying powerhouse. Big Pharma found the secret sauce. The benign way to suck money out of the Federal Government without foreign wars. Just keep making new Corona Viruses that seem to mutate whenever they need to milk the Cash Cow ..., THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. The Oligarchs endorse the scheme because it keeps WE THE PEOPLE terrified and allows the voting to be done by mail without the scrutiny of identifying the voters as Citizens eligible to vote.


Every time more control of the people is needed, they create a custom variant of this virus that supposedly attacks the target group. Variants come at the propitious times. Right now they want to vaccinate the children so the new Virus obviously attacks children. Duh! But the Sheeple People accept the nonsense as gospel truth because the Government Controlled agencies like the CDC and the WHO says so.  

Is a Conservative politician getting to be too popular .. Corona Virus rears its head. They will dilute his voting district with lax Voting Laws so no ID Voting is extended... because of the Virus of course!

The 2022 mid terms coming up? They need to have voting by mail and more people staying at home.... another variant is on the way! 

In the mean time on the global stage...


China pulls the strings of the Corona Virus Scheme to control the competitor economies!

Other than the US and Europe,  China sees the threat to their supremacy from the emerging economies of The "BRICS"





South Africa


What is BRICS? BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'Neill coined the term BRIC (without South Africa) in 2001, claiming that by 2050 the four BRIC economies would come to dominate the global economy by 2050. South Africa was added to the list in 2010.

 So for China to win they need to suppress the economies of these other countries! How to do that ? You have not guessed ?  Oh Come on....... ya'll cant be that stupid? 

Expect that soon Brazil will suddenly have a surge of Corona Virus cases too! 

They've got India by the balls! India will not contest it when Sri Lanka and Bangladesh becoming Chinese proxy states.

In the past the only way for any of the Brics to get ahead was to ally with America not with China. But they will not. The geopolitical winds have shifted and China is the leader now.

Russia has always wanted to annex Crimea and a few other former Soviet break away States. Ukraine and Poland seem a good bet for future annexation. But how will they do that? Looking the other way when China annexes Taiwan. ( China already quelled the Hong Kong Movement!)
Wait for it.. all this is coming. Trump Blinked. America is slowly being ruled by a country of Social Democrats bought and paid for by the Billionaire Oligarchs and China. We are irrelevant now! 

 Yes that's the playing field today and that brings me to the final part of the post. 

We are now coming up on the latest variant of this never ending cycle....

Test for new "Omicron" variant? 

AKA the Moronic variant!




So what is the solution ? Use the 2nd Amendment to remove this Government.
Re Constitute the Constitution or secede. There is no other way left! Voting will not work. The cancer of  Oligarchies is too deep.
Thomas Jefferson said it best a long time ago..
"And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon, and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."

By Jon Rappoport below

Neil Ferguson is the ghost in the machine. The machine is the World Health Organization and the CDC. The man behind the ghost is Bill Gates.
This is an article in three layers. I’ve already spelled out the first layer in my current series on the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2.

In a nutshell, there is no Omicron because there is no SARS-CoV-2. The “pandemic virus” doesn’t exist. A variation of nothing equals nothing.

However, I often make forays into the bubble-world where most people, including “the experts,” believe the virus is real. I do this to show that, within their world, the experts are constantly lying in their own terms and contradicting themselves.

Bombshell: PCR tests can’t identify Delta Variant; it’s all fiction

Within their world, you would think the pros have an easily accessible test to identify the new Omicron variant in thousands or millions of people. Otherwise, how can they claim it’s here and spreading?

But you would be wrong.

And I have the evidence, based on the prior variant, the Delta. That’s level two. I take you there now, with an article I wrote months ago:

—-Bombshell: PCR tests can’t identify Delta Variant; it’s all fiction—-

Oooo. The Delta Variant. It’s everywhere.

Watch out. It’s under your rug. It’s in the clothes closet. It’s on your toothbrush.

Fauci, god of soccer moms, rises every morning saying DELTA, goes on television saying DELTA, and goes to sleep praying to DELTA

And it’s The Unvaccinated who are spreading it. Those devils. We, who are pure, must be protected from the unvaxxed Unclean.

