Sunday, August 2, 2015


The REAL Obama: Is he an An INDONESIAN, Muslim, Socialist Puppet The National Patriot ^By Craig Andresen


Over the last several days, conservatives across social media have been circulating an image, a split screen cut and paste of Obama and Mohammed (Pak) Subud along with a link to a very well thought out piece from Jason Kissner at American Thinker.
That piece brings several…”Coincidences” to light.
When it comes to politics and Obama’s past, there are no such things as “coincidences.”
Kissner shows links between Obama’s “mother” Stanley Ann Dunham to a certain Subud spiritual cult and also documents the verifiable link between the Subud cult and one Loretta Fuddy.
Fuddy, you will remember, was the woman who had been appointed in January, 2011, to head the agency in Hawaii that “verified” Obama’s birth certificate…The one he finally, after years of questions, displayed to the world in March of 2011.
Fuddy also was the lone non-survivor of a small plane crash off the coast of Hawaii just a couple of months ago.
No coincidences…Remember?
The idea being promoted is that this Mohammad Subud, the founder of the Subud cult, is Obama’s real father but, before we get to that, there IS something regarding that split-screen image you should know.
It is a composite.
According to Adrien Nash who wrote an article yesterday, “I copied and reversed Subud’s eye and replaced Obama’s which was squinting.”
A composite/split-screen that makes the 2 look more like each other than they otherwise might is not only the wrong way to highlight the visual similarities but, it is completely unnecessary.
The speculation is and, let’s remember, when it comes to Obama’s past we MUST speculate as his official past has been completely buried, that this Subud fathered the man we know as Barack Hussein Obama.
For the speculation to be true, one must assume that in 1960, Subud and Stanley Ann Dunham met, somewhere, and he, got her, pregnant thus leading to a child who would, after several name changes…Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Barry Obama, Steven Dunham , Barry Soetoro and the name first noticed back in 2011 regarding an application for a passport extension filed by Stanley Ann Soetoro in 1968.
THAT name was found in the section for either including or exempting a child’s name from the passport and the name she placed THERE before crossing it out was, Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah)
Soebarkah, is has been suggested, is a combination name Soe (from Soetoro, Obama’s “adoptive” father) Bar (from the Islamic Aramic meaning, SON) and Kah (which roughly translates from Indonesian as “was” or, in some cases, in names is used to denote a QUESTION regarding “WHO?”)
It has also been suggested “Soebarkah” was a name provided by the Subud cult as Loretta Fuddy went by the Subud name of “Deliana” Fuddy.
Either way, it does nothing to either verify or debunk Pak Subud as being Obama’s real father.
What I am about to propose is speculation and, at first glance, seems pretty far out there but, upon consideration, may well be plausible.
There is a theory that Dunham traveled to Kenya in 1961 and it has been said that the reason for that trip was to give birth to her child and leave that child with the Obama family.
Then there is the theory that Dunham gave birth in Hawaii.
Which is true? Simply, there is no verifiable evidence for either theory but…The Kenyan birth would answer those swirling questions regarding those IN Kenya, including his grandmother, who claim to have been there FOR the birth and the claims of Kenyan officials who say that Obama was born in Kenya.
Those in the Dunham family who wanted an AMERICAN son could have simply written the announcement that appeared in the Hawaiian newspaper as there was never any verification or proof of birth needed to run such an announcement whether or not he was born THERE and simply returned FROM Kenya with Dunham-Obama.
Could she have returned to Hawaii with the son because the Kenyan Obama clan refused to take him?
In 1965 or so…Stanley Ann Dunham then traveled to Indonesia…With her son, where she was hired to start an English language, business communications department and, where SHE recruited and hired several teachers who were MEMBERS OF SUBUD.
No Coincidences…Remember?
Consider this scenario…
At some point before traveling to Indonesia, she met and was impregnated BY…Subud…NOT by Obama Sr. which would explain why Obama Sr. was never a part of Obama JR.’s life.
Could Subud had fathered a child (Soebarkah) by someone other than his wife?
Subud, before his “spiritual epiphany” was a Muslim and we are all aware of the monogamous fidelity of that ideology not to mention the dubious history of such strength of character in cult leaders…Especially in those who feel kinship with the Almighty.
What to do?
Since the teenage Dunham was sexually promiscuous anyway…Simply claim the child wasn’t HIS and she would then assume it belonged to someone ELSE…In this case…Obama Sr.
However, several years later, Dunham-Obama would have had to notice that her son looked nothing like the man she THOUGHT was the father and, the OTHER man she knew she had been with at the same time was…Subud…Living in Indonesia.
Is there any better explanation for why this young woman, with no ties to that country, would go to live there?
That would also explain how Barack Hussein Obama, adopted IN Indonesia by the INDONESIAN LOLO SOETORO, was able to attend school IN Indonesia as his records indicated, with Indonesian citizenship.
He was Indonesian all along.
It would also account for the attempted name inclusion on the passport extension application with Soebarkah, in parentheses, then crossed out.
Such a theory, speculative, as we must speculate where no verifiable evidence is available, also would go a long ways toward covering the whole fraudulent birth certificate issue as a child, born in Kenya, would not HAVE a Hawaiian birth certificate and who better to “authenticate” the forged certificate that Loretta…”DELIANA” Fuddy…A woman who WAS the CHAIRWOMAN OF SUBUD USA FROM 2006 UNTIL 2008 IN SEATTLE???
A woman who may…MAY…Have known the TRUTH regarding the “son” of Stanley Ann Dunham-Obama-Soetoro.
Well…That is exactly what those who took Obama from a Community Organizer to the white house clearly wouldn’t want known.
Isn’t it?
By spending millions of dollars, a mere pittance to the people who buried his past, they found a man who held no underlying allegiance to the United States and a man whose ideology was the same as their own.
In order to “fundamentally transform” the United States…They needed a SOCIALIST…NOT an AMERICAN who would become their willing puppet, doing what he was told, reading from their teleprompter text, a Muslim who would befriend our enemies while turning his back on our allies.
And Obama himself must have known all along as all the records pertaining to his past would not have been buried without his knowledge.
Who paid for his pricey Ivy League education? Saudis with no connection to him or the wealthy Indonesian leader of a spiritual movement who DIDN’T want to be connected to him, as hush payments?
Obama has never been conflicted because he was half WHITE…He, as a young man, was conflicted because he WASN’T half BLACK as, being BLACK in America during those college years would clearly have afforded Obama some entitlements.
And while, in this day and age, it can never be said for certain that pictures don’t lie but…They have and always will say 1000 words.
Now you tell me…Who is more likely to be the father of the current occupant of the oval office…

