Tuesday, March 22, 2022

BIDEN SUPREME COURT NOMINEE Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.. Another Radical Leftist Black Lives Matter Mole.


Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson 


WILL Be A Legacy to Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter Justice!



Ketanji Brown Jackson (b. September 14, 1970) is a United States District activist judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Jackson is a former clerk for Justice Stephen Breyer. She was born in Washington, D.C., and attended public high school in Miami, Florida. She was nominated to the Supreme Court by socialist premier Joe Biden after Biden vowed to exclude other qualified candidates and to make an affirmative action choice.[1]

In March 2021 Merrick Garland was appointed Biden regime chief prosecutor, opening his seat in the DC appeals court for Jackson. In June 2021 Jackson was confirmed with a vote of 53-47. Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Lindsey Graham voted with Democrats to support KBJ to the circuit court.

Carrie Severino, president of the Judicial Crisis Network, told the Washington Free Beacon that if Biden were to nominate Jackson to the Supreme Court it would be "one more example of Biden rewarding the Arabella dark money network that spent hundreds of millions of dollars to elect Biden and Senate Democrats."[2] she is supported by radical pro abortion groups.[3] she is going far left position by banning pro life activists to protest against abortion as she did in 2001 which is violation against constitution and First amendment.[4]


Serving in the upper echelons of the U.S. judicial system, Jackson appears on track to fulfill a legacy promoting critical race theory.


Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, who was explicitly nominated to the nation’s highest court at least in part because of her sex and skin color, is a proud proponent of the systemic racism that propelled her to nomination in the form of critical race theory. In fact, its concepts admittedly influence her decision-making.

During a lecture at the University of Michigan Law School two years ago, Jackson highlighted the work of Professor Derrick Bell, who has been called “The Godfather of Critical Race Theory” and whose 1992 book “Faces At the Bottom of the Well” rested on her parents’ coffee table “for many years.”

“I remember staring at the image on the cover when I was growing up,” Jackson said. “I found it difficult to reconcile the image of the person, who seemed to be smiling, with the depressing message that the title and subtitle conveyed.”

Bell is credited with pioneering the fringe concepts of critical race theory that have since crept into the mainstream, and which condemn racism as a dominant vice embedded in every level of every institution that therefore warrants affirmative action hires.

Another critical race activist influential in Jackson’s worldview and also featured in the speech was Bell’s wife. Dr. Janet Dewart Bell, who last year presented a slideshow comparing the United States to Nazi Germany and complained of conservatives erasing history while leftists tear down statues, was held up as a role model by the judge and potential Supreme Court justice.

“I have drawn heavily from her excellent insights,” Jackson told students of the critical race theorist.

Beyond idolizing stars of critical race theory, Jackson offered praise for The New York Times’ collection of essays that amount to an inaccurate tale of revisionist history, the “1619 Project.”

In the same talk at the University of Michigan, Jackson held up the project’s architect Nikole Hannah-Jones on a pedestal as an “acclaimed investigative journalist,” adding “who happens to be a black woman.” The 1619 Project seeks to reframe American history as the story of a nation fundamentally built as an irredeemably racist empire with the sole purpose of oppression.

Jackson gives credibility to Jones’ thesis, disputed by the National Association of Scholars, that 1619 — when she says the first slaves were brought to the colonies — serves as a better year to mark the nation’s true founding than when the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776.

“It is Jones’s provocative thesis that the America that was born in 1776 was not the perfect union that it purported to be,” Jackson said, “and that it is actually only through the hard work, struggles, and sacrifices of African Americans over the past two centuries that the United States has finally become the free nation that the Framers initially touted.”

Jackson went on to read from Hannah-Jones on a podcast, emphasis hers:

[W]e are raised to think about 1776 as the beginning of our democracy. But when that ship arrived on the horizon . . . in 1619 [the] decision made by the colonists to purchase that group of 20 to 30 human beings— that was a beginning, too.

As Jackson testifies before the Senate this week, her record on sentencing for sex crimes has come under scrutiny after she built a reputation on the bench for under-sentencing child sex predators.

