Friday, December 11, 2015

The time to Talk, Bitch and Whine is over! Remove the Evil in Government.

Facebook Censored me again for 30 days!

Facebook Censored me again for 30 days!





Who is Donald Trump?

This is a piece on the Donald!

Most of this can be found in speeches on U-tube. The rest I found in literature mentioned in his Biography and also I have all 8 of his books  


Therefore, I can vouch for all that is written here. By the way, I highly recommend “The Art of the Deal” which he wrote back in 1987. It certainly stresses his strong ability to deal and from what he’s accomplished, he’s obviously gotten even better at it since then. 


The criticisms of Trump are amazingly missing something.

1. All the positions Trump has were as a Business man building an Empire in New York City. Any Idiot who criticizes him for that period of his life should realize what it takes to do business and BUILD THINGS. Read up on the process. Now Trump is an American running for office under the Republican Umbrella. If the Republicans do not want him they could have thrown him out and he would have taken 40% of the base with him. So they do not! In 1989 he had very liberal positions. He donated to liberals who could help him get approvals for Construction in New York. He was NOT Running for Office. He was then growing an EMPIRE..legally. This is what it takes to run a business in America. Ask Warren Buffet, Ask Bill Gates, Ask Jeffrey Immelt and everyone else. Only a low level non productive working stiff with no business experience would expect a Business Man to walk a Conservative line when he is trying to succeed as a Business man. 

2. They are lacking in negative stories from those who work for him or have had business dealings with him. After all the employees he’s had and all the business deals he’s made there is a void of criticism. In fact, long term employees call him a strong and merciful leader and say he is far more righteous and of high integrity than people may think.

And while it may surprise many, he’s actually humble when it comes to his generosity and kindness. A good example is a story that tells of his limo breaking down on a deserted highway outside of New York City . A middle-aged couple stopped to help him and as a thank you he paid off their mortgage, but he didn’t brag about that. Generous and good people rarely talk of charity they bestow on others.

But as much as all this is interesting, the real thing that people want to know is what Donald Trump’s plan is for America . It’s funny how so many people say they don’t know what it is, or they act like Trump is hiding it. The information is readily available if people would just do a little homework. But, since most Americans won’t do their own research, here, in no particular order, is an overview of many of Trumps positions and plans:

1.) Trump believes that America should not intervene militarily in other country’s problems without being compensated for doing so. If America is going to risk the lives of our soldiers and incur the expense of going to war, then the nations we help must be willing to pay for our help. Using the Iraq War as an example, he cites the huge monetary expense to American taxpayers (over $1.5 trillion, and possibly much more depending on what sources are used to determine the cost) in addition to the cost in human life. He suggests that Iraq should have been required to give us enough of their oil to pay for the expenses we incurred. He includes in those expenses the medical costs for our military and $5 million for each family that lost a loved one in the war and $2 million for each family of soldiers who received severe injuries.

2.) Speaking of the military, Trump wants America to have a strong military again. He believes the single most important function of the federal government is national defense. He has said he wants to find the General Patton or General MacArthur that could lead our military buildup back to the strength it needs to be. While he hasn’t said it directly that I know of, Trump’s attitude about America and about winning tells me he’d most likely be quick to eliminate rules of engagement that handicap our military in battle. Clearly Trump is a “win at all costs” kind of guy, and I’m sure that would apply to our national defense and security, too.

3.) Trump wants a strong foreign policy and believes that it must include 7 core principles (which seem to support my comment in the last point):

American interests come first. Always. No apologies.

Maximum firepower and military preparedness.

Only go to war to win.

Stay loyal to your friends and suspicious of your enemies.

Keep the technological sword razor sharp.

See the unseen. Prepare for threats before they materialize.

Respect and support our present and past warriors.

4.) Trump believes that terrorists who are captured should be treated as military combatants, not as criminals like the Obama administration treats them.

5.) Trump makes the point that China ’s manipulation of their currency has given them unfair advantage in our trade dealings with them. He says we must tax their imports to offset their currency manipulation, which will cause American companies to be competitive again and drive manufacturing back to America and create jobs here. Although he sees China as the biggest offender, he believes that America should protect itself from all foreign efforts to take our jobs and manufacturing. For example, Ford is building a plant in Mexico and Trump suggests that every part or vehicle Ford makes in Mexico be taxed 35% if they want to bring it into the U. S., which would cause companies like Ford to no longer be competitive using their Mexican operations and move manufacturing back to the U. S., once again creating jobs here.