Barack Obama SR?
Mohammed (Pak) Subud???
Hey…Barack Hussein Obama…Barack Obama…Barry Obama…Steven Dunham…Barry Soetoro…Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah)…

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Black Lives matter only if there is a Buck in it for the Progressives. Read and share how black babies are just "Matter"

The Radiance Foundation exposes The Negro Project

The Negro Project was initiated in 1939 by Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. It was a collaborative effort between the American Birth Control League and Sanger’s Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau.1 For a eugenist, it wasn’t controversial, it was integral to the implementation of eugenics to eliminate the ‘unfit’. Eugenics is “a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed”.2 Negative eugenics focused on preventing the birth of those it considered inferior or unfit. This was the foundation of Sanger’s Birth Control Policy and advocated throughout her writings, speeches, and her periodicals including “Pivot of Civilization”, “Plan for Peace” and countless Birth Control Review articles. The pseudo-science (racial hygiene theory) of negative eugenics influenced social policy and eugenics-based legislation (Immigration Act of 19243, segregation laws, sterilization laws) and led to the racial hygiene theory adopted by the Nazis. Noted eugenist, Eugen Fischer, who was funded by The Rockefeller Foundation (one of many same organizations that also financially supported Sanger’s work), was responsible for the Nazi adoption of racial hygiene theory at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute that led to the eugenics implementation of the holocaust.4 The connection between American Eugenics and the horrors of Nazi Germany are irrefutable. The preponderance of evidence of where Sanger wanted to go (although she decried the atrocities of the holocaust after WWII) shows the ignorance and naivete of eugenics philosophy and its eventual conclusion, left undeterred.  The Negro Project was but a precursor to what eugenists wanted to implement on a much larger scale.

“…those of us who believe that the benefits of Planned Parenthood as a vital key to the elimination of human waste must reach the entire population, also believe that a double effort must be made to extend this program as a public health measure to Negroes who need is proportionately greater.”

– Dr. Dorothy Ferebee (black physician serving as the Chairman of the Family Planning Committee of the National Council of Negro Women) at 1942 annual Planned Parenthood meeting. (One should note that, today, both Planned Parenthood and the National Council of Negro Women are radically pro-abortion.)
MAAFA21 is the only documentary that details the racist eugenics of Planned Parenthood
MAAFA21 is a powerful documentary that exposes the eugenic racism of Planned Parenthood. Watch it, free, online at


