Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Obama..THE DEFINITION OF A SOCIALIST!!... Hardwork does not pay....The governement is your Benefactor!

Obama Believes that Government who gets money from Hardworking people..by way of TAXES.... is the great benefactor!

Check out these facts:


1. Americans spend $36,000,000 at Wal-Mart Every hour of every day.

2. This works out to $20,928 profit every minute!

3. Wal-Mart will sell more from January 1 to St. Patrick's Day (March 17th) than Target sells all year.

4. Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot + Kroger + Target +Sears + Costco + K-Mart combined.

5. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people, is the world's largest private employer, and most speak English.

6. Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the world.

7. Wal-Mart now sells more food than Kroger and Safeway combined, and keep in mind they did this in only fifteen years.

8. During this same period, 31 big supermarket chains sought bankruptcy.

9. Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world.

10. Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are Super Centers; this is 1,000 more than it had five years ago.

11. This year 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will occur at Wal-Mart stores. (Earth's population is approximately 6.5 Billion.)

12. 90% of all Americans live within fifteen miles of a Wal-Mart.

You may think that I am complaining, but I am really laying the ground work for suggesting that MAYBE we should hire the guys who run Wal-Mart to fix the economy.

This should be read and understood by all Americans… Democrats, Republicans, EVERYONE!!

To President Obama and all 535 voting members of the Legislature

It is now official that the majority of you are corrupt morons:

a.. The U.S.
 Postal Service was established in 1775.  You have had 234 years
to get it right and it is broke.

b.. Social Security was established in 1935.  You have had 74 years to get it
right and it is broke.

c.. Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 71 years to get it right
and it is broke.

d.. War on Poverty started in 1964.  You have had 45 years to get it right;
$1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the
poor" and they only want more.

e.. Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965.  You have had 44 years
to get it right and they are broke.

f.. Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 39 years to get it right
and it is broke.

g.. The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence
on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion
a year and we import more oil than ever before.  You had 32 years to get it right
and it is an abysmal failure.

You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our
throats while overspending our tax dollars.


Folks, keep this circulating. It is very well stated.  Maybe it will end up in the e-mails of some of our "duly elected' (they never read anything) and their staff will clue them in on how Americans feel.


I know what's wrong.  We have lost our minds to "Political Correctness" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone please tell me what the HELL's wrong with all the people that run this country!!!!!!

We're "broke" & can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless etc.,???????????

We are providing aid to Haiti , Chile , and Turkey..And now Pakistan and even the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD!

Literally, BILLIONS of DOLLARS!!!

Our retired seniors living on a 'fixed income' receive no aid nor do they get any breaks…

AMERICA: a country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed hungry, elderly going without 'needed' meds, and mentally ill without treatment -etc,etc.

Imagine if the *GOVERNMENT* gave 'US' the same support they give to other countries. Sad isn't it?


Supreme Court Justice... Eric Holder !! Yup a Big Possibility IF Hussein Obama wins a second term. He scratched Obama's Back... now Obama will scratch his!!

In Case You Don't Like Mitt Romney... Or Decide to stay home...

Columnist  Andrew McCarthy gives us what probably is the most important question regarding the upcoming presidential election?

Mitt won the nomination....so although he was not my First or Second Choice....I will enthusiastically support his candidacy 1000% .

For my friends who may have hesitation on that score, I'd just ask you to keep four things in mind:

1. Justice Scalia just turned 78
2. Justice Kennedy will turn 78 later this year
3. Justice Breyer will be 76 in August
4. Justice Ginsburg turned 81 about a week ago.

Whoever we elect as president in November is almost certainly going to choose at least one and maybe more new members of the Supreme Court ? in addition to hundreds of other life-tenured federal judges, all of whom will be making momentous decisions about our lives for decades to come.

If you don't think it matters whether the guy making those calls is Mitt Romney or Barack Obama, I think you're smokin? something 'funky.'

So for anybody who is thinking of not voting because your favorite didn't get nominated, or writing in a candidate who can't win..., just imagine this possibility:


 get your attention? I sure hope so...

The result of an Unintended consequence!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Big Failure: Obama By The Numbers. Intentional KILLING OF AMERICA... THIS IS NO STUPID MISTAKE!

The Big Failure: Obama By The Numbers. Intentional KILLING OF AMERICA... THIS IS NO STUPID MISTAKE!


