Sunday, December 23, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Block the Fraudulent Obama Election ... Become an activist and share now !!!
They are shown below...!!
From Louisianna (Glen Ellerbe) for Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan:
WE do not elect the President. The Electoral College elects the President. The 2012 election does not get decided until Mid-December when the Electoral College cast their votes AND, if enough of them do not cast their vote, the responsibility falls onto the House of Representatives to choose the next President!
According to Article II of
They are shown below...!!
From Louisianna (Glen Ellerbe) for Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan:
WE do not elect the President. The Electoral College elects the President. The 2012 election does not get decided until Mid-December when the Electoral College cast their votes AND, if enough of them do not cast their vote, the responsibility falls onto the House of Representatives to choose the next President!
According to Article II of
U.S. Constitution AND the 12th Amendment - if 1/3rd of the States do
not cast their votes in the Electoral College, then the matter falls
onto the House of Representatives to choose the President. In other
words, if we pressure Congressmen, State Party Officials, and groups
such as Tea Party Patriots, Heritage Foundation, etc., to call on RED
States to NOT have their Electors cast their vote - then the House of
Reps CAN choose the next President (and Republicans still have the
majority - 233 (R) to 195 (D) - in the House of Representatives)!!!
If just 18 RED States agreed to NOT cast their votes in the electoral college – then it goes to the House. And if pressured - they just might do it. We do NOT have to convince ANY democrats – at all. All we have to do is convince 1/3 of the States to NOT cast their electoral college votes. Well more than 1/3 of the States did in fact vote as RED States and they too can see the obvious, wide-spread vote-fraud which has taken place.
The Democrats are stealing this election and it is up to WE, the people, to put the hammer down on their widespread vote-fraud. The founding-fathers gave us the Electoral College for several reasons. Vote-Fraud is one of those reasons. But it is up to us to hold tightly to the Constitution. If we don’t, then we are just as guilty as those who would ignore it. The Constitution can stop the socialist machine in its’ tracks. But it is up to YOU to get on the phone and make some noise. Please call your State Party Officials, your Congressmen, and any political groups or organizations ASAP.
What YOU can do is call the contacts below and request a list of Mitt Romney’s Electors and their contact info (by law, they must provide this to you). When you get the list, call every one of them or send a letter to every one of them, if all you have is an address, and inform them of this provision in our Constitution, which allows the House of Representatives to choose our president. Then, if the electors are not yet posted here for a given state, please post them in the comments for everyone else to see.
RED STATES (if you have corrections for this list leave them in the comments below):
800-274-8683 or 334-242-7210
877-THE-VOTE or (602) 542-8683
Use Email Form
800-482-1127 or 501-682-5070
Use Email Form
(208) 334-2852 or
800-457-8283 or 317.232.3939
(785) 296-4561
(502) 564-3490
Use Email Form
800.722.5305 or 225.922.0900 or
888-884-VOTE or (406) 444-5376
800-829-6786 or 601-576-2550
Use Email Form
(800) NOW-VOTE (669-8683) or (573) 751-2301
(402) 471-2555
(919) 733-7173
(405) 521-2391
(615) 741-7956
1.800.252.VOTE (8683) or 512.463.5650
(304) 558-6000
(307) 777-7378
Ron Micheli, Fort Bridger
Susan Thomas, Casper
Margaret Parry, Rock Springs
(916) 657-2166
Use Email Form
866.ORE.VOTE or 503.986.1518
(800) 448-4881 or (360) 902-4180
If just 18 RED States agreed to NOT cast their votes in the electoral college – then it goes to the House. And if pressured - they just might do it. We do NOT have to convince ANY democrats – at all. All we have to do is convince 1/3 of the States to NOT cast their electoral college votes. Well more than 1/3 of the States did in fact vote as RED States and they too can see the obvious, wide-spread vote-fraud which has taken place.
The Democrats are stealing this election and it is up to WE, the people, to put the hammer down on their widespread vote-fraud. The founding-fathers gave us the Electoral College for several reasons. Vote-Fraud is one of those reasons. But it is up to us to hold tightly to the Constitution. If we don’t, then we are just as guilty as those who would ignore it. The Constitution can stop the socialist machine in its’ tracks. But it is up to YOU to get on the phone and make some noise. Please call your State Party Officials, your Congressmen, and any political groups or organizations ASAP.
What YOU can do is call the contacts below and request a list of Mitt Romney’s Electors and their contact info (by law, they must provide this to you). When you get the list, call every one of them or send a letter to every one of them, if all you have is an address, and inform them of this provision in our Constitution, which allows the House of Representatives to choose our president. Then, if the electors are not yet posted here for a given state, please post them in the comments for everyone else to see.
RED STATES (if you have corrections for this list leave them in the comments below):
800-274-8683 or 334-242-7210
877-THE-VOTE or (602) 542-8683
Use Email Form
800-482-1127 or 501-682-5070
Use Email Form
(208) 334-2852 or
800-457-8283 or 317.232.3939
(785) 296-4561
(502) 564-3490
Use Email Form
800.722.5305 or 225.922.0900 or
888-884-VOTE or (406) 444-5376
800-829-6786 or 601-576-2550
Use Email Form
(800) NOW-VOTE (669-8683) or (573) 751-2301
(402) 471-2555
(919) 733-7173
(405) 521-2391
(615) 741-7956
1.800.252.VOTE (8683) or 512.463.5650
(304) 558-6000
(307) 777-7378
Ron Micheli, Fort Bridger
Susan Thomas, Casper
Margaret Parry, Rock Springs
(916) 657-2166
Use Email Form
866.ORE.VOTE or 503.986.1518
(800) 448-4881 or (360) 902-4180
Thursday, November 15, 2012
OK... This is FREAKING UNBELIEVABLE... The GOP Can Not Legally Help Stop Vote Fraud becasue of an AGREEMENT WITH THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY!!!
