The Democrats, Liberals and Socialist Whites and the Useful Idiot Browns and Blacks use the word “Racist” — (A Word Invented by USSR’s Leon Trotsky.. A COMMUNIST!) any time they want to attack a Judeo-Christian conservative in America.
Amazingly research the word and the accusation and you will find that it is used almost exclusively as a pejorative - almost exclusively in North America and in Western Europe!
Why is that.. you should ask your self!
Its very simple. Its because "Self righteous Conservatives" and Independents abhor the word being used as an epithet to describe themselves because of a couple of generations of exposure to the context.
Just tell someone " You are a Racist" or "Are you a Racist" and see their reaction!
The word was "invented" by the Soviets as a psychological hammer to shame the Russian People into submitting to their world communist agenda.
In America the Socialist/ Leftist Liberal Democrat Cabal are using it in the same way to steer America to Socialism and Multiculturalism.
Now this word has been hijacked/Usurped by the Afrocentric/Liberal Cabal who use it to try and make yellow bellied Regular Americans cower when they are called a "Racist"
So now... The word “racist” has for a long time been the single most effective fear-word in the leftist and multiculturalist arsenal.
For decades, they have successfully used it in the political arena to
slander traditionalists, shut down debate, and leave opponents running
for cover. In the social arena, they have caused even more damage by
using it to brainwash impressionable children and young college students, and to teach people to hate their nation, their cultural traditions, and worst of all, themselves.
What surprisingly remains almost totally undiscussed, even on the hard core traditionalist Right, is the word’s origin.
it come from a liberal sociologist?
A 60’s Marxist college professor?
Perhaps a politician in the Democratic Party?
No. It turns out that
the word was invented by none other than one of the principal architects
of the 74-year Soviet nightmare, the founder and first leader of the
infamous Red Army, Leon Trotsky.
Here it is in Russian!
Славянофильство, мессианизм отсталости, строило свою философию на
том, что русский народ и его церковь насквозь демократичны, а
официальная Россия — это немецкая бюрократия, насажденная Петром. Маркс
заметил по этому поводу: “Ведь точно так же и тевтонские ослы сваливают
деспотизм Фридриха II и т. д. на французов, как будто отсталые рабы не
нуждаются всегда в цивилизованных рабах, чтобы пройти нужную выучку”.
Это краткое замечание исчерпывает до дна не только старую философию
славянофилов, но и новейшие откровения “расистов”.
This is Leon Trotsky’s 1930 work, “The History of the Russian
Revolution”, from which shown above is a passage. The last word in that
passage is “расистов”, whose Latin transliteration is “racistov”, i.e.,
“racists”. This work here is the first time in history one will ever find that word.
My more doubtful readers may check the internet, the microfiche and
microfilm at the local library, as well as the numerous books arrayed
along the shelves there, but they shall never find an earlier usage of
the word “racist” than Trotsky’s coinage of the word here.
So the next logical question is what was Leon Trotsky’s purpose in inventing this word? To find out, let us look at a full English translation of the paragraph we looked at before.
“Slavophilism, the messianism of backwardness, has based its
philosophy upon the assumption that the Russian people and their church
are democratic through and through, whereas official Russia is a German
bureaucracy imposed upon them by Peter the Great. Mark remarked upon
this theme: “In the same way the Teutonic jackasses blamed the
despotism of Frederick the Second upon the French, as though backward
slaves were not always in need of civilised slaves to train them.” This
brief comment completely finishes off not only the old philosophy of the
Slavophiles, but also the latest revelations of the ‘racists.'”
The Slavophiles which Trotsky alluded to were historically a group
of traditionalist Slavs who valued greatly their native culture and way
of life, and wanted to protect it.Trotsky on the other hand saw them and others like them as an impedement to his internationalist communist plans for the world. This man didn’t care one iota about the Slavic Russians whom he supposedly served. To
him, Slavophiles, i.e. Slavs that committed the “crime” of loving their
own people and trying to protect their traditional ways were simply
“backward”, and others like them were simply “racists”.
The reality of the word’s origin is indeed quite a far cry from the
left-liberal version of the story: that the word was coined in bona
fides to identify people who were just plain bigoted against certain
racial groups, and as a rallying cry for good liberals to protect the
racial minorities from the bigots.
On the contrary, the actual concept behind the word
(even though he hadn’t invented it quite yet) — that ethnocentric
“backwardness” must take a back seat to “enlightened” internationalism — was often used by Army-Navy Commissar Trotsky as a rallying cry for good Red Army communists to embark upon murderous rampages against peoples who resisted having their traditional way of life paved over and replaced with an alien system.
