President Trump Was Misled by the Medical and Media Swamps

These two are a one two coordinated punch against the economic wellbeing of America.
When we talk about the “swamp” we
are usually talking about government corruption in Washington, but I
suggest that there are different types of corruption.
There is the simple type in which a government employee takes a bribe or steals cash, but there is also the type in which he steals your rights and takes away your freedom at the behest of his controllers. The men behind the curtain who make it worth their while to compromise their principles for 30 pieces of silver.
And while we are on the topic of dishonesty, what about the lying mainstream media? If they lie about the president and run interference for Peter Strzok, are they members of the media swamp? I think so.
They misled President Trump when they told him hundreds of thousands of Americans would die because of the virus. They haven’t. And even the figure of 50,000 deaths they have reported may not be entirely accurate, because, as Dr. Birx admitted, coronavirus is being listed as the cause of death whenever someone dies and tests positive for virus exposure. But dying with the virus is not the same as dying because of the virus.
Indeed, the medical swamp’s projections about the virus have been wildly inaccurate. Why? Because their computer projections stink. They are garbage, and as the saying in the computer industry goes: “garbage in, garbage out.” Trojan Whore put garbage in and they get money out!
What do I mean by that? Here’s an example:
Let’s say you set up a Girl Scout Cookie stand and immediately after you open up, in the first five seconds, you sell a box of cookies. That does not mean you will sell 12 boxes a minute and 720 boxes an hour.
If you did that, you would sell 2,880 boxes of cookies in four hours, but I am quite sure that no Girl Scout Cookie stand has ever done that. Ever. In the entire history of the Girl Scouts. Or in the entire history of people eating cookies.
But if you “projected” your sales based on the first five seconds the stand was open, you could “project” to sell almost three thousand boxes of cookies in four hours. Obviously, this is a garbage number. As I said: “garbage in, garbage out.” Tell the lie for the greater good... to get Trump with his oversized foot in his mouth.
So President Trump was given garbage numbers by the medical swamp — and then the media swamp jumped in. They lie all day long and they love exaggeration. That’s how they attract a large audience and that’s how they sell advertising.
And the media swamp also jumped in because their members hate President Trump. That also motivated them to exaggerate the coronavirus pandemic. It gave them a brand new “TAA” — Trump Attack Angle — and it allowed them to claim that President Trump was managing the crisis poorly.
So the economic disaster we are in the middle of enduring was caused by two swamps: the medical swamp and the media swamp, and the China Controlled Democrats who jumped on board as well. China directing the traffic and the enemy within hammering the narrative. That made it a three-member swamp team. What a mess this swamp team has created. Over twenty million Americans unemployed!
But the good news is that it is still not too late to reverse most of the damage the swamps have caused. If pressure to reopen the economy builds, aided by local efforts such as those underway in New Orleans, we can recover most of those jobs and limit the power of the swamp dwellers. Let’s hope our economic reopening takes place quickly, before any
more damage is done. And let’s kick the swamp dwellers right in the
rear. They do not deserve the power and attention they so desperately seek and so frequently steal.