$45.4 Trillion:  
Total Federal Spending Proposed By Obama’s FY2013 Budget Through 2022. (CBO, 3/16/12)
$25.9 Trillion:  
Projected Federal Debt In 2022 Due To Obama’s Binge Spending. (OMB, 2/13/12)
$15.7 Trillion:  
Current National Debt ($15,724,907,364,995.04). (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 6/2/12)
$10.3 Trillion:  
Amount Obama’s FY2012 Budget Would Add To The Debt Through FY2022. (OMB, 2/13/12)
$6.4 Trillion:  
Cumulative Deficits Over FY2013-2022. (CBO, 3/16/12)
$5.10 Trillion:  
Added To The National Debt Since Obama Took Office. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 6/2/12)
$4.8 Trillion:  
Total Interest Payments On The National Debt Due To Obama’s Proposed Budget, FY2013-2022. (CBO, 3/16/12)
$2.6 Trillion:  
True Cost Of ObamaCare Once Fully Implemented. (Office Of The Speaker Of The U.S. House Of Representatives, Report, 1/6/11)
$1.9 Trillion:  
Higher Taxes In Obama’s Budget. (OMB, 2/13/12)
$1.75 Trillion:  
Annual Cost Of Federal Regulations. (Small Business Administration, September 2010)
$1.416 Trillion:  
Federal Budget Deficit For FY2009 – Highest In U.S. History. (CBO, 10/7/10)
$1.298 Trillion:  
Federal Budget Deficit For FY2011 – Second Highest In U.S. History. (CBO, 10/7/11)
$1.294 Trillion:  
Federal Budget Deficit For FY2010 – Third Highest In U.S. History. (CBO, 10/7/10)
$1.253 Trillion:  
Projected Federal Budget Deficit For FY2012. (CBO, 3/16/12)
$1.18 Trillion:  
Total Cost Of Obama’s First Stimulus With Interest.  (CBO, 1/31/12, CBO, 1/27/09)
$1.17 Trillion:  
American Debt Held By China. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 6/4/12)
$831 Billion:  
Price Tag Of Obama’s First Failed Stimulus. (CBO, 1/31/12)
$575 Billion:  
Amount Of Medicare Cuts In ObamaCare. (CMS Chief Actuary Richard S. Foster, Memo, 4/22/10)
$491.7 Billion:  
Amount Of Taxes In ObamaCare. (Letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 3/18/10; Joint Committee On Taxation, 3/2/10)
$447 Billion:  
Price Tag Of Obama’s Second Stimulus. (The White House, 9/8/11)
$347.1 Billion:  
Debt Service Costs For Borrowing To Pay For Obama’s First Stimulus. (CBO, 1/27/09)
$231 Billion:  
Burden Of New Regulations Imposed In 2011. (American Action Network, 1/2/12)
$175 Billion:  
Increased Spending In Obama’s Second Stimulus. (CBO, 10/5/11)
$150 Billion:  
Taxpayer Funds For Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac. (Reuters, 3/25/12)
$116 Billion:  
Amount Of Regulatory Burden For 2012, At The Current Pace. (American Action Forum, 5/29/12)
109.6 Million:  
Amount Of Paperwork Burden Hours Imposed By Federal Government Regulations Since January 1, 2012.  (American Action Forum, 5/29/12)
$24 Billion:  
Stimulus Funds Sent To Tax Cheats. (Government Accountability Office, April 2011)
$21.7 Billion:  
Amount Government Expects To Lose On Bailouts Of Auto Industry. (Treasury Department, 5/10/12)
$1.3 Billion:  
Amount Taxpayers Will Not Recover From Bailout Of Chrysler. (FactCheck.org, 6/6/11)
$535 Million:  
Stimulus Loan To The Failed Solar Company Solyndra. (The Oakland Tribune, 11/4/10)
133 Million:  
Annual Paperwork Burden Hours Imposed By Regulators In 2011. (American Action Network, 1/2/12)
49.1 Million:  
Number Of Americans Living In Poverty (Supplemental Poverty Measure). (US Census Bureau, 11/7/11)
46.4 Million:  
Record Number Of Americans Receiving Food Stamps. (Department Of Agriculture, Accessed 6/4/12)
46.2 Million:  
Record Number Of Americans Living In Poverty (Official Measure). (U.S. Census Bureau, 9/13/11)
$18 Million:  
Cost Of The Stimulus Website Recovery.org. (ABC News’ “The Note,” 7/8/09)
12.7  Million:  
Unemployed Americans. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 6/4/12)
8.1 Million:  
Americans Working Part-Time For Economic Reasons. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 6/4/12)
6.3 Million:  
Number Of Americans That Fell Into Poverty Since Obama Took Office.  (U.S. Census Bureau, 9/13/11)
5.6 Million:  
As Of March 2012, Number Of Mortgages Either 30 Days Delinquent Or In Foreclosure. (Lender Processing Services, 5/22/12)
5.4 Million:  
Americans Unemployed 27 Weeks Or Longer. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 6/4/12)
4 Million:  
Workers Granted Waivers So That ObamaCare Would Not Outlaw Their Health Care Plan. (HHS.gov, Accessed 4/10/12)
2.3 Million:  
Foreclosure Starts During 2011. (Lender Processing Services, 1/20/12)
1.59 Million:  
Personal Bankruptcies In 2010. (United States Courts, 2/15/11)
$1.5 Million:  
Stimulus Funds Sent To Indonesia To Discourage Air Pollution In Jakarta. (The Daily Caller, 7/7/11)
1.35 Million:  
Personal Bankruptcies In 2011. (Los Angeles Times, 1/5/12)
Construction Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 6/4/12)
Americans That Have Given Up Looking For Work. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 6/4/12)
Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 6/4/12)
Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 6/4/12)
Cost Per A Stimulus Job. (The Weekly Standard, 7/6/11)
New Foreclosures Filed In May. (Politifact, 5/28/12)
The Number Of Stimulus Checks Sent To Dead Or Incarcerated People. (The Wall Street Journal, 10/7/10)
Record Number Of Pages Added To The Federal Register In 2010. (Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2011)
Number Of Heavy And Civil Engineering Construction Jobs Lost Since The Stimulus Was Passed. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 6/4/12)
Your Share Of The National Debt. (U.S. Treasury Department Accessed 6/4/12; U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 6/4/12)
Pages Of New Rules Added To The Federal Register During Obama’s First Two Years In Office. (Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2011)
The Number Of Jobs Obama Knew His Drilling Moratorium Would Kill. (The Wall Street Journal, 8/21/10)
Increase In Your Share Of The National Debt Since Obama Took Office. (U.S. Treasury Department Accessed 6/4/12; U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 6/4/12)
Annual Cost Per Household From Federal Regulations. (Small Business Administration, September 2010)
Negative Effect Of Debt On Gross National Product Per Person In 2035. (CBO, 6/22/11)
Cost Per Employee That Federal Regulations Place On Small Businesses. (Small Business Administration, September 2010)
Number Of Tax Delinquents Who Received Stimulus Funds. (Government Accountability Office, April 2011)
Year Federal Spending Will Reach 50 Percent Of GDP. (CBO, 6/22/11)
Year That Federal Debt Will Reach 200 Percent Of GDP. (CBO, 6/22/11)
Year That The Social Security Trust Fund Will Be Exhausted. (The Trustees Of Social Security & Medicare, 5/10/11)
Year That The CBO Predicts Medicare’s Trust Fund Will Be Exhausted. (CBO, 4/10/12)
Number Of Waivers Granted To Unions And Businesses So That ObamaCare Would Not Outlaw Their Health Care Plans. (HHS.gov, Accessed 6/4/12)
Number Of Regulations That Would Impact Small Businesses Proposed By Obama Administration In First Two Years In Office. (Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2011)
Days Since Harry Reid’s Senate Has Passed A Budget Resolution. (S. Con. Res. 13, Roll Call 173; 4/29/09)
Number Of Regulations Proposed By Obama During First Two Years That Have An Economic Impact Of Over $100 Million. (Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2011)
Individuals In The Obama Administration Have Been Through The Revolving Door. (Center For Responsive Politics, Opensecrets.org, Accessed 6/4/12)
Federal Debt As A Share Of GDP At The End Of 2013. (CBO, 2/13/12)
Number Of Bank Failures In 2011. (FDIC, Accessed 6/4/12)
Percent Of Americans Who Describe The Economy Negatively. (ABC News/Washington Post Poll, 1,004A, MoE 3.5%, 5/17-20/12)
Small Businesses That Could Be Forced To Change Health Care Plans As A Result Of ObamaCare. (NFIB, 7/11)
Percent Of Americans Who Say Obama Has Either Made The Deficit “Worse” Or “Not Made much Difference.” (NBC News/Wall Street Journal, 1000A, MoE 3.1%, 5/16-20/12)
Stimulus Funds For Wind, Solar And Geothermal Energy Projects That Went To Foreign Firms. (Investigating Reporting Workshop/ABC’s World News Tonight/Watchdog Institute, 2/8/10)
Federal Debt Held By The Public As Share Of GDP By End Of The Year. (CBO, 1/31/12)
Percent Of Americans Say That Barack Obama Has Either Made The Economy “Worse” Or “Not Made Much Difference.” (NBC News/Wall Street Journal, 1000A, MoE 3.1%, 5/16-20/12)
Percent Of Americans Who Disapprove Of Obama’s Handling Of The Economy. (NBC News/Wall Street Journal, 1000A, MoE 3.1%, 5/16-20/12)
“Percent Of The Population That Lives In A Household Where At Least One Member Received Some Type Of Government Benefit In The First Quarter Of 2011.” (The Wall Street Journal, 5/26/12)
Record Number Of Straight Months With Unemployment Rate Above 8 Percent. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 6/4/12)
Number Of Weeks That It Takes To Find A Job. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 6/4/12)
Unemployed Workers Out Of Work For Over A Year. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 6/4/12)
Amount GNP Would Be Lowered Due To Debt’s Effect On Economic Growth By 2035. (CBO, 6/22/11)
Cut To Medicare Benefits When Trust Fund Is Exhausted. (House Ways & Means Committee Hearing, 6/22/11)
Americans Living In Poverty. (U.S. Census Bureau, 9/13/11)
Unemployment Rate. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 6/4/12)
Percent Of Mortgage Loans In Foreclosure During December 2011. (Lender Processing Services, 1/27/12)
Record +$1 Trillion Deficits On Obama’s Watch. (OMB, 2/13/12)
Decline In Home Prices In The Past Year. (CNN Money, 3/27/12)
Decline In Median Home Sale Price In The Last Year. (National Association Of Realtors, 1/20/12)
Decline In Median Household Income In 2010. (U.S. Census Bureau, 9/13/11)
Other People Obama Will Have Left To Blame For The Failures Of His Economic Policies In 2012. (The American People, 11/6/12)