Fast-forwarding to today in the 21st century, the only changes to the word and its underlying concept from 1930 (besides Marxists having perfected the art of achieving the same thing with less blood but no less misery) are
that the word’s targets have expanded from just Slavs who won’t submit
to the Marxist internationalist plan to uproot and destroy their culture
and traditional way of life, to all white people, Slavic or otherwise,
who won’t submit to that same vile Marxist plan. Also, those who arm
themselves with the word have expanded from a handful of communists to
the entire liberal and neoconservative establishment in nations all
across the world.
Leon Trotsky, after helping Lenin to create the Soviet murder machine
in which he and Trotsky killed 1 to 4 million people, was removed
from power and expelled from the Soviet Union in the year 1929 after
losing a power struggle to become Lenin’s successor to Josef Stalin.
However, before fading into the pages of history, Leon Trotsky would do
one last thing in 1930 that would arguably cause more damage to the West
than Stalin and his successors’ entire Soviet nuclear arsenal could
ever have done. He would invent a word that would empower literally
the most rotten, traitorous weasels within the West to redefine those
loyal to their people, their cultural traditions and way of life as the
worst evil, and to send the government, the education system, and the
mass media on an absolute royal crusade until they themselves and
virtually everyone else around them actually believe it. And this unholy creation would be repeated over and over again, bolstered by fake history fabricated by more of the same rotten weasels falsely portraying the white man as the sole perpetrator of slavery and genocide in the world, and this would go on and on until the West would submit via demoralization
to the entire Trotskyist internationalist agenda without a single shot
being fired. We can see the final stages of this playing out right now,
with racial double standards having been created here in America (at the expense of American whites, of course), with the creation of “racism” and “hate speech” offenses in Europe
(only targeting the indigineous population, of course), with the
Canadian and Australian governments having implemented
“multiculturalism” as official state policy (at the expense of the
pre-existing Canadian and Australian cultures), and most of all, with
the huge wave of third-world immigration into the West, supported by all
Western governments (otherwise it wouldn’t be happening), which is
radically changing the makeup and culture of those countries, and is
threatening their original populations with becoming a minority in their
own countries within just a few decades.
Due especially to Trotsky’s hand in the murder of millions of people under the Lenin regime, as well as the ongoing global recessions and Pandemics and Political Purges and stolen elections causing many usual fence sitters to take a side in these affairs, Rightists
have a real opportunity to shut the lid on this word once and for all,
simply by telling the truth about who invented the word and what its
purpose was (and is).It is an opportunity that we cannot afford to miss.
Lets get rid of the FAKE STIGMA created by the Left to beat down any opposition to their world of darkness and psuedo oppression narratives. They do it for the buck and laugh all the way to the bank!
Facts are facts. Genetics Matter, DNA Matters!
Its "racial patterns" that matter. You cannot make a deer eat meat. You cannot make apes eat at a dinner table with crystal goblets.
Face it culturally every race has a pattern. You cannot integrate and mix it out of them by "Multi Culturalism".
Judeo-Christians who populated Our country early have a pattern
The Indian Tribes who came across the Berring Straits have a Pattern
The Chinese who came to California on ships in search of Gold have a pattern
The Hispanics who lived in North America and still pour across the border have a pattern
The African Slaves who were brought here on ships and then emancipated have a pattern
The refugees from Somalia and Haiti and other dirt poor nations brought here and placed in colonies across America have a pattern
The Techy foreigners from Asia who came to graduate from the best universities in the US and then stayed have a pattern..
But if we call out these patterns and "they" don't like it... you are the called a "Racist"
Lets talk about the biggest victimhood group. The African Descendants of the slaves who have blood of Africa and their slave masters coursing through their veins.
They want a "special pass" to be excused for their behavior in the name of past slavery .. they claim they were mistreated.. well they claim that their ancestors were mistreated by your ancestors even if your ancestors never owned a slave. Its a systemic problem they say. Its white privilege they claim. You must give up your life and bow down to their lazy asses who never did shit to improve their own lot! They loot and burn and demand reparations all for the fact of their skin color.
I concede that this is a blanket statement. I concede that there are many Blacks who have risen above this stereotype. But it is a small small percentage and they themselves are hunted down by the Majority and vilified and marginalized.
If you complain.. they call it Racism! HAHA! Racism is anything your pale skin makes you do if they don't like it even if the shoe fits! It can change from day to day.
"FUCK YOU TOO" .........
Sure they will switch to new buzzwords..
"White Nationalist"
"Far Right"
"White Male"
Stop being a pussy, stop letting them tell you what you are based on their paradigm. They still constitute a Minority and they and their White Liberal Marxist Masters have hijacked the narrative because we let them.
Those words will set you free.
So are you a Racist?
White People have contributed much to the world and its a Lie
propagated by the Marxist Social Justice left that they are "ALL EVIL" There are Evil people in all races.
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