Showing posts with label John Brennan worked with foreign Spies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Brennan worked with foreign Spies. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

John Brennan, Obama Gang, Clinton Gang Colluded with Foreign Operators to Destroy Trump & Our Constitutional Republic

John Brennan Colluded with Foreign Spies to Get Trump.

Many of you know that I have been exposing John Brennan as an "Anti Constitutional America" operative. 
YOU know that 
In the 1980's John Brennan was a Soviet Sympathizer and voted for the US Communist Party 

In the 1990's he worked in Saudi Arabia and was converted to Islam
He was the bag man in the Obama Gang break into the US Passport Office where 3 complete original Passports were stolen. Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain's. 

Ever questioned why ?

Ever questioned why the snitch called Quarrels  who was willing to tell the Police was suddenly murdered and the murder has not been resolved?

Brennan then joined Obama's Administration and worked to cover up all the lose ends. When it was done he was promoted to CIA Chief with very little experience except for that stint in Saudi Arabia!

Brennan would not swear on the Bible when he was sworn in but instead swore in on a Copy of the Constitution instead.. so that he would not have to have any conflict with his "Muslim Faith"

Then Brennan worked to spy on American Journalists and Politicians and Civillians.

He use the NSA and other Eves dropping Intelligence to spy on Germany and Angela Merkel and got her to allow Muslims into her country by the Millions

He spied on the Pope and got him to resign.

He spied and dug up dirt of Justice John Roberts, blackmailed him and made in switch sides on Obamacare!

He along with Susan Rice and Samantha Powers worked to unmask US Citizens during their eves dropping campaign.

He knew that Hillary Clinton was using the Clinton Foundation for Money Laundering and "Pay for Play" and reported it to Obama who used a Fake name and communicated with Clinton and Huma Abedein and Cheryl Mills and Loretta Lynch about getting proportion cuts from the money being funneled in. There is no way that the CIA did not Know of Hillary's activities. ONLY AND IDIOT OR AN LEFTY IDEOLOGUE could dispute the logical circumstantial evidence!

They expected Hillary to win. Brennan, Lynch, Comey and Clapper facilitated their agencies to set up fail safe ways to ensure that Donald Trump would not win or if he won.. they would be able to take him down in a silent Coup that would like it was done Constitutionally.

They despised General Mike Flynn who was their National Security Adviser who despised their crooked activity and switched sides and supported Trump. This made them go after him too with a vengeance and tried to use him to take down Trump.

You might thing this sounds far fetched....and each act taken separately may sound disconnected.  Tie it all together you will see the working of an evil Cabal with an Agenda. They were looking to ensure that America would end the way our Founding Fathers envisioned it when they wrote the Constitution and its Amendments!

All you have to do is to ask yourself.. IF THEY WON .. WHO WINS??

You already know the answer. I do not have to give it to you!

An article in the Guardian last week provides more proof that one side did collude with foreign powers and interfered in the election. It was Hillary’s side.
Then-CIA director John Brennan was the ringleader. He colluded with foreign powers in a massive political espionage scheme. It was aimed at defeating Donald Trump.
The Guardian framed it as a righteous act but they reported the heinous truth despite themselves.
Brennan enlisted foreign powers in his scheme and the British were the first to come through thanks to a goofy “tip” out of Estonia.
The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence aimed at Trump’s team – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source told the newspaper.
They weren’t deliberately targeting, but there was an element of chance.
One source suggested the Dutch and the French spy agency, the General Directorate for External Security or DGSE, were contributors, the Guardian wrote.
According to the article, all the alleged communications between Russia and Trump campaign officials were picked up by chance.
The UK and US intelligence sources weren’t bugging Trump, they were kickstarting the Trump-Russia probe.
When Fox News contributor Andrew Napolitano claimed the British spies were bugging Trump, the Brits rebuked him and Fox.
However, the Guardian then explains what they did do. “Instead both US and UK intelligence sources acknowledge that GCHQ played an early, prominent role in kickstarting the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation, which began in late July 2016.”
One source called the British eavesdropping agency the “principal whistleblower”.
The British spies started the Russia collusion story according to the Brits. [We know the dossier was put together by former MI-5 Christopher Steele.]
Brennan couldn’t wait to pass it on to Congress.
According to the Guardian, information was passed from the Brits to John Brennan who in turn briefed the Gang of Eight, Democrat and RINO Republicans who fancy themselves leaders in the Senate.
Then came the FISA order in mid-October 2016. That was to follow up on two Russian banks pinging to Trump Tower. [That turned out to be a false tip orchestrated by a leftist professor].
Carter Page was covered under the same FISA order.
George Neumayr, writing for The American Spectator has a different take from the far-left Guardian.
He writes:
John Brennan’s CIA operated like a branch office of the Hillary campaign, leaking out mentions of this bogus investigation to the press in the hopes of inflicting maximum political damage on Trump. An official in the intelligence community tells TAS that Brennan’s retinue of political radicals didn’t even bother to hide their activism, decorating offices with “Hillary for president cups” and other campaign paraphernalia.
A supporter of the American Communist Party at the height of the Cold War, Brennan brought into the CIA a raft of subversives and gave them plum positions from which to gather and leak political espionage on Trump. He bastardized standards so that these left-wing activists could burrow in and take career positions. Under the patina of that phony professionalism, they could then present their politicized judgments as “non-partisan.”
The story confirms that Estonia planted the first seeds of a potential espionage plot in 2016, author Neumayr writes. They were afraid Trump would pull the U.S. out of NATO and leave them unprotected.
It was a “flaky” accusation but for Brennan, it was an opportunity.
Neumayr adds that Brennan fed the information to Congress:
The Guardian says that British spy head Robert Hannigan “passed material in summer 2016 to the CIA chief, John Brennan.” To ensure that these flaky tips leaked out, Brennan disseminated them on Capitol Hill. In August and September of 2016, he gave briefings to the “Gang of Eight” about them, which then turned up on the front page of the New York Times.
This took place at the same time that Brennan was interviewing with Hillary to keep his job. The pro-Islam director was infuriated with General Flynn who planned to shake things up. He was willing to do anything to stop Trump and his team.
The media is in the tank for the left, and has not and will never investigate and report accurately.