This is the same Sanger who persuaded a few reluctant, yet incredibly influential, black ministers to join in her Birth Control movement. To dispel the rising doubts among those who objected to Birth Control on religious and moral grounds, Sanger wrote that “the ministers work is also important…offering to train him in their ideals because “we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members”.6 Many use this statement to bolster the claim that Sanger wanted to exterminate all of the black population, but this statement is about reducing a certain type of black individual that Sanger believed should be eliminated, sterilized, or segregated onto farms.7 Those who were poor and (supposedly) less intelligent. Eugenists believed the entirety of the black population were intellectually and racially inferior. (Sanger’s ideological agreement and written/spoken solidarity with the eugenics movements does throw legitimate doubt on whether it was only a segment of the black population that was being targeted.) With the help of elite and famous African-Americans Mary McLeod Bethune, W.E.B. DuBois, and Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, Sr., the Negro Project was able to be sold as a solution to poverty and high birth rates. It is crucial, however, to understand this endeavor in conjunction with Sanger’s dominant efforts of ‘eliminating the unfit’ and her hatred of charitable organizations.  She devotes an entire chapter on charities and how those who finance them “are dropping millions into rosewater philanthropies and charities that are silly at best and vicious at worst.”8

“Organized charity itself is the symptom of a malignant social disease…Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks [of people] that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant.”

– Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, Chapter V, “Cruelty of Charity”

Abortion is today’s Birth Control.

Here is the simple truth.  The intent of Sanger’s Negro Project is firmly intact. Nearly 40% of all African-American pregnancies end in induced abortion.9 There is more access to birth control than ever before and the huge disparity in poverty rates between whites and blacks continues. Fatherlessness and poverty are rampant. Unintended pregnancy rates in the black community continue to rise. Today, the same mouthpieces for Planned Parenthood are claiming “lack of access” while black women access abortion clinics at 5 times the rate of white women. This is by design. Abortion kills more black lives (363,705)10 than all other causes of death combined (285,522).11 In NYC, home of Planned Parenthood, more black babies are aborted than born alive! Abortion, no matter the race, is a tragedy. But in the black community, it is epidemic. Mainstream media, black celebrities, health care professionals and so-called black leaders continue to shill for Planned Parenthood, while our churches (who stood against injustice during the Civil Rights Movement) are mostly silent. Regardless, the truth screams loud and clear. Under the false liberty of ‘reproductive freedom’ we are killing our very future.

5“Planned Parenthood as a Public Health Measure for the Negro Race”, Speech by Dr. Dorothy Ferebee, January 29th, 1942
7“Plan for Peace” by Margaret Sanger, Birth Control Review, April 1932
8“Pivot of Civilization” by Margaret Sanger, pg 264
92008 Abortion Surveillance Report, CDC:
102008 Abortion Stats, National Reproductive Health Profile, Download PDF here.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Obama was Illegally selected as President without Following the Constitution. Read and Share. Its time for revolution

The “objections” and “call for objections” required by our Constitution and 3 U.S.C. § 15 have not been made. Therefore Obama has never been determined in accordance with the “electoral and Congressional processes” to be a “qualified” President elect and is not the President of the United States.

“Chief Justice” John Roberts did not have any authority to administer oaths to Obama nor did Obama have the right to take the oaths. Why? Because the “objections” and the “call for objections” that are procedurally required in our Constitution and in 3 U.S.C. § 15 have never been  made.

The required “objections” and “call for objections” are not technicalities, but procedural safeguards provided to protect the United States from foreign enemies — more specifically from enemy infiltration. But these highest and foremost safeguards for our Republic have been entirely disregarded by all the “members” of Congress, all the “judges” and “justices” in our courts, and all the other so-called “public officers.” Apparently, they are not only acting in a seditious conspiracy against the Government of the United States, but aiding and comforting foreign enemies of the United States, and overtly assembling an unconstitutional army—levying war against the United States.

NOTE: We the People of the United States in fact do not have representation in Congress, do not have a president, and do not have honorable judges and justices in our courts. Instead, they have in fact been acting in a conspiracy of silence—all of them violating their oath of office—conspiring against We the People of the United States in back room deals to remain silent about their usurpation of the Office of President while committing other treasonous crimes.

3 U.S.C. 15 states in part as follows:                                                                   “Upon such reading of any such certificate or paper, the President of the Senate shall call for objections, if any.”

The word “shall” in 3 U.S.C. 15 (above) means that it is mandatory that the President of the Senate “call for objections.” This law does not permit the President of the Senate to decide not to do so: There is no discretionary decision to be made — the President of the Senate must do as the law requires, i.e., as the People of the United States require. The words “if any” do not imply that the President of the Senate should or would know in advance of the count that “objections” are going to be registered. The word “shall” with “if any” mean that he must call out loudly, “Are there any objections?”

NOTE: Obama and his co-conspirators have apparently obtained an unlawful residency at the White House, but have never acquired the “Office of President,” because he did not have the right to take the “Oath” for the “Office”. Obama can never acquire the status of “President” and in fact all of the “laws,” “executive orders” and “appointments” he has signed are void ab initio.