Read more: http://www.gop.com/index.php/briefing/comments/the_big_fail_obama_by_the_numbers1#ixzz1xkKEcz4A




  • *There is a Federal Immigration Law
  • * The Obama Feds refuse to uphold the law that is Constitutional because they want illegal voters and the Hispanics to side with them.
  • * Arizona is under siege from illegal immigration and asks the Fed and Obama for help. Obama says NO ( Coz he wants the illegal votes!
  • * So Arizona takes the Federal law on the books and copies it and makes it Arizona Law.
  • * The Good people of Arizona vote on it and get it passed... its the same law on the Federal Level.
  • * Obama and Eric Holder sue Arizona to enforce that Arizona cannot enforce the Arizona Law which is exactly the same as the Federal law that both Obama and Holder have sworn in their oath of office to uphold.
  • ( WITH ME SO FAR ???? )
  • * The case goes all the way up to the Supreme Court and the part that is identical to the Federal Law is upheld by the Supreme Court.
  • * So Arizona is now able to apply the law that Arizona has on their books.. which is a copy of the Federal Law  on the books that Obama and Holder are supposed to enforce..
  • * Obama and Holder say NO they will not enforce and also set up a HOT LINE AND A WEBSITE for illegal and others to go to to complain if they are stopped under the Arizona Law which is the copy of the Federal Law that these two swore to uphold.
  • * The Justice Department is threatening to file lawsuits against Individual Law Enforcement Persons if the follow the Arizona Law which is a copy of the Federal Law that is what Holder and Obama are supposed to enforce.
  • GET THAT ??

If this does not piss you off and prepare to do battle against these evil forces... you have no interest in this country.



The Department of Justice just can't help itself. Yesterday after the most important provision, or what Arizona Governor Jan Brewer called the "heart" of SB 1070 was unanimously upheld, which allows local law enforcement to inquire about legal status, the feds set up a hotline in the state for people to report "potential" civil rights violations.

1-855-353-1010   and online  SB1070@usdoj.gov

And yes, the hotline was set up by the same Civil Rights Division within the Justice Department that refused to prosecute New Black Panther Party members for intimidating voters outside of a Philadelphia polling place in 2008. Also, according to the Washington Times, the Obama administration has ended the partnership between Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the agency has been instructed not to return calls from local law enforcement regarding illegal immigration.

The Obama administration said Monday it is suspending existing agreements with Arizona police over enforcement of federal immigration laws, and said it has issued a directive telling federal authorities to decline many of the calls reporting illegal immigrants that the Homeland Security Department may get from Arizona police.


HUSSEIN Obama: quotes Harry Trueman....“The Buck Stops With You!”  "YOU" ??? ARE YOU SERIOUS MF ????
Hey you freaking MORON...IT'S "THE BUCK STOPS HERE!!
To you we say.... 