6.) Trump wants passage of NOPEC legislation (No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act – NOPEC – S.394), which would allow the government to sue OPEC for violating antitrust laws. According to Trump, that would break up the cartel. He also wants to unleash our energy companies to drill domestically (sound like Sarah Palin’s drill baby, drill?) thereby increasing domestic production creating jobs and driving domestic costs of oil and gas down while reducing dependence on foreign oil.

7.) Trump believes a secure border is critical for both security and prosperity in America . He wants to build a wall to stop illegals from entering put controls on immigration. (And he says he’ll get Mexico to pay for the wall, which many have scoffed at, but given his business successes I wouldn’t put it past him.) He also wants to enforce our immigration laws and provide no path to citizenship for illegals.

8.) Trump wants a radical change to the tax system to not only make it better for average Americans, but also to encourage businesses to stay here and foreign businesses to move here. The resulting influx of money to our nation would do wonders for our economy. He wants to make America the place to do business. He also wants to lower the death tax and the taxes on capital gains and dividends. This would put more than $1.6 trillion back into the economy and help rebuild the 1.5 million jobs we’ve lost to the current tax system. He also wants to charge companies who outsource jobs overseas a 20% tax, but for those willing to move jobs back to America they would not be taxed. And for citizens he has a tax plan that would allow Americans to keep more of what they earn and spark economic growth. He wants to change the personal income tax to:

Up to $30,000 taxed at 1%

From $30,000 to $100,000 taxed at 5%

From $100,000 to $1,000,000 taxed at 10%

$1,000,000 and above taxed at 15%

9.) Trump wants Obamacare repealed. He says it’s a “job-killing, health care-destroying monstrosity” that “can’t be reformed, salvaged, or fixed.” He believes in allowing real competition in the health insurance marketplace to allow competition to drive prices down. He also believes in tort reform to get rid of defensive medicine and lower costs.

10.) Trump wants spending reforms in Washington , acknowledging that America spends far more than it receives in revenue. He has said he believes that if we don’t stop increasing the national debt once it hits $24 trillion it will be impossible to save this country. He disagrees with Democrats who think raising taxes is the answer and says that when you do that you stifle the economy. On the other hand, when you lower taxes and create an environment to help businesses they will grow, hire more workers, and those new workers will be paying taxes that become more tax revenue for the government.

11.) Even though he says we need to cut spending, he does not want to harm those on Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security. He believes that the citizens have faithfully paid in to the system to have these services available and that the American government has an obligation to fulfill its end of the bargain and provide those benefits. Therefore, he wants to build the economy up so that we have the revenue to pay those costs without cutting the benefits to the recipients.

12.) Trump also wants reform of the welfare state saying that America needs “a safety net, not a hammock.” He believes in a welfare to work program that would help reduce the welfare rolls and encourage people to get back to work. And he wants a crackdown on entitlement fraud.

13.) Trump believes climate change is a hoax.

14.) Trump opposes Common Core.

15.) Trump is pro-life, although he allows for an exception due to rape, incest, or the life of the mother.

16.) Trump is pro 2nd Amendment rights.

17.) Trump’s view on same-sex marriage is that marriage is between a man and a woman, but he also believes that this is a states' rights issue, not a federal issue.

18.) Trump supports the death penalty.

Trump believes that there is a lack of common sense, innovative thinking in Washington (Hmmm… looks like he believes in horse sense!). He says it’s about seeing the unseen and that’s the kind of thinking we need to turn this country around. He tells a personal story to illustrate the point:

“When I opened Trump National Golf Club at Rancho Palos Verdes in Los Angeles , I was immediately told that I would need to build a new and costly ballroom. The current ballroom was gorgeous, but it only sat 200 people and we were losing business because people needed a larger space for their events. Building a new ballroom would take years to get approval and permits (since it’s on the Pacific Ocean ), and cost about $5 million. I took one look at the ballroom and saw immediately what needed to be done. The problem wasn’t the size of the room, it was the size of the chairs.

They were huge, heavy, and unwieldy. We didn’t need a bigger ballroom, we needed smaller chairs! So I had them replaced with high-end, smaller chairs. I then had our people sell the old chairs and got more money for them than the cost of the new chairs. In the end, the ballroom went from seating 200 people to seating 320 people. Our visitors got the space they desired, and I spared everyone the hassle of years of construction and $5 million of expense. It’s amazing what you can accomplish with a little common sense.”