“In every single child porn case for which we can find records, Judge Jackson deviated from the federal sentencing guidelines in favor of child porn offenders,” wrote Missouri GOP Sen. Josh Hawley in a Twitter thread documenting Jackson’s prior rulings.

“While at the U.S. Sentencing Commission, Judge Jackson advocated for eliminating the existing mandatory minimum sentences for child porn,” explained The Federalist’s Rachel Bovard, “suggesting that at least some people who possess child porn aren’t sexually motivated, but simply ‘in this for either the collection, or the people who are loners and find status in their participation in the community.'”

Meanwhile, records remain under seal from U.S. senators as they prepare to offer “advice and consent” to the presidential nominee. According to Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, 48,000 pages of documents from her time on the Commission are inaccessible.

Criminal justice reform in favor of weaker penalties for offenders is a primary pillar of the left-wing social justice movement. Serving in the upper echelons of the U.S. judicial system, Jackson appears on track to fulfill a legacy promoting critical race theory.


Jackson is currently a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit where she repeatedly used her power to limit the actions of former President Donald Trump. In 2018, she ruled against Trump in a federal employee unions lawsuit even though she acknowledged he had the constitutional authority to “issue executive orders pertaining to the field of federal labor relations.” In 2019, she used the Russian collusion hoax as an excuse to justify mandating that former White House counsel Don McGahn testify before the House Judiciary Committee.

Before she joined the court, Jackson worked as an openly progressive attorney and Obama appointee to the United States Sentencing Commission, where she was committed to forwarding the leftist agenda. More than two decades ago, the Breyer apprentice penned an amicus brief for the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), and other organizations that kill babies in the womb, in support of a Democrat-backed law that prevented pro-life protesters from congregating outside abortion facilities.

As a result of her work, Jackson has earned the favor of several pro-abortion, pro-LGBT, anti-religious liberty activist groups including The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, which is composed of problematic organizations including the radical Southern Poverty Law Center, the increasingly anti-free-speech American Civil Liberties Union, and Planned Parenthood.

In contrast to how they treated Trump’s Supreme Court nominees, members of the corrupt press are already painting Jackson as an “apolitical” and “historic” choice who should be confirmed by the Democrat-controlled Senate.

Democrat legislators have already expressed their support for any Biden pick as long the nominee will combat “white supremacy” and vote to uphold Roe v. Wade in the court’s upcoming decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

“I’m looking for someone who’s going to be not only highly qualified, as all of the people that you already talked about are, but who really brings to the judiciary the kind of diversity that I’d like, that — someone who will consider the impact, the effects of whatever decision-making is on people in our country, so that they’re not making decisions just based on, which I would like them to base it on, law, which would be nice, and precedent, and who are not eagerly trying to get rid of decades of precedent that would protect a woman’s right to choose, for example, and voting rights, etc.,” Democrat Sen. Mazie Hirono, a Senate Judiciary Committee member, said last month. 




"Congratulations Judge Jackson!"

Two years ago, President Biden made a campaign promise to nominate the first Black woman to the Supreme Court. On Friday, he fulfilled the promise by naming Ketanji Brown Jackson as his nominee.

Judge Jackson currently sits on DC’s federal appellate court since being appointed by President Obama. Her extensive background exceeds qualifications, and proves that she is a woman of the people. She has served as a public defender, clerked for Justice Breyer, and was elevated to the DC circuit last year by President Biden.

This is huge — because this takes us on the road to finally ending the 230 years of Black women’s exclusion from the Supreme Court.



She would be the first former federal public defender to serve on the Supreme Court if confirmed.

“If media reports are accurate, and Judge Jackson has been chosen as the Supreme Court nominee to replace Justice Breyer, it means the radical Left has won President Biden over yet again,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said in a statement Friday.
“The attacks by the Left on Judge Childs from South Carolina apparently worked. I expect a respectful but interesting hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Harvard-Yale train to the Supreme Court continues to run unabated,” he said. 

