Saturday, July 18, 2015



Shortly after 4 US Marines were slain by a Muslim terrorist in Tennessee, Obama sends out a “Happy End of Ramadan” greeting to all Muslims

On the same day that four unarmed Marines were gunned down by an Islamic terrorist, Barack and Michelle Obama issued a celebratory greeting to all Muslims worldwide. The statement from the White House was issued just hours ‘after‘ the attack on two military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Muslims in the military , asses in the air thanking Allah for the glorious attack in Tennessee
Muslims in the military, asses in the air, thanking Allah for the glorious attack in Tennessee

The Obama Ramadan statement:

(Photos below are from Obama’s White House Iftar Ramadan dinner for Muslims a few days ago)


breaking911  Michelle and I would like to extend our warmest wishes to Muslims in the United States and around the world celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr. As Muslims mark the end of the month, they are reminded that Ramadan is a time to reflect spiritually, build communally, and aid those in need. While Eid marks the end of Ramadan, it marks a new beginning for each individual – a reason to celebrate and express gratitude on this holiday.


For millions of Muslims, the morning of Eid is marked with the call to prayer echoing through cities and towns across the globe. Millions of people head to local mosques for special Eid prayers followed by festive gatherings, gift exchanges, and feasts among friends, neighbors and families.


The diversity of traditions paint the vibrant images we see from around the world capturing the spirit and excitement of Eid – colorful dresses or white garments decorating the masses of people standing in lines for prayer, lanterns and ornaments lighting up bazaars and neighborhoods, intricate henna designs painted on hands of young girls and women, and an abundance of delectable foods and aromatic cuisines.


As Muslim Americans celebrate Eid across America, the holiday is a reminder to every American of the importance of respecting those of all faiths and beliefs. This past year New York City Public Schools announced adding Eid to their official school calendars alongside Christmas, Hanukkah and other holidays – an acknowledgement of the great diversity and inclusiveness that adds to the richness of our nation.

U.S. President Obama hosts Iftar dinner  at the White House in Washington

During this year’s White House Iftar, I had the opportunity to meet inspiring young Muslim Americans who are leading efforts for greater understanding and unity across diverse communities. Americans of all faiths and beliefs must stand together to protect our democracy and strengthen our country as a whole.

Michelle and I hope today brings joy to all of your homes, both here in the U.S. and around the world. From my family to yours, Eid Mubarak!


Friday, July 17, 2015

Obama Turning America into a Third world Sanctuary ( From Judicial Watch )


Obama Illegal Alien Criminal Release Exposed By Judicial Watch

Sanctuary cities are only part of the problem behind the deadly illegal alien crisis.  Barack Obama's administration has instituted "sanctuary" as a national policy.

We have just
obtained records from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealing that nearly 260 illegal alien criminals, including 40 incarcerated for violent crimes, were released from Arizona detention facilities during the last week of February and the first two weeks of March 2013.

This release begets lie after lie.  After first denying that the mass release had taken place, the Obama administration claimed the releases were due to the
anticipated sequestration budget cuts. The newly obtained records were uncovered because of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch on behalf of Edward Tuffly, a Tucson, AZ, resident.

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit for Mr. Tuffly in January 2015 after Homeland Security ignored his November 10, 2014, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request of U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) seeking:

Records sufficient to identify all ICE detainees released in late February or early March 2013 from the following detention facilities due to alleged fiscal or budget uncertainty: (a) Central Arizona Correctional Center in Florence, Arizona: (b) Eloy Detention Center in Eloy, Arizona; (c) Florence Correctional Center in Florence, Arizona; (d) Florence SPC in Florence, Arizona; and (e) Pinal County Adult Detention Center in Florence, Arizona.

For each detainee identified in response to Request No.1, the I-213 form(s) documenting the detainee's arrest.

For each detainee identified in response to Request No.1, records sufficient to identify: (a) the date the detainee was released; (b) the facility from which the detainee was released; (c) the detainee's criminal history or criminal charges at the time of release; (d) methods of supervision to which the detainee was subjected; and (e) whether the detainee appeared for subsequent removal or other proceedings and/or was removed from the United States.

The date range for the requested records was February 22 through March 15, 2013. This was the exact time period during which Homeland Security released more than 2,000 illegal aliens nationwide, later claiming the release was
"solely for budgetary reasons," though none of the anticipated sequestration budget cuts had yet taken place.