On top of his saving years of construction and $5 million in expenses, he also was able to keep the ballroom open for business during the time it would have been under remodeling, which allowed him to continue to make money on the space instead of losing that revenue during construction time.

Donald Trump’s entire life has been made up of success and winning. He’s been accused of bankruptcies, but that’s not true. He’s never filed personal bankruptcy. He’s bought companies and legally used bankruptcy laws to restructure their debt, just as businesses do all the time. But he’s never been bankrupt personally.

He’s a fighter that clearly loves America and would fight for our nation.

Earlier I quoted Trump saying, “I love America . And when you love something, you protect it passionately – fiercely, even.” We never hear that from Democrats or even from Republicans. Donald Trump is saying things that desperately need to be said but no other candidate has shown the fortitude to stand up and say them.

Looking over this list of what he wants for America I see a very necessary set of goals that are long past due. Before we criticize someone because the media does, maybe we should seriously consider what he has to offer.

Because until we clean the political cesspool we do not need another Politician. We need a Commander who can make decisions without bowing to the progressive bureaucracies that are embedded with anti America Leftist, Pan African Anarchists, and Progressives.
We must restore the Constitution and it cannot be done without an interim time where a PATRIOTIC AMERICAN WITH THE STRONG BACKING OF THE MILITARY CAN HOLD AMERICA TOGETHER AND SET THE SHIP RIGHT..
So Many Sincere and earnest Patriots talk about all kinds of ways... short of "Revolution" to Restore our Republic.
Things like the "States Convention" the "Countermand Convention" "Impeachment" etc etc...
All of these are "Intellectual Pipe Dreams" ... the Cabal is so firmly entrenched that the process will be sabotaged and will NEVER EVER COME TO FRUITION...
No election of a Conservative Senate, Congress or President or Governors or Legislatures ...... is going to resolve the decayed underpinnings of the Constitutional Republic our country once was.
It needs a whole lot more work before a "President" can do any meaningful work.
The Bureaucracy and the Federal Judiciary is loaded with leftist Progressives and Socialists and unless and until we remove all of them through a Radical Bloodless/bloody Revolt.. all we will do is spend the next 30 years fighting against people with legal authority to enforce the mandate created by these crooks and ideologues over the past 90 years ...who have diametrically opposite views of what America should be than we do..
Electing a Conservative Senate, Congress or President or Governors or Legislatures whose hands are tied by Federal Judges and by Bureaucracies like the EPA, THE IRS, THE HHS etc that are also loaded with enemies of the Constitutional Republic is a WASTE OF TIME...and energy UNTIL we have completed the catharsis first.
DON'T YOU AGREE?? Unfortunately to date although we have asked and begged for the General to show support he has kept to the sidelines and without his stepping to the plate....AMERICA MAY NOT HAVE THE BALLS TO WAGE REVOLUTION.... WE HAVE BECOME TOO FAT AND LAZY AND TIMID AND WANT OTHERS TO DO THE DIRTY WORK...
For him or against him read up and put on your thinking cap and your Patriotic cape!.
You know that the Political class are getting very nervous:

Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Jon Corzine, to name just a few.
It's about the unholy dynamics between big government, big business and big media. They all benefit by interests to protect one another. It's one for all and all for one.
It's a heck of a filthy relationship that makes everyone filthy rich - everyone except the American people. We get ripped off. We're the patsies. But for once, the powerful socialist cabal and the corrupt crony capitalists are scared. I've never seen them this outraged, this vicious, this motivated or this coordinated. Never in all my years in politics have I seen anything like the way the mad dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump.
Why ? Because Donald Trump is "Filthy Rich" already. He does not need to butter up anyone. I LIKE THAT! I also believe he wants America to succeed so that his kids can inherit his FORTUNE. He does not want socialism to take hold in America.
The over-the-top reaction to Trump by politicians of both parties, the media and the biggest corporations of America has been so swift and insanely angry that it suggests they are all threatened and frightened!
After Politicians and Bureaucrats are fired, defeat or retired, if you're a "good boy," you've got a $5 million-per-year lobbying job waiting. The big-money interests have the system gamed. Win or lose, they win
But Trump doesn't play by any of these rules. Trump breaks up this nice, cozy relationship between big government, big media and big business. All the rules are out the window if Trump wins the presidency.
FACT: The other politicians will protect Obama and his aides - but not Trump.
Trump is the guy who publicly questioned Obama's birth certificate.
He questioned Obama's college records and how a mediocre student got into an Ivy League university.
Now, he's doing something no Republican has the chutzpah to do.
He's questioning our relationship with Mexico; questioning why the border is wide open; questioning why no wall has been built across the border; questioning if allowing millions of illegal aliens into America is in our best interests; questioning why so many illegal aliens commit violent crimes yet are not deported; and questioning why our trade deals with Mexico, Russia and China are so bad. Obama's secret deals and Hillary's email holds deep dark secrets. The Bush family have their own secrets too.
Trump has the audacity to ask out loud why American workers always get the short end of the stick. Good question.
I'm certain Trump will question what happened to the almost billion dollars given in a rigged no-bid contract to college friends of Michelle Obama at foreign companies to build the defective Obamacare website. By the way, that tab is now up to $5 billion. Trump will ask if Obamacare's architects can be charged with fraud for selling it by lying.
Trump will investigate Obama's widespread IRS conspiracy, not to mention Obama's college records. Trump will prosecute Clinton and Obama for fraud committed to cover up Benghazi before the election.
How about the fraud committed by employees of the Labor Department when they made up dramatic job numbers in the last jobs report before the 2012 election?
Obama, the multinational corporations, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Progressives and the media need to stop this. They recognize this could get out of control. If left unchecked telling the raw truth and asking questions everyone else is afraid to ask, Trump could wake a sleeping giant. Trump's election would be a nightmare.
We all know that Obama has committed many crimes. No one else but Trump would dare to prosecute. He will not hesitate. Once Trump gets in and gets a look at "the cooked books" and Obama's records, the game is over.
The gig is up. The goose is cooked. Holder could wind up in prison. Jarrett could wind up in prison. Obama bundler Corzine could wind up in prison for losing $1.5 billion of customer money. Clinton could wind up in jail for deleting 32,000 emails, or for accepting bribes from foreign governments while secretary of state, or for "misplacing" $6 billion as the head of the State Department, or for lying about Benghazi .
The entire upper level management of the IRS could wind up in prison. Obamacare will be defunded and dismantled. The Obama crime family will be prosecuted for crimes against the American people. And Obama himself could wind up ruined, his legacy in tatters. Trump will investigate. Trump will prosecute. Trump will go after everyone involved.
Oh there's more and I believe if General James Mattis was chosen as Commander in Chief or we had a Revolution we could get the same results.. BUT MY CONSERVATIVE AMERICAN COMPATRIOTS ARE MOSTLY TOO COWARDLY TO FIGHT A REVOLUTION.
HE IS A PITBULL WITH NO FEALTY TO POTENTATES, POLITICIANS OR BUREAUCRATS. He has enough money to live the good life and he does not need the Presidency to pad his fat wallet. His politics as a business man are complicated and his ideology is all over the place .. I get that... but His LOVE OF AMERICA is unquestioned!
Hell I hope he has the balls to use executive Orders and down right POWER to reign the fat cats that are devouring AMERICA like Piranha.
So you see... that's why the "dogs of hell" have been unleashed on Donald Trump. The Political class wants someone that they can "Manage"
Yes, it's become open season on Donald Trump. The left and the right are determined to attack his policies, harm his businesses, and, if possible, destroy his credibility and his name.
But they can't silence him.
And they sure can't intimidate him. The more they try, the more the public will realize that he's the one telling the truth.
And the left can't stand that.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Gun Control is not about Controlling Guns its about Controling the People




This is the Classic way it has been done at the dawn of every clamp down on the way to a Totalitarian Regime/Oligarchy:

Control the PEOPLE's FIRE POWER = Gun Control
Control the PEOPLE's Health Care provisions
Control the PEOPLE's Travel and Communication
Control the PEOPLE's right to assemble

Control the PEOPLE's Right to information


SO READ ON..... here are some of these issues analyzed .. Read and share to educate other PEOPLE!

Does Gun Control Reduce Crime? – Emphatically no. Never once did it ever do that.
Below are several studies that can be researched on the Internet yourself that document the fact that gun control never reduces crime.
New Jersey – In 1996 New Jersey passed what was considered to be the most stringent gun laws in the USA. Two years later their murder rate went up 46% and their robbery rate about doubled.