Fauci, god of soccer moms, rises every morning saying DELTA, goes on television saying DELTA, and goes to sleep praying to DELTA.

But read this from the Texas Department of State Health Services FAQ:

“How can I tell if I have the Delta variant? Do labs report that to the state?” That information may not be readily available. The [PCR] viral tests that are used to determine if a person has COVID-19 are not designed to tell you what variant is causing the infection. Detecting the Delta variant, or other variants, requires a special type of testing called genomic sequencing. Due to the volume of COVID-19 cases, sequencing is not performed on all viral samples. However, because the Delta variant now accounts for the majority of COVID-19 cases in the United States, there is a strong likelihood that a positive test result indicates infection with the Delta variant.”


I can assure you, the number of patients whose samples are genetically sequenced is tiny, contrasted against the number whose samples are simply run through the standard PCR.

So there is no way to know that the Delta variant now accounts for the majority of COVID cases in the US. And using the standard PCR, there is no way to know ANY specific patient has the Delta. It’s all fiction.

We have this from the American Lung Association:

“Regular COVID-19 tests do not detect which variant is involved in a patient’s case—-that information does not change the approach to care or therapy. The variant identification requires genomic sequencing, a process separate from regular virus tests and one that not all labs are able to do or do not do on a routine basis for patient care but are done more for public health monitoring.”

Let me break down how this game works. To be excessively generous, let’s say that 3 out of every 1000 positive PCR tests in America are sent to high-level labs, where genetic sequencing is done.

A certain percentage of THOSE sequencing tests come up positive for the Delta Variant. Based on these results, MODELS are constructed.

Now we’re REALLY into fake science. The models estimate what percentage of ALL positive PCR tests are really positive for Delta.

I’m sorry to break this newsflash, but modelers are notorious charlatans. Their dense calculations are as far from science as a Model-T Ford is from a spaceship.

But based on models, public health agencies—-who desperately needed a new con, because COVID case numbers were declining—-blasted through their media assets the new revelation: THE DELTA MONSTER IS LOOSE AMONG US.


I’ve been proving the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn’t exist, the tests and case numbers are meaningless, and the highly destructive vaccine is unnecessary

But it gets even worse. Why? Because you can bet the farm that the current model pushing the omnipresence of the Delta Variant was never challenged. It was never handed to several groups of independent scientists who went over it with a fine-toothed comb. That’s called verification. That’s called the Scientific Method. You may have heard of it.

The most notorious modeler in the world, Neil Ferguson, of the London Imperial College, bankrolled by Bill Gates, made a prediction early in 2020: by that summer, there would 500,000 COVID deaths in the UK, and 2 million in the US.

It was this absurd prediction, swallowed whole by Boris Johnson, and swallowed whole by Donald Trump, on the urging of Tony Fauci, that led to the original mass lockdowns in US and the UK. And then other nations followed suit.

As my long-time readers know, all this is just the tip of a very large iceberg. For the past year, I’ve been proving the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn’t exist, the tests and case numbers are meaningless, and the highly destructive vaccine is unnecessary.

But I make frequent forays into the fantasy world of official science, to illustrate that, even within that lunatic bubble, internal contradictions and outright lies abound.

Here is my original 2020 article on the most famous and celebrated modeler in the world, Neil Ferguson [this is level three]:

Neil Ferguson: the ghost in the machine

Why do governments salute when he predicts a pandemic and tells them to lock down their countries?

Does anyone care about his past?

Why does he still have a prestigious job?

Who is he connected to?

Neil Ferguson, through his institute at London’s Imperial College, can call the shots on a major percentage of the global population.

He’s Mr. Genius, when it comes to projecting computer models of epidemics.

Fellow experts puff up his reputation.

According to the Business Insider (4/25/20):

“Ferguson’s team warned Boris Johnson that the quest for ‘herd immunity’ [letting people live their lives out in the open in the UK] could cost 510,000 lives, prompting an abrupt U-turn [massive national lockdown in the UK]…His simulations have been influential in other countries as well, cited by authorities in the US, Germany, and France.”