When John McCain was sued in federal court for his ineligibility (he was born in the Coco Soto “family hospital” outside the jurisdiction of the United States), Obama and Hillary Clinton co-sponsored Senate Resolution 511 to persuade United States District Judge William Alsup to dismiss the lawsuit and motion for a preliminary injunction alleging that McCain was not a “natural born Citizen” and must therefore be struck from the ballot in the 2008 election. Obama, Clinton and other senators presented Senate Resolution 511 to the Senate Judiciary Committee and it was then unanimously agreed to on April 30, 2008. (See Senate Resolution 511) The full text of Resolution 511 is also seen below.

Resolution 511
A person MUST BE born in the United States to “American citizens” (plural) to be a “natural born Citizen” under the provision of Article II, Section 1 of our Constitution.

NOTE: The text of Senate Resolution 511 specifically includes the “Whereas” stating that John McC’ain “was born to American citizens(plural).

Obama Biden
This is an illegitimate “presidency” and “vice presidency.”

Judge Alsup did not make a decision during most of the 2008 campaign and then he dismissed the case, including its motion for preliminary injunction, just prior to the election. In the first paragraph of his order to dismiss Alsup stated that “John McCain’s parents were both United States citizens” (plural). Alsup then in the conclusion of his order to dismiss the motion for a preliminary injunction, wrote, “It is highly probable, for the purposes of this motion for provisional relief, that Senator McCain is a natural born citizen.” See Judge Alsup’s order.

NOTE: Having dismissed the case, Judge Alsup in fact did not make a decision as to whether or not McCain was a “natural born Citizen,” but only wrote that it is “highly probable” that he is one and based his statement only on the fact that McCain was born to “United States citizens” (plural), not on the fact that McCain was born outside the jurisdiction of the United States.

Both Senate Resolution 511 and Judge Alsup’s order to dismiss specifically acknowledge that John McCain “was born to American citizens” (plural). Every member of Congress, including Obama, judge and justice in the United States knows that a person must be “born to American citizens” (plural) to be a “natural born Citizen”. Senate Resolution 511 states as follows:

Whereas John Sidney McCain, III, was born to American citizens [plural] of the United States … Now, therefore, be it Resolved that John Sidney McCain, III, is a ‘natural born Citizen‘ under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States.”

Judge Alsup and all the senators who sponsored and agreed to Senate Resolution 511 know that the two requirements in the term “natural born Citizen” are:

1) A person must have been born in the United States, and

2) His/her parents must have been United States citizens (plural).

NOTE: Judge Alsup’s acknowledgment that “John McCain’s parents were both United States citizens” (plural) and his subsequent statement that “It is highly probable, for the purposes of this motion for provisional relief, that Senator McCain is a natural born citizen,” is the FORMAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT of a United States federal court that a person, to be eligible to assume the Office of President, must have been born to “United States citizens” (plural).

obamas security

It is in the meaning of “natural born Citizen” that a person, in order to be eligible to be the President of the United States, must be 100% under the jurisdiction of the United States, i.e., not only born on United States soil, but also born to two “citizens of the United States” (plural), i.e., not owing allegiance to anyone else.

NOTE: The word “allegiance” (according to its etymology) is fealty owed to one and only one sovereign exclusively. A child born to a foreign father owes allegiance elsewhere. Obama in fact has no allegiance to the United States.

These two men and their numerous other co-conspirators are conspiring against the United States Constitution.

Judge William Alsup also, as grounds for his decision in 2008 to dismiss the case alleging that John McCain’s is not a natural born Citizen and the motion for a preliminary injunction to strike McCain from the ballot in the 2008 election, stated in his order to dismiss that the time and actions to challenge a person who is not a “natural born Citizen” is to bring the arguments regarding his or her lack of qualifications “to the voting public before the election” and in “objections” to be registered after the electoral votes are counted, as specified in the electoral procedure provided in 3 U.S.C 15. Judge Alsup stated, “the statute provides a mechanism for objections to be registered and resolved,” and he also quoted from the statute and the Twentieth Amendment of our Constitution:

“[e]very objection shall be made in writing, and shall state clearly and concisely, and without argument, the ground thereof, and shall be signed by at least one Senator and one Member of the House of Representatives before the same shall be received. When all objections so made … shall have been received and read, the Senate shall thereupon withdraw, and such objections shall be submitted to the Senate for its decision: and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall, in like manner, submit such objections to the House of Representatives for its decision.”
ibid. The Twentieth Amendment further provides:

“… if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified, and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be elected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.”
Judge Alsup continues in his order as follows:

“It is clear that mechanisms exist under the Twelfth Amendment and 3 U.S.C. 15 for any challenge to any candidate to be ventilated when electoral votes are counted and that the Twentieth Amendment provides guidance regarding how to proceed if a president elect shall have failed to qualify. Issues regarding qualifications for president are quintessentially suited to the foregoing process. Arguments concerning qualifications or lack thereof can be laid before the voting public before the election and, once the election is over, can be raised as objections as the electoral votes are counted in Congress. The members of the Senate and the House of Representatives are well qualified to adjudicate any objections to ballots for allegedly unqualified candidates. Therefore, this order holds that the challenge presented by plaintiff is committed under the Constitution to the electors and the legislative branch, at least in the first instance. Judicial review — if any — should occur only after the electoral and Congressional processes have run their course. Texas v. United States, 523 U.S. 296, 300–02 (1998).”