Hawaii – In 1968 Hawaii passed harsh gun laws. At the time of the legislation their murder rate was 2.4 per 100,000 per year. Nine years later their murder rate had tripled to 7.2 per 100,000.

Washington, D.C. – In 1976 they passed a major gun control law. They even stopped people from owning guns in their homes. Their murder rate went up 134% while the USA rate for murder dropped 2%.

New York City – They have some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the world. All sales of any sort of gun are restricted and tightly controlled. 20% of all armed robberies in the USA are committed in New York City and they do not have anywhere close to 20% of the population. This is what happens when the criminals know a certain population is unlikely to be unable to defend themselves.

Chicago, New York City, Detroit and Washington, D.C.- Each of these cities has accomplished a virtual ban on the private ownership of guns. The Washington D.C laws are being fought out in the appellate courts at present. These four cities have 20% of the homicides in the USA yet they only make up 6% of the USA population. This means that restrictive gun control leads to a tripling of the homicide rate. Some one is going to say wait the population in these areas is why the murder rate is so high. Fine we can look at Arlington, Virginia which is a city right across the Potomac River from Washington D.C with sensible gun control laws so the population base should not be that different. Their murder rate is 10% of Washington D.C. (7.0 murders per 100,000 people versus 77.8 murders per 100,000 people in Washington D.C). We can also look to Virginia Beach, Va. a nearby city of 400,000. They have sensible gun laws allowing for easy access to firearms and their murder rate is 4.1 per 100,000.

Other Effects Non-Restrictive Gun Laws have on Crime – In the USA in a given year law abiding citizens kills 2,000 to 3,000 criminals. They also wound another 9,000 to 17,000 criminals a year. This is a reduction in the load of violent crimes the government must arrest, detain, prosecute and imprison. It also sends a strong signal to the other would be criminals. Criminals worry far more about an encounter with an armed law abiding citizen than a policeman. Police are most likely going to be polite about asking the criminal to drop their weapon and submit. The citizen in fear of protecting himself and his family is going to be much more prone to firing his weapon than a police officer. Criminals’ greatest fear is running into an armed victim when committing a crime. This was based on a study of 1874 felons from 10 states. In this study 38% of these felons said at least one time they had been scared off, shot at or wounded by an armed victim. Only 1% of the time do criminals take a gun away from a victim, yet 10% of the police officers that are shot, are shot with their own guns. Police officers are slow to shoot and the criminals know this and thus are more fearful of an armed citizen. Private citizens kill three times as many criminals as police do. Remember if someone is assaulting you or robbing you or your house the police will likely only be taking a report not encountering the criminals. It is the citizen who needs all the help and assistance of weapons to survive the criminal encounter.

Why Do Governments Seek Gun Control? – Fear! They are afraid of losing control over the population. The prefect state of affairs for a police state is the confiscation of all privately owned firearms. Then the possibility of an overthrow of the government goes down by about 99.9%. They never want partial gun controls like only machine guns or “assault type weapons” to be banned. They want all the privately owned guns gone. The partial gun control is the Salami theory. You keep cutting a slice away until there is nothing left. The only reason for gun control is to make room for a totalitarian government, nothing else. Sometime there are people ignorantly confused who support gun control thinking it will do something to make the world a safer place to live. Play with these people and say when the government disarms then you will. Tell them to chase the government and tell them to have the government give up their guns for police leaving only the military armed. Use the British Bobbies who used to be unarmed as an example. Tell them the Cayman Island and Nassau police are unarmed. Have them call for the disarming of the police. Play with them. Have fun. Every time the police shoot someone accidentally tell them to call for the disarming of the police.