1. In the states of FL, WI, OH, PA and VA we need you to contact us (via the CONTACT page on the top menu) if you can provide any of the following:
3. Register to help at True the Vote to be on hand IN YOUR STATE – even if you are not one of the 5 listed.
4. Sign the PETITION for Congress to challenge the election results.
5. Contact your local press to keep up pressure of incidents in your city as you get evidence of fraud. This includes comments, letters to the editor and “tip line” calls.
MOST OF ALL PRAY. If we do not get this addressed in this election – it is NOT far fetched to think we could loose the House in 2014 and not even select our own candidates in the 2016 primaries.
Alan Vera of True the Vote told me long ago that we have a two party system.
The Corrupt Party and the Stupid Party. To that fact, during the weekly True the Vote webcast, Catherine Engelbrecht related a meeting she had with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, asking what the GOP would do about voter integrity. The answer?
Nothing. They aren’t legally able to. (I’m not joking.)
As part of a lawsuit settlement with the Democrat Party, the Gutless Old Party agreed to NOT ENGAGE IN ANY VOTER PROTECTION INITIATIVES. Two of the clauses read this way:
I know think the characterization “the Stupid Party” may be too kind.
Engelbrecht said to add insult to injury, the judge who signed the agreement has long since retired, but every single year comes back for the sole purpose of renewing the order for another year.
Moncrief pointed out during her comments tonight that in visiting the Democrat advocacy groups in Ohio, they were organized, motivated and purposeful in getting out their vote as was witnessed by the long line of Somali and Ethiopian voters bussed in to polling places. When she visited the Romney campaign offices, she said there was utter confusion, many were just sitting around waxing about how the couldn’t wait to Free Willy. (ORCA was the name of the failed computer program the Romney campaign tried to use to “micro-target” volunteers to get out the vote where it was needed.)
It was down ALL DAY, and finally late in the day people were sent out with printed registration cards to go find people to vote.
Wasn’t I told by all the non-TEA Party Republicans that Romney was the best chance we had because he ran such great businesses and had the money to compete with Obama? Just asking.
Moncrief said one other thing of interest. When she visited random Ohio polling places, there was almost NEVER a GOP poll watcher and ALWAYS a Democratic one.
We wondered why the RNC wasn’t screaming bloody murder over the evidence of voting fraud? Of course, the RNC petitioned to get it changed this year but the Obama appointee denied it. Surprise, surprise.
Now you know.
And while True the Vote has done amazing things in bringing awareness to the issue of voter integrity, it is clear from the comments made tonight that they are just resigning themselves to the lost election and enormity of the Democratic advantage. And that’s NOT ok.
Obama only won by 400,000 votes in 4 states. ALL Of which showed Romney ahead in the days leading up to the election, but loosing by a substantial margin. All of which have precincts that inexplicably went 99% for Obama and had voter registrations that exceeded their population. ALL of which have public statements of problems with voting machines changing Romney votes to Obama.
It is obviously up to WE THE PEOPLE to do our job and hold the individual Secretary of State in each of these states accountable. Sacrifice at least reading the next four funny Facebook postings from your Aunt Freda and call/email and or petition these Secretaries here.
1. In the states of FL, WI, OH, PA and VA we need you to contact us (via the CONTACT page on the top menu) if you can provide any of the following:
- Documented evidence of fraud
- Willing to swear an affidavit of personal testimony to voting suppression, voting machine vote switching, vote bribery, coercion, etc.
- Contacts with sympathetic GOP State or RNC officials
3. Register to help at True the Vote to be on hand IN YOUR STATE – even if you are not one of the 5 listed.
4. Sign the PETITION for Congress to challenge the election results.
5. Contact your local press to keep up pressure of incidents in your city as you get evidence of fraud. This includes comments, letters to the editor and “tip line” calls.
MOST OF ALL PRAY. If we do not get this addressed in this election – it is NOT far fetched to think we could loose the House in 2014 and not even select our own candidates in the 2016 primaries.
Alan Vera of True the Vote told me long ago that we have a two party system.
The Corrupt Party and the Stupid Party. To that fact, during the weekly True the Vote webcast, Catherine Engelbrecht related a meeting she had with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, asking what the GOP would do about voter integrity. The answer?
Nothing. They aren’t legally able to. (I’m not joking.)
As part of a lawsuit settlement with the Democrat Party, the Gutless Old Party agreed to NOT ENGAGE IN ANY VOTER PROTECTION INITIATIVES. Two of the clauses read this way:
(e) refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities in polling places or election districts where the racial or ethnic composition of such districts is a factor in the decision to conduct, or the actual conduct of, such activities there and where a purpose or significant effect of such activities is to deter qualified voters from voting; and the conduct of such activities disproportionately in or directed toward districts that have a substantial proportion of racial or ethnic populations shall be considered relevant evidence of the existence of such a factor and purpose;ACORN Whistleblower Anita Moncrief added that when she spoke at the Republican National Convention, she had to submit her speech to make sure NOTHING SHE SAID COULD BE CONSTRUED AS VIOLATING THE ORDER TO NOT ASSIST VOTER INTEGRITY.
(f) refrain from having private personnel deputized as law enforcement personnel in connection with ballot security activities.
I know think the characterization “the Stupid Party” may be too kind.
Engelbrecht said to add insult to injury, the judge who signed the agreement has long since retired, but every single year comes back for the sole purpose of renewing the order for another year.