Judge Alsup makes a specific point of stating above that the “The members of the Senate and the House of Representatives are well qualified to adjudicate any objections to ballots for allegedly unqualified candidates.” In other words, he very clearly (specifically) stated that the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives know all of the eligibility requirements of the United States Constitution and are required by the People of the United States to apply them. Judge Alsup stated that “judicial review — if any — should occur only “after the electoral and Congressional processes have run their course.”

NOTE: Although Judge Alsup’s decision to dismiss the case and motion for a preliminary injunction were in a case regarding McCain, he carefully outlined the processes that are required by law to take place in determining whether a candidate can be a “qualified” President elect, and the fact is that neither of the processes stated in Judge Alsup’s order to dismiss took place. The voting public was not informed during the campaigns in 2008 and 2012 of the fact that Obama was ineligible to assume the Office of President. Dick Cheney, the President of the Senate, never made the “call for objections” required by 3 U.S.C. 15 and the members of Congress, although they all knew that Obama was ineligible to assume the Office of President, did not make the required “objections”. These procedural processes carefully established in the law as safeguards against enemy infiltration and specifically cited within Judge Alsup’s order, were in fact willfully violated by all of the “candidates and members of Congress.”

Obama the Dictator
We no longer have three branches of government to check and balance powers: They have all united under Obama and are in fact levying war against the United States.

The People of the United States do not need a court/judge to see that Obama did not take the required (provided) qualification test, (i.e., that his ineligibility was not exposed during the campaign, that the required “call for objections” was not made and that all the “members of Congress,” although they knew well that he was ineligible did not make “objections”), and that the clear and only conclusion is that Obama did not and does not qualify as the President elect.

NOTE: No doubt McCain and all of the senators who sponsored and passed Senate Resolution 511, including Obama and Clinton, read Judge Alsup’s order. What is really very interesting is that Judge Alsup stated in his order that “arguments concerning qualifications or lack thereof can be laid before the voting public before the election,” but Clinton, McCain and numerous others who, under their oaths of office had the responsibility to do so, did not bring up Obama’s lack of qualifications. McCain in fact conspired with Obama and others not to bring up the subject of the lack of qualifications, because McCain is also not a natural born Citizen. Neither did Romney bring up Obama’s ineligibility. And Clinton was ordered by the Democrat Party to keep her mouth shut.  They all conspired against “the voting public” and people of the United States before and after the election in 2008. And not only for the 2008 election, but also before and after the 2012 election.


1. Was Dick Cheney, the President of the Senate and presiding officer after the count of the electoral votes required by law to make the “call for objections”? 

The answer is YES, ABSOLUTELY !!!

3 U.S.C. 15 states in part as follows:

“Congress shall be in session on the sixth day of January succeeding every meeting of the electors. The Senate and House of Representatives shall meet in the Hall of the House of Representatives at the hour of 1 o’clock in the afternoon on that day, and the President of the Senate shall be their presiding officer. Two tellers shall be previously appointed on the part of the Senate and two on the part of the House of Representatives, to whom shall be handed, as they are opened by the President of the Senate, all the certificates and papers purporting to be certificates of the electoral votes, which certificates and papers shall be opened, presented, and acted upon in the alphabetical order of the States, beginning with the letter A; and said tellers, having then read the same in the presence and hearing of the two Houses, shall make a list of the votes as they shall appear from the said certificates; and the votes having been ascertained and counted according to the rules in this subchapter provided, the result of the same shall be delivered to the President of the Senate, who shall thereupon announce the state of the vote, which announcement shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons, if any, elected President and Vice President of the United States, and, together with a list of the votes, be entered on the Journals of the two Houses. Upon such reading of any such certificate or paper, the President of the Senate shall call for objections, if any.”

The word “shall” in 3 U.S.C. 15 (above) means that it is mandatory that the President of the Senate “call for objections.” This law does not permit the President of the Senate to decide not to do so. There is no discretionary decision to be made: The President of the Senate must do as the law requires, i.e., as the People of the United States require in their law. The words “if any” do not imply that the President of the Senate should or would know in advance of the count that “objections” are going to be registered. The word “shall” with “if any” simply mean that he must call out loudly, “Are there any objections?”

NOTE: As I have stated above, Dick Cheney, did not “call for objections,” and there is nothing in the law above requiring members of Congress to notify him prior to the count of the electoral votes that they have an “objection” to register. The “call for objections” is not conditioned on whether the President of the Senate  knows if there are going to be “objections”. If it was conditioned on the President of the Senate’s knowledge that there would be “objections,” then the the word “will” would be in the place of the word “shall”: The word “will” with “if” is conditional. The word “shall” with “if” is not.