How Would Gun Control Happen – Well Obama showed it to you recently. They were starting to introduce gun control bills again. We do not know how aggressively they will push them this time. Nothing in these bills will do any practical good in terms of reducing crime, not a single thing. They also increase the penalties each time. So if it would happen what would it look like. OK there would be a bill that say banned all assault weapons. The bill would say the attorney General can add any gun to the list he wanted. Over time he would keep adding guns to test the public response. The banned guns would be prohibited from being sold at first. They would leave .22 caliber single shot rifles and single shot shotguns until the end to satisfy the call for hunting guns. Then the banned guns would become illegal to own even if they were grandfathered in, registered whatever. This would be something like turn them in or face 20 years in prison for each gun plus a $100,000 fine for each gun. I am serious on the penalties.
No one would be coming to anyone’s house to collect the guns for a long time. They would wait for someone to get shot with a .22 caliber gun and then say these too need to be banned. They always love to call for new restrictive laws after a shooting crime. Do that back to them. Every time you see the police abuse a person with a taser call for them to be banned and not used by the police. They will soon stop when their own tactics gets turned on them. Now the people have their guns and they can run around quoting Charleston Heston and his out of my cold dead hands slogan. The next stage is anytime the local police get into a house like to respond to a burglary, a domestic abuse call, a noisy party anything and they see the guns then someone gets to go to jail for a long time. The word soon gets out. If you think the people that own guns are going to like get together, carry guns and march on Washington D.C. armed to the teeth to demand gun laws be repealed you need to get some counseling. You will never see this. If anything like this were ever going to happen it would have happened in 1968 with the first serious federal gun control law. This came on the heels of the Kennedy assassination. What did that have to do with gun control laws anyway?
I am going to say some things about how it used to be. If any of you find this too wild to be true verify it. Find old issues of Guns and Ammo magazines and read the ads. You were able to buy guns mail order across state lines before 1968. There were a few states that prohibited this but that was it. You were able to buy machine guns fairly easily. You were able to freely buy what they call destructive devices. Boys ant-tank rifles (Boys was a manufacturers name) were being sold for $99.00 with bipods and all. The ads used to say for the jackrabbit that got away. This rifle fires a .51 caliber round that is effective on lightly armored tanks. Bazookas were a mail order item as were mortars. Armor piercing ammo was freely available until the late 1970’s or early 1980’s. They had lovely armor piercing fully jacketed .45 auto rounds that would pierce engine blocks, let alone bullet resistant vests. Guns were not registered except for a few states and cities that did this. Those yellow forms came along with the 1968 gun control law. This was when guns were fairly well available and by mail order. An armed society is a polite society. Criminals are not polite.

Response To New Restrictive Gun Control Laws - We will now address how the people will be likely to respond. This is hypothetical and based on speculation only. No one can predict what the people will do with any accuracy including the government. There are many mitigating circumstances that will come to bear on the hearts and minds of those affected.
In this hypothetical scenario the people in our opinion are going to not physically resist new guns laws instead just sort of go with the flow and verbally oppose them only, for the most part. They will bury their guns and ammo in the woods. They will hide them inside the walls, under the floorboards etc. They will say things like well when the time comes etc. Eventually the local police will start arresting people when they discover the guns in vehicles, in houses, informants (the maid, the plumber, the cable TV guy, the alarm company guy) tell them about them and so forth. These people will be arrested and get probably 10 years for each gun plus massive fines like $100,000 for each gun. There will be calls for amnesty asking people to just turn the guns in and walk away free. Many will do this out of fear. There will be no revolutionary forces to join and resist. After a year or two there will be raids on houses. They will use devices to see images behind the sheetrock. They will use metal detectors in the yards and land.
When they find a gun after the owner does not turn it over when they show up they will throw the book at the person. They will take his family as accomplices. All will be in jail for many years. The fines will cause them to lose their homes, cars and assets. They will be destroyed completely. Only thing worse would be to kill them. Those with guns hidden in the woods will be questioned as to where their guns are. They will probably be charged with some crime for not reporting a stolen gun within 72 hours, which is found in HR 45 the latest gun control bill (not law yet). So when they say the guns were lost or stolen they get charged with the crime of not reporting this and get serious jail time for each gun. Gun registration is the prelude to the confiscation, nothing else.
The reporting the lost and stolen guns in 72 hours is the fix against you saying you lost the guns when they come to take them away. Those with unregistered guns will be able to hide them in the woods. There are many ways to do this securely and preserve the firearm. If the weapon is wiped free of prints and any blood like from getting pinched by the slide (think DNA) then this person should be safe if the weapons are found and not traceable to him in any way. What good is it doing them to have the guns buried in the woods? It is just a psychological game they are playing with themselves. Once a man came to Confucius and said I had a jar full of money buried in the woods. I went to dig it up to check on it and the money was gone. What should I do? Confucius said put rocks in the jar, bury it again and make believe the money is still there. It would be very dangerous for these people to even go and check on their weapons and they probably never will. I do not think there will be any rising up of gun owners. They are not going to engage the police in active firefights to keep their guns. The guns will just go away and the police state will be in full swing.