Moncrief pointed out during her comments tonight that in visiting the Democrat advocacy groups in Ohio, they were organized, motivated and purposeful in getting out their vote as was witnessed by the long line of Somali and Ethiopian voters bussed in to polling places. When she visited the Romney campaign offices, she said there was utter confusion, many were just sitting around waxing about how the couldn’t wait to Free Willy. (ORCA was the name of the failed computer program the Romney campaign tried to use to “micro-target” volunteers to get out the vote where it was needed.)
It was down ALL DAY, and finally late in the day people were sent out with printed registration cards to go find people to vote.
Wasn’t I told by all the non-TEA Party Republicans that Romney was the best chance we had because he ran such great businesses and had the money to compete with Obama? Just asking.
Moncrief said one other thing of interest. When she visited random Ohio polling places, there was almost NEVER a GOP poll watcher and ALWAYS a Democratic one.
We wondered why the RNC wasn’t screaming bloody murder over the evidence of voting fraud? Of course, the RNC petitioned to get it changed this year but the Obama appointee denied it. Surprise, surprise.
Now you know.
And while True the Vote has done amazing things in bringing awareness to the issue of voter integrity, it is clear from the comments made tonight that they are just resigning themselves to the lost election and enormity of the Democratic advantage. And that’s NOT ok.
Obama only won by 400,000 votes in 4 states. ALL Of which showed Romney ahead in the days leading up to the election, but loosing by a substantial margin. All of which have precincts that inexplicably went 99% for Obama and had voter registrations that exceeded their population. ALL of which have public statements of problems with voting machines changing Romney votes to Obama.
It is obviously up to WE THE PEOPLE to do our job and hold the individual Secretary of State in each of these states accountable. Sacrifice at least reading the next four funny Facebook postings from your Aunt Freda and call/email and or petition these Secretaries here.
You want proof that the last election was a fraud?? are 22 for starters. Add the IRS AND FEC suppression of Conservative groups..too now!
After what we have seen this November, how is any American ever
supposed to trust the integrity of our elections ever again? There were
over 70,000 reports of voting problems on election day, and there are
numerous eyewitnesses that claim that they saw voting machines change
votes for one candidate to another candidate right in front of their
eyes. In several of the swing states there were counties where the
number of registered voters exceeded the total voting age population by a
very wide margin. How in the world does that happen? Some of the vote
totals that were reported in some of the most important swing states
were completely and totally absurd, and yet we are just supposed to
accept them on blind faith without ever being able to ask any
questions. Of course the Romney campaign has already totally given up,
so it isn’t as if there is any chance that the results of the
presidential election could be overturned anyhow. But if massive
election fraud did take place and nobody is held accountable, what kind
of message will that send for the future? Will we ever be able to have
faith in the integrity of our elections ever again?
The following are 22 signs that voter fraud is wildly out of control and the election was a sham…#1 According to the Election Protection Coalition, voters across the United States reported more than 70,000 voting problems by 5 PM Eastern time on election day.
#2 There were 59 voting divisions in the city of Philadelphia where Mitt Romney did not receive a single vote. In those voting divisions, the combined vote total was 19,605 for Barack Obama and 0 for Mitt Romney.
#3 The overall voter turnout rate in Philadelphia was only about 60 percent. But in the areas of Philadelphia where Republican poll watchers were illegally removed, the voter turnout rate was over 90% and Obama received over 99% of the vote. Officials in Philadelphia have already ruled out an investigation.
#4 According to WND, one poll watcher in Pennsylvania actually claims that he witnessed voting machine software repeatedly switch votes from Mitt Romney to Barack Obama…
It was in Upper Macungie Township, near Allentown, Pa., where an auditor, Robert Ashcroft, was dispatched by Republicans to monitor the vote on Election Day. He said the software he observed would “change the selection back to default – to Obama.”#5 Somehow Mitt Romney won 55 out of the 67 counties in the state of Pennsylvania and still managed to lose the entire state by a wide margin because of the absurd vote totals that Obama ran up in the urban areas.
He said that happened in about 5 percent to 10 percent of the votes.
He said the changes appeared to have been made by a software program.
Ashcroft said the format for computer programming has a default status, and in this case it appeared to be designating a vote for Obama each time it went to default.
#6 Barack Obama received more than 98 percent of the vote in 10 out of the 50 wards in the city of Chicago.
#7 Prior to the election, voters in the states of Nevada, North Carolina, Texas and Ohio all reported that voting machines were switching their votes for Romney over to Obama.
#8 There were more than 50 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio where Mitt Romney received 2 votes or less.
#9 There were more than 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio where Barack Obama received more than 99 times the votes that Mitt Romney did.
#10 Barack Obama also received more than 99% of the vote in a number of very important precincts down in Broward County, Florida.
#11 Wood County, Ohio (which Obama won) has a voting age population of 98,213, but somehow 106,258 voters were registered to vote on election day.
#12 Ten counties in the swing state of Colorado have a voter registration rate of more than 100%.
#13 Barack Obama did not win in a single state that absolutely requires a photo I.D. in order to vote.
#14 In Ohio, two election judges were caught allowing unregistered voters to cast ballots.
#15 Many Ohio voters that showed up at the polls on election day were surprised when they were informed that they had already voted.
#16 In fact, there were reports all over the nation of people being unable to vote because records showed that they had already voted.