This requirement for the President of the Senate to “call for objections” stems from our Constitution, which in the last sentence of the 12th Amendment says, “But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.” This last sentence of the 12th Amendment makes it clear that both the President elect and Vice President elect must qualify to assume the Office of President.

2. Were the members of Congress required by the Twelfth and Twentieth Amendments and 3 U.S.C. 15 to present “objections” regarding Obama’s lack of qualifications to Dick Cheney after the count of the electoral votes?

The answer is YES, ABSOLUTELY !!!

Obama, Biden and all the other members of Congress in 2008 and 2012 willfully violated procedural safeguards stemming from the United States Constitution, specified in 3 U.S.C. 15 and additionally outlined by a federal court. And these procedural safeguards are specifically to protect the United States from foreign enemies infiltrating our highest office and national defenses. The members of Congress MUST BE held accountable to the United States Constitution (the will  of the people), otherwise they are not representatives of the people. All the members of Congress knew or should have know (from Obama’s books) that Obama’s father was never an American citizen, and that Obama was, therefore, ineligible to assume the Office of President.  We are talking about lawyers in Congress (experts who were trusted by the people). Many of them had read Senate Resolution 511 and they passed it knowing the meaning of the term “natural born Citizen”. For the few ignorant members of Congress there is no excuse. It is in fact their job to know the meaning of “natural born Citizen”.

“No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;…”

Second, Congress does not have authority to redefine “natural born Citizen,” and in fact the First Congress did not redefine it. It is in fact not possible to redefine a Natural God Given Right. The First Congress did not state in 1790 that children of citizens [plural] of the United States born beyond the sea, or out of the limits of the United States were “natural born Citizens.” What the First Congress stated is that “children of citizens (plural) born beyond the sea, or out of the limits of the United States shall be considered as, [i.e., accounted as or deemed as], natural-born citizens,” not that they are “natural born Citizens.”

The Naturalization Act of 1790 states that “children of citizens [plural] of the United States, that may be born beyond the sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural-born citizens.”

NOTE: The members of Congress are not permitted to change the meaning of “natural born Citizen” as it stands in our Constitution. They know the meaning of the term and that they are not permitted to define or redefine the term, and yet there were many attempts by members of Congress in the years leading up to the 2008 election to change the meaning (redefine) “natural born Citizen”. And their attempts reveal that they know that a “natural born Citizen” is a person born within the United States of citizen parents (plural).

NOTE: There are also articles now published on the internet which claim that Judge William Alsup decided that McCain was a “natural born Citizen.” One such article is on U.S. Politics written by Tom Murse. It is not the truth. Judge Alsup in fact did not decide that McCain was a “natural born Citizen.” This can be seen in his order to dismiss the case.

NOTE: Nowhere in Judge Alsup’s order did he decide that the Congress has the role to define the term “natural born Citizen.” Alsup stated Congress has “the role of defining citizenship, including citizenship by reason of birth,” but he did not decide that Congress has the role of defining “natural born Citizen”. He in fact clarified that “the Fourteenth Amendment set a floor on citizenship, but to not define “natural born Citizen”), and provided that all born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, were citizens.” Judge Alsup also did not determine that those who had acquired “citizenship” under the Fourteenth Amendment were “natural born Citizens.” John Bingham (the author of the 14th Amendment) wrote as follows:

“All from other lands, who by the terms of [congressional] laws and a compliance with their provisions become naturalized, are adopted citizens of the United States; all other persons born within the Republic, of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty, are natural born citizens.”


These are willful violations of procedural law which have no place in our Republic and in fact these violations denied The People of the United States representation — these required “processes” did not took place. First of all, numerous members of Congress, including Barack Obama, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and Mick Romney obviously knew full and well the meaning of the term “natural born Citizen, but as Judge Alsup states, did not inform the voting public of Obama’s ineligibility “before the election.” Neither did Dick Cheney “call for objections” after the counting of the electoral votes. And these violations of law in fact immediately disqualified Obama as the “President elect” and render his claimed “presidency” void ab initio. He is not “the President.” In fact Obama cannot be lawfully impeached: Only a president can be impeached.

As Judge Alsup has stated in his order to dismiss, a “call for objections” must be made and the objections “registered”. And after the objections are registered the objections must be “resolved” by both the Senate and House of Representatives. ‘This is the law, not because Judge Alsup says so, but because our Constitution and 2 U.S.C. 15 say so. Until the required objections to Obama’s ineligibility are “registered” and “resolved,” the People of the United States are willfully denied lawful representation, denied a president and denied the protection of the laws under three branches of government. In fact today, the courts are making the law, Obama is violating the law and Congress is conspiring with them.