What the Police Are Missing – Police do not see their role in the police state correctly or even close to it. They miss the bigger picture. To them it is a status job, the pay is good and the perks are big. Police and their families get out from traffic tickets. Ask any law enforcement officer you may know well. This includes spouses, children, brothers, sisters, and parents. In many departments they even have little gold and silver courtesy badges they give their relatives. The police and their families get favorable treatment with accident reports, ouch if you are the other driver. They have a lot of favorable treatment letting them get away with things regular people do not get away with. They usually cannot get away with major crimes. Police carry guns all over the USA without a carry permit. They can carry on airplanes if they are Federal Officers. They can carry guns in government buildings, in stadiums, schools etc.
If they are in their own jurisdiction they can get away with anything short of major felonies with victims. Police like this treatment. It gives them status and pride. It teaches them there are only three classes of people. The ruling class to them is not the Federal Reserve Bank; they would not know what that is. It is the senators, congressmen, mayors, supervisors, judges etc. They know these people can exert their power and influence and make their life miserable in many ways. They leave these people alone. Then there are police, which they always leave alone. Then come you the citizen. You pay their salary and they have no respect for you. You do not matter in that you have no power to do anything against them and you cannot retaliate. They are there to control you. The Taser is the latest police state tactic to be adopted. If a person doe not verbally snap to and respond to a verbal command of a police officer like get out of the car, stand here, sit down, move here etc they taser them.
The police do not know they are conditioning the populace to respond to the police blindly without thinking or face painful consequences. I do not really know what they think. I guess they think it is proper to demand such respect and control over those they are supposed to protect. Most people that get tasered are involved in a victimless non-violent crime. This makes it worse. The police are not aware of any of this. They are in their own little world. They do not worry too much about the financial crisis in that they think there will always be work for them. Wait until the layoffs sink in later this year. Their attitude will change for the worse. They will do anything their handlers ask to keep their jobs. The police do not think they are there to protect and serve. They are there to control the populace and protect the ruling class and each other. Can you remember when police had nice government service looking uniforms, revolvers, long wooden sticks and helped people change flat tires. Now they look like storm troopers, wear black uniforms and masks, never help anyone with anything, have high tech weapons and strike fear and terror into the hearts of those that have contact with them. This is not being done by chance it is planned to strike fear into you of the police who used to be there to serve you. The police used to be hard on armed robbers, rapists, burglars, muggers and real criminals. Now most of the people in the prisons are there for crimes that are victimless. A government statue is not a victim.

When the Police State Flourishes What Is It Like For The Police? – Well this is something they do not consider. Let us say gun control has been accomplished and private ownership of guns is historical. So the people are no longer a threat. Who will the paranoid rulers fear next? They are always paranoid because they do not rule by popular support. Ever see the army of bodyguards they have now, this is nothing. You got it, the police and military is what they will fear the most. They have the weapons, the access, the association potential to organize etc. Imagine police leaving their guns in their lockers when going off shift. This is how it will be. No private guns for police anymore. Internal security investigations will become a lifestyle.
There will not be any more lawsuits against the government. The Internal Security Forces will be super cops trained to resent the police, take advantage of them and rule them by fear and harshness. What the police do the population now, is what the internal security forces will do to the police then only worse since there will not be any consequences for their actions. There will be mandatory polygraph exams. Long interrogations. Police homes and cars being searched. Their phones and email being tapped. They will be followed. Other police constantly being questioned about their colleagues. The role model is the SS Hitler had. Remember who tried to kill Hitler, the military on several occasions. The military will also be handled harshly but they are much more easily controlled due to the nature of the military but their internal security forces will constantly be engaged in a war of terror against them.
The internal security forces will have to get results or else they will be considered ineffective so one way or another they will be discovering sedition, spying, attempts to revolt, steal, commit criminal acts etc. The police will be policed very harshly. They will in turn be harsh towards the population. The police do not see any of this coming. The Federal Police are in the same boat as the local police. They will become more and more entrusted to police the police and protect the state as time goes on. There will not be much point in protecting the state from an unarmed populace so guess who they will focus on – the others who can have access to guns – the military and police. The internal security forces the federal police have will rein terror on them as well. They will have to uncover plots to keep their jobs and show they serve a purpose. Doom and gloom.