Let’s forget for one moment that the actual quote from Harry Truman is “The buck stops here” and focus on what President Barack Obama was trying to say this week when asked about Mitt Romney’s involvement at Bain Capital. In an interview with an ABC News affiliate, the Presidentwas asked specifically about whether Romney was being honest about his involvement with his old company in the late 1990s. Notice how Obama dodges the actual question and then misquotes Truman while painting himself into an interesting corner.
"Well, here’s what I know, we were just talking about responsibility and as President of the United States, it’s pretty clear to me that I’m responsible for folks who are working in the federal government and you know, Harry Truman said the buck stops with you.
Now, my understanding is that Mr. Romney attested to the SEC, multiple times, that he was the chairman, CEO and President of Bain Capital and I think most Americans figure if you are the chairman, CEO and President of a company that you are responsible for what that company does.
Ultimately Mr. Romney, I think, is going to have to answer those questions, because if he aspires to being president one of the things you learn is, you are ultimately responsible for the conduct of your operations, but again that’s probably a question that he’s going to have to answer and I think that’s a legitimate part of the campaign."
So by the President’s own measuring stick, we now hold him responsible for the things that have happened under his watch! He is the CEO and President of the corporation known as the United States of America, isn’t he? What about the failed stimulus package, Fast and Furious, The GSA convention scandals, and the Secret Service scandals? How about Solyndra and the other failed green companies? Is the buck stopping with him on these issues? Of course not! The buck never stops with Obama. It is always someone else’s fault: George W. Bush, the Republicans, the world or the wealthy.
Our “leader” has passed the buck on no less than 13 different major issues that have faced him in his first term. Keith Koffler, of White House Dossier, has compiled a telling list of the issues and Obama’s responses here. The problem with his most recent blame-game is it has beenproven by credible sources that Mitt Romney was on a leave-of-absence during the time frame in question and was busy spending over 100 hours per week trying to salvage the Salt Lake City Olympics. Fortune magazine, CNN and Factcheck.org have all investigated and proven Romney right. But Obama doesn’t worry about the truth, so long as it takes the watchful eye off him, his administration and his lack of results.

To quote Conn Carroll of the Washington Examiner, “Will Obama claim he’s been on a leave of absence since 2009? Who would Harry Truman say should be held accountable for that?”


Obama's Sealed Documents. WHY ?? ASK THIS SIMPLE QUESTION. WHY !!

Who is Barack Obama? The scariest list of facts about President Obama you've ever seen ...

This list is truly shocking. Take a close look at how many communists, Marxists, domestic terrorists, and America-haters are his close friends.
His records going back to childhood are sealed, and he has spent millions of tax-dollars keeping those records sealed.  His very first official act as President was was seal his records. What is Obama hiding?

Sure, there’s (1) the original, long-form 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate. Then there’s:

2) Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham)— not found, not released
3) Obama’s baptism records — sealed
4) Obama’s adoption records — sealed
5) Records of Obama’s and his mother’s reptriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released
6) Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released
7) Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii)— not released
8) Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released
9) Occidental College financial aid records — not released.(These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occi records have been released.)
10) Columbia College records — not released
11) Columbia senior thesis — not released
12) Harvard Law School records (not mentioned below, but not released)
13) Obama’s law client list — sealed
14) Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator — sealed
15) Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed
16) Obama’s medical records — not released
17) Obama’s passport records — not released