#17 According to U.S. Representative Allen West, there were numerous “voting irregularities” in St. Lucie County, Florida on election day…
“The thing that spurred our curiosity in our race was the fact that at 1 o’clock in the morning on Election Night, all of a sudden there was a 4,000-vote swing that took me from being ahead to put the lead into my opponent’s hands.”#18 In Wisconsin, there were allegations that Obama voters were actually being bussed in from out of state…
The Democrats stationed a self described “BIG Chicago pro bono attorney” as one of their two observers at this small polling place. He remained at the polling place from 7:00 a.m. until well after 8:p.m. …..A high priced CHICAGO attorney, sitting in a Sheboygan WISCONSIN polling place, observing wards comprised of 1500 voters? …. WHY???#19 Prior to election day, an Obama for America staffer was caught on video trying to help someone register to vote in more than one state.
Why would someone from Chicago be observing in Sheboygan Wisconsin? And WHY at such a small polling place? Finally, isn’t it interesting that this would occur at the VERY polling place in which all of the above described events ALSO occurred? AGAIN WHY WOULD A CHICAGO ATTORNEY BE OBSERVING AN ELECTION POLLING PLACE WITH FEWER THAN 1500 VOTERS IN IT, IN SHEBOYGAN WISCONSIN? Of all the places where there has been suspected voting irregularities, and OUTRIGHT FRAUD throughout the ENTIRE United States, WHY HERE? WHY SHEBOYGAN? WHY THIS SMALL WARD?
This lawyer spent the day running in and out making, and taking calls, which coincidentally then coincided with influxes of groups of individuals by the van and bus loads, coming in to register, AND VOTE, using what appeared to be copied Allient energy bills. These individuals often did not have photo I.D.’s, could not remember their own addresses without looking at the paper, and became easily tripped, confused and annoyed when questioned.
Many of these same individuals, just so happened to be dressed in/wearing CHICAGO BEARS apparel, and whom openly discussed “catching busses back to Chicago” with each other, with poll workers, via their cell phones in the lobby area just outside the polling place, as well as in the parking lot, both before and AFTER registering and voting.
One woman was dressed head to toe in CHICAGO BEARS apparel including perfectly manicured BEARS fake fingernails!
She complained because registering was taking too long and she had to hurry up to catch her bus back to Chicago.
We have photos of these people in vehicles with plates from different states, photos of them leaving the polls, and other irregularities.
#20 It is being alleged that unions in Nevada have been registering illegal immigrants and pressuring them to vote.
#21 According to, there was a systematic effort by the Obama campaign to suppress the military vote because they knew that most military votes would go against Obama…
Aiding Obama’s win was a devious suppression of the conservative vote. The conservative-leaning military vote has decreased drastically since 2010 due to the so-called Military Voter Protection Act that was enacted into law the year before. It has made it so difficult for overseas military personnel to obtain absentee ballots that in Virginia and Ohio there has been a 70% decrease in requests for ballots since 2008. In Virginia, almost 30,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots than in 2008. In Ohio, more than 20,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots. This is significant considering Obama won in both states by a little over 100,000 votes.#22 According to the Naval Enlisted Reserve Association, it appears that thousands of military votes from this election will never be counted at all.
So what do you think about all of this?
Do you still believe that elections in America are fair and honest?
Please feel free to post an article with your thoughts below…
Barack Obama received more than 99% of the vote in more than 100
precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio on election day. In fact, there were
a substantial number of precincts where Mitt Romney got exactly zero votes. So how in the world did this happen? Third world dictators don’t even get 99% of the vote.
Overall, Mitt Romney received 30.12% of the vote in Cuyahoga County. There were even a bunch of precincts in Cuyahoga County that Romney actually won. But everyone certainly expected that Cuyahoga County would be Obama territory. And in most of the precincts that is exactly what we saw – large numbers of votes for both candidates but a definite edge for Obama. However, there are more than 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County where the voting results can only be described as truly bizarre. Yes, we always knew that urban areas would lean very heavily toward Obama, but are we actually expected to believe that Obama got over 99% of the votes in those areas? In more than 50 different precincts, Romney received 2 votes or less. Considering how important the swing state of Ohio was to the national election, one would think that such improbable results would get the attention of somebody out there. Could we be looking at evidence of election fraud hidden in plain sight?
Perhaps if there were just one or two precincts where Obama got more than 99% of the vote we could dismiss the results as “statistical anomalies” and ignore them.
But there were more than 100 precincts where this happened in the most important swing state in the nation.
Maybe there is some rational explanation for the numbers that you are about to see. If there is, I would really love to hear it.
What makes all of this even more alarming is that there were reports of voting machine problems during early voting in Ohio. It was being reported that some voters were claiming that they tried to vote for Romney but that the voting machines kept recording their votes as votes for Obama…
Posted below are voting results from the presidential election from various precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. If you wish to verify these numbers, you can do so right here. In each case, the specific precinct is identified first, followed by the number of votes for Obama and then the number of votes for Romney.
In this first set of Cuyahoga County precincts, Mitt Romney received exactly zero votes in each instance…
But wait, there’s more.
In this next set of results we get to see many of the precincts where Mitt Romney received exactly one vote…
Now let’s look at some of the Cuyahoga County precincts were Mitt Romney received exactly two votes…
The results from most of the precincts look very much like what you would expect from a competitive national election.
But there are more than 100 precincts where the results look incredibly suspicious. Here are some more precincts where Barack Obama won more than 99% of the vote…
But I find it really hard to believe that one candidate would get more than 99% of the vote in more than 100 precincts in one of the most important counties in the most hotly contested swing state of the 2012 election.
Unfortunately, we may never know the truth about these election results. We are just told that we can trust the voting machines and that we can trust whatever results they end up spitting out at us.
Look, I don’t know what the truth is, but where there is smoke there is usually fire. Voters reported tens of thousands of voting problems on election day, and it will be an absolute disgrace if those complaints are brushed under the rug now that the election is over.