Not only cited, not only influential, but swallowed whole.

“On March 23 [2020], the UK scrapped ‘herd immunity’ in favor of a suppression strategy, and the country made preparations for weeks of lockdown. Ferguson’s study was responsible.” (Business Insider)

There’s more. A lot more.

“Dr. Deborah Birx, coronavirus response coordinator to the Trump administration, told journalists at a March 16 press briefing that the Imperial paper [Ferguson’s computer projection] prompted the CDC’s new advice to work from home and avoid gatherings of 10 or more.” (Business Insider)

Ferguson, instigator of LOCKDOWNS. Stripping away of basic liberties. Economic devastation

Ferguson, instigator of LOCKDOWNS. Stripping away of basic liberties. Economic devastation.

So let’s look at Ferguson’s funding and track record, spelled out in the Business Insider piece:

“Ferguson co-founded the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, based at Imperial, in 2008. It is the leading body advising national governments on pathogen outbreaks.” (Business Insider)

“It gets tens of millions of dollars in annual funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and works with the UK National Health Service, the US Centres for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), and is tasked with supplying the World Health Organization with ‘rapid analysis of urgent infectious disease problems’.”


Getting the picture?

Getting the picture?

Gates money goes to Ferguson.

Ferguson predicts dire threat from COVID, necessitating lockdowns—-thus preparing people to accept a vaccine. The vaccine Gates wants.

Ferguson supplies a frightening computer projection of COVID deaths—-to the CDC and WHO. Ferguson thus communicates a rationale for the Gates vaccine plan.

National governments surrender to WHO and CDC and order LOCKDOWNS.

“Michael Thrusfield, a professor of veterinary epidemiology at Edinburgh University, told the paper he had ‘déjà vu’ after reading the [Ferguson] Imperial paper [on COVID], saying Ferguson was responsible for excessive animal culling during the 2001 Foot and Mouth [mad cow] outbreak.”(Business Insider)

“Ferguson warned the government that 150,000 people could die. Six million animals were slaughtered as a precaution, costing the country billions in farming revenue. In the end, 200 people died.”

“Similarly, he [Ferguson] was accused of creating panic by overestimating the potential death toll during the 2005 Bird Flu outbreak. Ferguson estimated 200 million could die. The real number was in the low hundreds.” HELLO?

“In 2009, one of Ferguson’s models predicted 65,000 people could die from the Swine Flu outbreak in the UK — the final figure was below 500.”

So you have to ask yourself, why would anyone believe what Ferguson has been predicting in this COVID hustle?

Are his fellow experts that stupid?

Are presidents and prime ministers that stupid?

And the answer is: This is a monumental covert op; some people are that stupid; some are caught up in the op and are afraid to say the emperor has no clothes; some are aware of what is going on, and they want to destroy national economies and lead us into, yes, a new world order.

Gates knows he has his man: Ferguson. As the recipient of tens of millions of dollars a year from the Gates Foundation, Ferguson isn’t about to issue a model that states: COVID is nothing to worry about, let people live their lives and we’ll be all right. The chance of that happening is on a par with researchers admitting they never actually discovered a new virus as the cause of illness in 2019, in Wuhan.

In order to justify injecting every man, woman, and child in the world with synthetic genes, Gates needs A STORY ABOUT A DEADLY VIRUS THAT NECESSITATES SHUTTING DOWN AND IMPRISONING THE PLANET, ACHIEVING A CAPTIVE AUDIENCE.

He’s got the story, all dressed up in a computer model, composed by a man with a past record of abject and devastating failures.

Neil Ferguson is the ghost in the machine. The machine is the World Health Organization and the CDC. The man behind the ghost is Bill Gates.

—-Those are the three layers of this story. Fraud, fraud, and fraud. But don’t worry. Tony Fauci will smooth out the wrinkles and assure us all that we’re on the right track. We just have to destroy the village in order to save it. Piece of cake.