Barack Obama is less of a person than an image—a brand. People see what ever they want as they do on a Rorschach test.
But does anyone really know him? In fact, he is:
* A man with no birth certificate.
* A man whose birth records, both in the United States and Kenya, are sealed by government order.
* A man whose childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, spied on U.S. military installations in Hawaii for the Soviet Union, edited a communist newspaper, authored pornographic novels, and wrote poetry in praise of Joseph Stalin.
* A man who promised transparency in government, but has spent over a million dollars in legal fees hiding information that would determine his eligibility to be President.
* A man whose academic records are sealed from kindergarten through law school.
* A bi-racial man who derided his grandmother (a bank-executive who sent him to an exclusive private school), calling her "a typical white person."
* A man who arrived in New York in June of 1981 without enough money to get a hotel room, but one month later flew to Indonesia and Pakistan.
* Why did he go?
* Who paid his expenses?
* A man who traveled to Pakistan when it was illegal for U.S. citizens to do so. So what country’s passport did he use?  And what country is he really a citizen of?—it's not the USA.
* A man whose Law School Admission Test scores and grades at Columbia University are known to have been mediocre, but was admitted to Harvard Law School through the intervention of a Saudi named Khalid al -Mansour.
* A law review editor who never published an article in any law review.
*A law-school grad who was turned down for a lowly job as an adjunct instructor, but who was then given a corner office and a minimal teaching load (one intro course) when an unidentified person leaned on the Dean.
*An adjunct instructor who was despised by the law school faculty—the professors considered him lazy and stupid—but who is lauded by the fawning press as a "Constitutional scholar."
* A man who has publicly called the US Constitution "fundamentally flawed."
* A lawyer with no significant accomplishments in the law and no reputation in the legal community.
* A former State and U.S. Senator, who authored just one piece of legislation—which funded the Marxist campaign of his Kenyan cousin, Odingo.
* A former State Senator who routinely used State limosines as a place to smoke crack cocaine and engage in homosexual acts with young men, three of whom ended up shot in the back of the head (officially deemed "suicides").
* A disciple of the Marxist Saul Alinsky.
* A product of the Chicago political machine—the most corrupt political organization in America.
* A man who selects Marxists, corrupt politicians, and criminals as his close political associates and personal friends.
* A man whose Presidential campaign was financed by Soros and Middle Eastern sources.
* A man whose presidential candidacy was endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America, the Socialist International, and the Workers International League.
* A man lauded for the literary brilliance of two memoirs, both of which were ghostwritten by domestic terrorist Bill Ayres..
* A so-called Christian who says that knowing when human life begins is “above his pay-grade,” but somehow knows that abortion is permissible at any stage.
* A man who thinks “waterboarding” is immoral, but that partial-birth abortion is moral.
* A man who publicly laments slavery in America—which was abolished 150 years ago—but praises Islam, which still practices both slavery and the sexual mutilation of young girls.
* A man who speaks endlessly about helping the less fortunate, but gives almost none of his sizeable income to charity—not even to his half-brother, who is living in squalor in Kenya.
* A man who had the most left-wing voting record in the United State Senate, but was predicted by the press to “govern from the middle.”
* A man who has never created a job, met a payroll, or even operated a lemonade stand, but wants to tell Detroit how to make cars.
*A man whose wife (who attained a position of affluence through affirmative action) publicly proclaimed that she had never been proud of America until her husband became President.
* A President who has never before served as an executive in either the private or the public sector.
* A Commander-in-Chief who doesn’t know how to shoot a rifle, throw a hand-grenade, drive a tank, fly a plane, or con a ship.
* A Commander-in-Chief who has publicly divulged some of our nation’s most important intelligence secrets.
* A man who has been put in charge of the largest economic engine that ever existed, but has never invested in the stock market and admits total ignorance of it.
* A President who says that science will guide his administration, but has no education in the sciences.
* A man praised for his public speaking skills who is proficient in reading what is written for him on a teleprompter, but who jerks and stammers his way through any off-the-cuff speaking.
* A man who requires a teleprompter in order to be able to speak for five minutes to a class of kindergartners.
* A man whose health records are sealed from childhood to the present day.
* A man who spent 20 years in a church whose pastor espouses Marxist Liberation Theology, anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, and anti-Semitism, but claims he never heard his pastor utter anti-American, and anti-Semitic statements.
* A man who added more to the National Debt in 120 days than all other Presidents did in the past 220 years, yet feels qualified to lecture Americans about “fiscal responsibility.”
* A man who publicly expressed disdain for the U.S. Constitution on a Chicago radio station because it limited the government’s ability to “redistribute wealth.”
* A man who sits and listens submissively while his country is castigated by Daniel Ortega—a Communist thug whose own daughter accused him of raping her.
* A narcissist who gave the Queen of England a present from the United Statesan iPod containing recordings of his own speeches.
* A so-called Christian who officially declared “Pride Month” for a lifestyle that the Bible calls an abomination.
* A man who wanted Americans to ignore his Muslim name during his election campaign, yet boasts of his Muslim name when he travels to Muslim countries.
* A man who can name hundreds of America’s shortcomings, yet none of its great accomplishments.
* A President who claims the moral high ground by closing Gitmo yet supports the transfer of terror suspects to countries where horrific torture is certain.
* A President who scoffed at being called a socialist yet acted to nationalize the auto industry, the banking industry, and the insurance industry . . . and now seeks to nationalize the healthcare industry.
* A President who violates private property rights, the sanctity of contracts, and the rule of law—three essential principles that go back over a thousand years in the Common Law tradition.
* A man who promised 95% of all Americans a tax cut, but is increasing taxes on 100% of the population through inflation—the cruelest tax of all.
* A lawyer who represented ACORN—an organization now indicted in several states for voter fraud—whose stated goal is to get as many people on welfare as possible in order to destroy our financial system.
* A President who cheated GM’s bondholders by giving their property to the UAW in a political payoff.
* An American President who frequently criticizes his own country when speaking in foreign countries, but never praises America’s generosity, goodness or greatness.
* A President whose Secretary of the Treasury cheated on his taxes—as did several other appointees and advisors.
* A President who scoffs at being called a socialist, yet has appointed 28 “Czars” to circumvent constitutional government, including: a“Science Czar” who has advocated compulsory abortions for American women and the “surrender of sovereignty” to a “comprehensive Planetary Regime;" a“Green Jobs Czar” who is a self-professed communist; a "Pay Czar” to unconstitutionally micro-manage the pay of corporate executives.
* A President who swore an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic,” yet who placed a domestic enemy of the Constitution (Sotomayor) to the Supreme Court.
* A President whose Homeland Security Chief classified pro-lifers, veterans, and supporters of traditional marriage as terrorists.
* A President who stood silent while the Iranian government hacked unarmed protestors to death with axes, because it was an internal matter, but freely offers his opinions about the internal affairs of Israel and Honduras.
* A President who decreed that true acts of terrorism must now be described as “man-made disasters.”
* A President who, on national television, called Special Olympians "retards."
* A President who refused to intercept or inspect a North Korean ship virtually certain to be carrying Weapons of Mass Destruction to Burma.
* A President who wants to cancel all missile defenses while rogue nations are developing long-range ballistic missiles.
* An American President who blames the violence in Mexico on America.
* A Commander in Chief who claims to have been unaware that Air Force One was taken on a terrifying, low-level photo-op over Manhattan.
* A President who berates American CEO’s for flying in private planes at private expense on company business, but whose wife spends hundreds of thousands tax payer dollars flying to Paris for shopping sprees.
* A President who promised a transparent administration, but requires all questions be screened before “impromptu” appearances.
* A man who freely admitted that his energy policies are designed to bankrupt the American coal industry.
* A President who has presided over the loss of 14.7 million jobs and whose “energy policy” will cause the loss of another 1 million jobs.
* A President whose “energy policy” will increase the average American’s utility bills by over $2,000 a year in the middle of the Great Recession.
* A President whose caucus rammed through unconstitutional “healthcare reform” which nationalizes almost one-fifth of the Americn economy.
* A President who is by definition a fascist, as his unconstitutional takeover of the healthcare industry, the auto industry, and the the financial and banking industry, has effectively nationalized one-half of the American economy.
The vast majority of Americans do not know who he is, but someone surely does.
* Someone paid for his travel expenses to Pakistan and Indonesia.
* Someone engineered legal challenges to all of his election opponents for the State Senate and had them disqualified.
* Someone straightened and leveled his path to the U.S. Senate when a Democrat Judge made public the sealed child custody records of his Republican opponent. When he was a candidate for the U.S. Senate, someone arranged for him to speak at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.
* Someone saw to it that all of his records were sealed, both at home and abroad. Someone assembled the massive organization for his run for the Presidency. Someone knows all about him.

Obama has Paid the law firm of Perkins Coie, a single law firm, $2.3 million since he announced his campaign for presidency. Blocking dodging and weaving!!


Barack Obama: The Pictures Speak A Thousand Lies
 Don Nicoloff has presented stunning evidence that everything we were told about Barack Hussein Obama by mainstream media are confabulations. In Part 6, Don presents further evidence that the very photos that the Obama camp flooded the Internet with to show us how young "Barry" developed and grew over the years are themselves fradulent as Obama's fictionalized genealogy, with many of those photos having been assembled and 'doctored' into existence with a photo editing program like PhotoShop. Look closely at the photos and read Don's very careful analysis and see if you agree that Obama and Obama's 'family' are virtual creations  ....

Obama Plans to Take Over The Country... are the Military going to go along with this plan???