Setting aside who won or who lost, the legitimacy of our elections if of the utmost importance. If we cannot even trust the ballot box, what do we have left?
I sincerely hope that authorities in Ohio and in the other swing states will investigate some of the voting “irregularities” that are being reported.
Millions of Americans are watching, and if all of this just gets swept under the rug there are going to be a whole lot more people that will lose faith in these voting machines.
I know that I already have.
Overall, Mitt Romney received 30.12% of the vote in Cuyahoga County. There were even a bunch of precincts in Cuyahoga County that Romney actually won. But everyone certainly expected that Cuyahoga County would be Obama territory. And in most of the precincts that is exactly what we saw – large numbers of votes for both candidates but a definite edge for Obama. However, there are more than 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County where the voting results can only be described as truly bizarre. Yes, we always knew that urban areas would lean very heavily toward Obama, but are we actually expected to believe that Obama got over 99% of the votes in those areas? In more than 50 different precincts, Romney received 2 votes or less. Considering how important the swing state of Ohio was to the national election, one would think that such improbable results would get the attention of somebody out there. Could we be looking at evidence of election fraud hidden in plain sight?
Perhaps if there were just one or two precincts where Obama got more than 99% of the vote we could dismiss the results as “statistical anomalies” and ignore them.
But there were more than 100 precincts where this happened in the most important swing state in the nation.
Maybe there is some rational explanation for the numbers that you are about to see. If there is, I would really love to hear it.
What makes all of this even more alarming is that there were reports of voting machine problems during early voting in Ohio. It was being reported that some voters were claiming that they tried to vote for Romney but that the voting machines kept recording their votes as votes for Obama…
“I don’t know if it happened to anybody else or not, but this is the first time in all the years that we voted that this has ever happened to me,” said Marion, Ohio, voter Joan Stevens.The numbers that you are about to see are quite dramatic. They come straight from the website of the Cuyahoga County board of elections. Once again, I am not alleging that election fraud has actually taken place. What I am saying is that these numbers look very, very strange and that somebody needs to start asking some questions.
Stevens said that when she voted, it took her three tries before the machine accepted her choice to vote for Romney.
“I went to vote and I got right in the middle of Romney’s name,” Stevens told Fox News, saying that she was certain to put her finger directly on her choice for the White House.
She said that the first time she pushed “Romney,” the machine marked “Obama.”
So she pushed Romney again. Obama came up again. Then it happened a third time.
“Maybe you make a mistake once, but not three times,” she told Fox News.
Posted below are voting results from the presidential election from various precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. If you wish to verify these numbers, you can do so right here. In each case, the specific precinct is identified first, followed by the number of votes for Obama and then the number of votes for Romney.
In this first set of Cuyahoga County precincts, Mitt Romney received exactly zero votes in each instance…
0154 CLEVELAND -02-Q: 542 - 0
0192 CLEVELAND -04-L: 388 - 0
0204 CLEVELAND -05-E: 597 - 0
0205 CLEVELAND -05-F: 483 - 0
0206 CLEVELAND -05-G: 257 - 0
0219 CLEVELAND -05-T: 386 - 0
0228 CLEVELAND -06-H: 405 - 0
0232 CLEVELAND -06-L: 70 - 0
0233 CLEVELAND -06-M: 419 - 0
0241 CLEVELAND -06-U: 118 - 0
0248 CLEVELAND -07-F: 361 - 0
0273 CLEVELAND -08-J: 472 - 0
0280 CLEVELAND -08-Q: 49 - 0
0285 CLEVELAND -09-B: 414 - 0
0288 CLEVELAND -09-E: 478 - 0
0523 EAST CLEVELAND -04-C: 486 - 0
Are we actually supposed to believe that not a single person wanted to vote for Mitt Romney in any of those precincts?But wait, there’s more.
In this next set of results we get to see many of the precincts where Mitt Romney received exactly one vote…
0118 CLEVELAND -01-A: 438 - 1
0144 CLEVELAND -02-G: 532 - 1
0183 CLEVELAND -04-C: 548 - 1
0185 CLEVELAND -04-E: 522 - 1
0190 CLEVELAND -04-J: 434 - 1