Yes...Brennan Launched the Russia-Trump Probe with Harry Reid’s Help

As we detailed here, former CIA director and Communist John Brennan colluded with foreign powers in a massive political espionage scheme. The purpose was to defeat Donald Trump.
Brennan voted for a Soviet-tied Communist as President during the Cold War. He might still have the mind of a Communist, judging from his unethical and possibly illegal manipulations in the Trump-Russia collusion tale.
Currently, John Brennan attacks President Trump non-stop on Twitter and as a commentator at MSNBC/NBC. He has a lot to lose if his role in the Russia-Trump probe is investigated.
It was John Brennan who grabbed onto the crackpot idea that originally came from the Estonians who were afraid Trump would pull out of NATO and wanted him defeated. The idea was that Donald Trump was colluding with the Russian Federation.
This isn’t guesswork. Brennan has taken credit for initiating the Russia-Trump investigation.
Kimberly Strassel, in an article at the Wall Street Journal, reminds us of Brennan’s claims.
In May 2017, Brennan explained that he became “aware of intelligence and information about contacts between Russian officials and U.S. persons.” The CIA can’t investigate U.S. citizens, but he made sure that “every information and bit of intelligence” was “shared with the bureau,” meaning the FBI. This information, he said, “served as the basis for the FBI investigation.”
Strassel said her sources told her he was overstating his role, nonetheless, the former adviser to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, saw himself in the leadership role in pressuring the FBI to act.
He couldn’t do it alone and, as we explained in a previous article, he had already enlisted foreign spies in his efforts. James Clapper and the FBI were not buying it.
John Brennan called on Harry Reid to aid and abet his scheme. In a late August briefing, he told the Senate minority leader that Russia was trying to help Mr. Trump win the election, and that Trump advisers might be colluding with Russia. [There is still no evidence]
On cue and within a few days of the briefing, Strassel writes,, Mr. Reid wrote a letter to Mr. Comey, which of course immediately became public. “The evidence of a direct connection between the Russian government and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign continues to mount,” wrote Mr. Reid, going on to float Team Clinton’s Russians-are-helping-Trump theory. Mr. Reid publicly divulged at least one of the allegations contained in the infamous Steele dossier, insisting that the FBI use “every resource available to investigate this matter.”
Fusion GPS followed up by briefing their allies.
On Sept. 23, Yahoo News’s Michael Isikoff ran the headline: “U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump adviser and Kremlin.”
The collusion narrative was now public and so was the information that the FBI was investigating the possibility.
The dossier was accepted as intelligence although it was nothing more than gossip from Russian spies gathered by subcontractors hired by British ex-spy Christopher Steele. The gossip dossier was opposition research funded by Fusion GPS on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Fusion GPS had hired Steele.
Ms. Strassel concludes: In their recent book “Russian Roulette,” Mr. Isikoff and David Corn say even Mr. Reid believed Mr. Brennan had an “ulterior motive” with the briefing, and “concluded the CIA chief believed the public needed to know about the Russia operation, including the information about the possible links to the Trump campaign.”
The release of the heavily redacted FISA documents supports Ms. Strassel’s timeline and more. The only evidence so far as can be determined from the documents, is the outlandish dossier.
The information from the dossier was given to Harry Reid by John Brennan and then presented as confirmation of the fake circular evidence in the dossier.
“Senate Minority Leader” Harry Reid’s 2016 letter to Comey is actually cited in the FISA warrant as “evidence” to spy on the campaign. In other words, it cites information Reid got from John Brennan who got it from the Clinton dossier.
That is certainly circular evidence.