Be Prepared Patrtiots. This comes without warning:
It happened in Hungary with George Sorros Help... It can Happen Here !
Could this be about not being able to warn others that something is going on in your neighborhood or that it’s headed their way?
Over the past week, the Internet and talk radio have been buzzing about an Executive Order quietly signed by President Obama that allegedly authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to get ready to shut down all domestic communication in case of a declared national emergency. Let me repeat: All domestic communication, which includes “New Generation Systems” – a.k.a. the Internet – within the United States.
Just exactly what qualifies as a “national emergency” is not clearly defined. But something tells me we’ll soon find out.
White House Executive Order 13618, signed July 6, 2012, and titled “Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions,” could be used to prevent communication between U.S. citizens, allege some concerned, thus allowing the president to eliminate any and all opposition to his plans. You decide. The complete EO can be read here.
An article that recently appeared in Zero Hedge (“Guest Post: What Is President Obama So Afraid Of?”) connects the dots:
“Taken in conjunction with the NSA’s new Utah spy center (which will collect and archive the complete contents of every email, tweet, Facebook post, Google search, phone call and text message) and the National Defense Authorization Act, it’s clear that the Obama administration is expecting trouble from within.
“And with good reason,” the article continues. “By every possible calculation (except flat-out fraud), the U.S. government is completely insolvent, and its balance sheet is growing worse by the day. The dollar is beginning to be seriously challenged as the global reserve standard, and every effort politicians make to ‘fix’ the economy only makes things worse.
“As a matter of convenience, people are willing to deal with a lot of pain. They’ll suffer through wars, recessions, and all sorts of national unpleasantness. But the moment that rapidly decaying economics and shortages prevent people from being able to put food on the table for their families, they rise up,” the article warns. “Just look at the Arab Spring.
“This is all playing out with nearly perfect historical precision,” the article concludes. “Time and time again throughout history as once great empires accelerated their declines, governments have taken steps to protect their interests against the people.”
Here are more concerns voiced in a discussion that took place last week on GBTV/Real News.
Got your pen handy? It’s time to warn your friends and tell your representatives in Congress to do something about it. Get to them directly through GradeGov.com.
Feds keeping close tabs on us, says NSA whistleblower
“They’re pulling together all the data about virtually every U.S. citizen in the country … and assembling that information,” said NSA whistleblower William Binney during an interview last week conducted by an Internet journalist at a conference in New York City. “So government is accumulating that kind of information about every individual person, and it’s a very dangerous process.”
Binney said some1.6 billion logs have been processed since 2001. Read the story and watch the videotaped interview here. Then call your senator and congressman to, uh, voice your displeasure.
DHS cybersecurity team warns of hack attack
The very busy Department of Homeland Security issued an alert last week warning that a huge software system managing millions of computers and devices around the world is vulnerable to hack attacks.
Software developed by Tridium Niagara Framework enables military, corporate and health-care users, among others, to remotely control a wide array of devices, including video cameras, medical monitors, elevators and other sensitive operations.
The alert notified cybersecurity officials that “Niagara users should immediately prohibit guest users, bolster passwords, cut off direct access to the Internet and take other steps to prevent hackers from exploiting configuration and software flaws.”
The Washington Post explains it in everyday language. The Tridium website alert is a bit more tech-speak. But bottom line, it’s all about password security. Here’s a video that helps explain the vast cyber network and how it is connected.
Yahoo – Oh!
Was your Yahoo account login password among the 450,000-plus posted online by hackers? Mine was. Friends wrote me that they were receiving offers for male enhancement products!
To avoid that in the future, you should use a different password for each of your accounts. Make sure the password is made up of a scramble of numbers and upper and lower case letters. You can also use a free online tool that will store your passwords and use them for you, including KeePass, 1password and LastPass. And let the only “enhancements” be your brilliantly written emails instead.
Here we Go-ogle again
Google’s at it again. Using a special computer code, the Internet giant used “cookies” to fool Apple’s Safari browser in order to monitor iPhone and iPad users.
Google claimed the move was ‘inadvertent” and has removed the code, which violated a previous Google agreement with the FTC to be open about its privacy practices. So now Google has to ante up $22.5 million, a mere drop in the bucket to the billion-dollar enterprise. What’s that expression? “Better to beg forgiveness than ask permission.” Yep. That’s Google.
Bringing down the ‘Net?
What do cyber warfare, space weather, political mandate and cable cutting have in common? All four could bring down the Internet. Here’s how.
Putin puts kibosh on Internet – quashes critics
Vladimir Putin has been president only two months, and he’s already begun cracking down on his Russian critics. Russia’s parliament quickly passed an Internet bill last week that allows the government to block blacklisted or “no list” websites. ISPs and site owners will now be forced to shut down any website on this list.
Could the next step be a crackdown on dissenters? Activists think so, saying this is the latest sign of growing civil freedom repression in Russia.
Fishing for criminal activity
Did you know your Facebook page is being monitored for criminal activity?
The FB social media network and other social platforms are eyeballing users’ chats for criminal activity and tipping off police if they detect suspicious behavior. Specially created canning software looks for words or certain phrases, then alerts FB employees about anything questionable. They then contact the police. Here’s Facebook’s policy on Law Enforcement and third-party matters.
Related: “State Law Requires Sex Offenders to List Status on Facebook.”
Everything old is new again
A pilot program in New York City is turning obsolete payphone kiosks into WiFi stations. The free service is currently in a trial phase, but if it takes off, it will take off big. It’s the Big Apple’s latest version of the happening “hotspot.”
Bits & Bytes

WHO IS OBAMA ??? THE LIES AND COVERED UP FACTS OF OBAMA'S PAST... The Communists and the New World Order Goons set this up and to the winner between them will go the spoils..OUR AMERICA!!

From Pam Geller  in 2008
Atlas Shrugs!

Obama is driving us hard into the ravine of Poverty and "Third Worldism". Its the dream of his Father and all his Mentors!