0200 CLEVELAND -05-A: 364 - 1
0217 CLEVELAND -05-R: 357 - 1
0240 CLEVELAND -06-T: 148 - 1
0272 CLEVELAND -08-I: 473 - 1
0274 CLEVELAND -08-K: 382 - 1
0276 CLEVELAND -08-M: 492 - 1
0279 CLEVELAND -08-P: 378 - 1
0284 CLEVELAND -09-A: 320 - 1
0287 CLEVELAND -09-D: 394 - 1
0289 CLEVELAND -09-F: 468 - 1
0290 CLEVELAND -09-G: 400 - 1
0303 CLEVELAND -10-C: 471 - 1
0312 CLEVELAND -10-L: 363 - 1
0314 CLEVELAND -10-N: 340 - 1
0315 CLEVELAND -10-O: 473 - 1
0512 EAST CLEVELAND -02-D: 437 - 1
0513 EAST CLEVELAND -02-E: 359 - 1
1040 WARRENSVILLE HTS -02-A: 523 - 1
1041 WARRENSVILLE HTS -02-B: 514 - 1
Do these numbers look believable to anyone out there?Now let’s look at some of the Cuyahoga County precincts were Mitt Romney received exactly two votes…
0120 CLEVELAND -01-C: 531 - 2
0128 CLEVELAND -01-K: 470 - 2
0136 CLEVELAND -01-S: 635 - 2
0147 CLEVELAND -02-J: 541 - 2
0148 CLEVELAND -02-K: 632 - 2
0149 CLEVELAND -02-L: 531 - 2
0153 CLEVELAND -02-P: 564 - 2
0155 CLEVELAND -02-R: 509 - 2
0187 CLEVELAND -04-G: 491 - 2
0188 CLEVELAND -04-H: 508 - 2
0194 CLEVELAND -04-N: 520 - 2
0211 CLEVELAND -05-L: 461 - 2
0213 CLEVELAND -05-N: 324 - 2
0222 CLEVELAND -06-B: 637 - 2
0225 CLEVELAND -06-E: 505 - 2
0226 CLEVELAND -06-F: 342 - 2
0234 CLEVELAND -06-N: 244 - 2
0236 CLEVELAND -06-P: 438 - 2
0249 CLEVELAND -07-G: 446 - 2
0250 CLEVELAND -07-H: 358 - 2
0251 CLEVELAND -07-I: 445 - 2
0253 CLEVELAND -07-K: 429 - 2
0256 CLEVELAND -07-N: 433 - 2
0262 CLEVELAND -07-T: 363 - 2
0269 CLEVELAND -08-F: 463 - 2
0270 CLEVELAND -08-G: 516 - 2
0278 CLEVELAND -08-O: 405 - 2
0302 CLEVELAND -10-B: 452 - 2
0311 CLEVELAND -10-K: 476 - 2
0511 EAST CLEVELAND -02-C: 319 - 2
0515 EAST CLEVELAND -03-A: 359 - 2
0516 EAST CLEVELAND -03-B: 459 - 2
0519 EAST CLEVELAND -03-E: 293 - 2
0526 EAST CLEVELAND -04-F: 517 - 2
0625 HIGHLAND HILLS -00-A: 377 - 2
These numbers look even more bizarre when you start comparing them
with the overall results from the rest of Cuyahoga County that you can
find right here.The results from most of the precincts look very much like what you would expect from a competitive national election.
But there are more than 100 precincts where the results look incredibly suspicious. Here are some more precincts where Barack Obama won more than 99% of the vote…
0119 CLEVELAND -01-B: 558 - 4
0121 CLEVELAND -01-D: 452 - 3
0122 CLEVELAND -01-E: 671 - 5
0123 CLEVELAND -01-F: 704 - 6
0124 CLEVELAND -01-G: 543 - 3
0126 CLEVELAND -01-I: 674 - 4
0127 CLEVELAND -01-J: 687 - 4
0130 CLEVELAND -01-M: 781 - 4
0132 CLEVELAND -01-O: 615 - 4
0133 CLEVELAND -01-P: 733 - 5
0134 CLEVELAND -01-Q: 753 - 6
0135 CLEVELAND -01-R: 697 - 5
0142 CLEVELAND -02-E: 434 - 3
0145 CLEVELAND -02-H: 571 - 3
0150 CLEVELAND -02-M: 503 - 4
0151 CLEVELAND -02-N: 601 - 3
0152 CLEVELAND -02-O: 621 - 3
0156 CLEVELAND -02-S: 471 - 4
0157 CLEVELAND -03-A: 489 - 3
0184 CLEVELAND -04-D: 576 - 3
0186 CLEVELAND -04-F: 572 - 3
0189 CLEVELAND -04-I: 503 - 3
0191 CLEVELAND -04-K: 508 - 4
0193 CLEVELAND -04-M: 497 - 4
0195 CLEVELAND -04-O: 599 - 3
0196 CLEVELAND -04-P: 443 - 3
0199 CLEVELAND -04-S: 686 - 5
0203 CLEVELAND -05-D: 569 - 4
0207 CLEVELAND -05-H: 341 - 3
0210 CLEVELAND -05-K: 427 - 3
0212 CLEVELAND -05-M: 340 - 3
0216 CLEVELAND -05-Q: 461 - 4
0218 CLEVELAND -05-S: 515 - 5
0221 CLEVELAND -06-A: 701 - 3
0223 CLEVELAND -06-C: 462 - 4
0227 CLEVELAND -06-G: 401 - 3
0230 CLEVELAND -06-J: 475 - 4
0254 CLEVELAND -07-L: 447 - 4
0261 CLEVELAND -07-S: 449 - 4
0271 CLEVELAND -08-H: 552 - 4
0275 CLEVELAND -08-L: 499 - 3
0282 CLEVELAND -08-S: 517 - 4
0292 CLEVELAND -09-I: 423 - 4
0294 CLEVELAND -09-K: 445 - 4
0307 CLEVELAND -10-G: 428 - 4
0317 CLEVELAND -10-Q: 446 - 3
0320 CLEVELAND -10-T: 654 - 5
0510 EAST CLEVELAND -02-B: 401 - 4
0518 EAST CLEVELAND -03-D: 374 - 3
0520 EAST CLEVELAND -03-F: 457 - 3
0521 EAST CLEVELAND -04-A: 453 - 4
1045 WARRENSVILLE HTS -04-B: 598 - 4
1049 WARRENSVILLE HTS -06-B: 480 - 4
But I find it really hard to believe that one candidate would get more than 99% of the vote in more than 100 precincts in one of the most important counties in the most hotly contested swing state of the 2012 election.
Unfortunately, we may never know the truth about these election results. We are just told that we can trust the voting machines and that we can trust whatever results they end up spitting out at us.
Look, I don’t know what the truth is, but where there is smoke there is usually fire. Voters reported tens of thousands of voting problems on election day, and it will be an absolute disgrace if those complaints are brushed under the rug now that the election is over.