Saturday, July 18, 2015




You know ISIS Desecrates Graves of their enemies..

Now the Africa Blacks in the USA want to desecrate the graves of Confederate Leaders. They want to desecrate the Grave of Confederate General Nathan Bedford in Memphis TN. If it is OK then they will move to the next one and the next one.

There is a common link. A regressive DNA that runs in all primitive people.

You can dress them up but you cannot modify their primal nature!

And don't tell me "most blacks don't feel that way".. thats the same shit we say about Muslims right?

and I do not want to co-exist with primitive minded people.

That is why I call for Revolution followed by secession.

Nothing else will work. The GREAT EXPERIMENT of the "melting pot" is an abject failure. We should have known.. It has never really worked en mass anywhere in the world.

Time to move on...!

facebook blocks John Gaultier again,



Shortly after 4 US Marines were slain by a Muslim terrorist in Tennessee, Obama sends out a “Happy End of Ramadan” greeting to all Muslims

On the same day that four unarmed Marines were gunned down by an Islamic terrorist, Barack and Michelle Obama issued a celebratory greeting to all Muslims worldwide. The statement from the White House was issued just hours ‘after‘ the attack on two military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Muslims in the military , asses in the air thanking Allah for the glorious attack in Tennessee
Muslims in the military, asses in the air, thanking Allah for the glorious attack in Tennessee

The Obama Ramadan statement:

(Photos below are from Obama’s White House Iftar Ramadan dinner for Muslims a few days ago)


breaking911  Michelle and I would like to extend our warmest wishes to Muslims in the United States and around the world celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr. As Muslims mark the end of the month, they are reminded that Ramadan is a time to reflect spiritually, build communally, and aid those in need. While Eid marks the end of Ramadan, it marks a new beginning for each individual – a reason to celebrate and express gratitude on this holiday.


For millions of Muslims, the morning of Eid is marked with the call to prayer echoing through cities and towns across the globe. Millions of people head to local mosques for special Eid prayers followed by festive gatherings, gift exchanges, and feasts among friends, neighbors and families.


The diversity of traditions paint the vibrant images we see from around the world capturing the spirit and excitement of Eid – colorful dresses or white garments decorating the masses of people standing in lines for prayer, lanterns and ornaments lighting up bazaars and neighborhoods, intricate henna designs painted on hands of young girls and women, and an abundance of delectable foods and aromatic cuisines.


As Muslim Americans celebrate Eid across America, the holiday is a reminder to every American of the importance of respecting those of all faiths and beliefs. This past year New York City Public Schools announced adding Eid to their official school calendars alongside Christmas, Hanukkah and other holidays – an acknowledgement of the great diversity and inclusiveness that adds to the richness of our nation.

U.S. President Obama hosts Iftar dinner  at the White House in Washington

During this year’s White House Iftar, I had the opportunity to meet inspiring young Muslim Americans who are leading efforts for greater understanding and unity across diverse communities. Americans of all faiths and beliefs must stand together to protect our democracy and strengthen our country as a whole.

Michelle and I hope today brings joy to all of your homes, both here in the U.S. and around the world. From my family to yours, Eid Mubarak!


Friday, July 17, 2015

Obama Turning America into a Third world Sanctuary ( From Judicial Watch )


Obama Illegal Alien Criminal Release Exposed By Judicial Watch

Sanctuary cities are only part of the problem behind the deadly illegal alien crisis.  Barack Obama's administration has instituted "sanctuary" as a national policy.

We have just
obtained records from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealing that nearly 260 illegal alien criminals, including 40 incarcerated for violent crimes, were released from Arizona detention facilities during the last week of February and the first two weeks of March 2013.

This release begets lie after lie.  After first denying that the mass release had taken place, the Obama administration claimed the releases were due to the
anticipated sequestration budget cuts. The newly obtained records were uncovered because of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch on behalf of Edward Tuffly, a Tucson, AZ, resident.

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit for Mr. Tuffly in January 2015 after Homeland Security ignored his November 10, 2014, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request of U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) seeking:

Records sufficient to identify all ICE detainees released in late February or early March 2013 from the following detention facilities due to alleged fiscal or budget uncertainty: (a) Central Arizona Correctional Center in Florence, Arizona: (b) Eloy Detention Center in Eloy, Arizona; (c) Florence Correctional Center in Florence, Arizona; (d) Florence SPC in Florence, Arizona; and (e) Pinal County Adult Detention Center in Florence, Arizona.

For each detainee identified in response to Request No.1, the I-213 form(s) documenting the detainee's arrest.

For each detainee identified in response to Request No.1, records sufficient to identify: (a) the date the detainee was released; (b) the facility from which the detainee was released; (c) the detainee's criminal history or criminal charges at the time of release; (d) methods of supervision to which the detainee was subjected; and (e) whether the detainee appeared for subsequent removal or other proceedings and/or was removed from the United States.