The Obama Watch


A Second Term Will Be Terminal

Another four years of Obamanomics and Argentina will be crying for us.
With a second term for Obama, the world-leading America we have known and hoped to leave to our children will be gone. Last Friday's jobs report confirms that Obama is well on his way to transforming America into a third world country, with declining living standards and perpetual economic stagnation.
Argentina enjoyed the world's fourth highest per capita GDP in 1929, on par with America at the time. But then the nation lost its way in embracing a leftist, union allied government, which took control of the economy and imposed wildly irresponsible taxes, spending, deficits, and debt. After World War II, the hugely popular Juan Peron came to power and institutionalized the madness. It has been all downhill for Argentina ever since. Do you recognize the pattern?
Today, Argentina ranks 53rd in the world in per capita GDP, according to the International Monetary Fund, 57th in the CIA World Factbook, at a level less than one third that of America. But its national debt at 51% of GDP is actually less than that of the United States under the Obama administration, where we are rocketing towards 100% of GDP by the end of this year, and 200% in 25 years, according to CBO.
The Worst Economic Recovery Since the Great Depression: ConfirmedLast Friday's jobs report indicated the most commonly cited U3 unemployment rate remains stuck at 8.2%. That makes 41 straight months of unemployment over 8%, which the Joint Economic Committee of Congress confirms is the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression almost 75 years ago. The total number of Americans unemployed actually rose over the last 3 months by 76,000, 54 months after the recession started, and 3 years after it was supposedly over. Since the Great Depression, and before this last recession, recessions in America have lasted 10 months on average, with the longest previously lasting 16 months.
Indeed, the last time before Obama that unemployment was even over 8% was December 1983, when Reaganomics was bringing it down from the Keynesian fiasco of the 1970s. It didn't climb back above that level for 25 years, a generation, which is a measure of the spectacular success of Reaganomics. That success was centrally based on reducing tax rates, which our ignorant Marxist President says was tried but didn't work.
Moreover, Obama's June unemployment rate was not much, much higher only because over 7.2 million working people have given up even looking for work as a hopeless waste of time under President Obama, so they are not counted as unemployed in the U3 unemployment rate. Including these workers, who still exist and still do not have jobs, the unemployment rate would be 11%.
Besides the 12.7 million Americans who are counted as unemployed, another 8.2 million were employed part-time for economic reasons. "These individuals were working part-time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job," the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported. Another 2.5 million workers were marginally attached to the labor force, as they "wanted and were available for work, and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months," but "[t]hey were not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the [prior] 4 weeks."
That leaves the total army of the unemployed and underemployed at 23.4 million Americans. Counting these workers, the BLS reports the U6 unemployment rate as rising to 14.9% in June. If we add in the long-term discouraged workers that the BLS does not even count anymore, the Shadow Government Statistics website reports the total unemployment rate increasing to 22.8% in June.
In contrast, Obama promised us when he first entered office that if his nearly $1 trillion in stimulus spending passed, the unemployment rate would never exceed 8%, and would decline to 5.8% by May of this year, when in reality it was 8.2% and rising that month. The peak of the Obama Presidency came in February 2009, his first month in office, which is the last time he said something correct about the economic recovery, predicting to Matt Lauer on national television, "If I don't have this done in three years, then this is going to be a one-term proposition." We are now well past Obama's own self-imposed deadline.
The unemployment rate for African -Americans actually rose last month to 14.4%, and it has remained at such depression era levels for Obama's entire Presidency. Hispanics have suffered double digit unemployment throughout Bush's Presidency as well, at 11% again last month. For teenagers, the rate last month stood at 23.7%. For black teenagers, unemployment rose last month to 39.3%. For Hispanic teenagers, the unemployment rate rose to 31%.
Friday's labor report further indicated that the jobs picture has only been worsening under Obamanomics. A million more workers were suffering long-term unemployment of 27 weeks or longer in June than at the supposed end of the recession 3 years ago. Moreover, the median length of unemployment had risen to 19.8 weeks in June compared to 17.2 when the recession supposedly ended.
How Stupid Do They Think We Are?Obama tells us that the 80,000 jobs created last month (25,000 were mere temp jobs) were "a step in the right direction." A very tiny baby step at best, as the working age population grew by 191,000 in the same month. Moreover, 85,000 went on the disability rolls during the month, fleeing the Obama economy for their only alternative, taxpayer dependency. Another 275,000 applied for disability during the month.
Obama's chief economic policy advisor Alan Krueger actually boasted that private sector jobs have grown for "28 straight months for a total of 4.4 million payroll jobs during that period." But at the same point during the Reagan recovery, the economy had created 9.5 million new jobs.
Krueger thinks we are too stupid to know that job growth is the norm and not the exception for the American economy. In the 62 years from the end of World War II in 1945 until 2008, jobs grew in 86% of the months, or 640 out of 744. His statement is just a further example of the Obama administration's practice of Calculated Deception.
Reagan's recovery produced job growth in 81 out of its first 82 months, with 20 million new jobs created in those first 7 years alone, increasing the civilian work force at the time by 20%. That grew into 50 million new jobs over the entire Reagan 25 year boom from 1982 to 2007. Compare that to the disgrace of Obamanomics. While Obama tries to claim 4.4 million new jobs created, total jobs today are still half a million less than in January 2009 when he entered office. Even George Bush oversaw 52 consecutive months of job growth, including 8 million new jobs created after his 2003 capital gains and dividends tax rate cuts became effective (which Obama is dedicated to reversing).
Krueger also solemnly told the public, "it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report." But as documented July 6 by Bryan Preston for PJMedia, the Obama Administration has said the exact same thing for each of the last 30 months. Do ya think 2 ½ years might constitute a trend?