Setting aside who won or who lost, the legitimacy of our elections if of the utmost importance. If we cannot even trust the ballot box, what do we have left?
I sincerely hope that authorities in Ohio and in the other swing states will investigate some of the voting “irregularities” that are being reported.
Millions of Americans are watching, and if all of this just gets swept under the rug there are going to be a whole lot more people that will lose faith in these voting machines.
I know that I already have.
Obama's MUSLIM Infiltration Exposed!
Petraeus Scandal Reveals Massive Islamic Infiltration In Obama Administration
Jill Kelley Helped Muslim Nations, Hezbollah Infiltrate Central Command, MacDill Base; “Go To Girl” For Muslim Parties w/ Generals
By Debbie SchlusselJill Khawam Kelley was the hand-picked lobbyist for Muslim nations and their agenda at Central Command.
Kelley, who is part of the soap opera that the Petraeus scandal spawned, was in charge of hosting parties and social events to push the Islamic agenda of Middle Eastern countries. She was seen by Muslim Mid-East nations, especially Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon, as the “go to” woman to push their agenda on top American generals. She was a lobbyist for their cause and, yet, wasn’t required to register as a lobbyist, like all others who host lavish parties for top American officials, like she did, in an attempt to influence U.S. policy in the Middle East.
Gen. David Petraeus w/ the Arab Nations’ Agent of Influence @ Central Command, Jill Kelley
Kelley, a dhimmi Christian Arab of Lebanese descent, was well known in the Muslim Arab embassies of Washington for doing their bidding and hosting their parties at and near MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, where our nation’s top generals are based. It’s where Central Command–the U.S. Armed Forces’ leadership over wars and military personnel Middle East–is headquartered.
When a friend of mine said that he thought the financially troubled Khawam sisters, Kelley and Natalie Khawam, were spies for Lebanon and the Arab world, I originally expressed skepticism. I believed that these twin sisters with obvious twin nose jobs were merely bimbo gold diggers in slutty outfits, who used their Delilah ways to first nab rich husbands, and then nab idiotic top American generals to participate in Lifetime-Channel-worthy bitter child custody disputes. But then I learned that Ms. Kelley, who was until this week under the radar, was quietly involved in pushing the agenda of Muslim Arab nations on our nation’s top generals with whom she’d grown close by design. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Ms. Kelley got her hooks into our two top generals in the Middle East, David Petraeus and John Allen. I’m now convinced that my friend, lawyer Gary Welsh of Advance Indiana, who has excellent instincts, was correct.
I’ve long written about the infiltration of Central Command at MacDill Air Base in Tampa by Islamic terrorists. Islamic Jihad founder and convicted Islamic terrorist, Sami Al-Arian, was an instructor on the Middle East to our top generals at MacDill Air Force Base AT THE VERY SAME TIME that he was planning mergers and terrorist attacks in Israel with “the brothers of HAMAS” and while he was bringing Muslim illegal alien Islamic terrorists to the U.S. Al-Arian’s friend and co-conspirator, Ramadan Abdullah Shallah (one of those Al-Arian brought here), who became the Secretary-General of the worldwide Islamic Jihad terrorist group, was also a lecturer at MacDill and also taught our top generals his poisonous views on the Middle East and Israel. FBI and INS agents who investigated Shallah and Al-Arian were alarmed at the influence these two top Islamic terrorists had over CentCom. They were also alarmed to find many books on the inner workings of MacDill in Shallah’s house when they raided it.
So when people ask me how I think these women were able to insert themselves into top generals’ lives and topple them (along with, apparently, the men they married), I think back to the fact that our top generals gladly allowed top terrorists to infiltrate Central Command as alleged “professors” on the Middle East. And when generals like Petraeus and Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr. openly attack Israel and America’s relationship with Israel, people like Jill Khawam Kelley and Al-Arian and Shallah are the reason why. Khawam Kelley isn’t an innocent socialite. She’s an agent of influence for Arab Muslim nations.
The Washington Post reports:
A military officer who is a former member of Petraeus’s staff said Kelley was a “self-appointed” go-between for Central Command officers with Lebanese and other Middle Eastern officials. . . . At the parties Jill Kelley hosted at her Tampa mansion, guests were frequently treated to the indulgences of celebrity life: valet parking, string quartets on the lawn, premium cigars and champagne, and caviar-laden buffets.The Wall Street Journal reports:
The main recipients of the largess were military brass — including some of the nation’s most senior commanders — based at nearby MacDill Air Force Base.
Kelley flaunted her access to these military VIPs. . . . The investigations of Petraeus’s and Allen’s actions, nonetheless, have raised questions about how Kelley, a woman with no formal military role, cultivated such close ties to two of the nation’s most revered generals.
One former aide to Allen, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity given the sensitivity of the case, suggested that Kelley had become a de facto social ambassador among high-ranking personnel at MacDill, home to the U.S. Central Command and Special Operations Command.
Middle Eastern diplomats in Washington also knew Ms. Kelley, who came from a Lebanese immigrant family and who helped arrange social activities when dignitaries from the region visited Tampa, diplomats said. She also sometimes attended parties at Washington embassies.I guarantee you that Jill Khawam Kelley wasn’t hosting visits from dignitaries from Israel. And, other than those from Israel, every single “Middle Eastern diplomat” in Washington is a Muslim, most of them Muslim Arabs. And all of them Muslims with an agenda that is anti-Israel and anti-Western. And definitely not in America’s best interests. They come to Tampa for one reason and one reason only–to ingratiate themselves with the top military brass at CentCom at MacDill.
And Jill Khawam Kelley was their social director in that mission.