The date range for the requested records was February 22 through March 15, 2013. This was the exact time period during which Homeland Security released more than 2,000 illegal aliens nationwide, later claiming the release was
"solely for budgetary reasons," though none of the anticipated sequestration budget cuts had yet taken place.

From among the nearly 260 illegal aliens released from five Arizona correction facilities we can tell you that almost 40 of them are violent criminals who had been arrested for crimes including assault, domestic violence, weapons offenses, and battery. Nearly one in five had been arrested for drunk driving.

Traffic Offense:  57
 Driving Under Influence Liquor: 55

Disorderly Conduct: 15

Failure to Appear: 14

Illegal Entry: 13

Assault: 9

Drug Trafficking: 9

Shoplifting: 8

Larceny: 8

Making False Report: 6

Drug Possession: 6

Weapons Offense: 6

Forgery: 5

Domestic Violence: 4

Trespassing: 4

Damage Property: 4

Prostitution: 4

Liquor: 3

Marijuana: 3

Damage Property-Private: 3

Probation Violation: 3

Liquor Possession: 2

Identity Theft: 2

Battery: 2

Contributing to Delinquency of Minor: 2

Commercial Sex: 2

Fraud-False Statement: 2

Fraud-Impersonating: 2

Public Order Crimes: 2

Violation of a Court Order: 2

Robbery-Street Gun: 2

Robbery: 2

Narcotics Equip-Possession: 2

Intimidation: 2

Morals-Decency Crimes:  1

Identity Theft: 1

Cruelty Toward Wife: 1

Smuggling: 1

Smuggling Aliens: 1

Fraud: 1

Licensing Offense: 1

Stolen Vehicle: 1

Licensing Violation: 1

Obstruct Criminal Investigation: 1

Firing Weapon: 1

Resisting Officer: 1

Burglary Tools-Possession: 1

Threat to Burn: 1

Receive Stolen Property: 1

Hit and Run: 1

Obstruct Police: 1

Possession of a Weapon: 1

The Obama administration is refusing to divulge the names of the released criminals, which prevents law enforcement from protecting the public or notifying victims. Local authorities in Arizona, such as Pinal County
Sheriff Paul Babeu, have tried unsuccessfully to obtain information about this and other criminal alien releases by the Obama administration.

In 2014, a Judicial Watch lawsuit forced the release of
76 pages of DHS documents revealing that, as of April 26, 2014, the Obama administration had released 165,900 convicted criminal aliens throughout the United States, including many convicted of such violent crimes as homicide, sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault. The reports we had at that time also showed that ICE had released another 30,000 in the most recent fiscal year, which brought the grand total of known criminals released by the Obama administration to 195,900.  That number - and the attendant threat to the safety of you and every other American - a is clearly on the rise.

Your Judicial Watch
is a long-time national leader in advocating for a rule-of-law approach to illegal immigration.  This work includes exposing and challenging dangerous sanctuary policies in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, D.C., Maryland, Arizona, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and more. 

For example, in 2011, as a result of Judicial Watch's work,
San Francisco was ordered to end its sanctuary policy that protected aliens arrested for certain drug offenses from being reported to ICE.  We are now investigating whether the city violated the law again with its sanctuary policy that led to the release of Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, an illegal immigrant who had been deported five times and who allegedly gunned down Kate Steinle at one of the most popular tourist spots in San Francisco.  

We also
filed a lawsuit in Chicago challenging Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart's refusal to honor ICE immigration detainers or cooperate with ICE in identifying deportable criminal aliens.  Cook County jails had released well over 1,000 criminal aliens sought by ICE in the 18 months prior the lawsuit's filing in 2013.  The suit is now before the Illinois Supreme Court.

The lawsuit,
Brian McCann v. Thomas J. Dart, was filed on behalf of lifetime Chicago resident Brian McCann, whose brother William "Denny" McCann, was run over and killed in June 2011 by an unlawfully present criminal alien who had just completed a two-year term of probation for a 2009 DUI conviction.  The alien, Saul Chavez, was charged with felony aggravated driving under the influence, but was released by the sheriff from a Cook County jail in November 2011 despite an ICE immigration detainer.

And I can't tell you how many victims of illegal alien criminals the United States has informally aided or consoled over the years. 

Unlike politicians expressing outrage a day late and a dollar short about sanctuary policies, your JW has been fighting sanctuary policies with success in the courts and in the public square for years (for instance, see this
2007 story from Fox News). 

 The Obama administration is obsessed with supporting nationwide sanctuary and unlawful amnesty for illegal aliens - even illegal aliens who have committed violent crimes.  These new documents show the Obama administration's soft-on-crime approach to illegal alien crime is a clear and present danger to the safety of innocent Americans.  Obama is the sanctuary president, to the detriment of murder victims like Kate Steinle.