Kelly Shackelford, president, CEO, and chief counsel for First Liberty Institute, said that “In nominating Ketanji Brown Jackson, President Biden is selecting a judicial activist for the Supreme Court. 

“Her record from the beginning of her career shows hostility to religious liberty, free speech, and other constitutional rights. The American people do not want a liberal extremist on the Supreme Court. If confirmed, Judge Jackson’s judicial activism will place the constitutional rights of all Americans in jeopardy,” Shackelford said in a statement.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called Jackson a “radical” Supreme Court nominee.

"Maybe the only promise Joe Biden has kept is his pledge to nominate a liberal, activist judge to the Supreme Court. Ketanji Brown Jackson is exactly that: a radical, left-wing activist who would rubberstamp Biden's disastrous agenda,” she said in a statement.

“By picking Jackson, Biden put far-left special interests ahead of defending Americans’ rights and liberties. The Republican National Committee will make sure voters know just how radical Jackson is and remember at the ballot box in November," McDaniel added.

The pro-life group Susan B. Anthony list pointed out that in 2001, Jackson co-authored an amicus brief in McGuire v. Reilly supporting a Massachusetts law that created a floating “buffer zone” preventing pro-life sidewalk counselors from approaching to speak with women outside of abortion facilities. Her clients included: NARAL, the Women’s Bar Association of Massachusetts, the League of Women Voters, and the Abortion Access Project of Massachusetts. 

SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser issued the following statement:

Joe Biden is fulfilling his promise to only appoint justices who support the Roe v. Wade regime of abortion on demand up to birth – a policy so extreme only a handful of countries in the world hold it, including North Korea and China. Ketanji Brown Jackson is backed by many of America’s most radical pro-abortion groups.

She is on record opposing the free speech rights of pro-life advocates pleading to save lives outside abortion centers and supporting the false claim that abortion is ‘health care.’ We have no doubt she will work with the most pro-abortion administration in history to enshrine abortion on demand nationwide in the law.
With the Court’s decision in Dobbs expected this summer, the stakes have never been higher in the fight to protect unborn children and their mothers and let the people decide this issue through their elected representatives, not unelected judges. 

The overwhelming majority of Americans reject the Democrats’ extreme agenda that includes late-term abortions when unborn children can feel pain, dismemberment abortions, lethal discrimination abortions, and more. In this critical election year, SBA List will work tirelessly to ensure that voters remember this when they go to the polls and that abortion extremists face political consequences.










President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson did not give a straightforward answer to Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)’s question about whether the United States should “strengthen or weaken sentences for child pornographers” during Jackson’s confirmation hearing on Tuesday.

“Should the United States strengthen or weaken sentences for child pornographers?” Cotton asked, to which Jackson responded, “Senator, that is not a simple question, and the reason is because what this country does in terms of penalties is in Congress’s province.”

“You all decide. You decide what the penalties are,” Jackson continued. “You decide what the factors are that judges use to sentence. If you determine that any set of penalties is insufficient, then it is in your purview to make that determination.”

“There are many crimes that Congress has determined warrant mandatory minimum penalties, warrant other kinds of penalties, and that is in your purview to determine,” the judge added.

Sen. Cotton reacted by stating, “I have to say, judge, I think whether or not we should strengthen or weaken sentences for child pornographers is a pretty simple question, but I’ll move on.”

On Monday, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) called into question Judge Jackson’s record ahead of her confirmation hearing to the U.S. Supreme Court during an interview on FNC’s Fox & Friends.

Hawley, pointing to Jackson’s time on the bench, suggested Jackson had been “lenient” on child sexual predators and “soft on crime.” He said the Senate Judiciary Committee needed to know whether Jackson would protect the nation’s children or the sexual predators.

Tuesday was day two of Jackson’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing, in which the judge also refused to join with the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and outgoing Justice Stephen Breyer in opposing court-packing and said she did not want to answer because she was so determined to stay in her “lane.” 


1 comment:

  1. Shame on our Collective Conservative Silence in the face of this abhorrent take over our our Constitutional Republic!