From among the nearly 260 illegal aliens released from five Arizona correction facilities we can tell you that almost 40 of them are violent criminals who had been arrested for crimes including assault, domestic violence, weapons offenses, and battery. Nearly one in five had been arrested for drunk driving.

Traffic Offense:  57
 Driving Under Influence Liquor: 55

Disorderly Conduct: 15

Failure to Appear: 14

Illegal Entry: 13

Assault: 9

Drug Trafficking: 9

Shoplifting: 8

Larceny: 8

Making False Report: 6

Drug Possession: 6

Weapons Offense: 6

Forgery: 5

Domestic Violence: 4

Trespassing: 4

Damage Property: 4

Prostitution: 4

Liquor: 3

Marijuana: 3

Damage Property-Private: 3

Probation Violation: 3

Liquor Possession: 2

Identity Theft: 2

Battery: 2

Contributing to Delinquency of Minor: 2

Commercial Sex: 2

Fraud-False Statement: 2

Fraud-Impersonating: 2

Public Order Crimes: 2

Violation of a Court Order: 2

Robbery-Street Gun: 2

Robbery: 2

Narcotics Equip-Possession: 2

Intimidation: 2

Morals-Decency Crimes:  1

Identity Theft: 1

Cruelty Toward Wife: 1

Smuggling: 1

Smuggling Aliens: 1

Fraud: 1

Licensing Offense: 1

Stolen Vehicle: 1

Licensing Violation: 1

Obstruct Criminal Investigation: 1

Firing Weapon: 1

Resisting Officer: 1

Burglary Tools-Possession: 1

Threat to Burn: 1

Receive Stolen Property: 1

Hit and Run: 1

Obstruct Police: 1

Possession of a Weapon: 1

The Obama administration is refusing to divulge the names of the released criminals, which prevents law enforcement from protecting the public or notifying victims. Local authorities in Arizona, such as Pinal County
Sheriff Paul Babeu, have tried unsuccessfully to obtain information about this and other criminal alien releases by the Obama administration.

In 2014, a Judicial Watch lawsuit forced the release of
76 pages of DHS documents revealing that, as of April 26, 2014, the Obama administration had released 165,900 convicted criminal aliens throughout the United States, including many convicted of such violent crimes as homicide, sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault. The reports we had at that time also showed that ICE had released another 30,000 in the most recent fiscal year, which brought the grand total of known criminals released by the Obama administration to 195,900.  That number - and the attendant threat to the safety of you and every other American - a is clearly on the rise.

Your Judicial Watch
is a long-time national leader in advocating for a rule-of-law approach to illegal immigration.  This work includes exposing and challenging dangerous sanctuary policies in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, D.C., Maryland, Arizona, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and more. 

For example, in 2011, as a result of Judicial Watch's work,
San Francisco was ordered to end its sanctuary policy that protected aliens arrested for certain drug offenses from being reported to ICE.  We are now investigating whether the city violated the law again with its sanctuary policy that led to the release of Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, an illegal immigrant who had been deported five times and who allegedly gunned down Kate Steinle at one of the most popular tourist spots in San Francisco.  

We also
filed a lawsuit in Chicago challenging Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart's refusal to honor ICE immigration detainers or cooperate with ICE in identifying deportable criminal aliens.  Cook County jails had released well over 1,000 criminal aliens sought by ICE in the 18 months prior the lawsuit's filing in 2013.  The suit is now before the Illinois Supreme Court.

The lawsuit,
Brian McCann v. Thomas J. Dart, was filed on behalf of lifetime Chicago resident Brian McCann, whose brother William "Denny" McCann, was run over and killed in June 2011 by an unlawfully present criminal alien who had just completed a two-year term of probation for a 2009 DUI conviction.  The alien, Saul Chavez, was charged with felony aggravated driving under the influence, but was released by the sheriff from a Cook County jail in November 2011 despite an ICE immigration detainer.

And I can't tell you how many victims of illegal alien criminals the United States has informally aided or consoled over the years. 

Unlike politicians expressing outrage a day late and a dollar short about sanctuary policies, your JW has been fighting sanctuary policies with success in the courts and in the public square for years (for instance, see this
2007 story from Fox News). 

 The Obama administration is obsessed with supporting nationwide sanctuary and unlawful amnesty for illegal aliens - even illegal aliens who have committed violent crimes.  These new documents show the Obama administration's soft-on-crime approach to illegal alien crime is a clear and present danger to the safety of innocent Americans.  Obama is the sanctuary president, to the detriment of murder victims like Kate Steinle.