The Disgrace of ObamanomicsObama's tragic jobs record reflects the dismal economic growth under his Administration's perverse economic policies. For all of last year, the economy grew by a paltry real rate of only 1.7%, only about half America's long-term trend. The average so far this year has been no better.
In sharp contrast, in the second year of Reagan's recovery, the economy boomed by a real rate of 6.8%, the highest in 50 years. During the first 7 years alone, the economy grew by almost one-third, the equivalent of adding the entire economy of West Germany, the third largest in the world at the time, to the U.S. economy. Real per capita disposable income increased by 18% from 1982 to 1989, meaning the American standard of living increased by almost 20%. The poverty rate, which had started increasing during the Carter years, declined every year from 1984 to 1989, dropping by one-sixth from its peak.
But President Obama, following the exact opposite of the policies of Reagan in every detail, is on exactly the opposite course. The Census Bureau reports falling real wages under Obama, kicking median family income back over 10 years. Census also reports more Americans in poverty today than at any time in the more than 50 years that Census has been tracking poverty. That is why Obama can also boast an all-time record number of Americans on food stamps, which is why Newt Gingrich has rightly labeled him "the food stamp President."
Obama cannot explain away this disgrace of Obamanomics by arguing that the economy has performed so poorly under his Administration because the recession he inherited from Bush was so bad. That is exactly what he is arguing when he says "there are no quick fixes to the problems we face that were more than a decade in the making." But the American historical experience is that the worse the recession, the stronger the recovery, as the American economy snaps back to its world-leading, long-term, economic growth trend line. Based on this historical record, we should be enjoying the third year of a raging economic recovery boom right now.
This historical experience was reflected by the surging Reagan recovery boom from the deep 1981-1982 recession. And it is why Obama was confident enough to tell Matt Lauer and the nation in 2009 that if he doesn't have the economy hopping after 3 years, he is going to be a one-term President. If anything, because of the severity of the recession, Obama should have been blessed with an even more booming recovery than Reagan. But the dismal economic performance we have suffered instead, with no real recovery from the steep 2008-2009 recession at all, is the disgrace of Obamanomics.
The Coming Crash of 2013
For the first time on Monday, Obama indicated that the Bush tax cuts may not be made permanent for those making less than $200,000 a year. For why would he otherwise propose only a one-year extension of those tax cuts? If he terminates those tax cuts after one year, that would constitute yet another tax increase on the middle class, besides Obamacare.
This partial one-year extension of the Bush tax cuts will not do anything to promote the economy. Temporary tax relief does not work in any event to advance economic growth, because it is discounted by investors, consumers, and businesses as only a passing fad. But extending the Bush tax cuts for those making less than $200,000 per year would not be a tax cut from the current rates, but only an extension of the same rates that have been in force for 10 years or more. So there is no boost to the economy from that. Note that these are the tax cuts adopted by Bush and the Republicans for those making less than $200,000 per year, contrary to Obama's claims that Bush and the Republicans only cut taxes for "the rich," which are only despicable, manipulative lies so dishonest that they should disqualify Obama from office.
Indeed, instead of adopting tax cuts promoting the economy, Obama's tax proposal on Monday would terminate the Bush tax cuts for those making over $200,000. So it would only trash the economy, because it would involve a huge tax increase on the nation's small businesses, job creators, and investors. Counting the tax increases of Obamacare that will also go into effect next year under current law, the top two income tax rates would increase by nearly 20%, the capital gains tax rate would increase by nearly 60%, the tax on dividends would nearly triple, and the death tax would rise from the grave with a 55% top rate. While Obama says only 3% of small businesses would be affected, the tax increases would apply to close to two-thirds of small business income, which is the foundation for most jobs.
This is all on top of the corporate tax rate which under President Obama is the highest in the industrialized world at nearly 40%, counting state corporate rates on average. Even Communist China offers a 25% corporate rate. The social welfare states of the European Union are even lower on average, with formerly socialist Canada now featuring a 15% corporate rate, and economic powerhouse Germany not much higher.
American businesses are uncompetitive in the global economy with this tax burden. But under President Obama, there is no relief in sight. Instead, he has been barnstorming the country for the last two years calling for still more tax increases. Under his so-called Buffett Rule, which would double the capital gains tax, America would suffer the fourth-highest capital gains tax rate in the industrialized world, besides the world's highest corporate tax rate.
When you add up all those multiple tax rate increases on top of Obama's exploding regulatory costs, the result will be to push the economy back into recession next year, with unemployment soaring back over double digits, and the deficit soaring to new all time records over $2 trillion, the highest in world history. It is working people who will be hurt the most, because they are the ones who will lose the jobs they need for their basic standard of living. Even those with jobs will suffer further declining real wages and incomes because of the shredded demand for labor.
There is no economic theory under which increasing tax rates promotes economic growth and recovery, particularly rate increases on job creators and investors. Even under Keynesian economics, such tax increases are contractionary. Indeed, even Karl Marx would tell you that such tax rate increases would bring a market economy down, not up.
Obama falsely claims he is only restoring the Clinton era tax rates. But Obama is well beyond that now, because he is imposing the Obamacare tax increases next year as well, and he has been proposing still further tax increases. The top marginal income tax rates that drive the economy would consequently soar by well over 30%, probably close to 40% or more.
Obama says we tried the Bush tax cuts for "the rich" and they didn't work. So let's review how exactly they did work out. Bush cut the top income tax rate by 11.6%, from 39.6% to 35%, and the second highest rate by about 8%, from 36% to 33%. But he cut the lower rates by higher percentages, including slashing the bottom rate by 33%, from 15% to 10%. Then in 2003, he cut the tax rates on capital, reducing the capital gains tax rate by 25% from 20% to 15%, and the tax rate on corporate dividends to 15% as well.
These tax rate cuts first quickly ended the 2001 recession, despite the contractionary economic impacts of 9/11, and the economy continued to grow for another 73 months. After the rate cuts were all fully implemented in 2003, the economy created 7.8 million new jobs over the next 4 years and the unemployment rate fell from over 6% to 4.4%. Real economic growth over the next 3 years doubled from the average for the prior 3 years, to 3.5%.
In response to the rate cuts, business investment spending, which had declined for 9 straight quarters, reversed and increased 6.7% per quarter. That is where the jobs came from. Manufacturing output soared to its highest level in 20 years. The stock market revived, creating almost $7 trillion in new shareholder wealth. From 2003 to 2007, the S&P 500 almost doubled. Capital gains tax revenues had doubledby 2005, despite the 25% rate cut!
Consequently, the Bush tax cuts helped to extend the Reagan boom for 25 years, until 2008. By then, the government had induced the financial crisis, through regulations looting the banks for subprime mortgages demanded in the name of affordable housing for the poor and minorities, and through the Fed's cheap dollar monetary policies, which began the restoration of perverse Keynesian economics. Punishment for the results is now long overdue for the advocates of those policies.

About the Author

Peter Ferrara is Director of Entitlement and Budget Policy for the Heartland Institute and General Counsel of the American Civil Rights Union. He served in the White House Office of Policy Development under President Reagan, and as Associate Deputy Attorney General of the United States under the first President Bush. He is the author of America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb (HarperCollins).

Obama The Dumb ASS.. never worked in Business so he puts Entrepreneurship down all the time... WHAT A SHITHEAD !!

Entrepreneurship means risk. The risk of walking away from security and career path to create something new. The risk of taking yourself and your family into an unfamiliar storm of stress and uncertainty. The risk that you've miscalculated an opportunity, or your own internal resources as you plunge into a new venture.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

OBAMA CAMPAIGN FUCKS UP AGAIN... Report shows Obama took donations from Bain executives

Report now...shows Obama took donations from Bain executives