Kelley’s sister, Natalie Khawam, was married to a top Bush administration official, Grayson Wolfe, Director of Broader Middle East Initiatives and Iraqi Reconstruction at the Export-Import Bank of the United States, and frequently accompanied him on trips to the Middle East, including to Pakistan. Before that position, Wolfe was the Bush-installed Manager of the Private Sector Development Office of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad, Iraq. How many of the Khawam’s insider Arab Muslim friends did he give sweetheart contracts to? Before It’s News has more and asks more questions about the consulting and contracting firm that Wolfe now heads. Although they are now embroiled in a bitter custody fight over their son, you have to wonder what influence Khawam had on him and what was done in the Middle East. She recently sued her former employer, a Jewish lawyer, Barry Cohen, but gave up after her lawsuit was shown to be phony. Cohen struck back and found that Khawam engaged in bankruptcy fraud.
My friend wasn’t so far-fetched when he insisted the Khawam chicks are modern day Mata Haris for the Muslim Arabs.
Just look at what they’ve accomplished for the Muslim Mid-East, all of it under the radar . . . until Paula Broadwell had the stupidity to send her threatening e-mails and Jill Khawam Kelley had the stupidity of complaining about it to shirtless FBI agent Frederic Humphries.
Friday, October 5, 2012
2000 - 2012 |
Unemployment Rate - U6 |
2000 - 2012 |
Year | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Year |
2000 | 7.1 | 7.2 | 7.1 | 6.9 | 7.1 | 7.0 | 7.0 | 7.1 | 7.0 | 6.8 | 7.1 | 6.9 | 2000 |
2001 | 7.3 | 7.4 | 7.3 | 7.4 | 7.5 | 7.9 | 7.8 | 8.1 | 8.7 | 9.3 | 9.4 | 9.6 | 2001 |
2002 | 9.5 | 9.5 | 9.4 | 9.7 | 9.5 | 9.5 | 9.6 | 9.6 | 9.6 | 9.6 | 9.7 | 9.8 | 2002 |
2003 | 10.0 | 10.2 | 10.0 | 10.2 | 10.1 | 10.3 | 10.3 | 10.1 | 10.4 | 10.2 | 10.0 | 9.8 | 2003 |
2004 | 9.9 | 9.7 | 10.0 | 9.6 | 9.6 | 9.5 | 9.5 | 9.4 | 9.4 | 9.7 | 9.4 | 9.2 | 2004 |
2005 | 9.3 | 9.3 | 9.1 | 8.9 | 8.9 | 9.0 | 8.8 | 8.9 | 9.0 | 8.7 | 8.7 | 8.6 | 2005 |
2006 | 8.4 | 8.4 | 8.2 | 8.1 | 8.2 | 8.4 | 8.5 | 8.4 | 8.0 | 8.2 | 8.1 | 7.9 | 2006 |
2007 | 8.4 | 8.2 | 8.0 | 8.2 | 8.2 | 8.3 | 8.4 | 8.4 | 8.4 | 8.4 | 8.4 | 8.8 | 2007 |
2008 | 9.2 | 9.0 | 9.1 | 9.2 | 9.7 | 10.1 | 10.5 | 10.8 | 11.1 | 11.8 | 12.7 | 13.5 | 2008 |
2009 | 14.2 | 15.1 | 15.7 | 15.8 | 16.4 | 16.5 | 16.5 | 16.7 | 16.8 | 17.2 | 17.1 | 17.1 | 2009 |
2010 | 16.7 | 16.9 | 16.9 | 17.0 | 16.6 | 16.5 | 16.5 | 16.6 | 16.9 | 16.8 | 16.9 | 16.6 | 2010 |
2011 | 16.1 | 15.9 | 15.7 | 15.9 | 15.8 | 16.2 | 16.1 | 16.2 | 16.4 | 16.0 | 15.6 | 15.2 | 2011 |
2012 | 15.1 | 14.9 | 14.5 | 14.5 | 14.8 | 14.9 | 15.0 | 14.7 | 14.7 |
Check U-1, U-2, U-3 (official), U-4, U-5 and U-6 unemployment rates in US |
What is U6 unemployment rate ? |
The U6 unemployment rate counts not only people without work seeking full-time employment (the more familiar U-3 rate), but also counts "marginally attached workers and those working part-time for economic reasons."
Note that some of these part-time workers counted as employed by U-3 could be working as little as an hour a week.
And the "marginally attached workers" include those who have gotten discouraged and stopped looking, but still want to work.
The age considered for this calculation is 16 years and over
The Bureau of Labor Statistics measures employment and unemployment
(of those over 16 years of age) using two different labor force surveys
conducted by the United States Census Bureau (within the United States
Department of Commerce) and/or the Bureau of Labor Statistics (within
the United States Department of Labor) that gather employment statistics
monthly. The Current Population Survey (CPS), or "Household Survey",
conducts a survey based on a sample of 60,000 households. This Survey
measures the unemployment rate based on the ILO definition.
The data are also used to calculate 5 alternate measures of unemployment as a percentage of the labor force based on different definitions noted as U1 through U6:
Who is counted as unemployed? Persons are classified as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, and are currently available for work. Actively looking for work may consist of any of the following activities:
Who is not in the labor force? Labor force measures are based on the civilian noninstitutional population 16 years old and over. Excluded are persons under 16 years of age, all persons confined to institutions such as nursing homes and prisons, and persons on active duty in the Armed Forces. The labor force is made up of the employed and the unemployed. The remainder—those who have no job and are not looking for one—are counted as "not in the labor force." Many who are not in the labor force are going to school or are retired. Family responsibilities keep others out of the labor force. |
Source : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
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